700+ entries in 0.556s
mod6: Basically when working with
Strings.Fixed I end up making arrays (of fixed size) of
strings (of fixed size), need to use caution always to not continue to iterate if the string at a given index is filled with ' '.
mircea_popescu: (dogegoin, which "still exists" has a "market cap" of whatever, >100mn, according to the websites printing arbitrary values next to text
strings ; similarily myspace.com is worth $70 mn according to "Worth Of Web Calculator - World's #1 Website Value Calculator")
mod6: Ada Field Report: 1) Perl is fast. 2) Working with
Strings.Fixed, oofda. 3) Verify Seals works!
barpub: if you're stuck representing
strings as flat arrays, yes, o(n)ism is a necessity
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well yes, because the free
strings they can get hands on were written in 1980 by gosplan as quoted, rather than in 2000 by perianne boring aspie
mircea_popescu: oin chain. on the basis of these mystery
strings, OTHER PARTIES, which ARE IN NO WAY BOUND TO THIS, alloocate wholly imaginary bitcoins to the sort of imbeciles who buy into this scheme (always and everywhere, the stupid poor. to them it makes sense, they've nothingh to lose anyway)
mircea_popescu: let's drop the math for a moment and delve. at time t0, bitcoin works. at time t1, some wreckers under "public pressure" as discussed well in
http://trilema.com/2013/digging-through-archives-yields-gold/ attempt to attack this bitcoin that works, by producing an alt-bitcoin, that does not work. the specific way in which the alt-bitcoin thatr does not work "works" is by deeding (exactly like deedbot) some
strings into the bitc
trinque: hanbot: it is indeed expecting to see its own nick come back in those
mircea_popescu: "To put the matter in simple terms : next time you get a "black chix code" itch and feel like vomiting your idiocy in the shape of "patches" and "code submissions", seriously consider writing
strings on your tits instead. It's infinitely easier to clean up, and it ends up costing us less money! This is what true ecology is all about, ye ken ?"
mircea_popescu: you can construct reference
strings for any failure count you wish.
mircea_popescu: PeterL + padlen = min(keya.l, keyb.l) - 1 # make sure that the
strings will not overflow the key mods << i don't get it, why do you have variable length keys ?
mircea_popescu: basically it takes a random string, jumbles it with the original message, and spits out two halves. the hope with it is that it provides all-or-nothing security, in the sense that to recover any bit of the message you need to correctly process the entire pair of jumbled
mircea_popescu: not a matter of price, a matter of all the
strings. gotta keep it maintained, tank full, etc. you realise 50% of all arguments among car using negros is "who left the tank empty" ?
mircea_popescu: not like bruce dickinson is taking out google ads on "justin bieber" search
strings, is he now.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-15 16:57 asciilifeform: if i start writing english as
strings of 16-bit indices into the oxford dictionary, people will laugh.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-15 16:57 asciilifeform: if i start writing english as
strings of 16-bit indices into the oxford dictionary, people will laugh.
erlehmann: also, comparing two
strings should be done bytewise, always. everything else is madness.
jurov: "incorporating something in unicode does not increase processing complexity" orly? maybe unless you want to do anything interesting with the text, like... count the characters. or case convert. or detect whitespace. or compare two
strings. or...
phf: i thought it would be kind of cool if bots could sling signed lisp
strings in privmessages, 0ldsch001 scenetech!
ben_vulpes: uniform
strings; still setting all this machinery up
Framedragger: (in fact maybe that's an important point as well: lighthouse shits at a fixed rate; there is a discrete amount of auth
strings which can be used. i guess this is obvious, i'm slow)
Framedragger: situation is different if the point is for peer A to newly introduce self to B. then (sina) "unpredictable lighthouse" is important because it sets a limit to how many auth
strings can be used.
Framedragger: let me recall why that is super important lol; but the unpredictability of the auth
strings coming from lighthouse is important
Framedragger: (btw the challenge
strings may be in something else than plaintext, all depends on lighthouse and medium)
Framedragger: yes i think so, and note that there is a time window there re. how recent challenge string has to be, to avoid replay. i.e., those
strings expire. and yes that's how you send a msg to B iirc
sina: if I'm operator of peer A and want to send a message to peer B, what do I do? pick one of my stored challenge
strings, sign it, send it along with my message?
sina: and nodes are receiving and storing those challenge
strings sina: so we have a lighthouse thingo broadcasting some random bytes as challenge
strings in plaintext
Framedragger: ("well ok, let me generate this one just for you, and this for just for you", vs. "i'll generate this many auth
strings per time unit, and distribute them to this set of destinations (or "shit them out via radio"))
Framedragger: the point is that auth
strings are sent regardless of whether the connecting peer (A) wants them
Framedragger: "in all directions" depends on medium. in radio, it's clear; in packet switched networks, could be a list of broadcast addresses to send auth
strings to (constantly), etc
Framedragger: note the important aspect which lighthouse introduces: constant stream of auth
strings, "in all directions"
sina: "Unsolicited challenge
strings will also be sent, at intervals and to destinations specified by the operator."
sina: just going through those comments again trinque, e.g.
http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/#comment-119015 "One possible cut of the Gordian Knot re: my "enemy's ability to trigger a response from a suspected-node on demand" would be for every node to have a "lighthouse" - an always-on broadcaster of authentication challenge
strings." per the spec I will be implementing this
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "the price of two
strings tied to one can goes up to bla bla" ? << Nah, this is rising cost of tin solder driving higher price of toucans
mircea_popescu: "the price of two
strings tied to one can goes up to bla bla" ?
mircea_popescu: sina pick random
strings, announce the results, then we do candi and se
ben_vulpes: you missed the
strings thread, didntcha
ben_vulpes: sina: gosh i'd have to do real work, turn
strings into binary
mircea_popescu: but yes, this will be the enduring legacy of the ustardian "culture", such as it is : a really large attempt to calculate the sum-value of
strings of words. because "the alternative is hard" and besides "this kinda works".
mircea_popescu: the workings of spam being exactly this "there exist idiots / old people dumb enough to parse
strings from $nobody"
mircea_popescu: the funny part being they actually believe their inane shit. "oh, if i type $string then it'll be parsed by all-comers as such! oh and i don't have to parse any
strings myself!"
mircea_popescu: why the fuck can't i add the string 68 with the numeral 7 to get the real 74.99999999 as god intended ? it's ALL
mircea_popescu: ah but mod6 baby, you can't sign html and expect to verify the text a browser outputs cmon. whole fucking thing is a substitution engine for
strings, how's the clearsign gonna be preserved.
mircea_popescu: nah, ~same as php. processes
strings to spit out on a gui.
pete_dushenski: the cny/usd-btc spread has also grown by 6% in the last 24hrs. pboc pulling
strings again ?
mircea_popescu: Framedragger why exactly is scriba reacting to non !$
strings ? eh ?
mircea_popescu: a superficial cat |
strings | grep yielded a bunch of old stuff so it doesn't appear dataloss is guaranteed.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-06 02:27 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform lulz of all time : you can get further victims AS THEY ARE INDEXED BY GOOGLE through for instance searching for "800-00038-r08" or such
strings. you get a very lulzy welcome if selecting eg "deutshc" : everything's "translation missing"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform lulz of all time : you can get further victims AS THEY ARE INDEXED BY GOOGLE through for instance searching for "800-00038-r08" or such
strings. you get a very lulzy welcome if selecting eg "deutshc" : everything's "translation missing"
☟︎ danielpbarron: there is traffic on highways because women think it exists for them to set cruise control in whichever lane they happen to end up, and then play games on their phone until they get to work, which results in long
strings of cars going exactly the same speed, which results in congestion when even a single similarly slow car tries to pass the clog.
mircea_popescu: btw, the usg is out in force advertising its ersatz bitcoin. "etoro" taking out google advertising on my own name (no doubt along million other
strings) and so on.
mircea_popescu: i imagine he's now going to spend a pleasant half hour seing various alphanumeric
strings on assorted parts.
mircea_popescu: there is no sane way to lay claim of ownership to random
strings mircea_popescu: cunt's always given away "mosty for free" "with no
strings attached". hurr durr, not how it works.
a111: Logged on 2015-02-16 06:17 asciilifeform: so the 'google finds unique
strings' thing, sure - can we conclude that i'm the only one alive trying to build 'gnat' on 'gentoo' ?
ben_vulpes: "hi i have a rudimentary understanding that some words related to mathematics exist and have spent too much time glomming
strings together. please kill me!"
mircea_popescu: ok so then. stop using
strings for concepts. what do you mean by "public good" ?
mircea_popescu: cue ballas with his "there's a difference between what you need and what you want, and the media will relentlessly give you
strings defined as byte vectors is pretty unambiguous
mircea_popescu: well, a large part of the problem is that
strings aren't something.
ben_vulpes: chinese moms control the purse
strings ben_vulpes: mats: does 'mommy' typically hold the purse
strings among yr people?
phf: been (if (not (hashed-path-hash c)) ...) because you ~reader~ should've already massaged it all into the kind of data computers understand. btcbase uses nil for empty hashes, you could have :empty or whatever, but certainly not carying
strings and dictionaries all over the place.
phf: the main folly are the unixisms all over the place. lisp works with a clear read/eval/print cycle. read means that you want to take outside input and convert it into a concrete data structure. so you shouldn't have a hash with
strings in it. things like (string= "false" (gethash 'hash c)) should not happen so far down the call chain. your ~reader~ should convert the input data into a format that's easy to work with. the check could've
phf: also you don't want to concatenate paths, because that's how you end up losing separators and getting injection attacks and such. (merge-pathnames ...) will still work on
strings, but will do the right thing
mircea_popescu: in any case, "-if + for" is NOT the same thing wherever it appears. even if the
strings are equal.