213 entries in 1.287s

assbot: Logged on 20-10-2015 19:06:16; ascii_field: l0l
cisco box. mircea_popescu took it off a dead nazi, or what.
mircea_popescu: exactly the right height. all the useful engineering
cisco ever did.
ascii_field: l0l
cisco box. mircea_popescu took it off a dead nazi, or what.
☟︎ ascii_field: see, e.g., their '
cisco struck a blow against hackerz!1111' idiocy
assbot: Issue 460 - google-security-research -
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client v3.1.08009 Elevation of Privilege - Google Security Research - Google Project Hosting ... (
http://bit.ly/1FuR9hF )
thestringpuller: ascii_field: take compulsory remote updates from usg ? << srsly. it's backed by
Cisco aka Spookware Incorporated.
Cisco hardware has been diddle more than catholic school boys.
cisco 3945e claims to handle 3mpps (64byte) for instance, can be had on ebay for 5-10k
BingoBoingo: "sell support" worked for
cisco and oracle when marketing to the helpless and overencumbered with bezzle
assbot: Logged on 19-07-2015 19:28:54; jurov: of course, but
cisco just moves bits and does not do crypto
jurov: of course, but
cisco just moves bits and does not do crypto
☟︎ decimation: jurov: to be fair,
cisco does the same thing (custom logic in router)
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 15:57:34; pete_dushenski: "
Cisco Systems Inc (CSCO.O) said on Tuesday it would buy OpenDNS, a privately held cloud-based security company, for $635 million in cash and equity awards to beef up its security business." << might as well consolidate the crown corps, save on letterhead.
pete_dushenski: "
Cisco Systems Inc (CSCO.O) said on Tuesday it would buy OpenDNS, a privately held cloud-based security company, for $635 million in cash and equity awards to beef up its security business." << might as well consolidate the crown corps, save on letterhead.
☟︎ decimation: proprietary firewalls on
cisco, etc aren't any better
pete_dushenski: i'm in the market for a new modem. don't want to swallow whatever
cisco garbage shaw cable provides
ascii_field: rather than the cost of interdiction, which is in fact externalized to
cisco et al
mircea_popescu: the one serious problem for you, or anyone else trying to do business in the us (say,
cisco) is that sooner or later your government will try and rape you with those "secret legal proceedings" bs.
mircea_popescu: and for all the "no lizard interest" high horse : take the
cisco collapse.
nubbins`: no, that doesn't happen anymore since
cisco started drop-shipping to abandoned houses
cisco was caught working with usg, lost 90% of sales in onequarter.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field compare, for it is informative,
cisco's experience with bitbet's experience.
BingoBoingo: brendafdez: Spy chips are what keep
Cisco in business
mircea_popescu: im kinda surprised
cisco still pretends to be in business
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't ask
cisco for their own heads on a platter.
BingoBoingo: brendafdez: With
Cisco the NSA spying likely begins on the main silicon out of the factory
Cisco has poked around its routers for possible spy chips, but to date has not found anything because it necessarily does not know what NSA taps may look like, according to Stewart." :D
BingoBoingo: The devil only knows which BSD
Cisco corrupted into IOS or that MS uses as the Windows network stack anymore
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: I've been to several stores and they put the
Cisco routers on the bottom with sign "Spookware" and Asus routers on the top shelves with "No Spookware"
mircea_popescu: i'm happier with trilema's monetization than with
cisco's soviet future.
mircea_popescu: mike_c
cisco pretty much imploded once it became clear they're working for the usg against their customers.
mircea_popescu: "Chief casualty is U.S. network equipment maker
Cisco Systems Inc, which in 2012 counted 60 products on the Central Government Procurement Center's (CGPC) list, but by late 2014 had none, a Reuters analysis of official data shows."
pete_dushenski: "Monsanto said Wednesday its earnings fell 34% in its first fiscal quarter" << fucken derps following
cisco to the grave. such paper signers.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> [] there is the occasional shop that's competent, but by and large the label offers no protection. << nice thing about growing up proximate to actual farm land worked by actual humans is the learned skill of being able to nix
Cisco-vendors after a single visit.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform>
cisco is not permitted in my home even unpowered. << Technetium even if it is a perfect catalyst not invited to the lab.
decimation: asciilifeform:
cisco et.al. have been making $$$ selling versions of this kind of thing with crapware
mircea_popescu: "Today EFF is pleased to announce Lets Encrypt, a new certificate authority (CA) initiative that we have put together with Mozilla,
Cisco, Akamai, IdenTrust, and researchers at the University of Michigan that aims to clear the remaining roadblocks to transition the Web from HTTP to HTTPS."
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> and 7k usd! one could build a small planet for that! << you have any idea what
cisco and friends sell stuff like balancing routers etc ?
pete_dushenski: maybe
cisco will succeed, and widen the gap between rich a poor even further
bounce: (there's this example of big brand name (
cisco, forgot the model) routers taking ttl 0 packets and sending them out again with ttl 255)
X-Rob: Yeah, twice. I used to work in InfoSec at
decimation: yet
cisco et.al. make obscure turdware and charge you to learn how to use it
Cisco chief urges Obama to curb NSA surveillance activity| Reuters
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu:
cisco and chambers should just pay up if they want special treatment, neh? why bother whining to the media?
assbot: In Letter to Obama,
Cisco CEO Complains About NSA Allegations | Re/code
cisco routers prolly already had "beacons" in :)
assbot: Photos of an NSA upgrade factory show
Cisco router getting implant | Ars Technica
Naphex: "A number of US companies, including
Cisco and Dell, have subsequently made public statements denying that they insert such back doors into their products.[32] Microsoft provides advance warning to the NSA of vulnerabilities it knows about, before fixes or information about these vulnerabilities is available to the public; this enables TAO to execute so-called zero-day attacks.[33] A Microsoft official who declined to be identified in the press c
Naphex: meh,
cisco routers not that bad, dell servers though?
mircea_popescu: HeySteve yeah,
cisco sales took a shocking plunge last q over the fact that nobody wants to buy us made hardware anymore.
decimation: ?This will make it easier for all of us to consume a wide range of content on our mobile devices, most notably high definition video without frustrating lags or delays,?
Cisco Director of Government Affairs Mary Brown wrote.
mircea_popescu: "AllAdvantage was a website that paid members to surf the Net. It paid to acquire these users, and supposedly leveraged its members eyeballs into advertizing dollars. At the initial fundraiser internet capitalist Frank Quattrone, who helped fund
Cisco and many other legitimate successful concerns, and President Clinton both paid tribute to AllAdvantage"
bounce: huh, since today ze wifi developed a habit of cutting all live connections every hour or so. possibly the isp did an "upgrade", they pulled that before, with similar effects. oh the joys of CPEs, even brand name issue ("
cisco" here)
mircea_popescu: kinda the reason why the rsa corp is going the way of
mircea_popescu: it cost
cisco its business last month, pretty much, but the practice isn't new.
ozbot: tracert show same hop twice - 2033442 -
Cisco Technical Support Forums
cisco > Beatles, Beatles > Jesus, Jesus >
cisco KRS1: and that killed a company like
cisco..damn..thats some drama.