335 entries in 0.514s
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski taleb will miss out on the only thing he didn'twant to miss out on this life.
pete_dushenski: http://fooledbyrandomness.com/minority.pdf << "If you are going to start a movement, make it intolerant of nonsense" ~herr taleb
pete_dushenski: lol cartoonists read taleb (and ancients) eh
pete_dushenski: 'if you see a fraud and don't call him a fraud, you're a fraud' (tm) (herr taleb)
pete_dushenski: https://www.facebook.com/nntaleb/posts/10153421745588375 << where alf wants to live, taleb's 'rural past'
pete_dushenski: https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/11057795_10153322953343375_2884236966562120575_o.png << taleb on gmo. fact vs. fiction. a list.
pete_dushenski: "An Uberized education is when --as in antiquity -- one goes to a specific teacher to get lectures, bypassing the university. The students and the teachers are thus matched. If a piece of paper is necessary, it would be given by *that* teacher, or a group of teachers. It is not too different from the decentralized apprentice model." -herr taleb
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i can not answer for taleb. i can tell you that as far as i'm concerned, a) my ass actually enjoys the company and b) my head actually doesn't much care about the industry.
asciilifeform: taleb - separated.
assbot: Logged on 31-08-2015 12:54:31; pete_dushenski: tlp video removed by yt, taleb one still up
shinohai: Taleb rejected your offer of a BTC just to show up?
pete_dushenski wonders if there'd be any action on a bitbet as to whether taleb shows up here in the next year
pete_dushenski: taleb's learning!
pete_dushenski: " Note that it costs only a few dollars a day for someone to zap systematically suspicious posters who have not participated on this page before." -herr taleb, apparently learning to deal better with trolls and other internet phenomena
pete_dushenski: "The free-market system has salient flaws and hidden benefits. All other systems have hidden flaws and salient benefits." -herr taleb
pete_dushenski: 'specially if you're on the wrong side of 50 a la taleb
pete_dushenski: tlp video removed by yt, taleb one still up ☟︎
assbot: Attracting Taleb and TLP to #bitcoin-assets… With Camgirls | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1LNHftz )
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-08-2015#1256972 <--> http://www.contravex.com/2014/07/08/attracting-taleb-and-tlp-to-bitcoin-assets-with-camgirls/ ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: twas for taleb
pete_dushenski: if only taleb could handle such turds, he'd be here
gernika: Some taleb talk posted here applies to this fellow - the applicable bit being that his main mistake was holding the same job for years - fragile strategy.
phf: but i've personally not seen a single instance of "taleb's library" in anywhere around capitol hill
asciilifeform: this is the idiot 'normie''s idea of 'rich'. not taleb's library, no.
assbot: Nassim Nicholas Taleb interview | Tomorrow 2015 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1gdNpGi )
pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P71YUXLNveE << taleb on education.
asciilifeform: am i to think that he did not embezzle enough usd to live like taleb for his remaining days ?
mircea_popescu: but go explain to taleb why he should stop wearing the facial hair style he does. because why ? reasons ? he got reasons too.
ascii_modem: see, a taleb only dies once
ascii_modem: taleb.
ascii_field: i suspect that '20-y.o. taleb' may be a contradiction in terms
Gabriel-work: taleb in his 70s needs to be invited
Gabriel-work: taleb in his 20s will find his way here
mircea_popescu: who the fuck cares. i want the taleb in his 20s not the taleb in his 70s.
assbot: Logged on 10-07-2015 14:47:44; asciilifeform: what openness, when tomorrow, e.g., taleb, logs in, and gets ddosed off by a tard
ascii_field: meanwhile taleb and uncleal will log in, witness a thread about dogecoin, then get a flood of ddos, vomit, and never return
asciilifeform: what openness, when tomorrow, e.g., taleb, logs in, and gets ddosed off by a tard ☟︎
decimation: mircea_popescu: that was Taleb's point too
decimation: From Taleb: "In one of the rare noncharlatanic books in finance, descriptively called What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars, the protagonist makes a big discovery. He remarks that a fellow named Joe Siegel, one of the most successful traders in a commodity called ?green lumber,? actually thought that it was lumber painted green (rather than freshly cut lumber, called green because it had not been dried). And he made it his professio
decimation: these skills are not the same 'ting' as taleb wrote
assbot: Logged on 23-06-2015 03:22:02; mircea_popescu: and THAT is where taleb engages traditionalism - where it matters. nobody is still left at the wheel who can talk back, so nobody does, all that's left is a cargo cult of the dead st. thomas, trudging along.
pete_dushenski: taleb's too much a protector of the people to see them as the source of all evil.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-06-2015#1173219 << quite so. taleb blames 'the bankers' and 'the revolving door between federal politics and megacorp industry' while failing to take his accusations to their next logical step : popular democracy. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and THAT is where taleb engages traditionalism - where it matters. nobody is still left at the wheel who can talk back, so nobody does, all that's left is a cargo cult of the dead st. thomas, trudging along. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: have you read nassim taleb ?
ag3nt_zer0: mircea_popescu: thanks for the response... I am confused about this: "and the fundamentally flawed proposition that for this reason, it is more important to interpret phenomena through history than through any other lens." -is this how traditionalist discourse treat phenomena? exclusively historically? and also: you say taleb can provide a damaging critique of traditionalism? May I kindly ask, whose? What authors/thinkers
mircea_popescu: stuff like taleb is a much more damaging criticism of traditionalism than structuralism ever was or could aspire to be.
mircea_popescu: i will cloink you all in the head with a taleb hammer
pete_dushenski: Naphex: thank taleb !
pete_dushenski: in taleb's books, he often refers to his long, slow walks with mandelbrot, and how the old man is the only one who will walk slowly enough to properly meditate with
pete_dushenski: benoit's definitely in the taleb vein, or perhaps vice versa
pete_dushenski: http://log1.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2015#1074080 << taleb has his 'black swan horizons universa etf'
decimation: yeah, the next episode he interviews taleb on gmos
pete_dushenski: pt 2 of taleb's note was "in leb/syr"
mircea_popescu: so is taleb. so is everyone that DIDN'T join the system.
asciilifeform: 'like taleb' ~~= 'sleep ad libitum'
asciilifeform: if i could live like, e.g., taleb, for 20 years, with the understanding of being impaled after - i would. i don't particularly need being fifty for anything.
mircea_popescu: davout: if it keeps taleb out and lets taaki << doesn't seem to be doing that tho.
pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: December 29, 2014 at 7:45pm: "With the information age the world looks uglier, dirtier, more corrupt, scheming, mostly because the malicious was hidden from us before."
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform taleb also seems to genuinely enjoy facebook and twitter
asciilifeform: TomServo: my working hypothesis is that, for a figure like taleb, the whole net smells a little too much of taaki and sexyginger et al
pete_dushenski: maybe the next time taleb and saifedean cross paths ?
davout: if it keeps taleb out and lets taaki in it's probably the wrong kind of barrier to entry :D
pete_dushenski: herr taleb, for one.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski yeah. taleb also very big on it
mircea_popescu: whenever people like taleb think of peace in their homeland,
assbot: Logged on 30-09-2014 20:25:59; asciilifeform: mats_cd03: depends on hypothetical destination. but, overall, just picture a figure large enough to 'become taleb' and live as 'gentleman scholar' in total disconnect from economic reality around you.
assbot: 1 results for 'live taleb' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=live+taleb
asciilifeform: !s live taleb
asciilifeform: and treated with much the same reaction as the 'financial academia' reserves for taleb or mircea_popescu
asciilifeform: hell, some apparently clever folks (taleb?) can't even be bothered to dredge up a computer, or figure out 'irc' - so, no amount of free voice will help.
asciilifeform: decimation: the example i usually offer is n. taleb
asciilifeform: e.g. 'taleb mode'
asciilifeform: nubbins`: let's say you wanted to close your printery and spend the rest of your days as a taleb-like scholarly man of leisure.
asciilifeform: (esr suffers from some of the same problems as taleb)
nubbins`: and i guess taleb's mailing address is hard to find.
saifedean: hmmm.. de vany is a friend of taleb, we should invite the two of them here and have them chill with your assassin cult
asciilifeform wonders how often taleb-like figures wander into 'paleo' cult strange, after they really felt stronger - but not from eating raw antelope, but from the real win of being set free from workschwitz - that being, sleeping ad libitum.
saifedean: compelling, i must say, but last time i spoke to taleb he wasn't all that interested in bitcoin. i mean, he finds it interesting to a point, but not to the point of healthy obsession and complete disregard of everything else that we share
assbot: Logged on 06-07-2014 23:40:36; mircea_popescu: "Here's me begging you Mr Taleb!" or something
assbot: 139 results for 'taleb' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=taleb
mircea_popescu: !s taleb
decimation: taleb? you?
saifedean: well taleb was the reason i went heretical, or the gateway drug at least, i met him and became friend and then went heretic... he liked the heretic version and was happy to be on my committee as the external examiner... but the columbia folks didn't like it so i had to rewrite it and do my Hail USG's, and he still sat onmy committee for that one and helped me defend it from their fangs
asciilifeform secretly hopes for taleb-minus-the-jackassery
pete_dushenski: saifedean heh cool story. taleb has that effect
saifedean: there's a long ass story about how this came about which i may tell to you some day near a fire... i basically started reading taleb in my third year and went off the good Ivy rails... by the end of my fifth i had written an absolutely heretic phd and submit it, and when my adviser finally got round to reading it, the day before the defense, she decided it wasn't acceptable and wasn't going to let me defend it
mircea_popescu: wait. isn't taleb from lebanon ?
johntraveller: asciilifeform: oh yeah, you’re right. my theory was that people like MP or taleb, who grew up in somewhat sane cultures, instinctively see the craziness of anglo-american ideas. if you grew up in the english speaking world it’s harder to see that
mircea_popescu: mats_cd03 as in, didn't understand taleb's point ? or as in what ?
mats_cd03: http://science.slashdot.org/story/14/10/27/1716243/black-swan-author-genetically-modified-organisms-risk-global-ruin << anybody else read this and think taleb is way off base?
pete_dushenski: Taleb: Ebola, including model error.
assbot: 0 results for 'taleb ebola' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=taleb+ebola
pete_dushenski: !s taleb ebola
ben_vulpes: taleb's really on to something with his noise suppression routine.
asciilifeform: a la taleb
BingoBoingo: Taleb could probably get an article in without 6 months reading.
ben_vulpes: i'm trying the taleb approach to noise reduction
asciilifeform: i can't picture what taleb (or for that matter herr sz) would get out of my turds
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: The list of targets, irc is Nick Szabo, Nicholas Taleb.