335 entries in 0.722s
asciilifeform: sorta why i can't stomach e.g. taleb
a111: Logged on 2018-01-22 13:19 diana_coman: wtf Taleb's"foreword to the book by Saifedean Ammous" on medium.com apparently: https://medium.com/@nntaleb/bitcoin-1537e616a074#---0-337
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-22#1773921 << the entire taleb & friends circle, reminds me inescapably of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1772872 / http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-19#1772873 . ☝︎☝︎☝︎
diana_coman: wtf Taleb's"foreword to the book by Saifedean Ammous" on medium.com apparently: https://medium.com/@nntaleb/bitcoin-1537e616a074#---0-337 ☟︎
asciilifeform: i can't picture him, tbh, talking in realtime. sorta like taleb won't
mircea_popescu: "maybe taleb has been on a monster bender since 2014, hasn't yet read it". etc.
asciilifeform: hey iirc we even have folx who were offered ~whole~ coin, and continue to not show ( taleb ? )
asciilifeform: 'betcha you can't surpass taleb in militant self-aggrandizing mundanity' 'you have yerself a bet!!11'
Framedragger: asciilifeform: yeah, taleb had a piece about that "thrown to the dogs" exposure (if that's the word): https://medium.com/incerto/the-skin-of-others-in-your-game-3f51d8ccc3fb - "independent academics" are not at all independent, etc etc (this also creates the "give advice without skin in the game" issue, so on.)
pete_dushenski: i'd put taleb, greenspun, tyler cowen, russ roberts, and matt levine in this camp.
Framedragger: (heh, this relates in my head re taleb's "trust yer biology!!" point (iterated in multiple places))
Framedragger: possibly taleb's writings, etc. and yeah it sucks and may be the wrong choice politically (contrast with mp's explicit refusal to load PDFs, period).
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the way i see it, doing http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-make-money-on-the-internet-while-pretending-you-know-what-youre-talking-about-and-accumulating-a-legion-of-mindless-followers-for-fun-and-profit by being 10,000,001 people trying nonsense, and then writing as the 1 surviving taleb, is exactly same as doing it via the usual 10,000,001 sybils
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: other observation re taleb -- i find his works quintessentially 'american', in the most damning sense of the word -- they are exactly 'salvation through method' - 'do-s and dont-s', 'don't use black-scholes', 'do worship at my feet, and have my esteemed pedigree tree, and sit on the sunny shores of the levant, and You Too Could Be A God Like Me' etc.
asciilifeform: my other irritation, fwiw, in taleb, is that he positions himself as 'opponent' of lizard system, while in fact being a creature of it
mircea_popescu: i don't specifically care re "arrogance" or whatever other emotional manipulation in the text. i can read the barely literate productions of poorly washed 5th century jews figuring themselves "god". what's taleb gonna do to max my dosimeter.
asciilifeform: my pov re taleb reduces to 'asciilifeform does not have he expertise to determine, from the supplied info, whether taleb is a brilliant trader; but the money, even supposing taleb made it from trading,
mircea_popescu: because taleb is no mark cuban (the poster child of "pro wrestlert accidentally sold pair of used undies for 5bn, now thinks self businessman in spite of mountain of evidence to the contrary accumulated over the decades)
mircea_popescu: if it's indeed the case that taleb is your orlov, i'll comment that i'm missing out on less than you are.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-02 14:54 asciilifeform: also fwiw i can't stand taleb for exactly same reason
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-02#1635912 << i don't personally find taleb objectionable. this position my be significantly bolstered by my disinclination to actually read him. anyway -- i suspect it might be a case of anaphylaxis. you can't stand specific antigens which he expresses mostly to protect himself from the idiot soup he bathes in, the twitter world etc. ☝︎
asciilifeform: also fwiw i can't stand taleb for exactly same reason ☟︎
asciilifeform: i have nothing with which to explain it. or, e.g., taleb.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-14 15:25 asciilifeform: i suspect that 'greybeard' holdouts, taleb et al, who 'bitcoin is a fad, will go into the sands of time, snoar' are on a sound logical footing, 'every OTHER attempt to combat massed stupidity has ultimately fallen, nuked by OurDemocracy, and the more brazen the assault, the quicker'
asciilifeform: i suspect that 'greybeard' holdouts, taleb et al, who 'bitcoin is a fad, will go into the sands of time, snoar' are on a sound logical footing, 'every OTHER attempt to combat massed stupidity has ultimately fallen, nuked by OurDemocracy, and the more brazen the assault, the quicker' ☟︎
pete_dushenski: taleb's old enough that he still clearly maintains much of the 'information superhighway' idealism about the internet
pete_dushenski: that reminds me, latest taleb https://medium.com/incerto/the-facts-are-true-the-news-is-fake-5bf98104cea2#.kw8rmx5h7
pete_dushenski: in other cuts, the latest taleb "surgeons should not look like surgeons" http://archive.is/qqywK
asciilifeform: complete with taleb's cockstroking.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-09 15:06 mircea_popescu: and before anyone asks : the advantage of this is that this solution scales. ACTUALLY scales. specifically, if at any point in his own time and for any reason in ~his own domain~ taleb wants to get more control, he can. he actually can. you explain to him, when he asks, HOW to be more in control of his mp-wp install. in terms of configuring the php script, or in terms of configuring the apache server, or in terms of configuri
a111: Logged on 2017-01-10 00:23 pete_dushenski: Framedragger: how did you reach out to taleb ? twitter ?
asciilifeform: upper endurance of ~5min. when reading taleb.
pete_dushenski: Framedragger: how did you reach out to taleb ? twitter ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: because no, the difference between pete explaining in summary how the fuck cars got fucked and you giving the keys to working wp to taleb is not substantial.
Framedragger: well, i'd go so far as to offer some free support to taleb, unfortunately i'm not in his wot; will see...
mircea_popescu: and before anyone asks : the advantage of this is that this solution scales. ACTUALLY scales. specifically, if at any point in his own time and for any reason in ~his own domain~ taleb wants to get more control, he can. he actually can. you explain to him, when he asks, HOW to be more in control of his mp-wp install. in terms of configuring the php script, or in terms of configuring the apache server, or in terms of configuri ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-01-09 09:23 Framedragger: (just complained to taleb about him using medium. this whole "scrape article right after it's published because the unicorn it's riding on may go really go down soon" is a bit stupid. on the small off chance that he replies with a request for a suggestion to be considered, i wonder if there's anything to actually be suggested. need to search for a bit (i'm certain he wouldn't fuck around with mp-wp unfortunately)..)
Framedragger: (just complained to taleb about him using medium. this whole "scrape article right after it's published because the unicorn it's riding on may go really go down soon" is a bit stupid. on the small off chance that he replies with a request for a suggestion to be considered, i wonder if there's anything to actually be suggested. need to search for a bit (i'm certain he wouldn't fuck around with mp-wp unfortunately)..) ☟︎
asciilifeform: there is this. but i also have difficulty picturing taleb sweating over apache config etc.
mircea_popescu: taleb will, with all the panache of a dedicated goat fucker, publish items on medium.com
pete_dushenski: the worst part of medium is that the images don't archive. this wouldn't be an issue for most republican blogs seeing as they're entirely text, but it's actually quite the bug for fiat writers, taleb included
mircea_popescu: hey, taleb's among them.
pete_dushenski: in other inequalities, latest taleb : https://medium.com/@nntaleb/inequality-and-skin-in-the-game-d8f00bc0cb46#_edn3.14k1h647w
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-25#1590400 << solid work from taleb, sadly on fucking medium. ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/0WjCL << Taleb : "The problem with identity politics is that they are fully ignorant of, among other things, history. And they must be as blind visually as they are intellectually."
asciilifeform: http://www.realworldrisk.com << taleb, apparently
pete_dushenski: https://medium.com/opacity/the-syrian-war-condensed-a-more-rigorous-way-to-look-at-the-conflict-f841404c3b1d#.u85dggdtt (http://archive.is/oBRmn) << taleb on syrian situation. as a civilised sort of fellow, he's pretty staunchly pro-assad despite having plenty of room for personal grievances against the regime.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-16 14:20 mircea_popescu: also as taleb correctly points out, this example is just a very good example, but not the whole story. what it exemplifies is the ineptitude of a class of people, whom we call jews, and whom we wish to see in camps. these people understand some - enough to be harmful - but not enough, so as to be useful. they are worse than stupid, because of this familiarity with first order but incapacity for higher order reasoning.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-16 14:19 mircea_popescu: and as taleb correctly points out, the jews' misunderstanding of this fundamental point is what drives a lot of their inept policy. such as you know, "how to make ghetos better ? BANKRUPT MIDDLE CLASS WHITE PEOPLE!!! then they'll move in the gheto and smoking mothers are protective for the baby!"
mircea_popescu: also as taleb correctly points out, this example is just a very good example, but not the whole story. what it exemplifies is the ineptitude of a class of people, whom we call jews, and whom we wish to see in camps. these people understand some - enough to be harmful - but not enough, so as to be useful. they are worse than stupid, because of this familiarity with first order but incapacity for higher order reasoning. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and as taleb correctly points out, the jews' misunderstanding of this fundamental point is what drives a lot of their inept policy. such as you know, "how to make ghetos better ? BANKRUPT MIDDLE CLASS WHITE PEOPLE!!! then they'll move in the gheto and smoking mothers are protective for the baby!" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and since taleb's twitter is full of "simpson's paradox", let's add it to the record. it is universally the case that low birth weight is a predictor of infant mortality. this has been observed across centuries and across cultures/geographies. even if the exact value that contitutes "low birth weight" varies, the effects of the classification are ubiquitous.
pete_dushenski: if not indefinitely so. lastly, if i had who else to emulate, i... would. but taleb's a bit of a hermit and i have nfi who else (alive) that leaves.
pete_dushenski: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000565038 << in other 'progress', taleb predicting that 'trump won't do anything apocalyptic'. maybe compared to the never-ending lebanese civil wars...
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554359 << trump, ofc. saw right through ali g a decade ago, one of the very, very few who didn't tolerate being trolled and ~walked out~ of the interview. taleb could learn a thing or two from trump on this score ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/rK7hA << speaking of history and taleb, his latest aphorism. i can dig it. (for non-link-clickers : read more ancient history of private lives)
pete_dushenski: re: taleb, it's also worth noting that way back in 2014 i was ~the sole voice saying that camgirl vids weren't going to turn his crank and bring him here, in the face of "oh but he's still a dude, pete" opposition, no less. whereas alf regularly gets to say "i told you so" whenever another flaw in the shitstack of personal computing is revealed, or mp whenever another usg muppet hoists himself on his own
a111: Logged on 2016-09-08 18:58 asciilifeform: boeck et al is to reduce the risk that taleb shows up here. etc
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-08#1537558 << as you'll note in http://www.contravex.com/2016/02/29/waiting-for-taleb/ , taleb isn't here for ~cultural~ reasons. not usgkultur either, but his proudly flashed mediterranean levantine orthodox roots. boeck has as much influence on this as antelope have on italian soda fizziness. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: there's ~0 risk taleb shows up here.
asciilifeform: boeck et al is to reduce the risk that taleb shows up here. etc ☟︎
pete_dushenski: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*AGKyR8YsQRwQ7st0G1QmTg.jpeg << in other middle easterery, i give you nassim taleb at age 21. looks like 37 tbh.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-16 01:00 asciilifeform: soooo why is taleb on 'medium'..?
asciilifeform: soooo why is taleb on 'medium'..? ☟︎
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/JjWoO << speaking of religion, latest taleb on the subj.
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503203 << coalition can use levant to blackmail taleb into making all swans white and, by extension, all blacks safe from harassment. ITS SUREFIRE!!1 ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://fooledbyrandomness.com/AUBCommencement.pdf << one for fellow taleb fans : american university in beirut commencement speech
asciilifeform: or taleb, or, ... etc.
asciilifeform: typical. e.g., taleb. and we, to him, are indistinguishable from cosmic background noise, because 'where were you lot when we conquered the west in covered wagons, aha?'
asciilifeform: nubbins`: and 'taleb' was not you ?
nubbins`: taleb hanging out on irc with a bunch of drunks and permanent disability folks
nubbins`: "nassim taleb" lol
deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Waiting for Taleb. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/02/29/waiting-for-taleb/
asciilifeform: naggum was an old-worlder. in the very specific sense of taleb et al
asciilifeform: same reason, i expect, as taleb
assbot: Quote by Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “Every social association that is not face-to-fa...” ... ( http://bit.ly/1PcovjN )
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 16:20:20; ascii_butugychag: as, possibly, taleb, et al
ascii_butugychag: as, possibly, taleb, et al ☟︎
kakobrekla: afaik taleb can teach you a few things about trading but this place is investors mostly, not traders.
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2015 20:59:48; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349421 << i've never understood this rather commonplace criticism of taleb as being anything other than "ow my fee-fees hurt. that's not nice and it's certainly not how we do things in usistan where being successful and coming from somewhere other than the sewers is bad because reasons mkay"
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2015 16:53:56; mircea_popescu: i got more ego than taleb damnit.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349421 << i've never understood this rather commonplace criticism of taleb as being anything other than "ow my fee-fees hurt. that's not nice and it's certainly not how we do things in usistan where being successful and coming from somewhere other than the sewers is bad because reasons mkay" ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, i imagine trying to read taleb to judge paths to success/create a path to success would be ungodly unnerving. i mostly like him because he provides an unalligned datapoint, by some definitions of unallignation.
asciilifeform: taleb makes wolfram look sane
mircea_popescu: i got more ego than taleb damnit. ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2015 06:14:47; pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: ""We're not all famous authors". This is a type of smart ass easy comment only a bitter loser makes. In addition, it has a logical fallacy. Did it hit you that I have only been a "famous author" part of my life? Did it also hit you that it also applies to employment in general?"
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349134 << i like taleb's www and find it hard to disagree with his conclusions, but i simply cannot stomach his books. tried many times. reading his b00kz feels quite like having a titanic atomic cock shoved in your mouth; of such gargantuan proportions that it blots out the sun, moon, stars. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2015 06:14:11; pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: "Another piece of advice. Use an office only when it is strictly necessary. An office dulls the mind, invites cosmetic and circular work, and allows metastatic projects to take over."
pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: ""We're not all famous authors". This is a type of smart ass easy comment only a bitter loser makes. In addition, it has a logical fallacy. Did it hit you that I have only been a "famous author" part of my life? Did it also hit you that it also applies to employment in general?" ☟︎
pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: "Another piece of advice. Use an office only when it is strictly necessary. An office dulls the mind, invites cosmetic and circular work, and allows metastatic projects to take over." ☟︎
renart: but you know your taleb and tail risk right?
assbot: Logged on 10-12-2015 17:16:26; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340205 << from http://violentmetaphors.com/2015/08/14/good-science-communication-means-never-calling-them-retard-even-if-youre-nassim-taleb/ and do we actually know taleb's NOT reading b-a ?
mircea_popescu: "Taleb has been kicking up the dust lately on Facebook and Twitter, encouraging his readers to not even listen to people who disagree with his beliefs about GMOs." << apparently encouraging readers to not erven listen to people who know better than to buy in the "rape" narrative, or the "global warming" narrative is a-ok. the problems only start when power exists unalligned to the usg, then the means are VERY BAD!!11
ascii_field: herr taleb, iirc, is self-funded, says whatever the fuck he pleases
assbot: Good science communication means never calling them “retard” – even if you’re Nassim Taleb – Violent metaphors ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWyPKC )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340205 << from http://violentmetaphors.com/2015/08/14/good-science-communication-means-never-calling-them-retard-even-if-youre-nassim-taleb/ and do we actually know taleb's NOT reading b-a ? ☝︎☟︎
pete_dushenski: "By trying to disqualify everyone who disagrees with him from civilized debate, Taleb and those who follow his tactics merely disqualify themselves." << bwahaha who's disqualified again ? oh, that's right, it's 'the people', 'us', 'we', (women), etc.
assbot: Good science communication means never calling them “retard” – even if you’re Nassim Taleb – Violent metaphors ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWyPKC )
pete_dushenski: http://violentmetaphors.com/2015/08/14/good-science-communication-means-never-calling-them-retard-even-if-youre-nassim-taleb/
pete_dushenski: "This isn’t just bad manners, it’s destructive. Taleb is intentionally tearing down the kind of back-and-forth conversations that are critical to helping laypeople (like himself) form educated opinions about the safety of GMOs and other scientific subjects. And he’s doing with ugly, personal insults that demonize the other side of the debate, just because it’s fun. It’s a terrible, foolish strategy." <