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benkay: <bitcoinpete> taleb's on a roll right now << link?
bitcoinpete: taleb's on a roll right now
mircea_popescu: ( http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/notebook.htm, taleb's article)
mircea_popescu: i gotta get taleb to write about bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: i'll borrow the expression from taleb, since i just read it : this shit's not even wrong.
mircea_popescu: this bit (taleb) is actually pretty good.
bitcoinpete: more taleb, this time on options: http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/OptionPricing.pdf
mircea_popescu: oh. i wish taleb embraced sanity ;/
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu i sequenced those poorly, first was a document by taleb & co., second was a random quote
mircea_popescu: so in a sense, it's a quid pro quo, and taleb is captive of his generation.
JorgePasada: mircea_popescu: Overall I like Taleb, I just wish he'd present his ideas without so much of his emotional baggage... but I guess that's the struggle of communication in general. He probably wouldn't be nearly the same person without all those experiences, so I guess some of it is bound to seep through
JorgePasada: mats_cd03 I think Taleb would have come off better if so much of his contempt for the people who laughed at him for being wrong all though the financial bubbles didn't seep through his writing. Great ideas, great thoughts/concepts, somewhat poorly presented.
Mats_cd03: i fancy taleb myself but i find the concept unpalatable
bitcoinpete: ;;later tell mircea_popescu: I should check out the film, I've only seen the mainstage production :) I'm not sure how very strange my naiveté is. I'm less naive than I was 2 months ago, prior to the commencement of my IRC yeshiva, but hardly deserving of expectation. Either way, and as always, thx for reading and the feedback.You're like having a younger Taleb as a personal tutor...
greenspan_fan: what's interesting (and Taleb hits on this as well) is that people are generally really poor at evaluating power-law types of extremes
mircea_popescu: Vexual taleb ? what of him ?
Vexual: mircea_popescu, it stikes me that the collected works of this taleb fellow might cost less to buy than 1bc, have you tried his publisher(s)?
mircea_popescu: davout i wouldn't particularly mind having this to hold over taleb.
mircea_popescu: taleb doesn't want bitcoins too ;/
mircea_popescu: whoa check out mr taleb
mircea_popescu: on which topic n taleb's stuff can't be sufficiently recommended i guess.
unbalanced: Huh. The MPOE bonds on that spreadsheet have too much of a history of Taleb-flagged "blow ups" for my taste.
mircea_popescu: gotta love taleb. im keeping this one.
mircea_popescu: dub nassim taleb
mircea_popescu: i am currently pining all hopes of universalist humanity on the taleb fellow
mircea_popescu: also i hope nassim taleb reads that and gets all pissed off.
Bugpowder: well, taleb may be restating our ideas
mircea_popescu: this as a restatement of taleb's ideas.
unbalanced_: Taleb says it's like a thousand little paper cuts. A bunch of little ouches but you never "blow up" and lose too much.
unbalanced_: Taleb's barbell risk strategy
unbalanced: Ah, I hit http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/ and now I'm caught up on Taleb and Gore pumping Bitcoin.
unbalanced: Taleb/Gore said something about Bitcoin? Googling...
MJR_: see nassim taleb about bitcoins?
mjr__: it's the hedge fund that nassim taleb works at
mjr_: and i would be extremely interested to know what Taleb Nassim thinks about btc