335 entries in 0.671s
asciilifeform: mats_cd03: depends on hypothetical destination. but, overall, just picture a figure large enough to 'become taleb' and live as 'gentleman scholar' in total disconnect from economic reality around you. ☟︎
pete_dushenski: https://www.facebook.com/13012333374/photos/a.10150109720973375.279515.13012333374/10152488919783375/?type=1 << taleb on information theory's centrality.
asciilifeform: the local bureaucrats did not believe that he used the remaining year to relax in his library, carry on as polymathic scholar unencumered by day job (a la taleb)
xmj: moriarty: who stated taleb's black swan before him?
mircea_popescu: and the argument that taleb is "popularizing" brought by butthurt but otherwise worthless "statisticians" in their own estimation neatly mirrors the same criticism brought by "economists" in their own estimation re buffett.
mircea_popescu: i happen to be a taleb fan actually
moriarty: Ayn Rand is the philosophical equivalent (you would know this better than me), of Nassim Taleb of the statistical world
decimation: in taleb's antifragile, Fat Tony would have said that the chumps wouldn't believe you if you told them
pete_dushenski: ^Unique Option Pricing Measure With Neither Dynamic Hedging nor Complete Markets, by Taleb
decimation: asciilifeform: also recommended by taleb. seems reasonable to do what humans have been doing for millennia
mircea_popescu: the way that thing must read is "we, including myself personally, and the institution i work for - the imf - are a collection of contemptioble idiots with wholy unsupported delusions of cultural relevance and scientific rigour. fortunately for the world nassim taleb has been saying this for a long time ; unfortunately for the world we thought we knew better, like any clueless two bit scammer on an infamous web forum"
mircea_popescu: dignork i take the fact that Olivier Blanchard fucktard writes that whole piece without including the string "Taleb" as a personal insult.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: (how to know that schwartz (or taleb, or...) collects 'prize' rather than usg stooge with a shannonizer and irc connection - exercise for alert reader.) <<< if you recall something sort-of like that was tried, except this "major prize" approach is flawed as you explain. so, better version was tried :)
asciilifeform: (how to know that schwartz (or taleb, or...) collects 'prize' rather than usg stooge with a shannonizer and irc connection - exercise for alert reader.)
decimation: Taleb would probably say that being cheap is antifragile, the less you spend the lower your risk and the more likely random events will pay off
decimation: asciilifeform: Taleb would say that some bit redundancy is probably a good idea
decimation: asciilifeform: in this sense cryptography is "fragile" in Taleb's way of thinking - it has a very deep but very tiny "crack"
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: decimation so taleb's mistake is that he's being a BANAL asshole ? << he does get a lot of the "o this is nothing new" retort
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: taleb << asciilifeform of course, who else?
mircea_popescu: decimation so taleb's mistake is that he's being a BANAL asshole ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform cause i was thinking, i prolly do more of it than poor taleb.
asciilifeform would love to buy a (yes) bowdlerized compendium of taleb, with all the annoying 'i'm the strongest man alive, grasp my throbbing cock!' crapola snipped out.
mircea_popescu: taleb
pete_dushenski: taleb's too distracted by the shenanigans in his homeland
pete_dushenski: decimation: to the extent that bitcoin is short usd, taleb would love it to the extent that he could be bothered to understand it
decimation: anti-fragile by taleb has some interesting points. I wonder if he would consider bitcoin "fragile". In one sense, it is fragile because its current implementation relies on fragile computers and somewhat poorly wrought software. In another sense, it is strongly anti-fragile because it benefits from any event that casts doubt on the ability of nation-states to manage their own scrip.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves: i'm listening to Snow Crash currently, after getting burnt out on Taleb telling everything what it's problem is <<< ahahah good one.
ThickAsThieves: i'm listening to Snow Crash currently, after getting burnt out on Taleb telling everything what it's problem is
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: fooled by randomness, being the first, was also the least developed of taleb's trilogy
decimation: re: engineering thinking < taleb makes this point, if you want to learn about reality, ask someone who has tried to get things done, not someone who is a bureaucrat
xmj: Soon we'll have GMO cannabis on the cheap, all the hipsters and Nassim Taleb will bitch about it
pete_dushenski: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8nhAlfIk3QIbGFzOXF5UUN3N2c/edit << taleb on gmo foods and precautionary principle
mircea_popescu: taleb'd call this antifragile businesses.
pete_dushenski: taleb can also be pretty emotional, lashing out on tards at the drop of a hat
pete_dushenski: lol taleb got trolled
pete_dushenski: just like taleb's couscous observation
pete_dushenski: contravex, for those who care, is a riff off convex, as in convex payoffs, à la taleb.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> he recently convinced weev to "go the kickstarter route", with results that still make people lol. << Weev is going to learn the hard way he isn't old enough for Taleb or even Orlov's deference
mircea_popescu: xmj_ taleb sed so, AndrewJackson even has it in his part message.
mircea_popescu: bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: there's very little doubt in my mind that if i were in the sort of situation most folk over there enjoy, i'd simply be shooting people. << and yet taleb survives in nyc just fine << yes, he's not in the sort of situation. he's got teh dough.
asciilifeform: 'For social mobility to work, it needs to be a two-way highway, with a large number of pre-rich and an almost as large one of post-rich.' -- from the taleb link
chetty: persons is often, detectably, the waiter.(Taleb)
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: there's very little doubt in my mind that if i were in the sort of situation most folk over there enjoy, i'd simply be shooting people. << and yet taleb survives in nyc just fine
bitcoinpete: Nassim N. Taleb @nntaleb · 38m Up to 19thC, people in the Levant changed religion to stay in the land. Today they change land to keep religion. (Druzes⇒Maronites⇔Shiites) << sounds downright civilized
bitcoinpete: via taleb
mircea_popescu: we should have a groan-off. this vs the taleb vid.
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: You don't have to tell houseguests to flush the toilet. I see no reason you would have to tell SB, Taleb, etc. that they should use their brains. (Which is all I got from fluffypony's post)
gabriel_laddel: So what we've got so far: There needs to be a list of people that we want here, and reasons why. We don't want them here on any terms and since they're VIP, we should have reasons for each of them. Why NS? Why Taleb specifically?
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: Who do you have in mind for this list other than NS and Taleb?
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: Is your express purpose for the cam video to get people like Nick Szabo and Taleb to join #-assets?
mircea_popescu: imo it'd be a shit move, seeing how plenty of people google taleb to, you know, find taleb.
mthreat: mircea_popescu: (assuming you're trying to get taleb here)
mthreat: mircea_popescu: have you tried running a google adword on taleb's own name? people often google themselves. I remember reading a blog post from a guy who used that approach to reach someone.
benkay: <nubbins`> wait, so taleb didn't take the bait from that really super cringey video you paid for? // 30 second doses were all i could handle
nubbins`: wait, so taleb didn't take the bait from that really super cringey video you paid for?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves taleb is on reddit.
Pierre_Rochard: re: taleb, if the point hasn’t already been made, isn’t the noble’s retinue paid? If you want a scholar in your court, you may have to bribe him
bitcoinpete: ok so 50+ people fuck and i'm sure taleb isn't immune to babes
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: myeah. taleb isn't the most sexually inclined type
bitcoinpete: so if you send taleb the dead sea scrolls to his house with a hand-written card asking him to hit dat webchat
bitcoinpete: fair enough, taleb is more public
bitcoinpete: sorta like suggestion 3 for taleb
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/08/attracting-taleb-and-tlp-to-bitcoin-assets-with-camgirls/
penguirker: New blog post: http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/08/attracting-taleb-and-tlp-with-camgirls/
benkay: the thing ms saffron did for taleb
mircea_popescu: "Here's me begging you Mr Taleb!" or something ☟︎
assbot: Nassim N. Taleb (nntaleb) auf Twitter
mircea_popescu: cool. so your next task is, beg nassim taleb to come here. tell him what a great scientific mind he is, too.
mircea_popescu: nassim taleb is one of the smartest brains of our generation. ever heard of "black swans" ?
mircea_popescu: so do you know who nassim taleb is ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: herr taleb alternates between ruminating on his personal sense of brilliance and excellent pedigree, and... punching a boxer's bag. how much fun to watch a man punch a bag? << kinda why i wanted him to come here.
asciilifeform: herr taleb alternates between ruminating on his personal sense of brilliance and excellent pedigree, and... punching a boxer's bag. how much fun to watch a man punch a bag?
assbot: Nassim Taleb on Anti-Fragility - YouTube
asciilifeform: (e.g. taleb)
davout: that resonates with asciilifeform's comment wrt taleb piercing the bozo field
decimation: heh no the link is entitled "my best interview" on taleb's page
assbot: nntaleb comments on IAm Nassim Taleb, author of Antifragile, AMA
decimation: he did an "ama" for the redditards, and he mostly dodged bitcoin: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1aoi0s/iam_nassim_taleb_author_of_antifragile_ama/c8zb3d8
decimation: lol from taleb's home page (my best interview) http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/d538a45a-4871-11e2-a1c0-00144feab49a.html#axzz2Z2Yg5a6H
mthreat: taleb has tweeted about bitcoin twice: https://twitter.com/search?q=bitcoin%20from%3Anntaleb&src=typd
asciilifeform: ThickAsThieves: taleb, as i understand, bet on us collapse, raked in the dough.
ThickAsThieves: i'm totally ignorant of taleb other than gaining a familiarity of his name from you guys over the months
mircea_popescu: i wonder if taleb reads this line before he dies.
mircea_popescu: i dare say the taleb notes and the gangue of great minds found at their burial are not the same
asciilifeform: ^ earlier discussion of items like the taleb notes
asciilifeform: so far my favourite taleb is that link mp posted earlier
mircea_popescu: odds are taleb wouldn't think much of your understanding of odds tho
mircea_popescu: i absolutelylove taleb
asciilifeform: 'How long can something be held as wrong before its practice is discontinued? A long, very long time, much longer than we think.' << from mp's taleb page. in our case, synchronous logic.
mircea_popescu: well so ave him read taleb
bitcoinpete: CryptoConsultor: been playing with tech stocks for about 15 years, did some lending and gambling as a kid, then started reading taleb and others about 4 years ago and here we are
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: taleb link << mighty interesting
mircea_popescu: "60 Religion Protects You From Bad Science --Medicine, Expert Problems, and the Rationality of Temples" quoth taleb.
xmj: on that note, Taleb has good things to say in Antifragile
bitcoinpete: mwahaha, i hit up taleb with this https://twitter.com/bitcoinpete/status/471069013255413760 he rt's it, and then takes a few hecklers out back and shoots them.
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: i am assuming that precision strikes aren't to be preferred because punishment must be disproportionate and impredictable to work. << taleb says the same thing. like china when they execute heads of companies for losing quarters
bitcoinpete: mircea_popescu: lol taleb faved a pic i posted of the black swan in romanian
mircea_popescu: "Nassim N. Taleb favorited your Tweet"
mircea_popescu: taleb fan.
mircea_popescu: ima pay 1 btc to taleb and 1 btc to whoever gets him to come here.