800+ entries in 0.271s
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: consider making a spec for the One Troo Diff ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, in other advantages of living in tiny spec of a country : i went for that steak i was considering yest. across from my table, laura chincilla (ex president)
asciilifeform: to be fair i did not order lolcat. perhaps -- not on time, not to spec, not satisfied users.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it is exactly industry tho -- lolcats delivered on-spec, timely , and exactly as the purchasers ordered !111
a111: Logged on 2017-10-18 15:19 mircea_popescu: in other items of republican interest : eulora is at a stage where we have to set down what we'll use for sensitive data encryption (such as for instance the privkey files). i don't particularily wish to use aes ; anyone wants to contribute to this emerging spec ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's no difference. artists dun wanna work, ie ON TIME and TO SPEC and ON WHAT THEY'RE TOLD TO just like erryone else.
diana_coman: ofc; but idiotic keccac "reference" implementation goes about reading *bytes* although spec clearly talks of bits and at most of z-dimension long array of bytes and as a consequence madness necessarily ensues
ben_vulpes: are these stylistics part of the spec or what
asciilifeform: ( would be interesting to burn it and mass spec, see exactly what inside. )
phf: asciilifeform: how where do you source your cat5e? i've been using a leftover roll from my contracting days, but it finally ran out. went on amazon, not only are prices somewhat suspect (300m for $40?), but comments say that they cable doesn't actually conform to spec (wrong insulation, wrong conductor, etc.)
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes hey, how hard would it be to add a flag (=lisp) to bpaste, make it highlight and shit as per #lisp folk spec ? ("<|3b|> mircea_popescu: links to spec in particular, + interactive paren highlighting")
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform right you are, it's in the... 2006 spec.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740158 << not an actual thing yet, just a very loose spec-doodle of an eventual item ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-11-17 06:37 trinque: for the simple webhosting and bothosting cases, of which there oughta be many, max-spec'd machine is not necessary
trinque: for the simple webhosting and bothosting cases, of which there oughta be many, max-spec'd machine is not necessary ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> trinque better idea is that we have to figure out what boards/etc we're buying. a "standard box of the republic". << AHA, this is why cost of dedi box hosting not yet spec'd
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739432 << factors differing by only a few bits in length aren't particularily unsafe, which is why the original alt-rsa spec involved them (see eg http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-14#1697613 and the eventual end of that discussion.) ☝︎☝︎
BingoBoingo: trinque: Racking 1u will give more freedom to spec box, get ECC RAM
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-10-28 22:24:51: <mircea_popescu> lobbes http://trilema.com/2016/eulora-tradebot-spec/ from http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-09-16.log.html#t17:44:03
mircea_popescu: and second off, do the foxybot trade module. let me fish out the spec
asciilifeform: so imho if comment is not part of the moving parts ( as in say the proposed exponent scheme above ) then there's no particular reason to mention it in the spec
asciilifeform: well anyone can attach labels to outside of the bottle in his own shelf, regardless of what gets put in the spec
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in my spec the comment in e, N, comment is arbitrary ~to storer~, not to originator.
asciilifeform: ( in almost every case i can think of, 'design from 0' is cheaper than 'logical reverse'. so the latter is ~only done when you are specifically looking for weaknesses or otherwise items present only in the original , vs the spec )
apeloyee: http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123453
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123474 so there.
mircea_popescu: !~later tell apeloyee http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123449 let's get teh guy involved as well.
asciilifeform: elsewhere, http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-123446
mircea_popescu: the only problem in all this is that i'm not willing to put "use archive.is" into the logger spec ; nor am i willing to go "write html-decrufter or die". so... we're FOSSing about.
asciilifeform: i will not make rngs that DEMAND 2way protocol and usb micro ( with the rewritable firmware nonsense ACTIVE AT ALL TIMES , and 50MB pdf of liquishit spec with holes )
hanbot: anyway having spent a few years fulfilling copywriting specs i'll admit a fair amount of the work was absorbed in weighing whether a given spec-producer seemed likely to pull the penny-revision stuff
mircea_popescu: in other items of republican interest : eulora is at a stage where we have to set down what we'll use for sensitive data encryption (such as for instance the privkey files). i don't particularily wish to use aes ; anyone wants to contribute to this emerging spec ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: don't be doing that, not doing it is in the spec!
mircea_popescu: i am loath to put "and load this website" into the eg log bot spec.
mircea_popescu: no such thing as a temporary spec!
mircea_popescu: experience convinces me that anchor-first is correct way and the url-first html spec a kludge./
mircea_popescu: evolvospec, for the record, is not a spec, exactly in the manner a bad girl may be great fun to be with but notrly a wife.
lobbes: !~later tell mircea_popescu ^^ 'help sexpr' and 'help json' also working. lobbesbot has been brought up to spec
asciilifeform: asciilifeform prepared a quantity of servers, each approx. similar to spec of dulap-II ; these will be colocated, under the banner of s.nsa, and a certain number leased to folx in l1 .
a111: Logged on 2017-10-05 18:20 mircea_popescu: ok so results of audit : Framedragger, shinohai, phf : your bot has no help implemented whatsoever, in spite of spec. trinque Framedragger you don't follow the json/sexpr portion, bot simply puts out the same help.
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721301 << My bot's not following spec either. I'll be tinkering with it this weekend anyway so I'll add this to my list of tinkerings ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-10-05 18:20 mircea_popescu: ok so results of audit : Framedragger, shinohai, phf : your bot has no help implemented whatsoever, in spite of spec. trinque Framedragger you don't follow the json/sexpr portion, bot simply puts out the same help.
apeloyee: per spec the bitness is a power of two
ben_vulpes: will bring bot to spec.
mircea_popescu: the part what's under discussion is the ~why~ nobody implemented the json/sexpr part of the spec./
ben_vulpes: and what, a machine-understandable description of what each extra-spec command does? i didn't think anyone here operated machines that /thought/.
mircea_popescu: well yes. the part where the spec should be followed is not under discussion.
ben_vulpes: the response from the bots to what they can do. either they're all spec-compliant, respond the same way to the same set of commands, or they don't.
ben_vulpes: should be binary, #t-spec compliant or not.
mircea_popescu: exactly like the original url worked, in practice the spec never delivered this magical ability to query servers for resources to the end user.
mircea_popescu: ok so results of audit : Framedragger, shinohai, phf : your bot has no help implemented whatsoever, in spite of spec. trinque Framedragger you don't follow the json/sexpr portion, bot simply puts out the same help. ☟︎☟︎
ben_vulpes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-10-5#216182 << pls to update http://trilema.com/2016/trilema-bot-spec/ , i forgot this log-spec-addenda; will implement.
mircea_popescu: but your original claim, that "to demonstrate, here's a design for an object that meets the described spec , if p!=np :", crumbled under scrutiny.
asciilifeform: to demonstrate, here's a design for an object that meets the described spec , if p!=np :
asciilifeform: trinque: nah, that's ogun badagris answering an out-of-spec goat sacrifice
mircea_popescu: the problem with the spec as-is is that you can't actually have a message of the same bitsize as the key, but must make it -1 ; this appears to be mentioned exactly NOWHERE, which is moderately concerning.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-16 01:34 mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-122947 << in other wtf questions.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-122947 << in other wtf questions. ☟︎
asciilifeform: the one interesting bit is re 'was in the spec'
asciilifeform: ( exactly like the broadcom remoteroot from 6mo ago. except this one is an overflowism IN THE SPEC rather than any particular chip's implementation )
mircea_popescu: side beenfit of selecting for stupid. ftr, i know of no other nazism that actually put idiocy in the spec for aryanism.
asciilifeform: naaah the mass spec i lived next to was only 500k or so
shinohai: Notice that happened after nist.gov declared their spec
asciilifeform: palpitations? no olympics for you , no army spec ops
gabriel_laddel_p: It seems rather strange to me that you’re assigning bounties to “bugs” when it is clear that in many cases you have read neither the spec, nor the code, nor have the slightest idea what is even WRONG in the proposed bug.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-22 15:40 valentinbuza: as you can see on the spec, it is not concerned with PKI or your authentication methods, it's up to you
valentinbuza: i don't find the word 'standard' in the description or in the spec. it's not a standard and should not be seen as one
valentinbuza: as you can see on the spec, it is not concerned with PKI or your authentication methods, it's up to you ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-21 15:21 asciilifeform: now it is ~possible~ that the spec is disinfo, and in basement of kgb there is a rewritten alteratronic chain. but imho unlikely.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-21 15:06 phf: pff, russian tech. spec is produced by kiril after sit in room with 2 fpga (such luxury, whole two!) and bread for three months
asciilifeform: now it is ~possible~ that the spec is disinfo, and in basement of kgb there is a rewritten alteratronic chain. but imho unlikely. ☟︎
asciilifeform: the orc packaging ain't a problem, imho it is The Right Thing to ban western smt spec
phf: pff, russian tech. spec is produced by kiril after sit in room with 2 fpga (such luxury, whole two!) and bread for three months ☟︎
asciilifeform: suggests that d00dz have the spec ! somewhere.
phf: sure, but chinual is extremely detailed and the ~architecture~ can be improved incrementaly. for example brad's cpu is, yes, implemented as an emulator for a discrete circuit. but at the same time it can be isolated from the bus, put into a determenistic harness, and rewritten from the cpu spec in chinual.
mircea_popescu: spyked see, the thing with orc lands is that they have this. borz, chechen made smg. the egyptians made engine parts to VISUAL spec, by hand. i saw this. guy here offered to produce a replacement pressure hose for me, by visual inspection.
mircea_popescu: spyked was it a cartpenter you hired, ie, a guy who worked in wood, or was it an ikea clonal system you hired, ie a guy who went to a central warehouse where they cut some glue-dust planks to his spec ?
mircea_popescu: aaand rsa early spec updated as per http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-122689
a111: Logged on 2017-08-16 16:03 mod6: my question is then; with regards to the tmsr-rsa rough-sketch spec, do we then entertain the idea of other key-lengths, no just 4096 as currently outlined?
mod6: my question is then; with regards to the tmsr-rsa rough-sketch spec, do we then entertain the idea of other key-lengths, no just 4096 as currently outlined? ☟︎
mod6: ~<+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/ << ah, thanks!
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/ << Trilema - TMSR-RSA spec, extremely early draft
mircea_popescu: now to the graver matter of mpfhf. http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-122645
asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/#comment-122644 << 1st nitpick!1111
mircea_popescu: first question, of course, being whether there's value in changing the spec for key primes from "2048" to ">2046" bits.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2017/tmsr-rsa-spec-extremely-early-draft/
mircea_popescu: PeterL we found a hole in the spec ;/
mircea_popescu: quote your spec.
mircea_popescu: so the correct work spec here is then, 4160 bits ?
a111: Logged on 2017-07-13 15:18 phf: for the longest time i thought that common lisp spec is a magic paper against modernization. not so, and you can see it with the recent evolution of sbcl. for example they made it an error to locally shadow cl package symbols, e.g. (flet ((first (...))) ...) will fail, breaking a lot of reasonable old code. many historic idioms likewise produce compilation warnings, etc.
mircea_popescu: not what teh spec says!
asciilifeform: because the shitware iron does not in fact follow anything resembling a spec. it follows a liquishit that would take up five walls of book if ever put to paper -- which it won't be -- and co-developed with winblowz shitware driver, which ~runs, and rathead shitware 'open' sores driver, which runs, and naught ever else.
mircea_popescu: you can not call your spec "scalable" while it has magic numbers in it.
mircea_popescu: in the process discovering that a) they diverge from the spec and b) in no particular or ennumerable way.
asciilifeform: 'no longer operating within spec' of priest - yes
asciilifeform: this is an entertaining idea ( though i predict that the typical luser will run ever the moar quicker to the new hdd shop from it ) but was not in mircea_popescu's classical uci spec.
mircea_popescu: this is ALSO good : breask the ip-box bijectivity, as was intention all along transparently throughout spec docs.
BingoBoingo: <trinque> there's going to be no fixing the generation that took psych meds throughout puberty << plenty of possible fixing. Back to 'spec' likely never. Into something possibly.
phf: but i figure i'll try pushing a binary file through (which wasn't the spec anyway, just wanted to see what actually happens)
mircea_popescu: otherwise html spec is to % binary posted in forms