446 entries in 0.832s

scoopbot is getting a message of "blocked by cloudflare" when trying to submit links to archive.is, I am taking him offline until I figure out what is going on
deedbot: peterl rated
scoopbot 1 << A bot I made
scoopbot is using !1 but does not have any useful functions yet (just passively archiving so far)
PeterL: just realized I set
scoopbot up to recognize
http as links but not
https, fixed that now
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-14: [16:22:33] <PeterL> I added archive.is to the list
scoopbot ignores, it seemed kinda silly to have it archiving the archiver
PeterL: I added archive.is to the list
scoopbot ignores, it seemed kinda silly to have it archiving the archiver
PeterL: Ok, now
scoopbot will attempt to send all links here to archive.is, will also try to archive any links sent to it by PM
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-13: [17:01:55] <PeterL> what is the procedure for gettiing a bot voiced? I rewrote
scoopbot to get titles of links, do I need to get it talking to deedbot/gpg decrypting things too?
scoopbot voiced for 30 minutes.
PeterL: could somebody up
scoopbot a sec?
PeterL: what is the procedure for gettiing a bot voiced? I rewrote
scoopbot to get titles of links, do I need to get it talking to deedbot/gpg decrypting things too?
jurov: dunno if it was
scoopbot trinque: davout: you sure that wasn't
scoopbot before?
trinque: are we to the point where we give up on
scoopbot yet?
hanbot: <danielpbarron> take it the guy with the weird glasses is gavin, and the girl with the breastplate is supposed to be hanbot? << moar like
scoopbot, by the looks of those hands.
pete_dushenski: speaking of said show, the review is another missed shot by scoopbot_revived. that williamdunne...
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell williamdunne ^ this was posted last night, and scoopbot_revived didn't see it.
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: Why is scoopbot_revived So slow to IRC while tweeting?
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: scoopbot_revived have a website aggregator?
mircea_popescu: but otherwise, you can just add your link to the
scoopbot here.
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell williamdunne any idea why scoopbot_revived hasn't seen my last few posts ?
williamdunne: Umm, it was my best interpretation of someone with a severe lisp saying "
williamdunne: asciilifeform:
Scoopbot doesn't deal with phuctor, that's trinquebot
danielpbarron: ;;later tell williamdunne your twitter
scoopbot cuts off titles sometimes
pete_dushenski: williamdunne given the rebirth of the rebirth of
scoopbot, we sorta figured as much ;)
lobbes: ascii_field: probably would just be easier to have
scoopbot do it, but I got lobbesbot reading Phuctor's rss feed. If you feel inclined, give him a rate and I'll set him up to announce.
PeterL: ;;later tell williamdunne want me to give you the nick "
scoopbot" for your bot?
PeterL: who is running scoopbot_revived ?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell williamdunne btw, were you going to put bitbet bets in
scoopbot ?
mircea_popescu: wouldja rather dig into fixing it or just have
scoopbot do it kakobrekla ?
williamdunne: If you want I could just add oglaf to
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell williamdunne wither
scoopbot this time?
cazalla: there goes
scoopbot again.. so long, fucknaut
jurov: ;;seen scoopbot_revived
trinque: mircea_popescu: I noticed
scoopbot was absent for a while, and after many complaints just loaded the feeds plugin into tenyks
trinque: as
scoopbot is not back I assume deedbot- is the new guy for that too?
assbot: Logged on 29-04-2015 14:33:49; davout: mircea_popescu kakobrekla mebbe make scoopbot_revived not mention the title and let assbot handle it?
trinque: and if
scoopbot comes back, I'll turn it off.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne hey, wanna add bitbet reporting to the scoopbot_revived activity ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu upon review of scoopbot_revived's exquisite design, which includes the titles, nothing !
mircea_popescu: lol wb scoopbot_revived . apparently it does catchup work now, which is great.
pete_dushenski: williamdunne: kakobrekla any guess why assbot isn't picking up new post titles off of scoopbot_revived ??