446 entries in 0.481s
mircea_popescu: are you a slut scoopbot ? -slut
PeterL: is scoopbot still running? -hi
mircea_popescu: o wb scoopbot
PeterL: you say you might be able to help with hosting scoopbot?
mircea_popescu: PeterL ppl's be bitching bout scoopbot all day. wha happened ?
cazalla waves fists at scoopbot
TomServo: Does scoopbot need to be replaced? It seems to often be MIA.
BingoBoingo: O.o PeterL does scoopbot want to fuck other Pete???
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu lol well scoopbot and i never really saw eye to eye
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski funny how scoopbot dies half hour before you come in lol
mircea_popescu: since scoopbot's dead apparently, http://trilema.com/2015/bitcoin-circa-1800/
PeterL: ;;later tell pete_dushenski your blog is on scoopbot's list, he just doesn't like you for some reason. I will look into it
pete_dushenski: so i'm on the bablogs but not the scoopbot...
PeterL: well, there are two, one for the scoopbot and one for the blog agregator
PeterL: kakobrekla: scoopbot is set to check blogs every 5 minutes, some people are impatient
kakobrekla: actually i can just make assbot pm scoopbot 'fetch' every 30 seconds and noone will ever know i fixed it.
davout: PeterL: could you add http://fr.anco.is to scoopbot?
assbot: Logged on 05-01-2015 17:57:08; kakobrekla: i dont get this scoopbot 30 min delay + fetch command. when i setup rss feed for herr vulpes jenkins (which is now offline for some reason) i hit it once a minute cause i give no fucks. no need for this -fetch nonsense if you change the interval to something saner.
PeterL: if you pm him, you don't need to include scoopbot, just -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
PeterL: From Trilema "Jobs Board" post: "You are expected to negotiate your own pay." << This is where I demand 1200 USD/mo for upkeeping scoopbot, right?
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
mircea_popescu: btw, you know scoopbot website is not werk ?
mircea_popescu: !echo scoopbot -fetch
mircea_popescu: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
kakobrekla: i dont get this scoopbot 30 min delay + fetch command. when i setup rss feed for herr vulpes jenkins (which is now offline for some reason) i hit it once a minute cause i give no fucks. no need for this -fetch nonsense if you change the interval to something saner. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: scoopbot -fetch
scoopbot: New post on Trilema by Mircea Popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/peterl-scoopbot/
mircea_popescu: scoopbot request http://btcscoop.com/cgi-bin/blogroll.py is 500'd.
cazalla: yeah, we know scoopbot
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
cazalla: scoopbot fetch
cazalla: scoopbot, fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
PeterL: ;;later tell pete_dushenski hmm, your blog is on scoopbot's list, I am not sure why it is not shoing up, I will look into it
cazalla: ah scoopbot must be out partying.. http://qntra.net/2014/12/the-bitcoin-network-regains-positive-momentum-as-it-enters-2015/
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
assbot: Logged on 25-12-2014 17:38:41; scoopbot: New post on The Whet by han@thewhet: http://thewhet.net/2014/how-to-blame-others-and-entertain-people/
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
cazalla: wru scoopbot http://qntra.net/2014/12/bitnplay-aims-to-raise-400-btc-for-a-bitcoin-based-poker-site/
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
thestringpuller: scoopbot -fetch
cazalla: scoopbot, -fetch
cazalla: scoopbot, wru! http://qntra.net/2014/12/charlie-shrem-on-his-two-year-prison-sentence-justice-has-been-served/
gribble: scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 56 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <scoopbot> New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/12/former-moneygram-executive-sued-by-us-government/
jurov: ;;seen scoopbot
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
thestringpuller: scoopbot don't have the scoop?
cazalla: wru scoopbot :(
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot: Good boy!
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
BingoBoingo: scoopbot -fetch
assbot: Logged on 09-12-2014 04:47:20; PeterL: now you should be able to say: scoopbot -fetch and he will get the scoop
mircea_popescu: scoopbot -fetch
mircea_popescu: scoopbot -fetch trilema.com
TomServo: scoopbot -fetch
cazalla: fetch scoopbot, fetch, good dog
PeterL: now you should be able to say: scoopbot -fetch and he will get the scoop ☟︎
cazalla: scoopbot, go fetch
BingoBoingo: !up PeterL Congrats on keeping scoopbot up so long
cazalla: scoopbot, don't fail me
thestringpuller: nice scoopbot is back
ben_vulpes: repeat until scoopbot arrives for inert meatsack.
pete_dushenski: one manual scoopbot, coming right up:
mircea_popescu: n6 well peterl was working on scoopbot, areplacement. for unclear reasons it's down 90% of the time.
ben_vulpes: scoopbot is written
ben_vulpes: - scoopbot
mircea_popescu: soooo... who wants to make an actual scoopbot ?
gribble: scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 5 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <scoopbot> New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/isis-introduces-coins/
mircea_popescu: ;;seen scoopbot
pete_dushenski: manual scoopbot incoming:
BingoBoingo: scoopbot has growing pains
gribble: scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 0 days, 8 hours, 7 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <scoopbot> New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/isis-introduces-coins/
jurov: ;;seen scoopbot
jurov: ;;seens scoopbot
jurov: there's supposed to be scoopbot
thestringpuller: yea scoopbot doesn't always have the scoop
pete_dushenski: or i should say that scoopbot is
thestringpuller: scoopbot doesn't got the scoop yet?
gribble: scoopbot was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 days, 11 hours, 8 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: <scoopbot> New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2014/11/isis-introduces-coins/
mircea_popescu: ;;seen scoopbot
mircea_popescu: well seeing how scoopbot's never in chan, something's gonna have to be done here.
mircea_popescu: sahould be more in the scoopbot than in the deedbot domain that, in the interest of not making a mess of things
mircea_popescu: PeterL so what about scoopbot uptime ? what keeps taking it down ?
pete_dushenski: also, scoopbot be borkt so...
cazalla: wru scoopbot, http://qntra.net/2014/11/nasaa-top-investor-threats/
mircea_popescu: no scoopbot huh
cazalla: ooh, scoopbot is back, wb scoopbot
cazalla: wru scoopbot http://qntra.net/2014/11/bank-of-canada-bitcoin-poses-no-risk-but-well-watch-it-closely-anyway/
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell scoopbot http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/
ben_vulpes: what is scoopbot's actual uptime?
nubbins`: scoopbot what's the scoop