969 entries in 0.449s
ben_vulpes: when the pantsuit controlled twitter and instagram, this might have been so
trinque: fat cuck whose whole routine amounts to "dude guys not cool" and feigning exasperation from pantsuit perspective
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo ahahaha what the fuck, anyone even supports the "inclusive" pantsuit aggenda ?
BingoBoingo: With the Harveywood scandal, pantsuit can't afford to not have all the entertainers in line.
mircea_popescu: "clean the slums" very specifically means -- an effort by the early pantsuit to remove local autonomy from the poor. yes they'll be just as poor -- the important point is to make sure the landlord is one of us not one of them.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-01 17:57 BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave"
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave" ☟︎
ben_vulpes: pantsuit purge? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/10/31/house-financial-services-chairman-jeb-hensarling-announces-he-wont-run-re-election/818337001/
BingoBoingo: And for some reason still worse when warm crack is chronically dry than when when chronically wet, this we learned from pantsuit
mircea_popescu: impossible to defend king who doesn't order the death of the pantsuit. kinda how trump lost, by not having clinton kidnapped and jailed in afghanistan.
mircea_popescu: anyway ; the adventure of ludwig otto friedrich wilhelm, king and duke of bavaria, duke of franconia and swabia, count palatine of teh rhine is well informative. popular monarch, unwilling to flay pantsuit alive, "died mysteriously".
mircea_popescu: and in perhaps oldest pantsuit lulz : ludwig of bavaria was a king, who constructed most of what today attracts the tourists there. as he at some point decided to get rid of his inept cabinet, the ministers got together, bribed a bunch of servants, and came up with a lengthy list of gossip ; on the basis of which, a very "respectable" conclave of four "experts" from the stanford princeton and yale of the time (munich insane a
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform see, here's where pantsuit idiots a la "sam the more romanian than you" get it wrong. the REASON!!! there's nobody annoying, harassing, robbing etc is... guess ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Of course too many words. They can't be direct. Violates pantsuit principal of alway covering girl floor with fabric.
BingoBoingo: In other polls, NFL is no longer 'Murica's favorite ball league. Replaced by MLB, which is more multicultural in far less politically convenient way for pantsuit.
mircea_popescu: (for the curious : the weinstein brothers were instrumental in independent film even existing in the us, through founding miramax and inventing sundance. uneasy relationship with pantsuit exploded in early 2010s, over michael moore's complaining that tribute's insufficient ; this after the inane pantsuitist idiocy of forrest gump was given pulp ficiton's oscar.)
mircea_popescu: what pantsuit theory passes laugh test ?
BingoBoingo: To what end does pantsuit do what pantsuit does?
BingoBoingo: "The video shows countless unopened boxes full of ready-to-eat meals in a dumpster, presumably thrown away by Puerto Rican officials. The video was shot in Patillas, a city on the island’s southeastern coast." << Pantsuit has to pantsuit
mircea_popescu: if blue usg can't pantsuit the conversation anymore, if the plebs won't sit put and eat their seoexpert/nfl combo, what could happen ?
mircea_popescu: which is what exact breach in the glorious blue pantsuit the above item is trying to patch
mircea_popescu: dude's vaguely amusing under the "trynna MP" angle, i guess, and moreover the process of pantsuit infiltration is pathology as any other, can be studied.
mircea_popescu: than to attempt to supplant the absent intelligence of the large mass of sub-pantsuit (they call themselves alt-right or whatever the fuck).
mircea_popescu: anyway, here's the proposal : be it proposed that it is actually cheaper to explain to the brighter among the reality winners what exactly they never learned of history and theory, so that they renounce on their own power the assorted bundle of idiocy and sheer nonsense that constitutes the difference between republican and pantsuit or ultrapantsuit ideology,
mircea_popescu: funny shit, the ultra-pantsuit actually agree with the republic, usg worst thing to come out of fuhrerbunker.
mircea_popescu: (and in other lulz : http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/akam ; now try and find their fucking annual reports, and when the link 404s think to yourself that hey, this is perfectly fine, after all it's nasdaq, a perfectly legitimate scamsite, because pantsuit says so! for ourdemocracy vorwarts!!!)
BingoBoingo: Upwardly mobile pantsuit Biddies moves on from starter house, rents it, repeats every 5 years until they are 48 and overwhelmed their letting agency is interferring with their secretary gig
mircea_popescu: "the majority of fortunes were not built by work". why not ? global warming, pantsuit.*
mircea_popescu: lol pantsuit, they actually expect you can ban by reference.
mircea_popescu: apparently the black hat is black from pantsuit dust.
shinohai: Awww, when I archived it, you cant see the spiffy grey pantsuit: http://archive.is/YYkLk
a111: Logged on 2017-10-11 14:25 phf: but at the same time it's handy strawman: ~web of trust~ is broken, because our take on it is a piece of shit. i thought that's some pantsuit pattern discussed elsewhere
phf: but at the same time it's handy strawman: ~web of trust~ is broken, because our take on it is a piece of shit. i thought that's some pantsuit pattern discussed elsewhere ☟︎
shinohai: What's your secret? PANTSUIT POWER!!!! http://archive.is/0OB1E
a111: Logged on 2017-10-06 19:38 BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> poorly porous to us, but theoretically even moar so to pantsuit << Appeal of jungle is non-interference in white man's affairs. Downside is shifting past marketing speak to discover "1GBP/s unmetered (30Mb/s international)"
BingoBoingo predicts pantsuit attacks on sportspuck because racist by the end of November
BingoBoingo: The pantsuit states aleady tuned out of sportsball because "concussions" and "mean"
BingoBoingo: The bulk of their fanbase is anti pantsuit.
mircea_popescu suspects the "sports" entertainment franchises won't weather the anti-pantsuit strom any better than dnc did.
spyked: mircea_popescu, I'm not sure how I would evaluate it other than by looking at the "boy has no aspirations of his own; boy meets girl; boy gets in trouble; boy gets face stomped by boot" trope that's repeated throughout dystopian novels; there's probably more to it than that, but if there is, I'm not equipped with the literary baggage to see it. Orwell is fashionable nowadays because pantsuit equates Trump with big brother, and... so
mircea_popescu: and so to the "curious" pretending they "have no proof" as to why and wherefore trilema is more widely read than the entire pantsuit media edifice, washpo, nytimes to the last campus libel piece TOGETHER : consider that there exists exactly one venue in the world that explains, and has been explaining that why during this interval.
BingoBoingo: Checks one box, opaque to pantsuit. Fails on its soviet style USSA idiocy.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> poorly porous to us, but theoretically even moar so to pantsuit << Appeal of jungle is non-interference in white man's affairs. Downside is shifting past marketing speak to discover "1GBP/s unmetered (30Mb/s international)" ☟︎
asciilifeform: poorly porous to us, but theoretically even moar so to pantsuit
mircea_popescu: might as well ask me if i can re-annimate hilary's worn pantsuit.
mircea_popescu: the pantsuit fucktards are really this delulded, aren't they.
mircea_popescu: the TWIST however, is that the bad guys (uk govt) are trying to protect not "officials" but private individuals, from a crazed online campaign by the usual pantsuit. at stakle is the culling of badgers, which are common pests, and as animals have no rights.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> 90s a lot dumber than originally thought, in the us. << Pantsuit was president. Bill just sorta decoration to quiet the rednecks
a111: Logged on 2017-09-29 23:46 mircea_popescu: somehow, and i have yuet to pierce this mystery, people on the side of pantsuit always assume they own the world, natively. whereas people on the side of the republic, at least verbally, always assume the opposite, and start derping about how i've to prove shit and so on.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-03#1720258 << whole ameri-edifice, from alimony to divorcetheft to childsupportism to harassmentism etc -- is specifically about handing out to the wives 'the freedom' to pantsuit. 'giving the wolf a spear' or what was the expression on mircea_popescu's planet. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: to this very day teh episode does truly bother the pantsuit press. because here's the thing : whether alt-right knows or doesn't know there's such a thing as jesuit, the thing they know or don't know still is, and still works.
mircea_popescu: the 14th century pantsuitization of the church resulted from the 14th century burning at the stake of the pantsuit enclave of toulouse.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: AHA, anyways. My suspicion is that this attack is along the lines of the Belleville terrorist who shot Congressional baseball practice claiming he was going to fix the tax brackets. Dude prolly was a pantsuit fan and figured anyone who'd go to "new country" festival is trump voter.
mircea_popescu: the open question, of course, is whether associating with the actually rich, with the flauntingly rich, with the actually poor or with the pretend poor (such as you know, us pantsuit) is the better approach to not-staying-poor.
mircea_popescu: unlike the run of the mill pantsuit, they usually don't have the canned "we don't shoot anyone" cop out
mircea_popescu: somehow, and i have yuet to pierce this mystery, people on the side of pantsuit always assume they own the world, natively. whereas people on the side of the republic, at least verbally, always assume the opposite, and start derping about how i've to prove shit and so on. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-22#1716720 << all hail usg.cia & our pantsuit friends, risking their lives erryday to make the world safe for democracy (tm) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: trinque "The prospect of our own NSA, CIA and FBI << the "our own" bit is the lulziest. pantsuit actually thought they own something in this world. and not just ourdemocracy, at that. i suppose the scum actually sees itself as rightful inheritors of like cultural europe and etcetera.
BingoBoingo: "that's barely English, and the only reason "pantsuit" is in there is because of a high correlation with "liberal" thanks to HRC."
trinque: even teh pantsuit law reads: "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider."
BingoBoingo: Breakingest news is pantsuit Mayor's home vandalized https://archive.is/OI5cQ
asciilifeform: oh speaking of this, asciilifeform's pet had response to mircea_popescu's 'o sopirla' : 'there is also an inverse sopirla, where an item has the outward pretense of disobedience, but in fact reaffirms pantsuit orthodoxy. did the romanians have a name for it as well?'
BingoBoingo: Now because of this Herr Trump is lavishing praise on them for "bipartisanship" while pantsuit's media arm is still villainizing him
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/09/pantsuits-party-reacts-to-pantsuits-book-by-capitulating-to-president-trump/ << Qntra - Pantsuit's Party Reacts To Pantsuit's Book By Capitulating To President Trump
mircea_popescu: quite not what pantsuit wants statistics for.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's a pity all the cancerous fags passing for comedians in pantsuit circles are crowding out the real talent which might be writing exceptional xharms pieces on the basis of current idiocy.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> nonsensical-populist. << And not Pantsuit took over the party he founded
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: whole thing is more or less the customary english clickfarm, but with order of magnitude less pantsuit (e.g. instead of clitler pieces, 'magnify yer tits' etc )
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/09/pantsuit-seattle-mayor-ed-murray-quits-amid-serial-child-fucking-scandal/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Seattle Mayor Ed Murray Quits Amid Serial Child Fucking Scandal
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> run of the mill pantsuit idiocy, but then suddenly "Es que en Rumanía todos se llaman Mircea Popescu. ¿Sabes?" << LOLOLOLOL
mircea_popescu: run of the mill pantsuit idiocy, but then suddenly "Es que en Rumanía todos se llaman Mircea Popescu. ¿Sabes?"
mircea_popescu: what's residence needed for ? ~nothing made in english since 2001 has any basis in sanity, it's 100% the pantsuit lulz.
asciilifeform: where kid is confiscated from 'unfit' untermensch and exported to pantsuit orphanages
mircea_popescu: nah, was run like typical pantsuit "legal proceedings" scam.
mircea_popescu: and i don't just mean scientific, or imagological baiting. pantsuit.comedy ie "speak truth to power" is supposed to be all about an insufficient monkey goading the closest thing to a lion that could be found. i dunno why they're so fascinated with the pointless nonsense (aside the obvious anal children reference, ofcouars)
mircea_popescu: it's funny you can actually diagnose pantsuit rot in a society by how universal the "you know, for kids" nonsense is.
BingoBoingo: Bahamas and pantsuit try this with battery cars, but too broke for credit to equal price, or even bring price to normal car price
BingoBoingo: Well pantsuit and their jew charities
mircea_popescu: oh, wait, pantsuit has sole and absolute monopoly on deceiving ?
mircea_popescu: this is the pantsuit worldview, and it is in fact deeply adequate for the needs and mental capacities of http://trilema.com/2016/an-immodest-proposal/ females, ie literal idiots (iq of 60) whose only function is biological.
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> fictional ethnic subgroup and fictional entertainment genres aside, indistinguishable << Very distinguishable. Kid Rock is all in on The Great Again. Albino rapper with cretinism is wholly owned by pantsuit https://archive.is/NccET
whaack: 'murica pop star http://qntra.net/2017/07/us-entertainer-kid-rock-takes-aim-at-pantsuit-senators-job/
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: "Pantsuit's" -> "Pantsuits" in title of kid rock piece
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/09/pantsuits-attempt-marginalizing-senate-candidate-kid-rock-in-home-town/ << Qntra - Pantsuit's Attempt Marginalizing Senate Candidate Kid Rock In Home Town
mircea_popescu: (which fraction of this via http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-27#1703771 they're not required to declare, as per "fair and balanced" pseudo"legislation" enacted by self-same pantsuit. but it'd be a fair guess half to two thirds of comcast income is entirely fake, govt gifting, putting them at a hefty 20 to 30bn loss a year from continued operations) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo re http://qntra.net/#fn2-7835 : this is both correct and well grounded. pantsuit exists by and for a certain section of us corporatelandia ; which entirely exists of and for "job creation" as the racket through which to launder "public funds" ie fake money printed by fed on the basis of chinese indiscriminate crediting of the us foreign account.
ben_vulpes: pantsuit deedbot for the mentally incontinent: https://verrit.com/
BingoBoingo: ^ Vote Moar Pantsuit
mircea_popescu: it's not so much that the pantsuit is a chtonic cult, but rather that the entire, complete and sole aspiration of these scumbag's lives is to climb back into mom's amniotic sac.
mircea_popescu: (ed buck, pantsuit supporter, killed random black twink)
shinohai: "Anglin is accused of publicizing the existence of an organized campaign of harassment against his mother by a Pantsuit busybody" <<< gulden
shinohai: Maybe he'll use that BTC mp gave him to buy a pantsuit with.
mircea_popescu: because you know, how dare the pantsuit misbehaviours THAT ARE OH-SO SOCIALLY SUPPORTED not be socially supported at all!
mircea_popescu: amusingly this whole thing stems out of : some obnoxiouys pantsuit hag started harassing that spencer dude's mom, to get her to "disown" her son and donate his inheritance to the nigger fund or some shit. THAT part was a-ok ; but when this dork put some words on a website and as a result THOUSANDS of people told that woman what a shitstain she is, THEN it became scandalous.
mircea_popescu: this is the problem, with pantsuit as prb alike : they lack the capacity to influence reality. at any point, arbitrarily long chain of "progress", unwound at 0 cost.
mircea_popescu: AlfredAlfer do you understant how pantsuit "AI" works ?
mircea_popescu: there's a reason the pantsuit ignore it.
mircea_popescu: the whole dns bullshit is just "convenience" built on top of the system, which then conveniently allows the pantsuits to play tricks like these, and idiots to believe in pantsuit power.
trinque: pulling from the other end, ds et al are using the technology a bunch of califag pantsuits made, and expecting it to work for other than pantsuit.
asciilifeform: wherever the cows bray, is not the tru temple of pantsuit, cows are mindless. but these folx, these ~chose~ the pantsuit..