969 entries in 0.467s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and many of the pantsuit other notions!
BingoBoingo: I'm very uncertain. It's easy to know pantsuit eats their own. I lack a refined oracle atm for which demographic pantsuit eats next.
mircea_popescu: codependency, pantsuit-orc as a "happy" fambly. pretty obvious from the outside, at that.
mircea_popescu: this doesn't go into how unqualified "you" are to implement such a thing. and by you i mean collectively, every monolinguistic english speaker, pantsuit, jew, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: bitcoins to pantsuit cunts that deal was "we'll give you 10k in cash for what we imagine is 100k in publicity" "lol this 100k in publicity is maybe worth 10 bux. deal."
a111: Logged on 2017-07-18 05:35 BingoBoingo predicts trend of pantsuit boy CEO's getting into this sort of artificial masculinity and calling it "biohacking"
trinque: houston meanwhile's fine; for all the "ohmygurd unprecedented" in the pantsuit media, the bayou system worked *flawlessly*
BingoBoingo: Pantsuit party badge?
mircea_popescu: i have nfi why the pantsuit actually thouight clinton is a star or at least star material.
shinohai: Must be the new generation of pantsuit! >.>
mircea_popescu: oh, oh, with the independent girlfriends and the ai thing ? and the something basilisk mega-pantsuit ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo aha. seems rather exactly the pantsuit next play.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-27#1703505 << i am told a pantsuit once managed to get it up. somewhere. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Anyways, to use pantsuit's lingo, such a thing is exploitative cultural tourism.
BingoBoingo: I mean that's a lot of neuroticism for pantsuit to unload
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Poor concrete which wore that arch pantsuit impact
BingoBoingo: If pantsuit kills Trump on this they won't have anything left to take
mircea_popescu: a coupla years of this, the pantsuit party will be akin to 1880s russian futurists.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, pretty much all pantsuit has is identity politics and resentment promotion
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-25#1703327 << the pantsuit hope is that they'll make it be about the south only, thereby saving their bacon. pretty standard divide et impera ploy, especially given their byzantine-level desperate factual situation. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2017/07/us-entertainer-kid-rock-takes-aim-at-pantsuit-senators-job/#comment-108443
mircea_popescu: this IS the right internet. the pantsuit are more than welcome to build their alt-internetcoin.
mircea_popescu: anyway. compare to the 90s, arguably the pantsuit's only glory times. back then, das would have fought each other TO get this case. surefire governorship
mircea_popescu: so now the pantsuit agreements look like " it should be done -- but by someone else."
mircea_popescu: to put it another way : pantsuit illegitimacy MEANS something. this is what it means.
mircea_popescu: understand, the us is big, the pantsuit few... it's not so easy.
mircea_popescu: the whole "pantsuit worldview is supported by the courts" is borne out of review of pantsuit faux news sites ; not out of review of actual court cases.
asciilifeform: they'll nail him in a 'civil' 'wrongful death' or whatever nonsense. pantsuit gets infinite lawyering for $0; d00d -- prolly already penniless
BingoBoingo: "They encircled a passing motorist in his vehicle and attacked the 20 year old motorist, attempting to remove him from his car. This lead to the motorist's Dodge Challenger2 colliding with a collection of Antifa bodies in an apparent attempt to escape." >> http://qntra.net/2017/08/antifa-terrorists-and-pantsuit-local-government-shut-down-conservative-rally-fatalities-reported/
asciilifeform: ( subj being the pantsuit-crunchmobile of recent fame )
mircea_popescu: you mean the pantsuit science czar ?
mircea_popescu: (that's been the big pantsuit talking point, pushed for the past week or so by teh faux news orgs : that trump "fails to lead" and that therefore and thereby all sorts of others are "filling in the void". very much in the vein of alf's prediction)
mircea_popescu: you know, random fake media soap bubble fucking-loves-"leadership" in the pantsuit sense of teh term
mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, speaking of catholic latinas etc : the dispute between "progressives" and "christian fundamentalists" never ceases to amaze me. here you have two pantsuit groups which both agree with the fundamental pantsuit "every sperm is sacred". their disagreement is re when "every sperm is sacred" starts : the jesus pantsuit thinks it's at age -9 months ; the progre pantsuit thinks it's at - something, not quite 9 mon ☟︎
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/08/minor-pantsuit-apologizes-for-crime-against-trump/ << Qntra - Minor Pantsuit Apologizes For Crime Against Trump
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-21#1701362 << this probably captures the "stealing by name" pantsuit doctrine best. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the odds of my reading amazon offerings of ustardian pantsuit nonsense are nil.
spyked: mircea_popescu, Poli survives on local socialist democrats. I don't know how to compare those guys to West pantsuit.
trinque: did the pantsuit mayor last time, wasn't enough, now nigger mayor who will seriously review serious matters and things.
mircea_popescu: it's basicalyl a blind seeking of hillaries, they herd as a behaviou searching the environment space for a pantsuit to "lead them" into welfare statism.
ben_vulpes: pantsuit central
mircea_popescu: how's cascadia going btw ? teeny hos switchign to the "alt-right" aesthetic yet or still with the flipfops an' pantsuit ?
mircea_popescu: the notion of people smarter than required to make a good pantsuit not subscribing to the narrative is you know, inconceivable.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is exactly the problem : the sort of orc who opposes pantsuit is 5-senses pashtun. and so always will be.
shinohai wishes he had enough votes to get this renamed "Pantsuit Parkway" http://archive.is/u4yUb
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: do you have a link to the pantsuit dns-dekulakization of the 'alt right' people ? i can't be arsed to wade through the sewers to find the orig subj << Here's one https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/08/shunned-by-godaddy-and-google-racist-daily-stormer-moves-to-russian-domain/
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: do you have a link to the pantsuit dns-dekulakization of the 'alt right' people ? i can't be arsed to wade through the sewers to find the orig subj
BingoBoingo: Right. Hence the USG cartoon pencil used by sanctioned stooges. There's always more mortuary brass. Still for the actually deciding to be dissident there's a little bit of identity to hook into http://qntra.net/2017/07/us-entertainer-kid-rock-takes-aim-at-pantsuit-senators-job/
mircea_popescu: is these for people who actually give a shit re pantsuit or what.
mircea_popescu: (for the record, the difference between the nemtsov and the pantsuit is that while they both represent the herdemocracy side, the pantsuit is ineffectual, lazy, effete citizen, whereas the nemtsov is hardy, insistent, ambitious orc born outside the walls.)
lobbes: !~later tell BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/2017/08/antifa-terrorists-and-pantsuit-local-government-shut-down-conservative-rally-fatalities-reported/ << "On the morning of the event Charlotte police" << s/Charlotte/Charlottesville
a111: Logged on 2017-08-13 02:25 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-10#1696459 << heh, funny you bring nemtsov up, because he was friend of family. pantsuit is spot on, guy was brought from novgorod on usg money.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/08/antifa-terrorists-and-pantsuit-local-government-shut-down-conservative-rally-fatalities-reported/ << Qntra - Antifa Terrorists And Pantsuit Local Government Shut Down Conservative Rally – Fatalities Reported
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-10#1696459 << heh, funny you bring nemtsov up, because he was friend of family. pantsuit is spot on, guy was brought from novgorod on usg money. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: and in other pantsuit, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qe7ikxzqe0
mircea_popescu: whodda thunk tardstalk can take over the entire pantsuit forum ?
shinohai: In pantsuit lulz: http://archive.is/b3RTa
trinque: on the contrary, politely offed himself while leaving a "manifesto" written in pantsuit, trying to turn the discrimination term on them and other gargle.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> i saw transgenderfucked beggars, expelled from 'art school', on the pavement. << And when they die during the winter they will still vote Pantsuit. It's what Chicago does. Along with it's downstate mestatasis Belleville and East Saint Louis.
BingoBoingo: Gotta wipe New Amserdam too, And Chiraq, lest Chiraqui flavor of pantsuit fill void.
BingoBoingo: ^ Gubanatorial score is 34 GOP, 15 Pantsuit, one Weird
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/08/pantsuit-west-virginia-governor-defects-to-join-trump/ << Qntra - Pantsuit West Virginia Governor Defects To Join Trump
mircea_popescu: of course, #14 becomes problematic seeing how the general pantsuit objection is "too complex".
mircea_popescu: anyway, rather lulzy nonsense. "because it rejects the decay started with the age of pantsuit, it therefore is irrationalist". because totally, the french communists invented thinking.
mircea_popescu: and in today's "best of pantsuit poetry, all glory to ourdemocracy", http://www.mcgonagall-online.org.uk/gems/a-new-temperance-poem-in-memory-of-my-departed-parents
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Hill's in pantsuit propaganda flicks, aka post humor stoner comedies
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2017/07/us-entertainer-kid-rock-takes-aim-at-pantsuit-senators-job/#comment-106620
BingoBoingo: Kid Rock 49% Sitting Pantsuit Senator 46% in Michigan, 15 months out
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the republic needs no such nonsense, as it prevails in the open air against the pantsuit decoctions.
BingoBoingo: Seriously though, that piece is a very unique glimse into the very un-unique pantsuit plan for future health
BingoBoingo: The venue sucks at webbing, but the text is pinnacle of pantsuit's favorite herb being critiqued by one of its victims
trinque: corruption thread comes right back to mind. when bezos is head pantsuit, or whoever, will he look more like it, or it more like him?
mircea_popescu: obviously no slavegirl is free ranged pantsuit. so in this sense -- they all die, yes.
asciilifeform: from whose pov is either 'corrupted', other than hypothetical pantsuit priest's ?
trinque: can be pantsuit-piss, fukushima, corexit, "fertilizer", etc
BingoBoingo: Scarcity of oceanic edibles is likely still more synthetic girly hormones getting pissed out unmetabolized and Seaciety suffering pantsuit
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-19#1686786 ah waht a concept. so basically, barbarian lacks indoor voice ; and pantsuit lacks forum voice. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the problem with pantsuit notions is that they admit no reasonable sense
mircea_popescu: that is why it is so trivially easay for me to engage/defeat random pantsuit-minded kiddo straggling in here. his darkness is obviously structured.
BingoBoingo: Pantsuit McCaskill is not seeking re-election in Missouri. Governor Greitens hasn't declared candidacy yet, but appears to be campaigning.
BingoBoingo: Well, pantsuit has... Al Franken. GOP has Reagan, Sonny Bono, Etc.
BingoBoingo: Also there's more entertainers expressing interest in GOP contests. Pantsuit entertainers have horrid general election track record. GOP side though... Trumpreich.
BingoBoingo predicts trend of pantsuit boy CEO's getting into this sort of artificial masculinity and calling it "biohacking" ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Because Bezos sees pantsuit in disarray and wants to become a bull in move to capture pantsuit for self instead of being its bitch boy
mircea_popescu: whole fucking pantsuit ideology being an endless repeat of the ridiculous cycle of 1. saint pantsuit told us everyone loves raymond ; 2. apparently nobody can stand raymond ; 3. wut do ? which you know, "gotta educate teh public abou raymond" etc.
mircea_popescu: yes we call it "hariette wilson's memoirs", but it has no author just like a collection of peasant ballads have no author. the point of interest is that fred lamb or argyle didn't pay to not be named, whereas the early pantsuit ally http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-15#1684405 did. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: ^ Pantsuit label attaches to behavior and ideology, is imposed upon guilty without regard for party affiliation
mircea_popescu: basically the socialist is he who has thought about the matter, and for his sins and utterly broken head has come to the conclusion that yes indeed, the problems of individuals are to be resolved by recoursew to groups ; whereas the pantsuit is he who has never stopped to consider, but instinctually or otherwise follows this herd.
mircea_popescu: erlehmann a pantsuit denotes a certain sort of female mind -- that puts the esteem of the female herd above the esteem of randomly chosen male.
erlehmann: sorry, but when is a suit a pantsuit?
BingoBoingo: This is how pantsuit mind works "What could we undermine that CANNOT be done without? THUMBNAILER!!!"
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/07/us-entertainer-kid-rock-takes-aim-at-pantsuit-senators-job/ << Qntra - US Entertainer Kid Rock Takes Aim At Pantsuit Senator's Job
BingoBoingo: Nothing better for pantsuit demographics than brain numbed stoners
BingoBoingo: This makes them more resistant to socialistoid indoctrination. This is why pantsuit loves people smoking the funky green shit.
mircea_popescu: generally the republican outlook is substance before form (aka, idealism, aka exactly heine's "Herab auf Euer romantisches Haupt des Himmels modernste Blitze") whereas the imperial outlook is "context only" hence the pantsuit's demographic delusion re 2016 elections.
mircea_popescu: and if he went to an establishment supported by pantsuit money and dedicated to the encouragement of shit sloshing, he could spend any amount of time and effort NOT IMPROVING
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> mod6: it was a deliberate fuckyou-and-whatchagonnadoaboutit to people who actually work << Not like pantsuit gets to interact with men anyother way
asciilifeform: i wonder if there's a pantsuit translation
BingoBoingo: <mod6> Pantsuits. On scene. << Pantsuit, now with 50% more elastic for FUPA security
BingoBoingo: Part of pantsuit voter's induction to voting pantisuit is the infection with belief they CAN'T be made to do anything.