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a111: Logged on 2017-08-22 19:35 mircea_popescu: and in other lulz, speaking of catholic latinas etc : the dispute between "progressives" and "christian fundamentalists" never ceases to amaze me. here you have two pantsuit groups which both agree with the fundamental pantsuit "every sperm is sacred". their disagreement is re when "every sperm is sacred" starts : the jesus pantsuit thinks it's at age -9 months ; the progre pantsuit thinks it's at - something, not quite 9 mon
mircea_popescu: (no, the "archive" wikipedia links to also doesn't have any content. the pantsuit will carefully link to dead pages of things)
mircea_popescu: you may not recall the name of the white house janitor depicted from behind. but he is famous for fistbumping a pantsuit rapper once.
mircea_popescu: yeah, that was the thing "northern democracies" pantsuit meme is trying to take to the hot topic cash register.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the "millenialist", so to call them, "star trek is socialist future" pantsuit group lost pretty much everything in the 2010s religious war with the "ugly fat negro women with their tits in the mud is socialist future" group.
mircea_popescu: trinque i dunno, he was into that whole "live forever in a turtleneck and short hair" pantsuit churchlet.
trinque: he's offering up the asshole to spite father, like so many emo kids before him, to join the church of pantsuit
mircea_popescu: in another decade or two, it'll be strictly impossible for the various pantsuit churchlets to do ~anything. they're rapidly losing all technical ability, and so... i mean i already can take my pick of bdsm-ish chicks in "north america -- the best country in the world". in another coupla decades, boy howdy.
mircea_popescu: ps. there's a FUCKING DIFFERENCE between "my lifetime of not understanding emotions" and what's happening there. "understanding" emotion is not of the ilk of the pantsuit "you have to understand" aka http://trilema.com/2017/mimi-metallurgico-ferito-nellonore/#footnote_0_75893
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it was both -- constantly during the war foodstuffs were eaten, but less and less produced, thus dwindling their supply and increasing their rarity ; while pantsuit "currency" substitutes on paper were not eaten (nor accepted), but more and more produced, thus increasing their supply and destroying their only form of value.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-12 03:57 mircea_popescu: and in "muckracking" (ie, ideologically & politically directed pantsuit libel) : http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8095/pg8095.html a pile of (eagerly swallowed) 1830s fabrications.
mircea_popescu: that there's little difference, of either form or substance, and massive overlap of drive and interest uniting "the protocols of zion"-like stuff with "der sturmer"-like stuff with upton moore / michael sinclair -like stuff, with the WHOLE rest of protestant literature joint and several is, i suppose, the one thing pantsuit would least hear.
mircea_popescu: and in "muckracking" (ie, ideologically & politically directed pantsuit libel) : http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/8095/pg8095.html a pile of (eagerly swallowed) 1830s fabrications. ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience
a111: Logged on 2018-09-06 23:29 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/09/pantsuit-activist-and-lula-apologist-stabs-gravely-wounds-brasilero-great-again-candidate-jair-bolsonaro/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Activist And Lula Apologist Stabs, Gravely Wounds Brasilero Great Again Candidate Jair Bolsonaro
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/09/pantsuit-activist-and-lula-apologist-stabs-gravely-wounds-brasilero-great-again-candidate-jair-bolsonaro/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Activist And Lula Apologist Stabs, Gravely Wounds Brasilero Great Again Candidate Jair Bolsonaro ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Topic: You have reached the public forum of The Most Serene Republic, a terrorist organisation dedicated to the creation of a safe space for the elites to productively defect to, leaving the pantsuit stranded behind. If you'd like to help see http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/ . This channel is logged.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, yes BingoBoingo has it, the "expert witness" is perhaps the prime manner through which pantsuit state maintains both pretense of justice and pretense of its own relevancy. judge judges "correctly" on "the basis of evidence" and "evidence" is carefully curated. ye olde "toxic facts / fake news" approach to utopianism.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-04 14:44 mircea_popescu: but yes, evidently the (undiagnosed ; are these people morons ?!) problem is that "anything could be a firewall rule", ie, this is a place where the scripting turns upon the whole machine state. which makes me suspoect there's a more fundamental error at work somewhere (possibly the very attempt to build a pantsuit net, allcomers-based, possibly something else), but until we get a fix on that...
mircea_popescu: better in that it will expose pantsuit packets to us, for instance.
mircea_popescu: but yes, evidently the (undiagnosed ; are these people morons ?!) problem is that "anything could be a firewall rule", ie, this is a place where the scripting turns upon the whole machine state. which makes me suspoect there's a more fundamental error at work somewhere (possibly the very attempt to build a pantsuit net, allcomers-based, possibly something else), but until we get a fix on that... ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( canadian. pantsuit took contract on him, successfully )
mircea_popescu: the fall of the pantsuit citadel depends on technology transfer. ending the bullshit one impregnable fortress at a time.
mircea_popescu: but doesn't it stand to reason that if indeed they demolished 10 "gangster" houses the "gangsters" in question now have all the more incentive to squeeze the pantsuit neighbours ? and if contrairy-wise, they demolished 10 pantsuit houses, thjey just did the "gangster"s one better ?!
asciilifeform: loox like old-fashioned state terror , 'kowtow to pantsuit or we salt your fields'
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i don't get it, so washington pereyra informs that they demolished 10 houses including one of a woman that ambiguously either (ran a non-pantsuit-sanctioned soup kitchen) or (headed a criminal gang) because it was discovered that repeatedly gangsters asked locals "not involved in ilicit activity" to sell them their houses ?!
BingoBoingo: Jews bomb syria, Pantsuit certain to take Mosul. Such Middle East
mircea_popescu: as i was saying : pantsuit gotta learn that if it doesn't bend over and squirt ~OODLES~ of money when it has the chance, it'll be bent over and fucked with farming implements later on.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i saw, was announced to great pantsuit mooing
asciilifeform: i can entirely see the 'pocket of sanity besieged by pantsuit t-cells' angle
BingoBoingo: See no reason to change friends because of fashion, and this is affront to pantsuit
a111: Logged on 2018-03-08 00:21 mircea_popescu: this entire exercise in idiocy has, practically speaking, resulted in me paying various hard working ticos a grand or so, to the people fucking in the ass the "security" paradigm of pantsuit.fetlife. IN LIEU of having paid that much, and rather more, to the fetlife itself.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't understand how pantsuit heroism works.
mircea_popescu: jesus the pantsuit press looks just like the pravda. seriously, Ludendorff died ? aww!
mircea_popescu: well, it's the argument he's bringing. "whether the pantsuit "nationalize" property for reasons to do with the property, like the soviet-pantsuit, or for reasons to do with you, like the nazi-pantsuit, fact remains they're stealing shit because they're socialists, that's what they do"
mircea_popescu: heh, remember when "car manufacturers", got dekulakized by the pantsuit, resulting in some shit packaged in ye olde "mercedes" "wv" etc boxes, which then didn't work worth a shit ?
asciilifeform: via same fishwrap, unrelated pantsuit lulz, https://archive.is/EWcta >> 'because of possible abuse of children'
asciilifeform: not as if this were serious dough to sv pantsuit.
mircea_popescu: like elaine once said, the choice between being raped and being a good girl rests entirely with the slut herself : those pantsuit that choose not to misbehave are never truly raped into submission, rite.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-15#1841891 << the pantsuit could prolly get rid of him without much effort, but why -- and lose their beloved harmless/ceremonial devil ☝︎
asciilifeform: dunno, possibly unlike in the case of baths , pantsuit missionaries did go around to 'teach' 'have 1 wife and 0 slaves' etc
mircea_popescu: incidentally, since we're doing lost arts, where the fuck did i state the pantsuit's problem of integration (ie, that pantsuitism doesn't stand a chance in the republic because the republic integrates it) in the terminology that "this sword cuts for them a portion of the way and for us the whole way" ? ie, that they're always dependent on state, whatever shit they come up with gotta be carefully ~stopped~ on various slippery ☟︎
mircea_popescu: as long as they believe that, they'll vote pantsuit, happily participating in the famous https://www.oglaf.com/hotbuttons/2/ competition (which they lose, seeing how my http://trilema.com/2016/give-computers-the-vote-theyre-cheaper-than-women-even/ overwhelms any biospawn they could come up with ; or more generally given that the sword cuts a portion of the way for them and the whole of the way for us.
mircea_popescu: jesus christ what fucking influence ? the soviets had intellectual leadership, who the everloving fuck can take the pantsuit seriously ?!
a111: Logged on 2018-03-08 00:21 mircea_popescu: this entire exercise in idiocy has, practically speaking, resulted in me paying various hard working ticos a grand or so, to the people fucking in the ass the "security" paradigm of pantsuit.fetlife. IN LIEU of having paid that much, and rather more, to the fetlife itself.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the pantsuit wank is overpowering, both odorously and lulzy. "digital divide" for instance ? totally term of pantsuit (idiocy is not an art).
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo you understand this, right, ALL of the "mainstream" in pantsuit narrative is 100% fabricated astroturf. nobody ~actually buys~, actually subscrtibes, actually anything. vice has a readership of maybe 10 people in a good day.
mircea_popescu: should be fun to destructure the pantsuit style "platforms" anyway.
BingoBoingo: In other propaganda campaigns, OG Pantsuit Patrick Stewart has been signed to do a revival of his clasic series: Bipeds Sitting In Chairs And Stairing At Screens While Wearing Pajamas
mircea_popescu: but i want to fully realise the republican advantage over the pantsuit morons. this situation where #trilema is safe "and so are their chans" is overt socialism redistributing goods from us to the moronherd.
ben_vulpes: douchebag: and you think that pantsuit press coverage instead of hosing their boxen is the key to fame fortune and a seat in tmsr?
mircea_popescu: (note that all this directly ties into any random throe of socialism you might pick. say, the conteporary focus of usg pantsuit on disucssing "priviledge" -- directly because imagining an uncommonality of situation makes a fine last ditch effort to salvage the other commonalities "much more important to us".)
mircea_popescu: the republic's ideology has just about caught up with the state of the art cca 1948, and we can in fact very directly use rosenberg terminology to explain why the pantsuit are so fucking objectionable, both ethically and aesthetically.
mircea_popescu: i like how "crazed fundamentalist" is how the pantsuit says "people smarter than me" nowadays.
mircea_popescu: http://archive.is/VPdlH#selection-183.0-183.292 << pretty lulzy earlier stuff from the same tienzengong thing. "how ?!" well how the fuck fucking how, doh. all of pantsuit's in there, neh.
mircea_popescu: lmao. so great that the fucktard pantsuit fought apartheid. 10 years later, they can fight the first white massacre since haiti.
mircea_popescu: of course, i can't load blogspot "blogs" now that http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience/#selection-287.67-291.1
mircea_popescu: everywhere non-pantsuit is sane.
mircea_popescu: ave1 i dunno if you've seen the republican license btw ? not like we give out ~anything~ that's "legally" usable by the pantsuit tards.
mircea_popescu: amusingly enough, the shit's so advanced in the soup, all bans help. even http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience/#comment-126128
mircea_popescu: well, you'd have to evaluate things. that's the fundamental dispute here. on one hand, the pantsuit, "ourdemocracy", whatever, "progressivists" how oyu'd call them (they'd preferred to be called "modern man", with an implicit hint that the modern part is spurious and they've always been all there ever was etc), which holds a strict "nothing can be meaningful, like, ever" stance.
mircea_popescu: (and if anyone's curious why the cichlids are such a big deal pantsuit item -- brooding habits, every individual of either gender does ~nothing all day besides "helping" the young, by which they also mean adolescents)
mircea_popescu: anyway, not so many are needed to pump, and certainly not of the pantsuit class. mostly afaik russians do it.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-25 21:55 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience/ << Trilema - How to remove USG.Alphabet (usually called "google" by the jews & pantsuit) from your web experience.
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2018/how-to-remove-usgalphabet-usually-called-google-by-the-jews-pantsuit-from-your-web-experience/ << Trilema - How to remove USG.Alphabet (usually called "google" by the jews & pantsuit) from your web experience. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: well you're both in luck, pantsuit wank notwithstanding the data shows we're headed to an ice age.
mircea_popescu: you know the 90s pantsuit story about "black kid practiced for president with" uh no sorry, the other one
asciilifeform: the Pantsuit Iron Cross, or sumthing.
mircea_popescu: this is everything! this is everywhere! banzai pantsuit!
a111: Logged on 2018-06-21 17:04 mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, is why the pantsuit hate the "new right" or whatever they call it. all they see is the zimmerman-paddock party and get hives.
mircea_popescu: an evolution (albeit slight) of the 1990s era pantsuit-imagined-enemy, the subersive-exterminator. this guy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a84gLEew8m4
mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, is why the pantsuit hate the "new right" or whatever they call it. all they see is the zimmerman-paddock party and get hives. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: aaannyway. the pantsuit co-opting of what originally was "fuck your broken github-based must-upgrade process" into their own stinking folds is the ultimate act of cultural appropriation. and why "the left" is "turbulent" and "self-hating".
mircea_popescu: simply the ideology marx explicitly feared, "they'll rally around a flag saying 'mort aux cons' instead of our pantsuit preference".
mircea_popescu: PILES of pantsuit idiocy EVERYWHERE.
mircea_popescu: if one's into sads, one should look at what's left of anarchism, in the contemporary pantsuit retellings.
asciilifeform: he's also gone riotously pantsuit
mircea_popescu: no fucking tolerance for the pantsuit jesus fucking christ wtf.
mircea_popescu: seems to me that if the one is looking to eat out of his work, he'll likely not even know you exist. because the sort of people dumb enough to depend on their daily labour for their sustenance while at the same time smart enough to reverse engineer are a very narrowly defined set. one is guaranteedly pantsuit.
asciilifeform: for the folx 'worth weight in pig carcass', pantsuit is where the food is.
mircea_popescu: and yes, amoeba is staunchly republican. no pantsuit amoeba available.
mircea_popescu: but the point of concern for mcguffin-book writers / social media personalities / journalists / whatever else the pantsuit keep telling themselves they do, would be that the chinese can't seem to be bothered to give the slightest fuck. these are some people who find even one arm bandits fascinating.
mircea_popescu: it's about something or other, but broadly about the fact that the pantsuit party is very angry any sort of pushback against mother china WHATSOEVER still goes on.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, so on re-reading http://danielpbarron.com/2018/show-me-the-light-by-all-means-but-later/ ; do you in the end dispute the (subsidiary) point that "darwin fish is proof that there will be and can not be any reward for either your effort or your merit in pantsuit empire, and '''proof''' one may attempt to show to the contrary is of the nature of similar '''proof''' offered by any three-card-monte conman" ?
mircea_popescu: there was this "freedom figther" dude that meanwhile became a "dangerous criminal" because the "evil government" swtiched sides and is now pantsuit-sponsored
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-27#1819227 << This was my realization, as well; to immerse myself in the german language I'd have to move to... europe.pantsuit central >> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-03-29#1790965 ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-05-27 01:50 esthlos: now to find a deutsche Frau in pantsuit central
esthlos: now to find a deutsche Frau in pantsuit central ☟︎
mircea_popescu: i suppose the proper term is "new age". funny how that principal designation of pantsuit idiocy during the 80s disappeared once the soviets gave in.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-19 19:22 mircea_popescu: lobbes, sure ; though it's iffier there, in that caesar and then espeically augustus actually attempted a restart of the proper republic out of the ashes of the shit it had ended up in. caesar in this sense is the polar opposite of lincoln, ie, attempted to manipulate the overwhelming pantsuit into the extinction-or-sanity dilemma, rather than being manipulated by the underwhelming pantsuit into internecine warfare.
mircea_popescu: lobbes, sure ; though it's iffier there, in that caesar and then espeically augustus actually attempted a restart of the proper republic out of the ashes of the shit it had ended up in. caesar in this sense is the polar opposite of lincoln, ie, attempted to manipulate the overwhelming pantsuit into the extinction-or-sanity dilemma, rather than being manipulated by the underwhelming pantsuit into internecine warfare. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: to continue http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-16#1814352 : take the nizami story of khosrow (last persian ruler) and shirin (possibly roman princess). not only is it usually rendered in pantsuit retellings as "farhad and shirin" (farhad being the politruk, modernist element / in his own mind only rival to the king), but the very naive "women get a say, not the natural but the fabricated sort" it's steeped in (written as it is fi ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813338 << neither of these. should have simply built, ignored the pantsuit wrangling altogether. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-05-13 17:07 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812937 << farming is NOT AMENABLE to any other kind of farming. the pretense to "independent farmers" is how the pantsuit chicks got the less able men off the cattle growing, you understand. the notion of "independent farmer" is a hallucination exactly like the notion of "successful starlet", sold by the press of a commercial concern for a commercial interest. hollywood WANTED a bunch of gir
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-13#1812937 << farming is NOT AMENABLE to any other kind of farming. the pretense to "independent farmers" is how the pantsuit chicks got the less able men off the cattle growing, you understand. the notion of "independent farmer" is a hallucination exactly like the notion of "successful starlet", sold by the press of a commercial concern for a commercial interest. hollywood WANTED a bunch of gir ☝︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> of course it is. understand this : the us is, for all intents and purposes, an aquarium. someone now and again drops some food pellets in, the fishies inside are either depressed or part of the pantsuit club of "how to correctly display the beauty of aquariums for the benefit of the aquarium feeder folk outside". << Uruguay is the FUTURE!!!
mircea_popescu: of course it is. understand this : the us is, for all intents and purposes, an aquarium. someone now and again drops some food pellets in, the fishies inside are either depressed or part of the pantsuit club of "how to correctly display the beauty of aquariums for the benefit of the aquarium feeder folk outside".
asciilifeform: hence the pantsuit coverage.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/pantsuit-media-tries-to-dethrone-woke-voice-of-a-generation-kanye-west-with-forced-meme/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Media Tries To Dethrone #WOKE Voice of a Generation Kanye West With Forced Meme
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/pantsuit-unicef-humanitarian-caught-buggering-street-kids/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Unicef "Humanitarian" Caught Buggering Street Kids