969 entries in 0.691s
mircea_popescu: cuz you know, dollars don't lack a central authority. somehow. because if we lalalala really hard pantsuit hilarity losing the elections didn't happen and totally the fed is in control of shit.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Haven't fed it through pantsuit.txt parser yet, will after sleeping
a111: Logged on 2017-07-04 03:22 BingoBoingo: January 2019 Trump will likely be Nixon proof. Pantsuit will have to resort to Kennedy solutions.
mircea_popescu: when pantsuit.org discovers that it's antiourdemocracy for senate supermajority to take decisions.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-04 03:18 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Because the fork in the GOP will likely be resolved in the primary season, and Pantsuit is set up to take massive losses in Senate.
asciilifeform: iirc pence is a perfectly compliant r-flavoured pantsuit
BingoBoingo: Timeline for Kennedying likely ends January 2021 when it would lead to 4 years of Pence, which is likely worst possible outcome for pantsuit
BingoBoingo: January 2019 Trump will likely be Nixon proof. Pantsuit will have to resort to Kennedy solutions. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The state legislatures that make those rules mostly lean GOP over pantsuit, and rulemaking is a concern after 2020 census.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i expect that the number of rules by which 'pantsuit' crowd continues to play, such that they can lose, will grow smaller.
BingoBoingo: GOP has few Senate seats to defend in 2018, Pantsuit has many
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Because the fork in the GOP will likely be resolved in the primary season, and Pantsuit is set up to take massive losses in Senate. ☟︎
phf: with helpful pantsuit commentary in between the episodes
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/07/entertainment-today-pantsuit-legislators-propose-attacking-idea-of-presidency/ << Qntra - Entertainment Today: Pantsuit Legislators Propose Attacking Idea Of Presidency
mircea_popescu: and it also degrades, pantsuit hilarity got no ows of her own.
mircea_popescu: "praise pantsuit trans-jeebus, justice was served!"
ben_vulpes: pantsuit parties: http://www.theamericanmirror.com/emails-cheryl-mills-hillary-aides-thought-pantsuit-party-woo-young-voters/
mircea_popescu: but if you look at it, whole movement is built on this thing. "hypocrisy" is how you say "we think we decide what other people say in public or in private" in pantsuit.
asciilifeform: pantsuit.org
mircea_popescu: it's the whole through which "the world doth not belong to you" goes into pantsuit skull.
mircea_popescu: pantsuit means "incomprehensible evil" and no more.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, 'thief cries thief', https://archive.is/vgrDP << organized pantsuit ouster of linus t. slowly crystallizing...
js-of-mp: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673510 << you know how pantsuit party had a lot of support in the polls and then didn't ? german politicians are ENTIRELY illegitimate, the dork in thailand or the one in korea at least are familiar to the populace. german politruks are irrelevant to anyone and to anything. ☝︎
js-of-mp: which is why fake news is the name for the pantsuit party mouthpieces, and so on.
trinque: I knew that pantsuit grandmother had something to do with it.
mircea_popescu: kinda why buying the ourdemocracy pantsuit lolboat is such a ridiculous deal. the only thing you know for sure about it is that, "wait a few years, they won't like it anymore".
mircea_popescu: anyway, but back upstack : it'd be perhaps fair to say that it wasn't porn ~per se~ that changed the world from pantsuit to breathable. it was the fortunate situation that just as the chick in every young household had been exposed to other girls outperforming her, the dude could then afford a cam and so he could go "ok, get to work bitch".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what irritates the fucktard is that somehow, agaionst all pantsuit effort and promise, somehow in this world there still are men!
mircea_popescu: of course, it depends how you count these things. international pantsuit party lost a buncha "invisible" planes to ru trained specialists working ru gear in eg serbia.
phf: but re wf, fwiw it's the least expensive of the pantsuit stores. there are much worse examples from both price and "ubuntu foundation" perspective. for example i have Mom's and Yes organic both within walking distance. i used to live next to dawson's in rockville. all of them are more wf than wf.
asciilifeform: trinque: 'pantsuit corps' like to funnel whatever profit there is into compensations for bluebloods, rather than dividends, also
BingoBoingo: The amazon capturing whole foods is most aggressive pantsuit move of the year so far
asciilifeform: betcha pantsuit-congress can't wait to put various things to vote, what with the +1 ( 2? 3? ) advantage.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: No seriously. NYT and LAT had girlie pantsuit columnist write that Comey is exactly what they imagine being sexually harassed by the boss is like
mircea_popescu: no wonder pantsuit party has no substantial disagreement with china becoming dominating power. they watch that inept chinese writing method and get wet. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ourdemocracy gotta get everyone wearing the new pantsuit!
BingoBoingo: Well, outcome kinda sucks for Russia. Must be BND pantsuit Appelbottum hackerz!
mircea_popescu: maybe dumb cunt hangs self in prison, optimal outcome as far as the pantsuit are concerned.
mircea_popescu: sounds moar like pantsuit whore party sponsorship.
mircea_popescu: anyway. in the current winds, going pantsuit is a slightly worse career choice than starting a sideline in petty theft.
asciilifeform: swarms of 'pantsuit', and they want for nothing
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/06/us-branch-of-pantsuit-party-shunning-hillary-rodham-clinton-amid-blame-trading/ << Qntra - US Branch Of Pantsuit Party Shunning Hillary Rodham-Clinton Amid Blame Trading
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/06/trump-deals-blow-to-international-pantsuit-party-with-withdrawal-from-paris-accord/ << Qntra - Trump Deals Blow To International Pantsuit Party With Withdrawal From Paris Accord
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/merkel-gets-cocky-after-pantsuit-partys-macron-win-in-france/ << Qntra - Merkel Gets Cocky After Pantsuit Party's Macron Win In France
mircea_popescu: i trust the pantsuit clown party is well butthurt over the serious threat to ourdemocracy presented by inept child behaviour meeting some sort of correction in practice.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-24#1660973 << it's not really crashing! fiat is solid, only other things can crash! vote pantsuit 2440! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: lemme guess, pantsuit clown hitmen ? (in subsidiary, how can something be "discredited" "Conspiracy theories" before i even got to hear about it ? there's no minimum interval for discreditation ?)
mircea_popescu: but recently been getting major $$$ from all the pantsuit supports desperately trying to avoid outright dekulakization.
mircea_popescu: hey, the russki's are trying to be civilised. absent any signal from you as to what civilisation entails, they end up following the pantsuit ustards.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/pantsuit-macaroon-takes-french-presidency-amid-widespread-ballot-destruction-allegations/ << Qntra - Pantsuit Macaroon Takes French Presidency Amid Widespread Ballot Destruction Allegations
BingoBoingo: And the presumptive leader of Pantsuit to challenge Trump in 2020 is likely to be Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren
BingoBoingo: Not really. Not between the pantsuit judges and the realization that Congress is a bunch of welfare queens.
mircea_popescu: pantsuit party is a very volatile hodge podge of single issue fascists ("gender rights", "Ecologists", radical black activists, some latino weirdos etc) and multi-issue socialists that used to masquerade as "market oriented liberal capitalists" (the dudes who keep pushing the "science" narrative etc) and are now about as confused wrt their identity as dude trying to wear a suit on wall street by day and suck cock on knees in
BingoBoingo: It's hard to say. Depends on what pantsuit party does.
mircea_popescu: o no, don't tell me... the fiat empire consists principally of dead souls ?! which have bank accounts and facebook accounts and read the new yorker and vote pantsuit ?!
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> who the fuck ? "police" pantsuit clown ? << Punched antifa cunt
mircea_popescu: who the fuck ? "police" pantsuit clown ?
mircea_popescu: certainly much more valid survey than what the pantsuit tribe customarily passes for "research"
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> sorry i can't hear you over the sound of hillary clinton's pantsuit. << lel
asciilifeform: 'moderate rebels', ukrs, pantsuit wearers, grantolade eaters, worldwide -- rejoice
asciilifeform: sop narrative, the pantsuit folx are automagically 'putler did it'
mircea_popescu: sorry i can't hear you over the sound of hillary clinton's pantsuit.
mircea_popescu: it is no better in any sense that matters than pantsuit mcclinton clown.
mircea_popescu: anyway, re "online trolling", it's by now a rather transparent euphemism for "racist homophobic terrorism" aka "russia influencing elections" aka pantsuit clown getting raped by reality.
mircea_popescu: i thought the pantsuit clown was "progressive" not "conservative".
mircea_popescu: phf you're exactly right. this current maga-able us economy consisting of "we'll be rich by doing each other's laundry" is not in any sense novel, or invented by the pantsuit mcclinton. in fact, on a frank review of the extant record, the only properly said us-american culture is THIS. in between the quack salesman and the itinerant scammer you find the neoprotestant-innovative firebrand preacher, the systematizing industrial
asciilifeform: in other oddities, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-26#1607665 apparently picked up by the 'pantsuit' folk, https://archive.is/WnaUg >> '...and the nation sometimes needs them to check the president. James Schlesinger’s loyal act of disloyalty...' ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-11-08 17:38 mircea_popescu: back to the lulzpocalypse, there's exactly 0 reporting on early voting / outside-the-booth polls / etc from the pantsuit media.
mircea_popescu: back to the lulzpocalypse, there's exactly 0 reporting on early voting / outside-the-booth polls / etc from the pantsuit media. ☟︎