600+ entries in 0.116s
mp_en_viaje: maybe they could add the fat black woman at airport to dole out cabs to a queue ? god knows new york's prime for that.
asciilifeform: 'Вижу я как Эдвард с Бобом / Вдруг пошли встречаться с богом / Вижу ноль семнадцать на борту.' ( 'then i see, that Ed and Bob, went off to meet up with God, on the clock i see 0-17.' )
trinque: if this is becoming a reality, I am present for the transition to in-wot crypto, by god.
mp_en_viaje: in other sad lulz : protonmail.com too pantsuit to... show you the god damned headers.
mp_en_viaje: thanks god hilary clinton gave these morons their moron rights, wtf would the pre-existing world have done without their useless cuntheads.
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile, light fucking hurts, thanks god for blockout curtains.
mp_en_viaje: "You're thinking, "I don't want to hear about how everything is interpretable through the artificial paradigm of narrative structure--" as if it was me and not your god who made it this way, as if I was better able to invent a convenient fiction that happened to apply to you rather than describe a process that's been used for millennia. You think you're the first? You think no one but you has lived your life? Do you think you are so unique? Do you t
mp_en_viaje: basically, the situation among the youth would be, ten milion walflowers waiting patiently around imaginary walls, and 0 dancing getting done on the dance floor (let alone fucking holy god omg).
mp_en_viaje: this "ima auction when i need, what i need, and god help me" approach clearly requires a much larger downstream market than you have available.
mp_en_viaje: they still make the god's given 3-400/month here, place is beautiful.
asciilifeform: tourist in any shithole country is 'king and god', i have nfi how their own ministry of tourism avoids nailing this idiot
mp_en_viaje: in what's becoming a god damned tradition, i can't fucking find it.
mp_en_viaje: god knows nobody notices ~anything even now ; and who the fuck noticed jack shit in 1980 ; or for that matter...
mircea_popescu: the idea was that all the idle fuckwits making up some portion of the 10 billion bipedal cows befouling god's green earth for no purpose and to no benefit will drop their idiotic ways and present themselves for service.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1921072 << you know ? that chick was manticoring back before ~most everyone ever bitcoined, and exactly zero rubbed off. instead we're having "how dumb is hanbot!!!" festivals, because god forbid learn something from the one woman that knows shit none of us do. how about instead be so impressed with this one weird trick! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: god fucking forbid you look at the damned things in the face, you might die or something.
mircea_popescu: god damn this pos.
mp_en_viaje: let's walk together into the oncology ward and sit ourselves down for a god damned minute and think.
mp_en_viaje: it's kinda comedic to watch, tbh. "here's a people god's chasing all over the map to put things in their pockets while they drool"
trinque: and perhaps the "hurr god doesn't real, now I can masturbate in peace" thing isn't the best place to park the head.
BingoBoingo: <mp_en_viaje> in other news, god i fucking love poland << Land of tits and ass?
mp_en_viaje: in other news, god i fucking love poland
mp_en_viaje: god help them if there's a fire, they'll die like indians.
mp_en_viaje: nobody has a castle worth the mention, the last item in http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/ is still the 12th MARCH freenode issue, in one word at the rate we're presently going at the rate we are currently going the next april lordship update comes bundled with a tmsr shutdown notice, because god help me if ima preside over another pompous donothing club.
mircea_popescu: can't fucking find anything on this blog of mine, by now it's taking longer to amass the references than it takes to write a god damned article.
a111: Logged on 2019-06-19 16:02 mircea_popescu: exactly as per http://trilema.com/2013/what-is-art/ ; "why is this science ? cuz hilary says so. and who the fuck is hilary ? she's the one scientists claim god has anoin^H^H^H^H like very much and agree with"
mircea_popescu: kinda like cockroaches, very resilient. would probably feed on urban garbage / each other's aborted foetuses in any case. god knows they already eat soylent & assorted dogfood machine-delivered.
mircea_popescu: exactly as per http://trilema.com/2013/what-is-art/ ; "why is this science ? cuz hilary says so. and who the fuck is hilary ? she's the one scientists claim god has anoin^H^H^H^H like very much and agree with" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (here god stands for lobbes an'... spyked doing it too iirc ?)
mircea_popescu: thanks god for our archival service
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-05#1917318 << on contemplation : i can see the "don't be taking your own vows to the monastery [because god never heard of you]" in your quote ; but in honesty i was looking more for a "god is very obviouly on the side of the monastey (and if this isn't at all obvious to you that'd be a cause of concern) [so don't be taking any vows to the monaster ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: where god help you if you have a garden etc
asciilifeform: is why god made warez aha
mp_en_viaje has been working on this god damned article ALL FUCKING DAY
BingoBoingo: I assume the chickens are for some sorta fly god.
mp_en_viaje: the irony of it all being that i ask people for the time ALL THE GOD DAMNED TIME
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i would have said 'god's gift to piz' -- but seems like 100% of the afflicted idjits haven't half the brain of a fucking toad
mp_en_viaje: it's god damned fucking relevant, whether machines can think, specificaly because thinking's an open ended process. movement is not fucking open ended, which is why it admits exterior criteria in the first place,
mp_en_viaje: very http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-02#1891911 flavour to it, as far as i can see. "oh my god, scandalous!!!". wtf, lame club grinding ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: also "was god".
mp_en_viaje: "According to Gates, the practice derived from the Trickster archetype found in much African mythology, folklore, and religion: a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and societal norms."
mircea_popescu: one can not want such a thing as "red wine in a unicorn shaped glass". that's not properly speaking a want, that's just pretense. dood properly speaking wants to be seen by me (god, whatever, same difference), AS HE SEES HIMSELF.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 15:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-30 08:06 mp_en_viaje: fact, ~even for well written, well designed code~ the promise you won't be stuck reccompiling the whole god damned thing every time you change a line is but a promise.
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-27#1910118 << but hey, at least was independent cocksucker, didn't come about to suck our pricks like god ordained ; instead lived independently!!! as smart tarabostes!!! ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: o god damn it.
mp_en_viaje: fact, ~even for well written, well designed code~ the promise you won't be stuck reccompiling the whole god damned thing every time you change a line is but a promise. ☟︎
mp_en_viaje: this "gcc is how you call the universal compiler" is cut of the same cloth as "the united states is the name good people give to truth, beauty, and everything good" -- of no import or interest, past pure comedic "lmao check those country bumpkins out, they really believe god was born in mobile"
mp_en_viaje: god doesn't make more bandwidth just because more sheilas got knocked up this year.
mp_en_viaje: if you had a dozen bois working with you, as calfe, as god fucking intended it...
mp_en_viaje: oh holy god, i have found the deli fucking mecca.
mp_en_viaje: i have nfi how this works, i NEVER saw a car here with wooden bench inside and fuck you. they understand what chairs are, every bank, every god damned nothing-in-particular shop has proper chairs in there. they have furniture shops selling actual chairs.
mp_en_viaje: ie, the circular connector to frankfurt is frankfurtring, and so this being also a ring but not really connecting to a town... they gave it god's name as it were.
mp_en_viaje is enjoying all the little things he knew he missed. such as you know, the god damned water.
mircea_popescu: this, quite exactly ~this~ is the substance of hitler's lament, " It is similar in the world. It just does not work, to have 46 million British people block 40 million km² of earth and simply declare: God gave it to us, and 20 years ago we got some from you too; this is ours now, and will not give it back. And France, And France with its not very fertile earth, almost 80 people on a square kilometer, yet they have over 9
mircea_popescu: i actually had to fall back on my own secret service background to extract through THAT AVENUE the information that she needed in such a packaging and under such wot signaturs as i could trust, because god fucking help me if she was gonna send shit to random endpoints "culled from the www"
mircea_popescu: god knows it informs a lot of the strategic and systems design work at the core of the republic.
mircea_popescu: the cheap one wasn't expensive at all, and yes worth every god damned penny.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-06 15:09 mircea_popescu: which is how every god damned kid that was sexually abused through the process of socialist schooling (which is all of them -- education is education, and socialist school is definitionally sexual abuse of all children involved) ends up with the idea that newton sat down TO discover whatever he did (unimportant, really) and THEREFORE he did.
mircea_popescu: nope ;/ still not the one i had in mind god damn it all to hell, im turning senile over here.
mircea_popescu: "'Zounds, sir, you are one of those that will not serve God, if the devil bid you. Because we come to do you service and you think we are ruffians, you'll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you'll have your nephews neigh to you; you'll have coursers for cousins and gennets for germans." an' all that.
hanbot: basically it looks like the one file got mangled (possibly via bad upload/download). can anyone else confirm whether either a) they can actually press the god damned thing or b) they have/have not the mangled file ?
BingoBoingo: Walking around like a god damned prey animal
mircea_popescu: diana_coman sure, why not. for the same money could just blame god tho.
asciilifeform: what with god as puppeteer etc
mircea_popescu: i don't imagine the concept of "god" is per se harmful. greeks also had, and various others.
asciilifeform: i.e. take in some god swill with erry spoonful of latin, greek
a111: Logged on 2017-07-06 15:09 mircea_popescu: which is how every god damned kid that was sexually abused through the process of socialist schooling (which is all of them -- education is education, and socialist school is definitionally sexual abuse of all children involved) ends up with the idea that newton sat down TO discover whatever he did (unimportant, really) and THEREFORE he did.
mircea_popescu: much like the much earlier version libertard's notion of "god" or the classical libertard's notion of "freedom"
mircea_popescu: they have SUCH a fucking ridiculous, fucking obvious, structurally-stable passive-aggressive approach to things, jesus god. one can literally identify, tag and mark the invidious bernie sandals socialist by this his most peculiar approach to conflict and social hierarchy.
mircea_popescu: there's really a lengthy list of these, "o noes, someone's fundamentally not as fucked in the head as us ?! O GOD SAVE US FROM SUCH HORRORS!!!"
mircea_popescu: the mister god point is pretty fucking lulzy, not to mention accurate.
mircea_popescu: (for completeness, approx - "men are of flesh, women, of steel. it shoul've been the other way around, but god's hunchback and not above mistakes ; women say they're flesh, men claim to be steel -- which is why it's dark at night and life a hotel"
mircea_popescu: it's a convenient fiction trope, this, that a merciful god on the moment of closing accounts points out the hole.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1895965 << hey, i'm not like claiming i invented odoacer over here, god forbid. all successful, growing republics of history got the same perks, cuz how and why wouldn't they. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the issue of having every god damn peripheral aware of time is another fucking bojum
mircea_popescu: where the fuck is it god damned it, dood proved succintly he well understands the permission model sanity required by the whole stack and the idiotic breakage later morons introduced and now i can't fucking find it.
mircea_popescu: god knows it'd have come in handy, at the least during http://logs.minigame.biz/2019-01-17.log.html#t11:10:22 sadness.
BingoBoingo: My cohort broke to humanities out of relativism, God still sorting out the casualties
mircea_popescu: or in general. i want 2gb films like i want the clap. if god didn't mean films to be 700mb he wouldn't have made cd's that big.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 15:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it.
mircea_popescu: nor of any god-made promise going "a www server you'd care to use can be made in less than x lines of y".
mircea_popescu: dnc also works for as long as it doesn'thave to, and god knows the us army is built on that doctrine.
mircea_popescu: &#039; as god intended it. wtf happened there.
mircea_popescu: pro tip : whenever the inferior whine about maltreatment, it's a sure sign as if god spoke himself that you're sparing the rod excessively, and spoiling the children in consequence.
mircea_popescu: definitely, cutting down loc is god's own work.
mircea_popescu: god knows goats eat shirts. maybe llamas eat sheet metal
BingoBoingo: It was a god damned Pichi asking for una moneda para comer algo.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 15:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it.
mircea_popescu: aw shit, and it ate my links! god damn it...
BingoBoingo: Update on the Christmas tradition known as "Hay ladrones por Navidad. Ladrones de los barrios pichis van a Pocitos a robar": God damn this place is rural. Two off road style 4-wheelers seen being ridden by kids in the streets and Police tucked away everywhere drinking Mate and dicking around on their cell phones.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-20 15:46 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on meditation, that piece makes it plainly evident redditardation is ~generational~, not ideological. there sit the russki kids, who'd be in a fine position to understand the problem. god knows they have much better access to much better priors that readily illuminate it. ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: it makes exactly zero difference what peculiar form of "fatherinlaw/god/whatever" the x takes.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 18:42 danielpbarron: the reason I do it is because those scriptures say to do it. All things are caused by God, even Him causing me and other saints to preach, and Him causing lost people to turn away from destruction
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 12:05 phf: with an unwavering "because god said so right here" position.
danielpbarron: the reason I do it is because those scriptures say to do it. All things are caused by God, even Him causing me and other saints to preach, and Him causing lost people to turn away from destruction ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and it so happens that god wank scores right there with "commercial communication" aka spam (another trope of fiction) on the scale of republican appreciation of fiction.
mircea_popescu: god is ~just another trope~. like "the voyage", like "the teenage witch", like "vampires" or "magic horses" or "the island of buyan", god is just another trope. tropes are common places of fiction. fiction is a product of imagination. imagination is mildly-restrained psychogenic noise, which is a class of noise, like wetware thought or like fg output. which are phenomena, which is one half of the world (the other half being o
phf: with an unwavering "because god said so right here" position. ☟︎