1000+ entries in 0.756s
thomas_d: dick is my middle name
mircea_popescu: your name seriously is dick ?
thomas_d: I should introduce myself anyway my name is thomas dick I'm a noob
mircea_popescu: “When you go to Tokyo….if you’re a white male, you can do what you want. Just grab her, pull her in. She’ll giggle. Just say PIKACHU or POKEMON or something to take the pressure off. I’m romping through the streets (of Tokyo) just grabbing girls and it’s like (motions) head on dick (pfft) head on dick, yelling ‘PIKACHU’ with a Pikachu shirt on….Every foreigner who is white does this. When you see that
jurov exposes his dick to mircea_popescu to spit on
nubbins`: fun with Dick and Vous
nubbins`: fun /with/ dick and jane
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: it'll make an o'reilly cover look like Dick & Jane :D
nubbins`: it'll make an o'reilly cover look like Dick & Jane
mircea_popescu: nubbins` "dick"
nubbins`: if you were a woman alone with a guy who just slammed you against a wall by your throat and punched you in the head, you'd probably suck his dick to get outta there too
mats_cd03: 'i sucked a dick ... to get outta there ... i didn't like it' -victims
kakobrekla: also dick millimeters
ben_vulpes: i am having the praises of my dick sung to me
thickasthieves: you can have a strap-on of ur own dick to do both holes
undata: asciilifeform: man don't put that on your dick...
nubbins`: i had dick surgery last night
BingoBoingo: dick pics
BingoBoingo: And bdb continues to suck dick, but less enthusiastically than alternatives?
nubbins`: it's almost like the guy doesn't wanna dick around configuring a server :D
mircea_popescu: see, they need to, because pencil dick.
nubbins`: i hope they find him and cut his dick off with a cheese grater
kakobrekla: so only pussy makes one broader, not the dick?
BingoBoingo: Forum Trust means dick
BingoBoingo: Getting a DOS out the ass because Mullenwang of Wordpress can't stop sucking that dick
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Maybe, but atm they are just making my dick harder
BingoBoingo: At least Dreamhost admits fault when their shitbox plan sucks dick
BingoBoingo: devthedev: He's the benevolent dick of WordPress
thickasthieves: who cant love a site that tells self-important commenters to eat a dick?
BingoBoingo: <kakobrekla> eh my name has tits in english << But it means dick
assbot: Road Trip - Andy Dick Hotel Scene Roadtrip - YouTube
nubbins`: so to run a full node, you'd be expected to dick around with software a little bit and have a first-world internet connection
nubbins`: you know how much dick surgery made selling t-shirts?
nubbins`: you know how much money dick surgery made selling albums?
nubbins`: overheard one day: "man, anybody ever call you dick ball?"
nubbins`: there's a spin instructor at the gym named dick barter
nubbins`: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/46_Dick_Cheney_3x4.jpg/640px-46_Dick_Cheney_3x4.jpg
nubbins`: meantime, you ever look at portrait photographs of dick cheney?
mats_cd03: and now they're mad the mainlanders are rich as fuck and hong kongers have to suck dick to live
mircea_popescu: fuck you, don't dick around with lines you don't udnerstand.
BingoBoingo also used hypercard astonishingly to keep my dick wet, organizing girls into nights of the week.
BingoBoingo: assbot> Tax bureau gets Swiss bank accounts data - BuenosAiresHerald.com << Much bigger news for BTC than PayPal trying to get its dick wet
BingoBoingo: Some of my dick's beat memories involve particular lesbians.
xmj: you can have a virtual dick. or be a physical mangina.
TheNewDeal: easy phillip k dick
nubbins`: what moron is going to risk his dick losing a kilo on some website?
ThickAsThieves: she's so... dick tracy looking
assbot: Dick Durbin: Amnesty Bill Will Help Contain Ebola
chetty: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/09/16/Dick-Durbin-Amnesty-Bill-Will-Help-Contain-Ebola
nubbins`: what's his dick got to do with it?
mircea_popescu: lol but i dun get it, what's the dick going to do to me ? not like i'm a woman.
kakobrekla: mp shows him his dick and nigga faints?
nubbins`: sure, but if you miss the dick on your first strike, you're goin down
BingoBoingo: What if my dick curves ever so slightly to the left? It's conductive... antenna?
mircea_popescu: "Gentlemen, being a man is great. You get to use your muscles to pick up heavy things, you get to use your dick to fuck things, and you get to use your brain to think and create things. It’s no wonder feminist’s hate men – they desperately want what we have but they can never have it. But how the heck have they convinced MEN that being a man is bad or evil?" << ah come on, women can't lift things ? wtf.
punkman: mircea_popescu: you ever seen my huge copper round ? << I thought you'd pull out a dick pic right there
BingoBoingo: If you pretend systemd lives on an arch that can count aleph sub one possibilities Imma take my dick out and correct in in the traditional chinese sense
asciilifeform: re: story with airplanes: i once saw something quite like this in life. was in wash., d.c., and an entire sixteen or so blocks were barricaded off, no one knew why. some days later, newspapers triumphantly described dick cheney's dinner at a certain restaurant in middle of said place.
cazalla: who gives a fuck if she plays violin if she can't suck dick
assbot: Eastern Illinois-Minnesota Featured A Three-Yard Punt And Dick Punch
mircea_popescu: this is why you don't want every dick and jane "participating". they fucking corrupt anything they participate in.
BingoBoingo is currently medicated with copious ETOH several times a week. It isn't no lamotrigine (which was beautiful in its effectiveness without cognitive effects, and I'm pretty sure my dick was bigger while I was on it)
ben_vulpes: <nubbins`> there's a dick surgery song about this very thing << where's the dick surgery album?
nubbins`: there's a dick surgery song about this very thing
Niko__: thats one dextrous dick
BingoBoingo: Inquiry is never wrong until your dick explores to find out if that scab was safe or not
BingoBoingo: Now I'm just going to up you to be a dick, at times you least expect it
assbot: Silicon Valley Dick Scene - YouTube
mod6: not the predicted 93% of the broken bitcoin-asset bot. << dick. this number comes from atc.blockr.io
cazalla: that's prime for a dick photoshop with i love cocks on the postit note
nubbins`: maybe Dick's Hovel?
mjr_: i don't suck his dick
Vexual: yeah i wouldn't touch it with dub's dick
nubbins`: nor would he have put your asshole at dick-level
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/small-dick-issues.txt that was pretty lulzy
fluffypony: [23:44:19] OgNasty: I simply hopped on to respond to mircea's nonsense on here and then start getting attacked before I even log off... LOL... You monkey's are mistaking my dick for a tree.
Vexual: a furious fit in the shit pit from a mick dick, trying to make her slit chink
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: article: '...player asshole narcissist dick in a NSA relationship.' << wtf is nsa relationship?
BingoBoingo: xanthyos: Jick can jickle my dick
BingoBoingo: mike_c: In this case I'm more of the opionion every other rookie is just sucking so much dick this year.
ThickAsThieves: i only smoke pot with my dick
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes a dick with which to dick.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> ;;tell genericpersona that's not your call to make. now stop dicking around while you still have a dick to dick around with. // a dick with which to around?
mircea_popescu: ;;tell genericpersona that's not your call to make. now stop dicking around while you still have a dick to dick around with.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: why are you such a dick and just tell em you wont pay? << that's like -ev neh ?
kakobrekla: why are you such a dick and just tell em you wont pay?
benkay: <pete_dushenski> benkay: she just doesn't have moosedickpete's heteroboner for mircea_popescu << give her time. << last week was big black dicks in the ass, this week is moose dick, next week is she-dick.
RebeccaBitcoin: now he's learnt you're a dick
RetroUpriser: way to be a dick daniel
kakobrekla: let your dick go when on irc.
BingoBoingo: Benkay used some Icy Hot. It all went up it pot. The balm was too strong, for benkay's dong. With blisters his dick was shot.
cazalla: anyway, i speak of her because she emailed me earlier asking how i am, probably wants the dick
mircea_popescu: About Dead-Eye Dick and Mexican Pete, And a harlot named Eskimo Nell.
DreadKnight: or dick
benkay: most dick-havers aren't people to be fair
cazalla: mircea_popescu, these twistys links never work for me, prob not a big deal seeing it's been all nigger dick images past few days
BingoBoingo: Yeah a game without randomness leads to high level play being dominated by dickstabbers, people who instead of playing in an enjoyable way will pull out their dick knives and stab their dick for an 0.01% advantage.
Rassah: I'll go get my dick sucked instead. See ya!
benkay is amazed at the amount of dick going into that butt
danielpbarron got banned from #bitcoin again; gmaxwell is a dick.