1053 entries in 0.915s
Vexual: i was joking about what mike hunt bought dick nob
dub: just sale instructibles for digging dick sized hole in ground
Rassah: BingoBoingo: IF it's an uncut dick, that should work fine, but you'll have stiff competition from already existing holes, like couch cussons for instance
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: No, I'm just cutting the pipe and selling it. A dick fits, what is this thing where a dick needs to do more than fit in something to fuck it. I'm just taking a shortcut.
BingoBoingo: If fucking is just about sticking your dick in a hole that accomodates it, I'm just going to get some pipe from the hardware store, saw it into dick length pieces, and sell them pocket pussies. What could go wrong???
pankkake: sluts love the/your dick, at least
thestringpuller: i thought that said "dick collection"
BingoBoingo: ;;google site:trilema.com mircea's dick
jurov: weakest point of the porn performance was the dick
mircea_popescu: cunt(dick,balls,shithole);
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dock | Dock. to place the foreskin of your dick over someone else's penis head. Clay Aiken docked Lance Bass when he came out of the closet. by hitman912 ...
assbot: NSA Spook-Turned-Twitter-Pundit Goes Dark After Dick Pic Surfaces
BingoBoingo: http://gawker.com/nsa-spook-turned-twitter-pundit-goes-dark-after-dick-pi-1594848048
mircea_popescu: Mr. Brown: Lemme tell you what 'Like a Virgin' is about. It's all about this cooze who's a regular fuck machine, I'm talking morning, day, night, afternoon, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick. Then one day she meets this John Holmes motherfucker and it's like, whoa baby, I mean this cat is like Charles Bronson in the 'Great Escape', he's digging tunnels. Now, she's gettin' the serious dick action and
Vexual: eat a dick kako https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeIJmciN8mo
jurov: asciilifeform: what about S.NSA developing btc wallet that can be implanted into dick/cunt with NFC capability?
assbot: i asked how good she sucked dick and she sent me this pic http://t.co/S1GeAKyJGn
Diablo-D3: there are much safer alternatives than horse dick
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: That isn't healthy. Dick can have problems.
nubbins`: something about this drum throne makes my dick fall asleep after a few minutes
nubbins`: because of my countless dick secrets
mircea_popescu: i read that first as "dick secrets"
nubbins`: so pascale had this dream last night where she decided that she'd like to get a large dick sewn onto our female cat
assbot: An Artist's Journey: The Blog of Ron Jeremy's Dick
punkman: that was from "The Official Blog of Ron Jeremy's Classically Trained Dick as it navigates its way through the hairy world of Show Business". That's a good blog title.
mircea_popescu: <HeySteve> that guy is trying to patent certain types of smart contract, real dick move if you ask me << notrly. the thing is doomed anyway, adding lulz to it can';t possibly hurt anything
HeySteve: that guy is trying to patent certain types of smart contract, real dick move if you ask me
mircea_popescu: but he's such a dick"
mircea_popescu: "talking shit and generally being a huge dick, being a bitcoin baron, and saving openbsd from starvation
thestringpuller: dick surgery?
nubbins`: vexual, i missed the most recent dick surgery
assbot: Did New Clippers CEO Dick Parsons Really Play College Basketball?
BingoBoingo: http://deadspin.com/did-new-clippers-ceo-dick-parsons-really-play-college-b-1579773293/+sarah-hedgecock
jurov: ;;later tell nubbins` chan clamors for -assets tshirt i recommend the dick surgery motive
mircea_popescu: wtf is wrong with these people, if you're gonna put it on the web anyway, why dick around with emails.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony yeah. except mpoe is incorporated as a zero asset corp, and bitbet may be migrated, once i have some time to dick with that.
mircea_popescu: btw, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/small-dick-issues.txt for people who love ancient texts.
davout: jurov: s/money/my dick/
kakobrekla: jurov a part of my name sounds like tits and means dick
mircea_popescu: jurov tits fucks you with his dick
kakobrekla: im just fucking around while im dicking around cause i know you like to fuck with your dick
davout: show him my dick
davout: i tell him my dick is larger than his
Apocalyptic: oh most definitely but i was told never to put your dick in crazy no matter how good the lay is // they prolly wanted to keep them for themselves
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: i imagine they make great lays actually. << oh most definitely but i was told never to put your dick in crazy no matter how good the lay is
ThickAsThieves: dick
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: he accuses everyone of either being you or "sucking MP's dick"
mircea_popescu: ecided he wasn't going to tell anyone that this was an error, because he's a dick, and now all your snowflakes are urine and you can't even find the cat."
mircea_popescu: "You discover that one day, some idiot decided that since another idiot decided that 1/0 should equal infinity, they could just use that as a shorthand for "Infinity" when simplifying their code. Then a non-idiot rightly decided that this was idiotic, which is what the original idiot should have decided, but since he didn't, the non-idiot decided to be a dick and make this a failing error in his new compiler. Then he d
fluffypony: "I still haven't gotten dick all, other then a lower share price and a huge missed opportunity on GoCoin, from seedcoin1. Fuck this."
moiety: asking someone who is crying about their daddy issues to suck your dick isn't flirting tho
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pula | pula. the Romanian word for dick/cock. Imi bag pula-n mãta. Esti o pulã bleagã. Sugi pula la ... "Mooom, would you give me 5 pula i wanna buy a condom". "Look  ...
ThickAsThieves: just a man wanting to live in a world where his dick can bulge free?
dub: true and not much room for dick in dem pants
fluffypony: worst two years of my life, so much discord and backstabbing and dick-measuring among their management
kakobrekla: forehead dick doh
kakobrekla: rithm, yeah, although i fixed the parsing side, its not gonna work because it would break the simplicity of the design, so nick around if you wanna dick around
davout: mircea_popescu: right hand is for the dick, left for the smartphone
cgcardona_: who is Anduck ? they gave me a -10 on the wot. wot a dick
BingoBoingo: Well, hand (clean) explores vagina to determine if clean or not, Mouth (clean) explores dick to determine if clean or not
ozbot: Superbad Dick dick dicks Ending credits from YouTube by Offliberty - YouTube
ozbot: Superbad Dick dick dicks Ending credits from YouTube by Offliberty - YouTube
davout: i could use a dick shortener
BingoBoingo: Next coin: Floppy coin. Instead of a dog or a bird, it is just a bored dick.
mircea_popescu: check it out, dick had it :
ozbot: The Ultimate Warrior Was An Insane Dick
BingoBoingo: http://deadspin.com/the-ultimate-warrior-was-an-insane-dick-1561275496
benkay: hey nubbins` what did the CBC end up saying instead of dick surgery?
jurov: You will be much happier person if you just sit on your dick for a year before fucking.
jurov: seems truffles needs dick surgery
nubbins`: "using a 5lb sledge is the only true way to smash your dick"
cmyers: then god can suck my dick
nubbins`: like a snake eating its tail but instead of a snake it's a man and instead of a tail it's a dick
BingoBoingo: Well, there's programing, programming well, copypasta, and then just being a dick to a REPL prompt
nubbins`: you don't HAVE TO write your critics into subsequent novels as micro-dick diddlers either :D
kakobrekla: suck a dick without biting it off
mircea_popescu: can i tell all the chicks i used to listen to dick surgery back before they were all commercialised crap ?
nubbins`: i mean if the guard wasn't such a dick he'd have a glass of secure water on the other side of the xray
ThickAsThieves: also "mean" and "dick" are emotional observations
chetty: here the dick is the insightful
psterryl: yeah im new on here so still working out who is insightful and who's just a dick
BingoBoingo: CheckDavid: If you aren't prepared to fuck the cunt, you can't rightfully call it a penis, prick, dick, or any rightly adult term.
nubbins`: or a blender is the best way to lose your dick
adolf_fishler: whoa, too much dick
nubbins`: "man this sucks, all of our users are young wet hotties. we need some dick up in here"
Mats_cd03: the story of every swinging dick in the universe
mircea_popescu: "Yesterday as I walked to the gym, I saw that all the treadmills were occupied by fatties. so I chose the stairmaster/step machine for a try. to my surprise I saw that you could set your gender only with two options! male and female! I was outraged because although I was assigned a male because of my very big dick I identify with leopard slugs which are hermaphrodites with penises on the back of their heads! so like an
Shakespeare: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/217065/fox-news-affiliate-accidentally-broadcasts-dick-pic/
Duffer1: they'll dick around with your severance if you don't sign that
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: fuck this life, for one night you dont suck a dick and suddenly you are not a ho anymo' ? <<< bwahaha
benkay: bitcoinpte: that would be the dick joke i mentioned last night, yes.
ThickAsThieves: sucking dick makes the world go round
kakobrekla: fuck this life, for one night you dont suck a dick and suddenly you are not a hoe anymore.
chetty: Putin is set to respond to Obama's sanctions of Russian officials with his own list. Several U.S. Senators and officials will be banned from visiting Russia, including Sen. Dick Durbin.
steven-__: i wonder if the pants are just to hide the dick holes you know they have
Neil: Derek William Dick. What a guy.
Neil: Mr Derek Dick was one heck of a lyricist.
BingoBoingo: B007: It was a lie in the sense that the program admitted 3x more students than the market would bear and the students who got hired all sucked a meaner dick than I would
BingoBoingo: benkay: You understand. I want something ever so slightly more friendly for machine readers than human readers, and I only want rounded surfaced on my dick in sum bitch's mouth