57 entries in 0.65s

nocredit: but yes, i've learn the lesson. Only
bare metal at my home
a111: Logged on 2015-02-26 19:36 asciilifeform: none of the post-95 features are likely to be usable on a
metal build
verisimilitude: It's because I own this hardware that I intend for the first MMC targeting a ``real'' machine to target MIPS. I decided if I ever got one, I'd try to understand it well enough to run my own software directly on the
bare metal and in the boot firmware.
brazilish: btw, I did my research about the evil of a virtual machine setup, but I'm just doing it to test a running node before having
bare metal at my premises
a111: Logged on 2018-07-06 14:09 ave1: btw, at this point would
bare metal arm make more sense than x86? (at least some arm processors seem to be free of blobs and backdoor).
ave1: btw, at this point would
bare metal arm make more sense than x86? (at least some arm processors seem to be free of blobs and backdoor).
☟︎ mircea_popescu: in other such lulz, had a team of professionals (3 sorry looking kids) from super-duper local isp do a bunch of cable laying. leaving aside that the job included climbing a 3 story
bare metal outside ladder to get to the roof, which was a first for all of 'em, the place itself... well, the girls were dressed, exceptionally, but i only realised by and by that there's a lot of shit such as ball gags laying about, bullwhips hang
spyked: my initial thought on getting a Lisp machine run was using a RISC machine as microcode. and implement the whole thing
bare metal in software. it's a lot cheaper, albeit probably hard to verify
phf: mircea_popescu: tcc doesn't run on
bare metal though
phf: "<nyef> (Speaking as someone who wrote his own standalone Forth and then used it to load a stripped-down hacked SBCL core on
bare metal x86.)"
Framedragger: it's nice to be able to have a virtual box for cheapsies - can be migrated to
bare metal when the time comes.
mircea_popescu: you need the following : a) an item which inputs lisp text and outputs opcodes ; b) and sits down on x86
bare metal. clearly to produce a running isntance of this item you will need a running instance of this item. nevertheless : you do not need c, nor any "bootstrapping" outside of this.
mod6: <+mod6> as soon as there is a non-us wot-enabled btc provider... i might think about a
bare metal thing for this. << i may not wait for this... i dunno, will have to see.
mod6: as soon as there is a non-us wot-enabled btc provider... i might think about a
bare metal thing for this.
mircea_popescu: there's more substance to lending than the naive christian "asking a living out of
bare metal".
mats: mircea_popescu:
bare metal as in, a server intended for a single tenant, in contrast to 'cloud'
a111: Logged on 2016-07-03 02:46 mats: the plan is to run it on
bare metal, isn't it? doesn't that end up being pretty expensive?
mats: the plan is to run it on
bare metal, isn't it? doesn't that end up being pretty expensive?
☟︎ mod6: took a chance on that
bare metal img. nb!
phf: one thing that i see happening here is a subtrate problem, i.e. oh boost is crap gotta use std c++, oh c++ is crap gotta use lisp, oh lisp is hosted on unix, gotta host on
bare metal, oh
bare metal is crap gotta vhdl our own cpu, oh can't do our own cpu because 3 factories. i'm not sure where that leaves us exactly
phf: ascii_field: my undergrad "thesis" was putting a malloc on a one of those teaching os's, it was interesting in that "wrestling with
bare metal" sort of way, but then i learned how lispm does it, and realized that i was lied to
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2015 18:34:19; ascii_field: so a 'dos port' is more appropriately a '
bare metal' port, and doesn't need the dos for anything
ascii_field: so a 'dos port' is more appropriately a '
bare metal' port, and doesn't need the dos for anything
☟︎ ascii_field: i.e. one more thing i'd have to reimplement for msdos or
metal port.
williamdunne: jurov: I'd need to know the exact specs, but $20 for some
bare metal - sure
decimation: I'm not against putting things on
bare metal, just that blades lock you into a generally shitty 'blade-crate' vendor
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: as a result, it is actually much easier to - usably - plant ada on '
bare metal' (sans os) than nearly anything else
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> i can already picture 'teh phyootur' where the ada-on-
metal meta-foundation(tm) is laughing at us << Irony of USG sponsored Ada saving the world from C is delicious
mircea_popescu: maybe i don't iunderstand what you mean by "make own fs" and "
bare metal" in that order.
ben_vulpes: thestringpuller i did a pile of
bare metal automation for them once upon a time
jurov: well.. that's fate of any company without admin capable to build stuff on
bare metal benkay: is this a
bare metal thing, mike_c ?
benkay: are you running
bare metal?
benkay: "Yalo is a Lisp OS running on
bare metal x86-64 hardware. "