800+ entries in 0.147s
asciilifeform: mod6 tried his hand at 'tester of whether ffa really does constanttime modexp'; asciilifeform comments on 1 set of output. is all.
asciilifeform: well it's worth the diff b/w actual constanttime and... not
shinohai: "A gringo that it is constantly sober, his skin must be magic!"
mircea_popescu: anges, computers can do well whatever you decide and receive. You can begin you operating, give time to dash, following get going a further and it doesn't involve interfering with the entire process of the upfront just one particular. In the event you copy moving upward textual content, conclusion . pumping systems adequate particulars in the create appliance, and then is constantly on the get the job done. Laptop computer do
asciilifeform: rather than constantly
asciilifeform: phf: phunphakt : ppc is one of the two currently-produced archs ( the other being arm ) that doesn't have constant-time MUL .
asciilifeform: ffa for instance is result of 'why not see what constant-time costs'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu dislikes the 'we know the constants' endianism, flip if machine's is opposite' traditional pill ?
asciilifeform polishing off ch9. which will contain, among other things, The Seekrit Of all-iron guaranteed-constanttime mul , with only ~8% penalty over iron mul.
douchebag: Eh, perhaps. It's mainly just a hobby of mine, and I'm constantly learning from it and it pays the bills for now.
mircea_popescu: "here's the source ; check to see it is correct ; and here's how your builder will fuck it up for you by replacing constants"
diana_coman: I suppose the "patch" would be to check endianism at runtime and use the correct constants as it were; I ...still don't see why should I have endianism in there to start with
asciilifeform: diana_coman: all of this being said, if you can guarantee that the endianism of the input matches the endianism of the roundconstants -- you get correct answer. otherwise not.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: as your proggy is currently written, it is only sensitive to endianism mismatch between the inputs and the endianism of the machine on which your proggy was built ( i.e. in which the round constants are stored ). this is not curable at the program level .
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, diana_coman : if you don't byte-address, it does not matter whether you use constants, you are not endian-sensitive
diana_coman: asciilifeform, constants are stored as numbers on 64 bits at the moment
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the damned constants
diana_coman: next week's version of the sponge will be changed so that it works at bit level *everywhere*, idiotic constants included
diana_coman: the trouble with current version is that it's still messed up by endianness (the keccak constants are 64 bit *values* rather than bit streams)
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-12#1769909 << in the sense of, pantsuit impudence, gelasius' famuli vestrae pietatis is possibly a good node, though there was a whole pile of after-the-fact, pious falsification going on towards the end of the empire, including a wholy fabricated "gift of constantine" and in general a whole lotta http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-11#1769397 ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: (i.e. you don't need a universal shift register, can make 'constant' value using a just-in-time-cooked bitstream loaded in for that particular occasion)
mircea_popescu: i always imagined you have it in there because you got sick of constantly deleting dirs by hand
mircea_popescu: "# encrypttoct(): Encrypts a sequence of blocks of constant size of mb bits, on the one side applying the for RSA known method of transformation on the individual blocks, on the other side using certain commonly in symmetric block encryption employed methods, namely plaintext-and-ciphertext- block-chaining (with a pseudo-random IV). A sequence of blocks that stems from the plaintext of the user can thus be encrypted with RSA
pehbot: mircea_popescu: EGGOG: Pos: 71: Constant Exceeds Bitness!
asciilifeform: because the game board setup, if you will, also gotta be constant-time.
asciilifeform: recall how constants work to begin with
ben_vulpes: dude The20YearIRCloud the fuck even is the point of a bouncer that's constantly disconnecting
mircea_popescu: a0x^0 is the constant
mircea_popescu: and the non-constant part of the polynomial isn't bias.
asciilifeform: in other verymuch nonnews, asciilifeform for some reason only today realized that von neumann's fair coin algo is simply 'numerical differentiation' for discretes, and removes bias for the same reason differentiation removes constant
mircea_popescu: i can understand the fascination with "this orrery has been in clickety-clacking continuously since 1625", but let's point out that it relies on a) THIS orrery, as opposed to "constantly changing randomly pile of cogs" and b) it's a discrete mechanism, like the human heart. it takes a break every beat. essentially the problem has been hidden, by these, not resolved.
mircea_popescu: how about a convention whereby all new genesises must contain a manifest.genesis file, which file will be constantly patched on each patchj, no exceptions, by adding a line which reads : "This is patch #x and the codebase hash is blabla". ☟︎
asciilifeform: the constant and entirely unnecessary reset of history is imho urbit-like and a Bad Thing. e.g. polarbeard ain't coming back to regrind his patches, nor is punkman
phf: the awfully pedantic defconstant behavior (which sbcl specific, and which requires packages like alexandria to have asinine define-constant, which for all practical purposes is what defconstant is supposed to be)
mircea_popescu: but this finnicky nonsense aside, point two : these women, not just the dead one ; not just the suing one ; ALL of them, constantly and without fucking respite came in too high and too fast.
mircea_popescu: ciences that get constantly tested and have to prove their correspondence to the uncompromising objective reality every day, no wonder they fell so hard for the postmodernist mumbo-jumbo of Derrida, Latour and Lacan that sweetly whispered in their ears that Western science is only one narrative and "text" among many that are equally valid, and since it is an objective truth that no objective truths exist, science only tries t
mircea_popescu: but, it is very important to revisit and underline ye olde mazarin point ( ie http://trilema.com/2014/modern-medicine-and-the-benefits-of-democracy/ ) : there is constant technological progress, in the PROPER sense (ie, NOT for plebels, but for lords AND FOR LORDS ONLY) going from 700ad to 1700ad. THIS, and THIS ONLY is what gave "technological progress" its good name -- when the lord changed ye olde fireplace in the common k
asciilifeform: linked largely for the 'so you think constanttime is optional' lulz.
asciilifeform: ^ uses the 20y.o. nonconstanttimersa privkeyraper. which worx great still.
asciilifeform: btw here's a phunphakt for ben_vulpes : ffa cannot be used as-is on ppc. ibm in infinite whizzdom made their mul instruction nonconstanttime.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform ends up emitting things like 'constantspacetimeexponentiator' and he isn't even a german.
asciilifeform: somehow the 'i dug up an algo, by apparently sane author, and determined that it runs in constant time' -- not work ?
asciilifeform: i cannot attest to the strength ( afaik nobody can ) but can to the constanttimeitude, for instance.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-28 19:30 mircea_popescu: "don't vote for x, he not only would confiscate our constanta base BUT IS VERY CORRUPT" sorta bs.
mircea_popescu: (the geostrategic situation, for the very understandably disinterested, is that usg can not maintain pretense of mediteranean presence without ground missiles in constanta, because the ru navy actually works whereas the us clittorals do not.)
mircea_popescu: "don't vote for x, he not only would confiscate our constanta base BUT IS VERY CORRUPT" sorta bs. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: they're terrible at planning, if the constant strategic superiority saga wasn't suggesting it.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740244 << amusingly, the evident "constant upgrades philosophy stranded ycombinator" angle unvoiced. << Naturally ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-18#1740244 << amusingly, the evident "constant upgrades philosophy stranded ycombinator" angle unvoiced. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( or to another repeating constant value . )
diana_coman: PeterL and anyone else following along on keccak: 2 more problems found so far in the ada code namely 1. in the pi permutation it's the *output* coordinates that are calculated as Y, 2*X+3*Y based on input at X,Y and not the other way around; 2. at iota the corresponding round constant is xored into a(0,0) only, not into all the lanes of the state (following permutations will propagate the round constant)
mircea_popescu: the important point is to be able to make the world make fucking sense against the constant yelps of the idiots who want the world to be comfortable.
asciilifeform: it dun matter if it leaks, for a public constant neh
a111: Logged on 2017-11-13 19:36 asciilifeform: and rewrite the parser per se in scheme ( have it be present as commented bytecode constant )
asciilifeform: and rewrite the parser per se in scheme ( have it be present as commented bytecode constant ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: T.A.O. operators must constantly renew their arsenal to stay abreast of changing software and hardware, examining every Windows update and new iPhone for vulnerabilities. “The nature of the business is to move with the technology,” a former T.A.O. hacker said.
ben_vulpes: arstan had thicker rain than portland, but i heard that it was not the soul-killing constant grey fog.
asciilifeform: just change the value of the divider constant .
diana_coman: or Iasi or Constanta even
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there's plenty of islam in ro lol. for eg constanta is like 15% sunni.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, yes; I was trying to get that through but I'm possibly too tired for it: using screen results in constant stream of data
asciilifeform: ( constant-spacetime-able, and not in any particular way known to be weaker than the other voodoos, and you already ~have~, presumably, a keccak )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: all blockciphers are pseudoscientific. the only differences you can take to the bank, is that camellia was approved by nato bureaucrats, serpent was not; and the fact that serpent runs in constant time ( branch-free ).
asciilifeform: and in the .ads, BitnessLog2 : constant Positive := W_Log2(Word(Bitness));
asciilifeform: ^ constant spacetime bitness finder , similar to apeloyee's
asciilifeform: we're still doing constant times.
asciilifeform: same method as constant gcd.
asciilifeform: this is why ultimately entire primality test algo must be constant time, just like the other pieces.
asciilifeform: possibly constantly, depending on the rsa keying system
a111: Logged on 2017-10-07 00:38 asciilifeform: mod6: you will notice that the barrett in 'crc handbook' is more complicated : it shrinks the x and then compensates later. this relies on normalization , and constanttimeized incarnation of it would have to work as apeloyee described ( i'ma try it much later, once i see what can be had re speed strictly from having asymmetric karatsuba instead of the current mega-waste )
phf: well, it's conveniently two strategies: closed form solutions and constant iterators. if you don't have a closed form solution, you have to iterate, which you simply do at the upper bound constraint by a data type size. i don't see how theoretically it can be anything else
mircea_popescu: you're not having any of this new fangled "constant time ~= fixedtime ie, variable time running at worst case" ?
phf: mircea_popescu: well he either has a constant time algorithm in ffa, in which case if the goal is to compare speed specifically we should be comparing fixtime ffa and fixtime something else. otherwise he has a variable time algorithm running at worst case constant time, in which case the comparison is between base operation speed, which is still going to come out on top
asciilifeform: mod6: you will notice that the barrett in 'crc handbook' is more complicated : it shrinks the x and then compensates later. this relies on normalization , and constanttimeized incarnation of it would have to work as apeloyee described ( i'ma try it much later, once i see what can be had re speed strictly from having asymmetric karatsuba instead of the current mega-waste ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: that ain't constant time !!
asciilifeform: other thing is that i dun see how this is constant time
asciilifeform: apeloyee: if you can think of a subquadratic constanttime gcd, plz do write in
apeloyee: but here's an O(n^2 log n), for a large value of constant.
asciilifeform: currently i suspect that it is possible to constantize lehmer's logn gcd.
asciilifeform: ( and still not constant time )
asciilifeform: why do you think constanttime gotta be, apeloyee ?
asciilifeform: non-constanttime gcd is certainly not O(N^3)
asciilifeform: eagle eyes, apeloyee . i dun suppose you have a constant time gcd up your sleeve ?
asciilifeform: ( i actually did consider, 'special case for x = 1 ' but now you've broken the constanttimealwaysandforeverness )
a111: Logged on 2017-10-05 16:07 asciilifeform: note that this is a 4097-bit ( in actual ffa, 8192b ) constant.
asciilifeform: note that this is a 4097-bit ( in actual ffa, 8192b ) constant. ☟︎
asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform derived a simple constant-time variant of barrett. short enough to put in the l0gz:
a111: Logged on 2017-09-20 02:01 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform found that 1) knuthian division can be sped up by ANOTHER factor of 2, by walking the bits of the quotient instead of shifting'em 2) barrett reduction in constant time is almost certainly possible
mircea_popescu: this is the constant lulz, asking "what was he thinking". what the fuck, if he were thinking he'd be working at the post office ?
a111: Logged on 2017-09-30 18:26 asciilifeform: the continuing lulzy part is how everywhere on the net you will find 'constant time crypto libs are available', 'it's a solved problem', 'this reduction routine is constant time', and all of it is liquishit and doesn't stand up to 30 seconds of examination with naked eye
asciilifeform: the continuing lulzy part is how everywhere on the net you will find 'constant time crypto libs are available', 'it's a solved problem', 'this reduction routine is constant time', and all of it is liquishit and doesn't stand up to 30 seconds of examination with naked eye ☟︎
asciilifeform: author ~does~ have some strange cockroaches in his head: cites shamir's 'proof that factoring can be O(log N)' but omits to mention that it requires a machine that works in arbitrarily-sized integers in constant time...
BingoBoingo: <trinque> BingoBoingo: and hey, why don't you script a qntra deploy and blast it on a new VPS every other week? << A few reasons: 1. I r idiot, 2. Database updating constantly which means need box and not VPS rapehole, 3. This points to Republican ISP needed or no nice things
trinque: constant stream of new soldiers to go die.
asciilifeform: !~later tell apeloyee http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-20#1716422 << this is what i've been trying to figure out re barrett : can it be made to work for ARBITRARY inputs , in constant spacetime ☝︎
asciilifeform: even if you could newtoniate constantspacetimefully with it
asciilifeform: all of this - naturally - remains properly constantspacetime and unrollable.
asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform found that 1) knuthian division can be sped up by ANOTHER factor of 2, by walking the bits of the quotient instead of shifting'em 2) barrett reduction in constant time is almost certainly possible ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> well, racoons are a very successful sort of rat. as a result, they don't have any friends among the people they interact with on any kind of regular basis. kinda like pigeons, actually. << Aha, like their namesake. For people interacting with them occasionally "entertaining", in constant contact universally nuissance
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's algo (aka 'sliding window' , apparently ) takes ~4x the cost of the naive one when implemented constantspacetimefully (i.e. whole table gets walked through mux on every lookup)