700+ entries in 0.381s

douchebag: Linux version 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64 (builder
@kbuilder.dev.centos.org) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-9) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Thu Mar 31 16:04:38 UTC 2016
mod6: or, bump it down in the middle maybe: 5%
@ 10, 10%
@ 25, 15%
@ 40, 20% >= 50 (something like that)
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform It's a single tweet:
@hanno 'Saying "our protocol and API is fine, it's just that everyone uses it wrong" is not a particularly good defense #efail #gpg'
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> ^ pretty lulzy prehistory -- usg is burning the vuln in the most traditional way, complete with 'responsible disclosure'ism and a boeck-style 'researcher' ; nao spinning in every propaganda organ in unison as 'pgp broken!' << Apparently
@hanno has a take on this too that sums to the rest of the party line "who could be using this with hygeine?"
mod6: Who wants to rent the last Rockchip available rockchip
@ Pizarro? Let us know! First come, first serve.
@mircea_popescu have one on Keybase I use, but primarily use Signal, Telegram for co-located team members as the interface gradually became more 'Slack-like'
mod6 looks
@ lobbes' error
zx2c4: lets say you pull the commit log and you see that dkg
@debian.org committed it
zx2c4: re:null - its one thing to make claims about how systemic shifts happen. these are usually compelling arguments and interesting, and usually not conspiratorial but still relevant. but when you argue about a *particular* *conspiracy* -- "the debian bug was nsa sabotage" -- now there's a much harder argument to make, because you're talking about some individual
@debian.org guy being complicit in one way or another, and he's a human
mod6: The Foundation's node
@ Pizarro is fully sync'd I'm please to report.
mod6: mod6
@gentoo ~/alf_crystals/alf $ ./v.pl p . makefiles.monoblok.vpatch
mod6: mod6
@gentoo ~/alf_crystals $ which basename
mircea_popescu: "King Terry is, now, recruiting the Original Catholic brand Templar Knights. Send email to tdavis
deedbot: Invoiced adlai .03413779 << RK
@ P april 19 2018 - july 19 2018
ben_vulpes: !!invoice adlai .03413779 RK
@ P april 19 2018 - july 19 2018
deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.04344809 << 1 rockchip
@ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019
☟︎ ben_vulpes: !!invoice mircea_popescu 0.04344809 1 rockchip
@ pizarro, april 19 2018 -- april 19 2019
http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-4-18#338352 << i've never done it on a live system, but setting PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" and PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7", and rebuilding
@world, deep with newuse and then emerge -cav python_3 (or whatever the exact version atom is this week) makes for py3-free gentoo in my limited experience
ckang: well you would put 40 nics in 1 chassis, but quad port per NIC
@ 35$ a card
ckang: sashahsas was too but she is
@ work, told me she could sneak off and do it though
mircea_popescu: death("HEAD: $press[1] not found in flow\n") if !grep /^$press[1]$/,
@flow << this specifically. how can it fail if it lists the item in flow ?
hanbot: _getSeparators : function() { var re = '', i, str = this.editor.getParam('spellchecker_word_separator_chars', '\\s!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?
@[\]^_{|}§©«®±¶·»¿×÷\u201d\u201c'); << sample itam. they're buried in the code as ad-hoc magic chars.
shinohai: yup and it shall rejoin as soon as i get back
@ desk. my apologies for inconvenience
phf: btw unified diff also follows the same format. you can use
@@ ...
@@ to know exactly when your hunk ends (see the vpatch code)
a111: Logged on 2017-12-14 22:49 mircea_popescu: phf so basically this is cropping down nicely after all. proper vpatch (fixing mod6 's bane, the empty dir thing) + proper vdiff (hash-based preprocessing of rename/move + proper use of
@@ + keccak hashing).
la: !!register -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: User-ID: LALALA <LALALA
@fakemail.com> Comment: Created: 3/28/2018 10:44 PM Comment: Type: 2048-bit RSA (secret key available) Comment: Usage: Signing, Encryption, Certifying User-IDs Comment: Fingerprint: 741311C4CD2C31823CD5E41EE677AA7C19F99541 mQENBFq8YSkBCAC8PPWEbi10oYLKZ0x+3kvwZvlzzRyzXArdedKx5jRUgu/VACja Dq5+bGlT7zjISt1eOmAVuraQuGnwlfitigiiE92A4CNclFjw2J0SIM+BXpcFXFbF rev0f0
mircea_popescu: let's just make idle pointless strongly worded warnings to maintain the general state of pantsuit mindset!
hanbot: i do have the old mod6 vtron, i'll look
@ new, ty asciilifeform
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, NFC7AZcrane (~sezhzn
@node-gce.pool-101-51.dynamic.totbb.net) just spammed #eulora, but not tried to connect here. apparently teh voice model discourages irc spammers that much.
mircea_popescu: * renard_abroad (~mrfox
@r201-217-148-155.ir-static.anteldata.net.uy) << check him out. how's teh uruguashos bunnies, mr fox ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, getting back to the point of bill gates / whatever pantsuit commentators on the fringes of the republic and old man jamemary of jamemary114
@gmail.com / whatever nigger commentators ~ALSO!!!!~ very much exactly and entirely identically in each and every way also! on the fringes of the republic : there's really no difference.
mircea_popescu: !~later tell phf sorry about that ; but srsly either bvulpes link or simply From: Gregory Maxwell <greg
@xiph.org> would have sufficed.
@@ -1619,7 +1619,7
@@ Value walletpassphrase(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7
@@ void ThreadCleanWalletPassphrase(void* parg)
@@ -1548,7 +1548,7
@@ void ThreadTopUpKeyPool(void* parg)
phf: From: Gregory Maxwell <greg
shinohai: Pretty good here, enjoying the 72 degree weather
@ 10 am lol
mod6: asciilifeform: Started that perf test lastnight
@ about 12am. should take ~2.7 days to complete.
mod6: hmmmod6
@localhost ~/ada/alf/ffa/ch10/ffa/ffacalc $ command -v tr
mircea_popescu: and, of course, the boxes discussed if rented add another $50. or else can colocate own, but must be provided CIF
@ BingoBoingo
ben_vulpes: i emerged
@world three times and started working through hanon's piano exercises!
mod6: wow, the plateau is
@ 8660 ft above sea level too. didn't realize that.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-02#1779409 << this should prolly be standard preface of ada behaviour discussions ; ffa or non-ffa related. asciilifeform maybe you should add it as a comment you know ? at the top of the pile, "if anything's strange say
@me in #trilema, please preface the saying with and-here's-my-grep-v"
☝︎ mp_en_viaje is sitting pretty
@ the 5 star bogota summit hotel.
shinohai: "Fitness app lights up staff
@ mil bases" is best headline in feed today.
Techman: Are you sure you meant to direct that
@ me? I'm talking about the housecleaning that shinohai is doing
mod6: does your node use an SSD? mine doesn't and is
@ 506042, and the net is
@ 506402
shinohai snickers a bit
@ 'responsible disclosure'
mod6: death("HEAD: $press[1] not found in flow\n") if !grep /^$press[1]$/,
a111: Logged on 2018-01-07 11:29 mircea_popescu:
https://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3242173964750774@naggum.no.html << take this gem. "The idiot individualist with megalomania will think that others are his inferiors, that people who work in groups never get anything done while he can get a lot done alone." vs "I am far more conscious in general than other people." BITCH WHICH IS IT!!!1
mircea_popescu: aaactualy! how about this as a small job for you shinohai ? set up a bot, rss lines from here to twitter and
@, dms from twitter here.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-06 00:00 asciilifeform: i'ma summarize the v thing : if you have a proposed new v algo ; and it would turn my 1kB patches into 1MB, and my readable 3 lines into 100kLoc of ?#
@%% , and my trivial machine-diff-verifiable changes into 'why dontcha sit for 5 years doing eyeball-powered diff' -- it is NOT an improvement. and i won't touch it. sign it. sign anything made on it. etc
a111: Logged on 2018-01-06 00:00 asciilifeform: i'ma summarize the v thing : if you have a proposed new v algo ; and it would turn my 1kB patches into 1MB, and my readable 3 lines into 100kLoc of ?#
@%% , and my trivial machine-diff-verifiable changes into 'why dontcha sit for 5 years doing eyeball-powered diff' -- it is NOT an improvement. and i won't touch it. sign it. sign anything made on it. etc