93 entries in 0.531s
a111: 91 results for "rentalstarter", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rentalstarter
BingoBoingo: !#s rentalstarter
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> old assets lolz, "rentalstarter" froze asset trading and then sold a pile of shares at above market price to "mystery investor who wanted to pay more than market price" << AHA, Thetwentyyear or some shit like that
ben_vulpes: old assets lolz, "rentalstarter" froze asset trading and then sold a pile of shares at above market price to "mystery investor who wanted to pay more than market price"
ben_vulpes: omfg it's rentalstarter all over again
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 'rentalstarter' thing ?
nubbins`: ^ re: the20yearplan / rentalstarter
ascii_field: perhaps now can believe the 'rentalstarter' thing !
asciilifeform: l0l re: article. also remembering 'rentalstarter' etc. for what it's worth, i live on the other end of that stick, the rental market that virtually nobody caters to
asciilifeform always wondered if 'rentalstarter' walks perilously close to the electric fence described therein
The20YearIRCloud: Looks like we're in contract (RentalStarter) On property #12 now too.
The20YearIRCloud: RentalStarter has set their 12th monthly dividend payment today. Total per share is 0.00002537
asciilifeform thought 'rentalstarter' was a btc thing
nubbins`: <The20YearIRCloud> Looks like we (RentalStarter) are in contract for two more homes, putting our total to 12 properties / 17 units
The20YearIRCloud: Looks like we (RentalStarter) are in contract for two more homes, putting our total to 12 properties / 17 units
The20YearIRCloud: Not sure if any of you are into rentalstarter...
The20YearIRCloud: Oh a good note about RentalStarter, our banking partner has really stepped up in terms of lending to us
The20YearIRCloud: RentalStarter dividend announced - 0.00003100 per share
The20YearIRCloud: rentalstarter
The20YearIRCloud: Did I tell you guys that the bank approved the series of loans for RentalStarter?
The20YearIRCloud: I think we (Rentalstarter) will be having another webinar type thing September the 1st
The20YearIRCloud: The RentalStarter conference call is live in 15m at : https://plus.google.com/events/ck5l6dn5dhp2nvujfcrc64e66n0
The20YearIRCloud: RentalStarter conference call is going to be starting in a little over an hour
the20year: I was gonna invite everyone here to the rentalstarter Aug 1st conference call
the20year: On a good note, I had a very positive call today from a bank to wants to lend to rentalstarter
BingoBoingo: Speaking of Ohio... how is rentalstarter doing?
benkay: in the case of mpex, mpex is an an0 company. this isn't strictly true, in that the thing should theoretically show servers and datacenter rental costs (...). in the case of rentalstarter, well, why the fuck are they paying divs instead of reinvesting and growing NAV?
mrstickball: RentalStarter, BuyAHash and Adeally are out of Ohio
jurov: mrstickball: rentalstarter?
benkay: looks like the rentalstarter bagholders grow weary of getting fucked raw.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's msot of the us, but in different ways. Sometimes condos, sometime subdivisions (probably a part of what makes the rentalstarter thing possible-ish)
blurden: !t h rentalstarter
benkay: there are all the scam hosters over there that don't require identity or anything, allowing companies like CaVirtEx to walk off with customer funds and Rentalstarter to arbitrarily halt trading so they can sell their inflated stock at some imaginary value.
benkay: the bet would be does the wall get eaten or rentalstarter fall apart first
the20year3: I'm publishing the announcement shortly, but RentalStarter will be acquiring CryptoREI and thus add a North Carolina branch to our business.
LordPutin: why not ask in the #rentalstarter room
the20year2: I'd like to think i've been more transparent with rentalstarter than most other issuers have been with their respective listings. Of course, i'm still asking if this is a possibility at any rate
the20year2: I guess I'm trying to determine if there'd be use in whether there would be a use for a USD rentalstarter bond on mpex
the20year: Maybe we could use that type of theme for rentalstarter...
benkay: lookit that, almost 3x rentalstarter
the20year2: New rentalstarter update - We have preliminary acceptance by seller on the 3 unit property. 3 units at $67k
benkay: rentalstarter seems to be in sales rate decay mode
benkay: just about a third of the rentalstarter ipo.
the20year1: i'm the first rentalstarter on bitcoin in 2013
benkay: how much rentalstarter have you sold through your ipo, the20year?
benkay: BingoBoingo: updated http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/02/08_on-the-importance-of-contracts-the-rentalstarter-case.html
benkay`: what's the grand total of rentalstarter sold?
theo__: jurov: i meant in regards to havelock not Rentalstarter
jurov: so i hevn't not look closer into rentalstarter
the20year: Now, we do have the IRC channel at #rentalstarter which helps alot
Duffer1: with the exceptions of rentalstarter and maybe neobee ofc
the20year: RentalStarter/RENT is mine
theo__: As in Rentalstarter?
nubbins`: so, anyone buying rentalstarter tomorrow?
the20year1: RentalStarter will be live for purchase on havelock Friday
the20year: Feb 3rd for RentalStarter on HL
the20year1: Go around, taking women so I can build Ohio's bigges hiram, and then a bunch of slaves to work my rentalstarter fields of gold
the20year1: you could buy some rentalstarter :D
the20year: At any rate, RentalStarter collected an average of $81 in fiat per BTC during the IPO phase, bitcoin is now worth 10x more and our div yield in BTC will be 14.3% going forward which puts us right in the middle of the pack on Havelock. Only two stocks would have higher dividends, 5 would have lower dividend yields.
the20year: Don't know if any rentalstarter investors are in here but i'm sending payment in 30m
the20year2: RentalStarter
the20year: just working on this rentalstarter biz plan
the20year: Anyone want to take a look at this next revision of the RentalStarter biz plan?
the20year: Anyone want to take a look at the revised rentalstarter business plan/disclosure?
ozbot: [Direct] Rentalstarter-Bond - Paying WEEKLY interest
the20year1: Any other clairifcation needed on the rentalstarter bond?
the20year1: Big RentalStarter email sent out, if you're one of our investors, please read - https://docs.google.com/document/d/164t3NRO3KysAmFHCwj9GeEWDsYSkU8_wCKo9dL9WoUk/edit?usp=sharing
Duffer1: he doesn't know you're rentalstarter?
the20year: I'm just in the theoretical stages, the other option is just to issue more shares of rentalstarter like we've done
the20year: The BoD of RentalStarter
Duffer1: probably rentalstarter
Duffer1: rentalstarter coin? :D
the20year: mircea_popescu: if we released rentalstarter to mpex, how much funding do yo uthink we could raise?
peterL: mircea_popescue: would MPEx list something like RentalStarter, or is that too removed from bitcoin investing?
peterL: let me guess, you were investigating "rentalStarter"?
the20year2: Rentalstarter payments are finally going out
ozbot: [Direct] RentalStarter - A Midwest Real Estate Investment Company
mike_c: you run rentalstarter, right? you could probably list on havelock.
the20year2: RentalStarter service payment has been made
the20year: Total rentalstarter assets of $191,166
the20year: RentalStarter direct share conversion is complete, an email will go out shortly to all past/present investors
the20year1: Quick! Buy more rentalstarter stock and lock in your BTC value relative to USD for future gains!
nubbins`: rentalstarter
firedrops: holy crap I missed rentalstarter entirely.... is it actually a good investment? didn't bitfunder just shutter?
the20year1: rentalstarter
the20year: That's how I run RentalStarter, working with contractors
the20year1: If any of you all are in RentalStarter, it would be beneficial to join us at #rentalstarter to talk about an option for US investors, should we have any.
dexX7: http://i.imgur.com/y3NN6bg.png poor poor rentalstarter
the20year2: Don't get scammed, invest in rentalstarter
the20year1: Not sure if you follow BF stuff but we (rentalstarter) just released news/updates
ThickAsThieves: 100 RentalStarter shares (.0149)
ThickAsThieves: Branny is the guy that runs RentalStarter
KingCoin: what divs are to be expected on rentalstarter