150 entries in 0.516s
mp_en_viaje: mkay, so unless i gravely misunderstand something, there do indeed seem to be some items that may be worth something in http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-01#1949202 ; namely a coupla opteron boxes and a dozen fgs + coupla more without trims.
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-05 19:43:20 asciilifeform: (3) 1.9GHz x 24core (Opteron 6168) RAM Installed: 24G RAM Max: 256G
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-05 19:42:57 asciilifeform: (1) 2.3GHz x 32core (Opteron 6376) RAM Installed: 256G RAM Max: 256G
asciilifeform: apu1 equipped w/ 4GB ram and 2 cores of opteron.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i was commenting primarily re the 'opteron', to point that you do not in fact ~must~ ('scammed by evil craftsman') use the particular machine ! can use 9000 diff machines. simply bother to inspect for physical space 1st.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: yes, but I need to get precisely same hardware too, that opteron etc.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-10 14:34:11 mp_en_viaje: UY1: » 128 GB ECC RAM » 2x 16-core AMD Opteron 6376 (2.3 GHz) (32 Cores) » Reserved Space, Just for you on a 1.7 TB RAID 10 Array composed of Samsung Solid State Drives » Apache, MySQL, PHP 5.6 » Located in safe and politically stable Montevideo, Uruguay outside of NATO or other belligerent states
mp_en_viaje: UY1: » 128 GB ECC RAM » 2x 16-core AMD Opteron 6376 (2.3 GHz) (32 Cores) » Reserved Space, Just for you on a 1.7 TB RAID 10 Array composed of Samsung Solid State Drives » Apache, MySQL, PHP 5.6 » Located in safe and politically stable Montevideo, Uruguay outside of NATO or other belligerent states
diana_coman: asciilifeform: from bucharest with amd-love: amd opteron x2150 apu 4 cores 1.5GHz 8 GB ddr3, centos7
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:41:12 diana_coman: o.O there's at least one isp in bucharest actually offering an AMD Opteron dedicated ; take that asciilifeform !
asciilifeform: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-08#1942320 << if they're un-fritzchipped (i.e. pre-2014) opterons, and sans-ipmi, i'ma be impressed. but even any kinda opteron offer -- rare nowadays .
diana_coman: o.O there's at least one isp in bucharest actually offering an AMD Opteron dedicated ; take that asciilifeform !
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i can't speak for others, but anyffing i touch will be hosted on this same type of opteron, and with same raid, and w/ same FG .
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-24#1930840 << this is interesting enuff to merit own answer. on 3Ghz opteron, and with bvt's asm , could perhaps get even 28 kbaud ! of rsa..
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo unless you have a specific objection , i'ma go with 2x opteron (as already specced!) + 6x rk + 4x apu 1 . ( despite lack of adult gnat for rk , it continues to sell, really is the closest thing we have to an in-demand item )
asciilifeform: ( at least not on my opteron, on 2014+ theoretically could, but i dun buy those )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: well, on my opteron, they're 128bit regs (on moar recent -- 256 and even 512!) but only the lower 64 is directly addressable. and gives buncha 'simd' ops, e.g. 'shuffles' where 'take erry 7th bit and add'em' etc. but looked and looked an' found nothing that'd correspond to table lookup
a111: Logged on 2019-07-24 01:44 asciilifeform might even be wrong, and it is conceivable that 'dhrystone of pentium166 but i/o of opteron' actually suffices to e.g. host blogs.
asciilifeform might even be wrong, and it is conceivable that 'dhrystone of pentium166 but i/o of opteron' actually suffices to e.g. host blogs. ☟︎
asciilifeform: to round off that thread -- asciilifeform strongly suspects that kernel would run 100-200x faster on the 10 $ 'ice40' than on opteron-cum-'M'
asciilifeform: to be pedantically exact : 66.35 'bogomips' (on 3GHz opteron) , and published table gives e.g. 'Pentium/166 66.36'. i was unable to find similar table of classics for 'dhrystone' .
asciilifeform: i.e. sitting on 3GHz 'opteron', a 'm' session is approx on part with 486dx, in re ops/sec.
asciilifeform: there's the famous 'KFN4-D16' asus, afaik the very last to support the very last amd-sans-fritzchip. but that was 'opteron' , rather than 'fx' (and quite rare.)
asciilifeform: previously only encountered working eccism in 'opteron' boards.
billymg greatly regrets pawning off beautifully working 939 opteron on craigslist back in ~2012
asciilifeform: the spec for opteron is still on the shelf, it is smaller
asciilifeform: diana_coman: 1.9GHz x 24core (Opteron 6168) 24G ram.
asciilifeform: in other wtf's, apparently thing had knob for manually controlling the cache prefetcher. sumthing asciilifeform previously thought had 1st appeared in opteron, in '07...
asciilifeform deliberately uses oldest opteron in the torture room as 'standard ffa gauge' , if wasn't obv.
asciilifeform: ( mine, used as ref for all ffa figs, is opteron 2393SE @ 3.1G )
asciilifeform: '90s irons were solid, in comparison even with that opteron. e.g. i still have a 486 that worx like the day it was new, not even recapped ever
BingoBoingo: 2 km, and no, no one was inclined to steal because the opteron was in mystery boxes attended by actual people
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: recall how we rolled 100kg of opteron , wat, 6, 7 km , in full view of errybody ? and how no one stole
asciilifeform: i found ~one~, chinese, for ~more~ than the cost of serious opteron with complete filling.
asciilifeform would kill for an accurate tick table for opteron. but none exists ( possibly when i have msdos gnat, can bake one..)
asciilifeform: it's a 1u opteron box with 32 cpu
asciilifeform: ( and performed, as ch1-13 were, on asciilifeform's quite aged opteron, ~2009 )
asciilifeform: 'server' dun have to mean 'opteron graf zeppelin'
asciilifeform: i grasp that sometimes cannot avoid stateful protocol, but the state belongs in the multi-opteron pc running the user proggy, not in the 32kB of misfortunate routers along the way
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 1st ed opteron ??
asciilifeform: from asciilifeform's pov, 2007-9 was 'peak mobo'. e.g. the http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1871 opteron, still in service, is circa '07 with '09 cpus
asciilifeform: PeterL: if it's a 'common' iron, e.g. x60, or pizarro opteron, or rockchip -- then can base it off a asciilifeform
asciilifeform: ( even on my opteron, emacs is still a ~five second load , note )
BingoBoingo: https://www.cnx-software.com/2016/06/26/599-softiron-overdrive-1000-server-is-powered-by-amd-opteron-a1100-64-bit-arm-processor/ && https://archive.is/CVwS3 << Not sure if actually sold anywhere or vaporware
asciilifeform: and before anybody asks, no room for moar, nor are opteron boxes where moar fits, easily obtainable
asciilifeform: mod6: fwiw i have found no consistent diff, to the 6th ( beyond that, the timer is useless ) on opteron
asciilifeform: now the cost of filling 12 rack slots with as much cpu horse as they can hold, (using asciilifeform's method, rather than mircea_popescu's, if not clear from context) would be such : 32 cores of opteron @ 3GHz, 256GB ram, 1TB durable ssd, comes to 1600 per 1U machine; no more than 4 machines can travel in a cargo carried by a 1300 two-way ticket
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-06#1781846 <- my only slight dislike of the amd fx is precisely higher power consumption & warming up; while fx 8350s is indeed not that bad on this account, it still consumes more than opteron 6376 afaik ☝︎
asciilifeform: i also have a price table of disks, and discussion of future availability of opteron
asciilifeform: (3) 1.9GHz x 24core (Opteron 6168) RAM Installed: 24G RAM Max: 256G
asciilifeform: (2) 2.3GHz x 32core (Opteron 6376) RAM Installed: 256G RAM Max: 256G
asciilifeform: (1) 2.3GHz x 32core (Opteron 6376) RAM Installed: 256G RAM Max: 256G
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: opteron in particular is 'nonrenewable resource' whose future price cannot be put in guaranteed bounds. but yes can sell.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 16:36 asciilifeform: for comparison, 24core opteron with 256G ram , with 4 ssd disks ( 1TB total , 750 after raid ) , and with the raid card, costs me still < 1700.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-09 18:40 asciilifeform: i have currently 3 boxen for pilot plant. all 3 contain 32cores of 'opteron 6376'. 2 of them contain 256M of ram; 1 currently has 24G ( can hold up to 256 ). each has 2 x G/sec nics, 2 x (reduntant) 700W ps .
BingoBoingo: And to see if they can get Opteron shit
asciilifeform: for comparison, 24core opteron with 256G ram , with 4 ssd disks ( 1TB total , 750 after raid ) , and with the raid card, costs me still < 1700. ☟︎
asciilifeform: even dulap-III, heavy opteron box sitting on my desk and awaiting shipment to BingoBoingoistan, is a gentoo box.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> a circa 2008 box, for >8x what i paid for a dulap-class opteron cum ssd raid << Has two of last year's http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Zen/AMD-EPYC%207251.html and 128 GB of RAM, I am asking for a list but if you could forward some spec'd by alf suggestions it could be helpful.
asciilifeform: a circa 2008 box, for >8x what i paid for a dulap-class opteron cum ssd raid
BingoBoingo: Going to need to get a beefier box here, likely going to be a beefy opteron fueled supermicro box
asciilifeform: mats: not specifically. it's a standard opteron, with the exception of no vga. ( use serial console. )
asciilifeform: asciilifeform is also in the process of standing up trb on dulap-III , an opteron monster not yet homed.
asciilifeform: ( dun think any of my opteron boxes know how to address >4MB of rom ~total~ , for instance. )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-25#1743016 << ftr that's 13.2k usd at current exchange rate. for a box that 1) is about same as 1k usd opteron 2) other than cpu, is made of exactly same stuff ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-11-17 14:06 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740117 << you can't v-root an item containing binturds. and the only x86 bios without winturds, is for opteron or ancient (pre-2008) intels. with recent chips even binturd-containing coreboot dun work, and yer stuck with the heathen fw shipped in the box.
asciilifeform: i'd quite like to have some bigendian heavy iron for 'biodiversidad'/specificity-of-diddling reason, but afaik there is none to be had ( at least in the weight class of opteron, which can haz in 32cores easily enough )
asciilifeform: it had similar problems, iirc, to opteron -- ran hot
trinque: opteron's a safer bet
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-17#1740117 << you can't v-root an item containing binturds. and the only x86 bios without winturds, is for opteron or ancient (pre-2008) intels. with recent chips even binturd-containing coreboot dun work, and yer stuck with the heathen fw shipped in the box. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: this is indeed tru, not so long ago i recapped an... opteron
mircea_popescu: ang-st so what'd it cost me for you folks to host 1 sealed box, containing an opteron 6376 as above, cool it and feed it its required wattage and bw ?
asciilifeform: i have currently 3 boxen for pilot plant. all 3 contain 32cores of 'opteron 6376'. 2 of them contain 256M of ram; 1 currently has 24G ( can hold up to 256 ). each has 2 x G/sec nics, 2 x (reduntant) 700W ps . ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i meant you. name one, what was it ? opteron what ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Cool. Mega opteron VPS box it is.
asciilifeform: apeloyee: it's <1s already on just about any comp the readers are likely to have. 2s on my 2009 opteron.
BingoBoingo: But yeah. Way to get monster Opteron 6128 boxes onto rack higher priority
BingoBoingo: In other research, the Opteron 6128 is looking like quite the beefcake
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Well when making hardware shopping list gotta have idea what people want. Do people want beefy opteron things that'll have me on a 4th rack by Sunday or do they want PCengines boards by the dozen.
asciilifeform: lol it's a small opteron
BingoBoingo: Why not light heatsink to case? Not like it's a fucking opteron
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: opteron means 2x the usual wattage
asciilifeform: currently i'm aiming for <1sec (opteron 3GHz) 4096b modexp, with minimal new moving parts. after that -- releasing.
asciilifeform: just like your opteron is happy to add 1 + 1, even though 1 is a '1-bit' rather than 64-bit int
asciilifeform: this becomes 3 64-bit words on opteron; 6 32-bit words on pentium; 12 16-bit words on 8086; and 24 8-bit 'words' on 6502.
asciilifeform: just like ffa worx just fine on opteron today dialed down to 32
asciilifeform: ( 1.5s -- opteron 3Ghz )
asciilifeform: also if i had a working ivorytron 1st thing i'd do is put diamond paste & hs from opteron on it... so yea wtf
a111: Logged on 2017-07-16 20:08 asciilifeform: 'AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2393 SE @ 3.1 GHz' : 298m6.240s
asciilifeform: 'AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2393 SE @ 3.1 GHz' : 298m6.240s ☟︎
BingoBoingo: This is pointedly no opteron thread. 10,000 could likely be had by late September and $maxint certainly had by next August
asciilifeform: asciilifeform could tell you where to get a opteron, or a dozen. but not where to get 10,000 by august.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-15 23:46 asciilifeform: in unrelated noose, 'nqb' reads & parses a full 1MB block, with 2218 tx, and recreates it from fast-form, again to disk, in 0.123 sec. on a 3GHz opteron cum ssd.
ua: I have 20x Dell SC1435 available, these are 2x quad 2.2 Opteron 2374HE 16GB RAM 80GB HDD
Framedragger: olook the backdoor is an actual backdoor! good call on opteron asciilifeform :)
asciilifeform: in unrelated noose, 'nqb' reads & parses a full 1MB block, with 2218 tx, and recreates it from fast-form, again to disk, in 0.123 sec. on a 3GHz opteron cum ssd. ☟︎
deedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1871 << Loper OS - Practical Lead to Gold Conversion; or an Intro to Opteron Resurrection.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i was just the other day sweating, to source a multi-cpu+ecc opteron board with >1 16-lane pcie.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it is interesting, at one point it was possible to source pre-2012 opteron mb quite cheaply, now they are ~gone
asciilifeform: incidentally this is a good small research project -- 'what was the last pre-fritzing opteron'