71 entries in 0.561s

mircea_popescu: you recall, dude had
meltdown over how his brain can't function with "fuckgoats" the string being involved.
mircea_popescu: could a very shitty battery
meltdown and fuck the rk then ?
a111: Logged on 2018-06-11 16:18 asciilifeform: one of these was 'reactor control' , with realistic constants, you had to ramp up reactor, control the rods and the sodium pump etc, object was to get max power but avoid
meltdown mircea_popescu: right. but he didn't come up with that shit on the spot anymore than he hit pause on the
meltdown to run get some eye protection.
BingoBoingo: In other shithole factories:
meltdown/specte patches are making a bunch of industrial systems wobble! Chinesium's about to get a low more Pinoy
mircea_popescu: now let's see here : "
Meltdown breaks all security assumptions given by the CPUs memory isolation capabilities." vs "So given that there is in fact no secure memory implementation no matter how much it would be useful if there was one, EuCrypt takes instead the honest and practical approach of making it clear that it uses plain memory and nothing else."
shinohai: (Besides the
meltdown over 5 bitcents or whatever it was)
Framedragger: (well he did retire in his 20s by doing trading and also correctly shorting for the 2008
mircea_popescu: i dunno how much of this is habit. consider for a second the case of the nickname dude, who is currently having a
meltdown in my comment section on the apparent expectation that i somehow care what he said and i read the various comments as comming ~from the same one guy~. he actually thinks this ; actually expects me to allocate INDIVIDUALITY on the basis of anonymous. it's almost as if i were to wake up every morning and on
mircea_popescu: trinque he has a serious issue with things that i don't yet fully grok, but i can not presently distinguish from this irrational
meltdown and the irrational
meltdown on the gossipd spec.
mircea_popescu: am i going to link to your
meltdown re stacking consumers a few months ago or what.
mircea_popescu: this is where shinohai tweets qntra at derp, utter
meltdown v2.0 commences.
hanbot: so mircea_popescu do you suppose these people were hacked or something, ie some kinda inept Chinese-PR? even without nubbins`
meltdown, you have PeterL, the ex-mildmannered professional chemist with a family, going
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-03-2016#1427105 like a five year old suddenly, what the fuck is this?!
☝︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform is there anything more than random derp of tenuous association with b-a has a total
meltdown when he realises that b-a is not fiat, the republic not a democracy and i don't give a shit about "people themselves" ?
ascii_butugychag: (fully automating just about anything is an invitation for
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: re: toomim
meltdown << it was hilarious to listen to, cuz he is just like "I'ma stoned. Hue hue hue. I developed consider.it and we gonna use it to fix bitcoin governance problems, cuz like democracy is the shit. And it like works."
mircea_popescu: assbot: Michael Toomin explains his
meltdown, and the structure of Bitcoin Classic (45 min in!) << dude, i don't care if he gives away clinton's hairy snatch and the secret of immortality 45 minutes in. who the fuck has the time for this sorta thing.
assbot: Michael Toomin explains his
meltdown, and the structure of Bitcoin Classic (45 min in!) : Bitcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1niRThM )
BingoBoingo in my most paranoid moments is tempted to believe to Toomim drug
meltdown was orchestrated as an easy way out of the "ClassicCoin" failure
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: "the toomim clown received some bad news, with which he coped in the usual manner : by having a rather amusing public
meltdown under the influence." << what are you referencing here? Can't seem to find reference in logs
jurov: "but hey, this isn't C, but C++". *
mircea_popescu: "You might think that the rage is the spark for a transformation of America, a full scale Dagny Taggart
meltdown or Bolshevik revolution, depending on your hat. That's not how it works. If this is narcissism, then its purpose is protecting identity, defending against change. Doesn't matter what side you think you're on, unless you are unplugged you are for the status quo."
jurov: but really, my brain had
meltdown trying to reconstruct what went down on mpex order book in that time :(
assbot: [BRDSCUSSION] Reddit is in the throes of a white supremacist
meltdown regarding Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders : ShitRedditSays ... (
http://bit.ly/1huyVlB )
mircea_popescu: (i have the math done on the difference between being exposed to a
meltdown outside and being exposed to ingested material, if the obvious difference's aren't obvious i can dig it up)
pete_dushenski: goxxed coins ? weren't those just paper promises sold by bagholders to suckers during gox's
meltdown ?
trinque: I said Lena Dunham should be burned alive and my erstwhile significant other had a
meltdown saifedean: the central bank here is probably the world's best, the currency has the highest gold cover of any currency in the world, they banned the banks from investing in any securities and compeltely avoided the 2008
undata: asciilifeform: seems like an economic
meltdown would also decrease the demand for those for new iPhones
assbot: Sustainable Ecosystems and Community News: The Mount Hood
Meltdown jurov: wut, 40BTC is
fluffypony: mircea_popescu: "We were here during the rise and fall of BTC-TC and during the fall of BitFunder. We saw Ukyo and Namworld default and we saw the TradeFortress long con come to its conclusion. We witnessed Deprived return from the dead and disappear again. We have watched Hannah say "see here" about once for every hour of every day in a year. We saw Labcoin
meltdown and ActiveMining fade."
ozbot: Richard Stallman Freaks Out and Has a
Meltdown - YouTube
ozbot: The Bitcoin
Meltdown Has Begun - Business Insider
nubbins`: the 2008
meltdown caused cotton prices to skyrocket for a few months in late 2010
jurov: mircea i read that yest, had brain
meltdown, filed it for later
Diablo-D3: america is always 3 days away from a total
meltdown mircea_popescu: to rephrase : do you have an inkling of an idea what the 2008
meltdown would have looked like if indeed repo was free ?
BitHub: i was reading that the price on mtgox was suppose to crash once but mtgox halted and it and ignored it trying to avoid a
meltdown JWU42: as some have said on the forums - it is similar to the morgage
meltdown here
Chaang-Noi: however i never expected this
meltdown Bugpowder: GLBSE's SEC
meltdown caused the bounce