900+ entries in 0.051s
mircea_popescu: http://bingology.net/2018/10/02/haiku-r1beta1-thoughts/#selection-15.6-17.43 << very much apropos of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-30#1855937 ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://ossasepia.com/2018/09/27/tester-for-udp-communications/#selection-93.276-93.306 << word. "default value" is one thing ; but this is quite another thing.
mircea_popescu: brothel objectively exists ; whores really are whores. some people go to theatre and pay the actors, IF THE ACTORS ARE THAT GOOD. but in general, most wanna-be actors PAY to be not-outright-thrown-offstage. like in both http://trilema.com/2016/tangerine/#selection-69.246-69.505 and http://trilema.com/2013/youre-the-guy-who-wasnt-good-enough-to-sling-dope/#selection-69.0-73.177
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-30#1855878 << on meditation : wealth, knights (as in http://trilema.com/2018/cu-cartile-pe-masa-un-fleac-l-au-ciuruit/#selection-255.0-255.181 sense) and slaves. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/moartea-ca-o-veste-buna/#selection-87.0-91.277 $item.
mircea_popescu: pay, and pay to pay, and pay to pay to pay. and http://trilema.com/2018/the-republic-without-mp/#selection-175.0-175.383
mircea_popescu: but how far this goes is breathtaking -- consider, luminaries such as tlp, at the edges arguing exactly that, "words shouldn't have power" ie http://trilema.com/2015/that-unpleasant-moment-when-principles-you-were-supporting-strictly-because-of-the-principle-of-the-thing-and-pointedly-not-because-of-the-convenient-manner-in-which-they-worked-upon-a-restr/#selection-89.0-89.50
mircea_popescu: thinking about this... i guess this, THIS is actually the very substantial difference. "words shouldn't be able to break my bones", ie, have any effect AT ALL. "here i am, and here's the ass, and the hole in it ; it works as it works and what do you mean contracts ?" readily unites http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-23#1853128 with http://trilema.com/2014/the-definitive-tract-on-sociopathy/#selection-153.473-153.587 "abstract pri ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes selectable text, when
mircea_popescu: hanbot any clue why the selection trick dun work on nicoleci 's blog ? was this not in the tree or ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-24#1853669 << huge difference, >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-18#1753439 ; http://trilema.com/2015/latino-perspectives/#selection-137.0-137.45 etc ☝︎☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform intel meanwhile located item : http://archive.is/FzrUw#selection-1323.0-1351.334
mircea_popescu: not in my fridge! i was personally tolerated (with my "harem of one") among a select crowd of upwardly mobile, english speaking, "tryna make something of this shithole" young males.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2009/economia-sexului/#selection-77.42-77.94 << epic re-read. and yes, very much going back to religious supression, it's called "feminism", and it "liberates" women. from "rape" and "the male gaze" and things.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in vaguely-related to last convo, the epic http://trilema.com/2015/a-lingering-suspicion/#selection-329.0-329.74
mircea_popescu: http://bingology.net/2016/01/24/the-theoretical-foundation-of-social-engineering-practice/#selection-179.140-179.253 << megapiece btw.
mircea_popescu: in any case, what we do on ~regular basis is already "unthinkable" for the alt-professional (in the http://trilema.com/2013/a-very-unfair-perspective/#selection-41.0-41.828 sense of "alt") crowd, from http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-129.0-129.992 imperial dragoons to the http://trilema.com/2015/what-amused-me-today/ "independent mind" schmucks.
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-17#1850746 <<->> http://trilema.com/2014/hey-stupid-women-we-need-to-talk-smart-women-dont-want-to-be-with-you-anymore/#selection-159.0-171.73 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: diana_coman http://ossasepia.com/2018/09/14/smgcomms-implementation-chapter-1/#selection-111.394-111.513 << this'll have to change though, there's no way it can work out like that
mircea_popescu: http://archive.is/5PxAY#selection-329.0-337.12 (31 downloads, 17 Apr 2016) vs 42 downloads today (meanwhile gutenberg managed to fuck the archiving, hence http://archive.is/AjBWd ).
mircea_popescu: seems to me the story is all about how http://trilema.com/2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/#selection-115.156-115.326
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2015/fefeleaga/#selection-127.19-127.34 << orig.
mircea_popescu: Gigavps launched bonds, paid 3-40 cents to the coin to date (but you can dilute that if you wish to "upgrade", of course); hashking launched "investments", paid 30 cents or less; amazingrando idem, this is the story since day one. << http://trilema.com/2013/of-mice-and-men-revisited/#selection-131.313-131.544
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/of-mice-and-men-revisited/#selection-35.0-41.334 is probably the controlling story, but basically, six or so years ago there was one single "success" in a cloud of utter inept idiots.
mircea_popescu: ye olde http://trilema.com/2018/le-salaire-de-lidiotie/#selection-165.280-165.733 thing.
mircea_popescu: "but that's ok". why ? "because it's useless, or in proper terminology, http://trilema.com/2015/the-squares-and-the-holes/#selection-343.264-343.462 "
mircea_popescu: but in other news, two moon junction epic film. imagine, two years later, i go to read http://trilema.com/2016/two-moon-junction/#selection-49.33-53.89 see wtf i said, i discover i did EXACTLY same thing!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not so, it readily revives in selected young through simple exposure.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and yet http://trilema.com/2018/the-leak/#selection-363.0-365.0 yes ?
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly, i rewatched http://trilema.com/2011/aurora/#selection-49.276-53.70 and the original comment very much stands. anyoen want to know why "romanians" (esp in the sense of "lives in bucharest cca 2010") should've been fucking shot...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ww1 was not what you imagine. the controlloing aspects are http://trilema.com/2018/surprised-by-joy-the-shape-of-my-early-life-adnotated/#selection-3045.2154-3045.2200 in the theoretical and http://trilema.com/2018/surprised-by-joy-the-shape-of-my-early-life-adnotated/#footnote_155_80959 in the practical.
mircea_popescu: to a large degree for the same fgucking reason, i suppose : that it only ever existed in the mind of a very select few, who however didn't have the excuse of poverty, or of distance, or of so very many other things that protect the rusophone moron from the full brunt of his wilful stupidity.
mircea_popescu: vhs america might be ridoinculous enough, in its evanescent existence in the mind of a very selected few (principally, sovblok immigrants) ; but "cultural marxism" america is holy shit hysterical.
mircea_popescu: in random lulz : i re-watched flawless (of http://trilema.com/2013/the-typologies-of-homosexuality-reprint/#selection-153.28-153.74 fame) and omfg is it a piece of agitprop to make sovfilm proud! the drag queen may be a female impersonator, but the "retired hero cop" (ie, very much a http://trilema.com/2018/the-night-of-the-hunter/#selection-133.0-133.544 type character) "is a male impersonator". because see, gender ideals ar
mircea_popescu: o btw, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-05#1847996 <<->> http://trilema.com/2018/surprised-by-joy-the-shape-of-my-early-life-adnotated/#selection-579.558-589.38 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the fundamental problem of http://trilema.com/2017/damele-dameleee/#selection-93.1-93.316 ain't easily gone away.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/compliance/#selection-101.0-101.175
mircea_popescu: ie, problem is WAY the fuck worse than mere failure along the lines of http://trilema.com/2018/must-suck-to-be-one-of-you-average-guy-with-a-great-sense-of-humor-losers-seriously-now/#selection-91.829-95.1 ; they literally have given up on commerce as a going concern, and universally.
mircea_popescu: girl was then sent on the premises, to explain that because they failed to have an online presence, either they let her photograph select items for her master or else they lose the sale.
mircea_popescu: (for the naive log reader wondering "what's with all the rhodesia references", http://trilema.com/2013/a-very-unfair-perspective/#selection-193.0-193.108 )
mircea_popescu: o btw re http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-21#1828392 : ever screened http://trilema.com/2011/cel-mai-bun-film/#selection-55.0-55.14 for her ? it occurs to me it's possibly the best resource for student, genuine work of art, simplest language i can imagine. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://www.ilblogdellestelle.it/ << i dunno if anyone knows about this lulzy italian... "movement" ? basically, a 60yo comedian joined up with an online advertising "strategist" and created a haphazardly dysfunctional http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-in-argentina-exactly-nothing-to-do-with-the-derps/#selection-197.0-197.39 which nevertheless coallesced a fifth or so of the italian voting public.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's a wordplay on pisi (which, http://trilema.com/2014/the-romanian-language-for-other-people/#selection-39.0-41.1 etc, ro word for pleasant young whore) and psycho.
mircea_popescu: and an item speshul for mocky's recent : http://trilema.com/2011/va-plac-masinile/#selection-61.59-61.68
mircea_popescu: and here's a special offering for the rotaku club president, one alf : http://trilema.com/2011/cea-mai-faina-chestie-la-romania/#selection-55.0-59.608 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2011/vindem-casa-fara-utilitati/#selection-51.0-51.121 << ancient map of houston, in article discussing how bucharest real estate idiots suck.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2011/radio-vocea-americii/#selection-25.0-33.296 << back when texas made it illegal "to touch private parts of a person as a precondition to transportation or access in a public place". 138-0.
mircea_popescu: aaand ye olde story of busride, http://trilema.com/2011/are-you-a-muslim/#selection-51.0-55.347 (though it says virginia, but im pretty sure it was actually southerner than that, retrospectively).
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/servicii-de-taximetrie/#selection-53.35-57.49 << me being very impressed with san antonio taxi service (i used to own a taxicab fleet, and im the curious and inquisitve fellow you all know and occasionally love, so it's not exactly amateur hour).
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/povestea-soparlei/#selection-197.0-201.480 << original (2010) notation of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706588 story ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2009/protectia-sociala-un-comportament-antisocial/#selection-47.0-47.32 << if only we had a de-pdf-er, i could link that supreme court of texas item.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform specifically http://trilema.com/2011/jaful-si-economia/#selection-67.0-69.357
mircea_popescu: like the celebrated case of http://trilema.com/2018/the-principal-agent-problem-or-how-america-went-away/#selection-131.79-131.97
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2014/the-power-of-the-press-in-english-this-time/#selection-529.1-541.1 << breadcrumbs re "2015 exercise". was 2014.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile thesaurus has gained http://trilema.com/republican-thesaurus/#selection-103.0-103.4 !\
mircea_popescu: none of this bs "link an article at a time". you either give me proper select linkage or you get archive.is linked instead. that sort of thing.
mircea_popescu: lol, such collapse, from ye days of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500816 all the way down to http://archive.is/5OjG0#selection-173.325-173.358 nonsense ? tell you what : if you've never brought it before the forum, it was without much of fight. duh. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in dumb kids code, http://archive.is/QyMc8#selection-1641.76-1641.117
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo nah, that was re aleksei fellow. cottrell is a recent example in "usg diplomatic efforts" in the vein of http://trilema.com/2017/stop-being-so-fucking-poor/#selection-29.0-57.176 : british aristocrat, head of fundraisings for ukip, kidnapped at o'hare by usg criminal org.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816827 << dug up! it's http://trilema.com/2014/on-the-superiority-of-monarchy-or-adnotations-to-why-the-worst-get-on-top/#selection-153.0-153.557 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so far, the correct approach seems to be : 1. select the outlier piles (highest q, lowest q). 2. mix the smaller of the two with such a fraction of the larger of the two as can be done. 3. repeat. if 2 fails, move inwardly on the pair list.
mircea_popescu: did http://trilema.com/2013/our-emperor-deliver-us/#selection-39.330-39.450 read "and law firm is liable for difference, which it'll pay" ?
mircea_popescu: it should be selected against, and then disappear, right ?
mircea_popescu: there was a problem circulated by the swiss circle of mathematicians, which he elegantly solved (anonymously). except they saw right through the anonymity, because doh, and begged him to select and publish the infinitesimal calculus method, lest someone else steals it.
mircea_popescu: in reality, 298mn just wanna click on catpics, http://trilema.com/2012/the-imbecilitarians/#selection-317.0-317.109 style, while daydreaming a little daydream. that's all. so yeah, 99% should just stfu.
mircea_popescu: how the fuck they manage to take the submission they're due the lords of the republic and plaster it on the zinnobers of inca... well... it's explained in http://trilema.com/2014/the-death-of-taxes/#selection-185.965-185.1138
mircea_popescu: what it usually is, is dork made some $$$ and instead of going the http://trilema.com/2013/fried-chicken/#selection-21.0-27.251 route (ie, aspiring to local politics) went the offshore route.
mircea_popescu: the examples can i nfact continue. before i wrote down grep -Po '"nickname":.*?[^\\]",' for http://trilema.com/2018/fetlikeslol/#selection-97.20-97.53 i reviewed the expert sex changes. do you know "you should really use xml module to parse xml" is included in ~EVERY~ ~SINGLE~ ~GOD~ ~DAMNED~ ~COMMENT~ ?!?!?
mircea_popescu: was 100% correct move, yet it went nowehere. perhaps lending credence to alf's theory re poor genetic stock ; perhaps rather related to how spanish original this movement copied (franco) ALSO went nowhere, principally because illiterate ; though here enters http://trilema.com/2013/a-very-unfair-perspective/#selection-193.0-193.406 ie, rhodesia wasn't as illiterate
mircea_popescu: can't believe it's a 2018 quote, that, seeing how it actually traces to a 2011 article ( http://trilema.com/2011/romanul-si-marea/#selection-67.418-67.537 )
mircea_popescu: and since i'm doing "strategic superiority in review" for some reason, do we count http://trilema.com/2017/lets-put-one-and-two-together/#selection-145.0-149.12 as having protected trump / fizzled the "impeachment" lulz ? or "coincidental" in the sense man who says he's going to do x doesn't do it not because "if you do it ima fuck you up" but for ~coincidental reasons altogether~. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes! example : "As a non-Universalist, I can't help but admire the success of this particular replicator. It is brilliantly designed, like the smallpox virus. The fact that no one actually designed it, any more than someone designed the smallpox virus, that it is simply the result of adaptive selection in a highly competitive environment, heightens rather than detracts from my awe."
mircea_popescu: of course there's also http://trilema.com/2018/on-namespaces/#selection-293.0-293.22 ... vague and unclear as it is...
mircea_popescu: there could be, of course, http://trilema.com/2018/democracy-sucks-the-two-thousand-four-hundred-and-change-years-old-version/#selection-297.0-297.795
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/how-i-almost-created-a-constellation-of-bitcoin-nodes/#selection-39.89-43.96 quite specific. aha.
mircea_popescu: ie http://trilema.com/2017/when-did-america-end/#selection-269.0-269.225 ?
mircea_popescu: the counterbalance, however, being that public conversations are by their nature immutable. what can you possibly ever say in public ? the ~same~ thing over and over again, yes ? hence the http://trilema.com/2018/let-me-tell-you-how-bad-i-have-it/#selection-29.0-29.43
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the ice sculpture ? it's http://trilema.com/2012/generatia-fara/#selection-141.0-141.68 ; and the strange beasts, it's http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-14#1841452 ☝︎
mircea_popescu can't resist linking http://trilema.com/2016/the-herd-of-independent-minds-or-has-the-avantgarde-its-own-mass-culture/#selection-149.423-149.564
mircea_popescu: recall, the whole point of propaganda is for you to choose without having to. hence both http://trilema.com/2017/the-practical-costs-of-hallucinated-freedom/#selection-419.0-431.38 and http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-13#1841255 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: spyked http://thetarpit.org/posts/y05/07a-copenhagen.html#selection-449.0-453.178 << this made very little sense to me. how does it follow ? why, for instance, do you suspect any of the three would, or which holes ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-01#1838630 << this thing. imo irreducibly different from the http://trilema.com/2016/to-be-clear-hillary-clinton-lost-the-presidential-election-on-june-16th-2016/#selection-35.1-35.117 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: as in the http://trilema.com/2016/and-they-wont-fucking-yield/#selection-127.158-131.25 ; you understand this, the merit washing is done in "secret" meetings so small and inconsequential the irc spammer kids could force them.
mircea_popescu: the job of the humans involved at any juncture is to make the job of the other humans that might become involved ~possible~, which is what http://trilema.com/2017/the-practical-costs-of-hallucinated-freedom/#selection-549.0-553.0 is all about. and so on.
mircea_popescu: ok so i've set r mode ; which means only registered users can join. this will directly resolve the join/part spamolade ; but in general it's quite in line with the narrowing of tolerance for self-important douchebaggery, precisely in the vein of http://trilema.com/2018/the-republic-without-mp/#selection-175.0-179.0 ; http://trilema.com/2018/how-things-have-changed/ etcetera.
mircea_popescu: as per ye olde http://trilema.com/2014/la-florida-and-other-places/#selection-121.0-121.824
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/the-practical-costs-of-hallucinated-freedom/#selection-549.0-553.4 ie, "consumer market"
mircea_popescu: obvious she "goes to friends for advice". what fucking friends ? what fucking "advice" ? the world hasn't worked that way in two centuries, if i want a shirt i want 1 in 1000 shirt shops, if i want a woman i talk to candidates selected through three to five passes with two to three degrees of magnitude lossage each...
mircea_popescu: HOWEVER they do exactly the same in this field of representation. MUCH MORE so, exponentially rather than proportionally when compared to the dragonfly, people sort and select through utterly staggering piles of alternative constructs.
mircea_popescu: alright, here : http://trilema.com/2014/the-complexity-of-life-a-triad/#selection-51.0-63.503
mircea_popescu: (and by "select group" above i meant "group of threads/"ideal objects sorted in trees" more properly speaking. not groups of people. this sadly isn't at all evident from context, but i caught it on re-read. half the time though, it IS "evident" on the basis of cousins six removed)
mircea_popescu: most [important] conversations are ongoing for many years. they basically happen in this select group of complex interplay.
mircea_popescu: well, alf's oft peculiar assumption set isn't what i had in mind when discussing information density. but instead, two aspects : on one hand, that the amount of learned refrences is staggering even for academic discourse (the academitards cheat, by selecting a very narrow set of possible reference points and agreeing on it in advance) ; and then the more one knows, the more things unfold, exactly in the manner i end up watchi
mircea_popescu: in fairness, that's more in the vein of "well... i got this here chunk, but hard to tell what it actually is, bring me a selection of hammers to hit it with see if it sings."
mircea_popescu: if i can select one usable nude floorwasher in 250k imperial "accounts", then probably so could you* (*conceivably, you don't want nude floorwashers, but ~necessarily~ it doesn't matter what you want, the foregoing applies)
mircea_popescu: as mr oover pointed out, http://trilema.com/2017/zuleika-dobson-or-an-proper-love-story/#selection-2881.666-2881.724
mircea_popescu: http://archive.is/VPdlH#selection-183.0-183.292 << pretty lulzy earlier stuff from the same tienzengong thing. "how ?!" well how the fuck fucking how, doh. all of pantsuit's in there, neh.
mircea_popescu: trinque you should probably publish those http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-21#1647094 ; because to the https://archive.is/FBFvR#selection-3637.1-3759.26 / redditard mind this is somehow the grand equalizer, "they're gonna sue". cuz that's something they can totallies do and everything. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: trinque but i look : http://archive.is/2I97y#selection-12063.1-12079.110 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: they shot the wrong part of the tzar, of course. as per ye olde, ye eternally olde and never going anywhere http://trilema.com/2015/the-rabbi-and-the-ewe/#selection-39.437-39.522