53 entries in 0.439s
asciilifeform: it's a character flaw, property chumpatronics has very little to do with it i suspect
asciilifeform: i still suspect that it would not have been winnable even if closer game ratiowise; it went almost like the smallpox-vs-indians item. orc konsoomer had no immune cells against veblenism and 200+yrs of fine chumpatronics perfected in the west
a111: Logged on 2018-05-06 00:12 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810271 << i suspect that there is no physical operation involved, it is 100% chumpatronics, like all other subjects of usg.startupism at this point
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-05#1810271 << i suspect that there is no physical operation involved, it is 100% chumpatronics, like all other subjects of usg.startupism at this point ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: there was an ancient link re carnival and casino-flavoured chumpatronics , where a historian of the subj observed this
a111: Logged on 2017-05-07 22:08 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-07#1652670 << why is he THERE?! lemme guess, d00d thinks he can 'beat the house', eh. of such folx is the bread and butter of chumpatronics, made.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-07#1652670 << why is he THERE?! lemme guess, d00d thinks he can 'beat the house', eh. of such folx is the bread and butter of chumpatronics, made. ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: usg ministry of chumpatronics ?
mircea_popescu: (and yes farming is entirely chumpatronics, of the worst ilk. as dean martin once said, "my old man used to gamble that he'd get rain. i figure if a man's gonna gamble, might as well eschew plowing."
asciilifeform: finance as 'improved since 1980' is precisely chumpatronics.
mircea_popescu: finance is a different story from chumpatronics, why teh haet.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: chumpatronics quite clearly moved forward! yes
asciilifeform: eh its just elementary chumpatronics.
ascii_butugychag: (that is, vermin who base their entire lives on strategic deception and multilevel chumpatronics)
asciilifeform: it's cheap chumpatronics for rubes
pete_dushenski: ^moar log readers taking their 'new ideas' out into the world of vc chumpatronics
asciilifeform: pretty basic chumpatronics, i think. why spend more effort than is required to fool the mark ?
asciilifeform: gotta appreciate the pure genius of the chumpatronics here
mircea_popescu: chumpatronics is its own science, with its own measures scl, you can't just replace them for gonzo values
asciilifeform: rather than for the 2 percent off chumpatronics
ben_vulpes: had enough of that flavor of chumpatronics, tyvm.
asciilifeform: economics - thermodynamics == chumpatronics.
Pierre_Rochard: well I saw crapple mentioned was coincidentally reading up on their developer chumpatronics: http://www.elischiff.com/blog/2015/3/24/fear-of-apple
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: there's ordinary chumpatronics, where someone at least showed a bit of effort, and there's utter rubbish that falls apart after thinking about it for ten seconds if you've half a clue
asciilifeform was not involved in broadcast chumpatronics in any way, even remotely, but ended up having paycheques issued by one such thing by sheer accident
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: sometimes discussed in historical chumpatronics literature, re: schemes to 'invest in xxxx, and once it tanks, we'll buy it up for firewood we promise'
asciilifeform: chumpatronics with physical props.
decimation: asciilifeform, what do you expect from 'hardware startup' chumpatronics?
asciilifeform: as for the chumpatronics, i have no idea who uses.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> chumpatronics aside, they also have the more pedestrian objective of creating GBs of turdsactions that bob about in mempool indefinitely, blowing up memory footprint in non-mitigable ways << in any case that unpleasant side effect.
asciilifeform: chumpatronics aside, they also have the more pedestrian objective of creating GBs of turdsactions that bob about in mempool indefinitely, blowing up memory footprint in non-mitigable ways
asciilifeform: (re: general chumpatronics. begs to be photodiddled.)
kakobrekla: 'industry innovator' it sez. damn right. of chumpatronics.
mircea_popescu: chumpatronics at its finest, "we would like a list of rich people interested in bitcoin, mind sending us a signed form ?" / "hey, USMS can implement tardstalk scam actions too! We even hired Garr as an expert consultant"
asciilifeform: not being one of the designated chumps in question, i'd ask for a subverted greybeard. but i am not a doctor of chumpatronics, and may be naive here.
asciilifeform: in usa, they not only had better steel and semiconductors, back in the day, they also had better chumpatronics.
asciilifeform: it's a leper's bell for grantsmanship and chumpatronics of the most tedious sort.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: chumpatronics? it was very spiffy.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: steve jobs - as described in my 'hypercard' piece - was a master of chumpatronics, not of electronics. when he returned from exile, he zapped pretty much all r&d personnel, killed every project, smart or foolish, replaced all apple tech with repainted 'next'.
assbot: 102 results for 'chumpatronics' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=chumpatronics
asciilifeform: !s chumpatronics
asciilifeform: the russian 'pinnockio' - 'буратино' - is an almost totally different thing. a kind of parable about chumpatronics (esp. in the animated musical rendition)
punkman: some more advanced chumpatronics: http://localregister.amazon.com/
punkman: advanced chumpatronics ^
asciilifeform: 7000 - that's grandmaster level chumpatronics
asciilifeform: mathematics, systemantics, chumpatronics, polemology, psychoceramics.
asciilifeform: (afaik miner folks are entirely innocent of any kind of innovation in silicon fab, only chumpatronics)
asciilifeform: apparently, chumpatronics are more appealing than semiconductor research in jungle conditions. whod'avethunkit.
asciilifeform: where is it written that these folks can't enjoy chumpatronics at home while off the clock
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: there was a great talk given at some seekoority con a few yrs. ago, about casino & carnival chumpatronics
asciilifeform: chumpatronics.
asciilifeform: not that this situation is impossible - but most large co.s have a third party run their chumpatronics
asciilifeform: Chumpatronics Medal