72 entries in 0.924s
asciilifeform: or for that matter the research culture that was the butthurt envy of entire 'civilized world' (as late as '90, pentagon spent $B's on translations, from which cribbed all sortsa material, e.g. 'stealth airplane' )
asciilifeform: i wouldn't go so far as 'can't', but we're talking 'lease $B plant for 6mo.' sort of figure.
asciilifeform: $B.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-13 00:05 asciilifeform: i still dun fully grasp the supposed usg feud with qatar -- iirc the latter sank couple $B into usg's 'moderate rebels'
Mocky: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-13#1861536 >> also sunk $B into building largest military base in the region for usg. 'feud' seems like public theatre to my noob eyes. US is well respected here in contrast to gulf state back-turners. ☝︎
asciilifeform: i still dun fully grasp the supposed usg feud with qatar -- iirc the latter sank couple $B into usg's 'moderate rebels' ☟︎
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: seekrit plot to save $B's from ru budget!1111
asciilifeform: but imho usn electric guns oughta be encouraged and cheered, per http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-15#1714978 . especially if they cost $B each and run win95 ☝︎
asciilifeform: kanzure: approx. that you might have $B but you can't send it to isis.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you'd like to pen a 'can haz the pill against your $B 'intellektual property' racket for phreee? ' letter to lattice, go ahead. i did xilinx.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-21 16:59 asciilifeform: by spending a few $B (yes) to build it.
asciilifeform: by spending a few $B (yes) to build it. ☟︎
asciilifeform: (they also collected fat moneys for the service, i shit thee not, of watching that the domain reg does not 'walk away', because not-winblowzing, not-using-guessable-pw, etc. is Too Much To Expect from multi-$B 'tbtf' orgs)
asciilifeform: if you have a directed one, you can turn that $B into $2B right now.
BingoBoingo: $b 2
BingoBoingo: $b 4
BingoBoingo: $b 2
BingoBoingo: $b 1
asciilifeform: does their collective pay even add up to $B, or the cost of 1 magic airplane.
BingoBoingo: $b 4
thestringpuller: $b 6
BingoBoingo: Also at some point someone may build a bash again and need to find all the $b
BingoBoingo: $b 1
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: xilinx and altera make $B+ of them / yr and they aren't going into tv sets etc.
BingoBoingo: $b 2 win
a111: Logged on 2016-07-11 16:29 asciilifeform: which is why you can get usg or eurounion to cough up $B for a crackpot machine, but not $1M for you to sit in a chalet in the alps and schrodingerate
asciilifeform: 'don't measure electron charge, somebody might refute. measure instead only things that can be measured solely with $B machine.'
asciilifeform: which is why you can get usg or eurounion to cough up $B for a crackpot machine, but not $1M for you to sit in a chalet in the alps and schrodingerate ☟︎
BingoBoingo: $b 3
BingoBoingo: $b 4
trinque: $b 2
a111: 33 results for "$b", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=$b
BingoBoingo: $s $b
BingoBoingo: $b 3
jurov: $b 2
asciilifeform: $b 3
thestringpuller: $b 2
BingoBoingo: $b 2
asciilifeform: adelberger would be ~nothing~ without his $B toy.
asciilifeform: the item in question is 'benevolent inca empire wants to give $billion to physics' but you can't give 'to physics' because that's somewhere between 0 to 3 guys and nobody's gonna give some unwashed weirdos a $b
BingoBoingo: $b 2
BingoBoingo: $b 5
asciilifeform: aha, and google bought for $B.
deedbot: $b 3 is not a command.
BingoBoingo: $b 3
deedbot: $b 1 is not a command.
shinohai: $b 1
BingoBoingo: And the $b's
deedbot: $b 2 is not a command.
BingoBoingo: $b 2
asciilifeform: if it means that, given a $B another fella can attempt to replicate, this does not mean much.
deedbot: $b 3 is not a command.
BingoBoingo: $b 3
deedbot: $b 5 is not a command.
BingoBoingo: $b 5
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436599 << 'us too! if usg can hand out $B to aggressive mediocrities, so can we!111' ☝︎
copypaste: foreach ($config['banned_ad_boards'] as $i => $b) { echo "php rebuild.php --board $b\n"; }
asciilifeform: and so they can charge $B.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: but what if your work is meaningless without $b synchrophasotron ? <<< i thought it was 50k.
asciilifeform: it is also not entirely clear to me where the 'better men' are to get the $b
asciilifeform: but what if your work is meaningless without $b synchrophasotron ?
asciilifeform: except if the difference only becomes palpable a few $b and decades later, it does't really exist to the naked eye
asciilifeform: which takes a few $b in imperial money
asciilifeform: (if anyone is unclear on why 'i'll bring in a few $b and then do physics with it' is a nonstarter, they must read the eotvos threads.)
asciilifeform: decimation: no need to go far. a short stretch of road - cost $b.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the unsettling discovery is that mass-derp can continue far longer than the example under consideration. e.g., 'crypto ag' still exists, multi-$b, 'unknown' ownership, and... multi-decade loyal customers.
asciilifeform: somebody's idiot yacht-sailing son needed an extra $B.
asciilifeform was acquainted with one such '1%' - al schwartz. who has an eminently testable hypothesis re: parity violation, and spent a decade (& counting) trying to score 2 weeks on an eotvos rotor balance. while the charlatans build their $b colliders.
asciilifeform: false dichotomy. maxwell needed no $b hardware.
asciilifeform: mike_c: usg sent several $b in actual benjamins to iraq. i thought this was common knowledge.
mircea_popescu: $b x.eur
asciilifeform: when that time comes, one ought to expect a lack of interest in how many $b something is worth