4300+ entries in 0.976s
the20year: I might consider 25k or 50k additional shares on ciphertrade just to test the platform out, but likely there won't be another round of share-type funding, 1.125m is our goal from this round and if we hit it we should be able to get the portfolio access I want
mircea_popescu: i guess this is an interesting test for havelock, because if the kid now fails to buy properties worth whatever he supposedly got from the ipo the difference will have to somehow be explained.
benkay: in any event, we now have a test case for "you can raise it but you can't spend it".
mircea_popescu: "I was told that up until a few weeks [at time of the interview] ago, there was hardly any development environment to test changes. Most changes were done straight on the production environment."
truffles: it is said that difficulty but i wonder if groups decided to test that..
nubbins`: nobody's saying you NEED to test new concepts
nubbins`: altcoins are a great way to test out new concepts
KRS-One: I think everyone needs to be put to that test.
BingoBoingo: Test system should try OpenBSD on SPARC
mircea_popescu: "They test the system in the report -- and are, as one might expect, immediately hacked the moment the test computer connects with the Russian network."
nubbins`: philip is just a test name
nubbins`: TIM really stands the test of time
davout: let's test it
mircea_popescu: the test cheating mentality : they aren't trying to deliver, they just try to hack into your measures and make it seem like they do.
KRS1: !http://test.sajha.com/sajha/html/images/biz/51405900-ab7f-47d5-ba82-f0e0a7ef46f1/image/viva_nepal.JPG
punkman: http://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/48945/do-lord-of-the-rings-or-the-silmarillion-pass-the-bechdel-test
TATdoesReno: they just test the water to make sure the dosages they put in it are right
TATdoesReno: Scientists, increasingly able to detect minuscule amounts of compounds, have begun to test sewage to gauge communities' use of illegal drugs. When people take drugs, they are either unchanged or the body turns them into metabolites before they're excreted."The amphetamine levels go through the roof during finals," Burgard said.
johndoe_: anyone know where u can get like .000001btc i want to test it out
mircea_popescu: so that's what i do. i don't deal with people i don't know. i test. i build histories. i check histories.
deadweasel: i'd like to pee on my coworkers, see if it speeds them up, so I don't have to test 3 weeks work of code in 3 days.
lippoper: in your test app
sub_stdio: test
asciilifeform: sorta like an adult version of the 'MIT battery' test.
diametric: Did a test etch on some scrap
diametric: mircea_popescu: got the latest s.nsa logo by chance? just want to do some test rasters, doesn't haven't to be final.
diametric: speaking of, i need images i can do test rasters now
pankkake: that's what I tried to do with bernankoin, but I didn't test and nothing worked
ozbot: Zynga Links Up With Bitpay For A Bitcoin Payment Test In FarmVille 2, CityVille And Other Web Games
ThickAsThieves: http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/04/zynga-links-up-with-bitpay-for-a-bitcoin-payment-test-in-farmville-2-cityville-and-other-web-games/
asciilifeform: (legend re: american company buying the first japanese transistors; in the u.s. at the time it was customary to request '5% defectives' or whatnot; factory didn't test.'
mikaeldice: How can I confirm and test (on the endpoint) the connection to the DH?
Vexual: no, and i havent played chess for some years, so it will be an intelligence test
benkay: consider it a shit test for dev ability
jurov: "Well managed stakeholder expectations should keep blowback to a minimum in case of failure. Supposedly we have exceptional, unmatched strengths in PR, which we now have an opportunity to test, which is valuable."
davout: mircea_popescu: so i did a quick test but i couldn't find an order id in the stat or statjson for me to know which order the reported execution is related to
dub: PoC test for a metro ethernet
asciilifeform: let somebody give the same test with (kindergarten level) electric circuits.
mircea_popescu: and he imagines this means the conclusions of the test only show how desperately the world needs more teachers.
mircea_popescu: check out this guy. he's a teacher who feels able to help people fake the test,
mircea_popescu: "The interpretation of the results of the above assignment test make me feel angry. I am not a teacher but I am confident that I can teach (in less than 15 minutes) any person smart enough to be admitted to a computer science class how to pass the above test. The results speak volumes about the utter ignorance of educators regarding the nature of human knowledge and how to acquire it. It is a tremendous act of injustic
asciilifeform: not my problem any more! now some other fellow will have to horsewhip peasants, hang thieves, test virginity, in that dukedom.
asciilifeform: i did it with pencil, but wrote a compiler of the language to test: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=103
mikaeldice: lol, truffles. It'd be a test of sorts, to prove the security software out. If it can hold up to an open invitation to the bitcoin community to try to break it, then I'd say it's relatively secure
asciilifeform: https://github.com/trezor/rng-test/blob/master/dev_random_1.dieharder
asciilifeform: https://github.com/trezor/rng-test
kakobrekla: lets test
deadweasel: i think we should test these theories. somebody get me some armor, I'll youtube the experiments per your instructions. Only have 9mm and .40 for testing
benkay: the gutters are full of humans eager to test the 20 dollar disposable firearm.
mircea_popescu: pankkake along those lines, cardano's test bench has so far generated gigabytes worth of anal cunt lead vocals and kbd. ☟︎
gribble: NSFW - Well, what's in a picture ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/nsfw-well-whats-in-a-picture>; [NSFW] Test de cultura locala pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <http://trilema.com/nsfw-test-de-cultura-locala>; The froth of our days pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2013/the-froth-of-our-days/>
mircea_popescu: it's not that the test is "faulty", it's that the people using it do not comprehend statistics.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo re the field tests : false positives are frequent. ask any obgyn, he'll confess about half the women that come on suspicion of being pregnant got a false positive pee test.
mike_c: interesting. not a bad deal for the option writer. i don't really want to test it out though :)
nubbins`: my blood is open source, but nobody's asked me to take an aids test before i fuck them raw
mircea_popescu: easiest test in the book. you're not in the wot, you're not to be taken seriously. 5000 reddit votes notwithstanding.
KRS|gotyawallet: i want to test my wallet can someone send me 1 btc and I will send it back
Vexual: its an iq test
asciilifeform: simple test of your security arrangements. if your PC were to fall into enemy hands, would he know how much BTC you have? (or where.)
mircea_popescu: 1. bitcoin was released as a prototype. that means something specific, and what it means doesn't include "to be used for any actual purpose". prototypes are there to test.
snackman: mircea_popescu: this entire escapade of mine was to test your style
diametric: TEST space rental scams. Fountain had some really good ratting and people would pay top dollar to "rent" from me
diametric: but I hear TEST has gone to FW after the moon redistribution or whatever.. I haven't played for over a year now.
diametric: TEST at it's height
truffles: Jack Andraka i know is working on some test strips..
ThickAsThieves: did he mate them to test if a jimmothy popped out?
dub: docters back home had to call the CDC equiv, test was basically, 'is the patient trying to eat you? yes/no'
BingoBoingo: s3gfault: Well, if they never have reason to think you might withdraw they might eventually decide they don't actually need to keep those coins in your name. Best to test them.
mircea_popescu: well yeah because a test email went in fine.
mircea_popescu: pankkake pls to make a test comment ?
mircea_popescu: he gets that part right. children always were humanity's dispensable test pod.
mircea_popescu: way to go john q public, you got more things wrong than there even were on the test!
deadweasel: mine, in fact. "We'll do the Lyme test next week!"
Vexual: i heard he went for an iq test and the psych had a mental breakdown
asciilifeform: gotta love how hetzner advices gdb attach for the 'amirooted?' test
mike_c: what is this, a math test? http://bitbet.us/bet/608/super-bowl-coin-toss-will-be-heads/
mike_c: ah, by "test" you meant pull the power and push buttons.
firedrops: gribble could pass a turing test in the future?
asciilifeform: ultrasonic is the gold standard test if you don't want to drill/melt the sample.
pankkake: I wrote an application that had a very slow test suite, and it turned out, it was that issue; having an option to use another source for tests resulted in a massive speedup
mircea_popescu: On July 20, Markle tricked a desk clerk at the Homewood Suites in Lexington, Kentucky into drinking another person’s urine. The prank started with a call to a guest. The guest was told it was the front desk calling and that a prior guest had tested positive for Hepatitis C. The guest was then told there was a doctor on site and a simple urine test could determine if the guest was infected. The urine was to be brought
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla did he get a lot or just like one to test ?
ozbot: Tutorial: Test MSC – BTC Distributed Exchange Transactions | Mastercoin Blog
ThickAsThieves: http://blog.mastercoin.org/2013/11/02/tutorial-test-msc-btc-distributed-exchange-transactions/
nubbins`: although you'd be surprised to know how much $$ people spend on stacked test prints
nubbins`: how do you test your blood w/o a needle?
mircea_popescu: you could also be big enough to cut 12 test wafers cause you need a lot of tests.
mircea_popescu: yes, as a rule of tumb. but maybe you tacked your test run into an incomplete other wafer.
mircea_popescu: one wafer is usually a reasonable way to go about test chips, but depends how many chips you cut to the wafer.
mircea_popescu: kleeck whose test batch ?
kleeck: Anyone here know what a ball park for how many chips to expect in a "Test batch"?
bidji: that's why i suggest you test it
bidji: Just test the site, you'll see it's not coded in a weeks
nubbins`: how many interviewees see it as yet another test that they must figure out how to pass
KRS-: the importance them comes down to whether or not you can tell if someone is just a good test taker or actually has knowledge and knows how to apply it
KRS-: Ok I see what you are saying and you are right. Those who are just good test takers who finished a program stick out like a sore thumb imo.
assbot: [MPEX] [TEST] 987654321 @ 1.23456789 = 1219326311.1264 BTC
jurov: the TEST is not in rss
assbot: [MPEX] [TEST] 987654321 @ 1.23456789 = 1219326311.1264 BTC
ASIVI__: test