662 entries in 0.937s
pete_dushenski: except... "We will not seriously consider anyone if they include explicit material in the video," Pornhub Vice President Corey Price said via email.
asciilifeform: 'Three journalists working with Vice News have been charged with "engaging in terrorist activity" on behalf of ISIL (ISIS), because one of them used encryption software. A Turkish official told Al Jazeera: "The main issue seems to be that the [journalists'] fixer uses a complex encryption system on his personal computer that a lot of ISIL militants also utilise for strategic communications."'
asciilifeform: thought can legitimately surprise when sense replaces nonsense, rather than vice-versa
punkman: "Rick Dastin, Vice President at Xerox, is the first one actually working at Xerox being able to tell me that character substitutions actually can occur and Xerox knows (in contrast to their support). They also tell me that this is wanted."
mircea_popescu: if the soviets think the germans are being rational and are right, the soviets win. if vice-versa, vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: human visual depth perception is so fucking terrible, if you're going to fire cable guided missiles you're better off placing two teams a mile apart and having team A guide missiles fired from B and vice-versa
assbot: 14 results for 'from:from_vice' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Afrom_vice
asciilifeform: !s from:from_vice
danielpbarron: yeah that one time and yeah it was a webchat link naming the victim "from_vice"
punkman: danielpbarron: were you leaving comments at vice?
danielpbarron: !up from_vice
mircea_popescu: technically vice-versa but anyway.
mircea_popescu: if it's "original" to vice it's a lie by vice.
mircea_popescu is not reading a vice regurgitation of anything. got the actual link ?
punkman: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/ashley-madison-hackers-speak-out-nobody-was-watching
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 18:46:15; phf: i use to like vice do's&don't's, they were mean and funny. i always thought vice was magazine version of the whole terry richardson, merlin bronques "glam trash" photography, but that was still cool in 2004-2006. i guess it would make sense that they would be faux edgy tech articles, no better or worse then any other online rag, but i can't get over the image of hipsters on heroin writing that shit
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 18:46:15; phf: i use to like vice do's&don't's, they were mean and funny. i always thought vice was magazine version of the whole terry richardson, merlin bronques "glam trash" photography, but that was still cool in 2004-2006. i guess it would make sense that they would be faux edgy tech articles, no better or worse then any other online rag, but i can't get over the image of hipsters on heroin writing that shit
phf: i use to like vice do's&don't's, they were mean and funny. i always thought vice was magazine version of the whole terry richardson, merlin bronques "glam trash" photography, but that was still cool in 2004-2006. i guess it would make sense that they would be faux edgy tech articles, no better or worse then any other online rag, but i can't get over the image of hipsters on heroin writing that shit ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: what a peculiar fishwrap. i read, for instance, the linked piece, http://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-bitcoin-could-make-distributing-a-universal-basic-income-actually-possible -- and kept waiting for the mention of where they plan to steal it... didn't see one
asciilifeform: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/bitcoin-core-devs-in-civil-war-insist-were-not-getting-the-whole-story << mega-lulz
ascii_field: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-hunt-for-narco-subs << unrelated but lulzy
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-08-2015#1241816 << vice-versa, actually. the online fiat is dead, but its value as irl tokens remains. dollars are useful exactly like monopoly money and casino chips are useful, ☝︎
asciilifeform: hmm^2, definitely borrows material from us, rather than vice-versa.
assbot: Logged on 06-08-2015 04:46:16; asciilifeform: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/nasa-must-pay-russia-490-million-because-congress-wont-fund-trips-to-space << lulz
asciilifeform: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/nasa-must-pay-russia-490-million-because-congress-wont-fund-trips-to-space << lulz ☟︎
decimation: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/an-undead-sopa-is-hiding-inside-an-extremely-boring-case-about-invisible-braces < "Bizarrely, no physical goods came over the US border in this case. Rather, the digital file was transported over the internet. Last year, the ITC determined that it had the legal authority, under a tariff law from 1930, to stop the transmission of infringing digital files. "
asciilifeform: vice versa
decimation: yes, the most lulzy thing about 'goldbug preppers' is their choice of a pile of metal vice actual people to help them in a time of need
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 12:56:17; shinohai: If there *is* a God jurov, I'd like to think he chooses you, instead of vice-versa. I know all the "free will" speeches.
shinohai: If there *is* a God jurov, I'd like to think he chooses you, instead of vice-versa. I know all the "free will" speeches. ☟︎
trinque: rather, vice versa
pete_dushenski: and vice versa. co-dependent relationship between 'war' and sinoloa
asciilifeform: or vice-versa
decimation: if we were to ditch leap seconds, I would need to know the 'current delta' to predict cesium from sunrises and vice versa
decimation: ft meade does what wall st wants, not vice versa
mircea_popescu: except vice-versa.
decimation: why doesn't vice/roshida jones cover actual abridgement of freedom of expression
assbot: Logged on 30-06-2015 22:40:30; shinohai: hue, motherboard: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/bitcoin-is-unsustainable?trk_source=homepage-lede
shinohai: hue, motherboard: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/bitcoin-is-unsustainable?trk_source=homepage-lede ☟︎
assbot: Vice President Cheney with President George W. Bush, Part 2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! ... ( http://bit.ly/1fBvoAW )
mats: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/06/23/as-walmart-goes-so-goes-the-nation-or-vice-versa/
assbot: [VICE] presents-- *Nug Up or Shut Up* --...(real Joe Rogan selfsuck Humiliation Video) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1K5AGjk )
pete_dushenski: "Jimmy Lee was a vice chairman at JPMorgan Chase and was widely credited with developing the leveraged loan market in the United States." << dead at age 62.
ascii_field: i.e. everything inside a patch file must pertain only to what was 'printed on the box', and vice-versa.
ahmed_: shoot me the private key in PM and i'll shoot u the BTC? or vice versa
mircea_popescu: i doubt vice has that much readership, notwithstanding the count of clucking clickers clicking around.
mircea_popescu: this is the standard interepretation whenever something appears in vice/slate/the rest of the shitsites.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: i dare to suggest that the vice article is a work of fiction. and that the illustrations are of the author's own dwelling.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: the photos in the vice article look exactly like the ones i described in old thread - http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-01-2015#996769 ☝︎
nubbins`: mircea_popescu the vice thing popped up today and reminded me of the paxton caser
mircea_popescu: nubbins` so why even link vice then ?
assbot: When Fandom Goes Wrong: The Dark Tale of the 'Final Fantasy VII' House | VICE | United States ... ( http://bit.ly/1MvJgqM )
nubbins`: http://www.vice.com/read/the-tale-of-the-final-fantasy-vii-house-is-a-window-into-the-dark-side-of-cosplay-529
pete_dushenski: decimation: business is marriage, and vice versa
mircea_popescu: or vice-versa.
BingoBoingo: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/great-someone-managed-to-sign-facebooks-pgp-key-with-an-ascii-goatse
mircea_popescu: or vice-versa >D
decimation: http://www.reed.com/blog-dpr/?page_id=6 < "One project where my friend and officemate Steven T. Kent (now chief scientist and vice president at BBN, and a chief advisor to NSA) and I lost was our strong argument to put mandatory end-to-end encryption into TCP (and adaptations of the ideas to UDP-based protocols, such as RTP, hich I worked out but abandoned). "
asciilifeform: where the shit gets to turn into wine rather than vice-versa (what it does on -our- planet)
gabriel_laddel: I've been broke for like a year, working on that which interests me so that I can make large sums of money rather than the 70-100k/yr you get programming. Also, money is just a system for communicating ideas about value - if one has value it can be turned into money and vice versa.
mircea_popescu: isaackl no. vice-versa
asciilifeform: vice?!
decimation: someone who doesn't have a proper vice
jurov: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/us-companies-are-throwing-a-fit-because-theyre-losing-control-over-the-internet lulzmine
fluffypony: [09:31:28] <+cazalla>i'd stop drinking but then i'd need another vice <- like Miami?
BingoBoingo: Who honestly couldn't use another vice
cazalla: i'd stop drinking but then i'd need another vice
mircea_popescu: think of it as separate machines. what the meaning of data is in X, as it passes it to Y, matters little for Y. and vice-versa.
decimation: so to be clear, it's your position that it's better w.r.t. to "pollution" for electricity to come from coal vice nuclear fission?
asciilifeform: not vice-versa
mircea_popescu: cantor fitzgerald's been in the news recently due to their vice chair's fraudulent shenanigans and separately due to their general incompetence and gross mishandling of OPM.
mircea_popescu: from_vice it'd seem your notions about what a hologram is are informed more by southpark than by physics.
nubbins`: from_vice you're not far off the mark there
mircea_popescu: from_vice we're from bitcoin
mircea_popescu: for vice.
mircea_popescu: fetlife is hiring, vice is hiring, erryone's hiring. we might even make the gdp go up
nubbins`: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/unless-everyone-using-bitcoin-makes-this-radical-change-the-currency-will-die
from_vice: I linked into here via the vice article link provided in the comments by someone--I feel a bit violated
mircea_popescu: nubbins` frankly i'm moderately surprised anyone even reads vice at all. readership >= 1 is already above par.
danielpbarron: from_vice, paste the link at the top of your browser
danielpbarron: i pasted the webchat link in the vice article comments because their stupid javascript loads and renders the whole chat room on their article page. LOL
nubbins`: guess you're not actually here from vice tho, huh
nubbins`: from_vice: there ya go.
nubbins`: are you from vice?
nubbins`: sup from_vice
mircea_popescu: !up from_vice
mircea_popescu: i am ever thankful to the idiots that do very idiotic things. like that vice article. like this tipping of hand.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2012/jus-sayin/ speaking of vice...
mircea_popescu: !up from_vice
decimation: wow vice is really at the cutting edge of responsible journalism
mircea_popescu: seriously, how inept do they need to be, these people. "unless everyone X currency will die" is ~exactly~ the wrong thing to say. everyone will not, currency will not die, now suddenly vice has [even more] egg on its face.
assbot: Logged on 06-05-2015 22:49:48; cazalla: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/unless-everyone-using-bitcoin-makes-this-radical-change-the-currency-will-die (block size limit rubbish)
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-05-2015#1123223 << me chuckles at vice. ☝︎
cazalla: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/unless-everyone-using-bitcoin-makes-this-radical-change-the-currency-will-die (block size limit rubbish) ☟︎
BingoBoingo: trinque: But, the range of the nike is rather short. St Louis's Nikes couldn't hit Chicago and Vice Versa.
jurov: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/why-do-we-play-video-games-that-simulate-work one day we will have games that simulate programming...oh wait
gabriel_laddel: apart from this, I have written Emacs Lisp functions to make a statement into a question and vice versa, to join and split sentences (not quite as trivial as it sounds), to upgrade from singular to plural and vice versa, to change the person from second to third and vice versa, et cetera. significant parts of grammar is the way it is to maintain correspondence between numbers and persons and tenses and such, and sin
ascii_lander: mircea_popescu: as it is, the warm lead (and jizzm) is donated by the beneficiaries, not vice-versa
ascii_lander: or vice-versa.
ascii_lander: and who knows what secret vice (snobol?)