500+ entries in 0.177s
mircea_popescu: yet look at it in the cold, blue light of logic : between these three categories, (men and women in an atomic soup), (men jacking off in front of the computer to images of women it presents), (women cavorting naked in man's livingroom) and these three categories, (noobs and experts in an atomic soup), (noobs wanking on reddit to images of experts it presents), (experts teaching noob computers in noob's livingroom) the rela
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-04 12:54:22 billymg: lol re: reddit wank, looks like they nuked the only sane comment in the thread https://old.reddit.com/user/Hanna_Rosin -- 2nd comment (archived) --> https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/eiskr6/i_was_reading_saifedeans_book_and_saw_mircea/fd2697f/
billymg: lol re: reddit wank, looks like they nuked the only sane comment in the thread https://old.reddit.com/user/Hanna_Rosin -- 2nd comment (archived) --> https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/eiskr6/i_was_reading_saifedeans_book_and_saw_mircea/fd2697f/
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-04 09:01:11 mircea_popescu: i dunno, the part where people of reddit are grandstanding offa imaginary high moral grounds re imaginary "child porn"... whole fucking alt-trilema that's reddit exists because of their unmitigated love for child porn. if it weren't for that dedication, the spearhead of unlaid dorkitude'd still be called digg.
BingoBoingo: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-04#1956579 << It's as simple as gmaxwell killing -otc to try to prop up the actual USG kiddie pornists of Reddit for all of the nothing upvotes are worth.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, it seems they're kinda stomping themselves over there, would-be #reddit alt-tmsr l1 is getting massacred in their attempt at creating a narrative. i guess it helps being persuasive, if you're gonna try and lord huh.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, the part where people of reddit are grandstanding offa imaginary high moral grounds re imaginary "child porn"... whole fucking alt-trilema that's reddit exists because of their unmitigated love for child porn. if it weren't for that dedication, the spearhead of unlaid dorkitude'd still be called digg.
mircea_popescu: https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/eiskr6/i_was_reading_saifedeans_book_and_saw_mircea/ << meanwhile in outright batshing insane lulz from yet-another #asciilifeform
mp_en_viaje: regardless, http://trilema.com/2014/spamming-reddit-an-experiment/ still stands : by the time we're done, empire won't be able to distinguish its meatsacks from bots. end of story, let it send lobbesbot get-out-the-vote cards.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, that's why I find "Ernest Talvi - He identifies as a US trained economist. His voter base is mostly reddit dorks." << http://bingology.net/2019/05/26/overview-of-local-electoral-politics-heading-into-the-impending-party-internals/ more offensive than the PCU, MPP, and Mujica. The commies steal, but the "identifies as economist" wants to steal being stolen from and package it for sale in New York.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-05 00:25:59 mircea_popescu: "nobody can remember" wikipedia's roots as ye pre-reddit pedoclub
lobbes: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-05#1933780 << the 'social media / "platform" void'; take any one of 'em, be it twitter, facebook, reddit. They all have the similar mechanic of the "newsfeed" in which (unlike the republic's logs / blogs) you cannot reference things > 3 weeks ago.
mircea_popescu: "nobody can remember" wikipedia's roots as ye pre-reddit pedoclub
asciilifeform: ( tho folx who dun like what is in front of nose -- will happily bury selves in 'the books', or in pedopizza reddit, etc )
asciilifeform: even the ~reddit~ people got this right, iirc. in '07, no less.
asciilifeform: and in so far as i know, reddit never made a lick of profit
mp_en_viaje: reddit peak in 2007 ?!
asciilifeform quit reddit long before '12 , cannot comment re when 'peak'
mp_en_viaje: well, reddit couldn't have emptied at same time as it ~didn't exist back then. but still, they did their best and 2012ish or so i think it was ?
mp_en_viaje: reddit emptied out once they turned on their pedo constituency to gain approval from the oldcunt lobby.
mp_en_viaje: digg ~still~ pretends to relevancy, to this very day. their claim just as good at any point throughout as reddit's, actually. just... no note from hitler, meaning pravda dun ever mention digg with the pomp & implication it mentions reddit
asciilifeform: reddit card. nfi
asciilifeform: fwiw i also never was able to get 'squid' to work, and phuctor is cached on 'flask' end (caches expire in 5min, moar than enuff for when some bozo links one on reddit etc)
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: iirc it was a redditism (dunno whether had own reddit pit) , meme, 'lay down and rot' (i.e. what to do when yer goose is cooked but not yet gathered courage to eat pistol)
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, a banned reddit ?
mp_en_viaje: in other lulz, apparently sbc (the ali-g dude) got some "food critic". https://www.reddit.com/r/WhoIsAmerica/comments/99anfn/bill_jilla_has_purged_himself_from_the_internet/
BingoBoingo: We're going to need a lot of reddit bags
BingoBoingo: We're going to need a lot of reddit bags
mp_en_viaje: why would "an open source project" be doing the deed ? hm ?
BingoBoingo: The dig turns out otherwise empty Cabildo Abierto having been a shell started by pro-dictatorship faction of the old Colorado party trying to fork off the local reddit derps exemplified by identifies as NY trained economist guy.
mp_en_viaje: all these faggotty fuckfaces in skinny suits, no doubt "software engineers with ai experience" spreading their awareness & concern on subjects and topics on reddit & shithut
mircea_popescu: african plays on reddit.
mircea_popescu: if so, your created relationships / network you sucked out of them just became more valuable now. if not -- well let that be a fucking lesson to you already, right ? reddit exists SOLELY to suck its users off it (selectively, of course, they can keep their ninjashoguns) ; not to send it your blog readers.
asciilifeform: reminds me, apparently asciilifeform is still admin of a 'argentine bdsm' group (empty) in reddit. i dun even recall how this happened.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, WE DID IT REDDIT!!!
asciilifeform: ( possibly he also had passage re how this is so that moderntards can have time to reddit instead of cutting stones. or possibly i dreamed this, and it was implicit.. )
BingoBoingo: But yes, the liberal "protect all buttspawners" of Reddit cheerleading Assange arrest.
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in Reddit Liberals discussing the Assange arrest "Julian Buttsange Arrested": http://archive.is/zBVj6
asciilifeform: pretty good upgrade from 'reddit scum', just about
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-18#1903274 << wtf was that.. ro reddit ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: so mother gets a 'yer rent was... you have 2 reddit sons ? guess what, nao x + 2000'
mircea_popescu studiously and quite deliberately ignored the whole thing as a wikitarida/reddit of its time.
asciilifeform: on top of this, backbone of bureaucracy is reddit-fat / old bags, these are safe from mircea_popescuation as i understand
BingoBoingo: (MAUs), this would make Reddit's average revenue per user (ARPU) about $0.30." From the report: "
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in the Heathen Studies department: "Reddit's latest funding round values its users at a lower price than any other social network. "The company announced Monday it had raised $300 million in its Series D investment round at a valuation of $3 billion," reports CNBC. "CNBC previously reported the company's annual revenue topped $100 million, according to sources familiar with the matter, and at 330 million monthly active users
mircea_popescu: There's really no need for pompous assholes vomiting their self importance all over the log. Dude hasn't read at the very least the basics, can't ~possibly~ be fucking welcome here, let him go to reddit or whatever an' be happy there.
BingoBoingo: Whether on Reddit or in Al's mailbox
BingoBoingo: Maybe the reddit sciencehaet chick?
mircea_popescu: i bet you 5 years after reddit went the way of the dnc, they'll still be pressing f5
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in other fallout from the new penal code: https://www.reddit.com/r/uruguay/comments/ahax04/se_cans%C3%B3_de_esperar_en_banifox_y_se_rob%C3%B3_una_play/
mircea_popescu: meanwhile @reddit, https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackWorldOrder/comments/6b6l12/what_can_i_as_a_pussyfree_virgin_whiteboi_do_to/
mircea_popescu: anyway, satoshi did weigh in on the first "fork". back in 2015. http://trilema.com/2015/the-news-in-brief-hearn-is-a-shitstain-mp-is-right-fuck-reddit-love-satoshi/ has the details.
mircea_popescu: PART of the reason for 2nd para of http://qntra.net/2019/01/el-chapo-allegedly-used-voip-had-sysadmin-flipped-by-criminal-fbi/ ie guzman hiring an inane moron with a reddit account, is that guzman didn't have how to hire pizarro.
asciilifeform: trinque: mcfood-eaters will 'revolt' (by whining on reddit, or, in best case, oregon-ranching around) , and even that strictly if mcfood supply interrupted.
mircea_popescu: It occurred to me that Org is like the Borg: it absorbs everything that gets near it. So laugh all you want but you will be assimilated." and reddit links.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 05:21 trinque: yet another post of reddit quotes from danielpbarron. this is sad.
trinque: yet another post of reddit quotes from danielpbarron. this is sad. ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i can't say i have ever encountered this phobia outside of the yudkowsky/reddit/etc weirdos
trinque: danielpbarron: "From reddit:" << are you just militantly anti-republican by now, or what
asciilifeform: ira mega-example, gave up arms and went into reddit
mircea_popescu: btw, BingoBoingo do you happen to have anywhere saved the original reddit "you guys are power rangers!!!" idiocy ? iirc was during hearn's wrecking fork.
mircea_popescu: i suspect by the same methodology "women's rights" will be a byword for bdsm and "#metoo" another way to say "idiot" in another decade. god knows "you guys are POWER RANGERS!!!" reddit gushing went exactly that way.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-05#1878522 << nfi, it's like reddit announcing pompous idiocy ban. ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-02#1877821 << it apparently aint in the log, as such. but iirc there was some pantsuit reddit-wank campaign to try an' turn mircea_popescu into a sort of 'mad beria' in 'eye of history' or somesuch nonsense, that was supposed to pin on that phrase ☝︎
asciilifeform: ...reddit ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly ref to that reddit chix ?
asciilifeform: '20 phunphakts didja know on reddit! there was a mad d00d, tried to write a working os, despite not working at microshit or even having codeofconduct..' i picture.
mircea_popescu: reddit -something they call it.
BingoBoingo: Kinda curious what the police mean by a kilo of hashish considering that's a substance which has gone through some reddit "we R innovators" stuff in the past five years
asciilifeform: btw BingoBoingo i've conceived of a land-based use for reddit bags : stick a valve stem on'em and you have a coupla wks of fuel..
BingoBoingo still laments the lack of reddit bags off shore as I go to visit the harmonics lab
asciilifeform: moar like 'reddit bag'
BingoBoingo: And after Kirchner in Argentina, Bolnasaro in Brasil... The Uruguayos on Reddit think planes surely can not be rockets: http://archive.is/dSdho
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly naively, i pictured that the clink is the 1 place that regularly frictions against actual-human folx. but whoknows, after N gens of reddit, this.
mircea_popescu: kinda informs the change of the tenor here, since his http://trilema.com/2015/the-news-in-brief-hearn-is-a-shitstain-mp-is-right-fuck-reddit-love-satoshi/ declaration a few years ago.
asciilifeform: ( my model dun differ so much from mircea_popescu's, aside from where i lump the digg & reddit waves together in lump element, afaik they consisted of largely same lost souls )
mircea_popescu: then there's a digg cycle, and then there's a reddit cycle. and there probably was a small one in between, with wordpress and "shoemoney" and "web20" etc.
mircea_popescu: and the "authority", or w/e judge, stuck with dealing with the "reddit revolution" will, if sane, say exact same thing. which the morons will interpret as "o noes elites have abandoned us, must make own justice"
mircea_popescu: it's a tempting misread, of course, but the fact that i spend the occasional hour interacting with my interfaces with random "social media" site dun do anything to me. it certainly can't be said "oh, mp is on reddit ; robots count".
BingoBoingo: <Mocky> old log threads appear to have mircea_popescu with hatred of UDP, which has meanwhile dissipated ? << There was a period when reddit hadn't yet given up on marginalizing the Republic and DDoS's were pestilential.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the usual reddit-idjit red herring. ( as if he ~had~ to fuck a 17.9 y.o. whore, to be put on assange list, and would somehow not have sufficed that he wore leather shoes, or maybe said unkind word re j00z, or torrented 'star wars ixxxv' or whatever )
BingoBoingo: That's what his twitter/reddit "supporters" figured too when the maybe pedo thing broke
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: in so far as i can tell, d00d was actually dumb enuff to believe that 'reddit right is a political force to be reckoned with' or somesuch
asciilifeform: 'spreading worked, but where is the eating!, reddit got to eat! we read it , on reddit'
mircea_popescu: so ... "follow your own mind, irrespective of anything" PLUS "find others like you" creates... well, before tmsr, it created the only hot core of creation in the empire. hence wikipedia, hence reddit, and so on.
mircea_popescu: speaking of monstrosities like http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-31#999165 -- i suppose the deep driver of their unhappiness is precisely this, "1990s pedos made wikipedia seem like it's a big deal, and 2000s pedos made reddit seem like it's a big deal. why can't we 2010s pedos make lesswrong/whatever pedo trading post seem like it's a big deal ?!!? god only knows we're the gays of a century ago, god-gifted with the only creativ ☝︎
mircea_popescu: sadly what he thought was the republic was the previous decade's reddit, "outgrowth of a pedo picture trading club"
a111: Logged on 2018-09-19 23:10 mircea_popescu: anyway, reddit activism does ~nothing, i've been fucking reddit in the ear for years, reich still busy "not noticing, and if noticing still not noticing", https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRecordCorrected/comments/4y7b33/fyi_in_addition_to_purchasing_reddit_accounts/ style
mircea_popescu: anyway, reddit activism does ~nothing, i've been fucking reddit in the ear for years, reich still busy "not noticing, and if noticing still not noticing", https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRecordCorrected/comments/4y7b33/fyi_in_addition_to_purchasing_reddit_accounts/ style ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-09-19 21:53 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i've nfi whether i have months , or years, but pretty sure that not likely decade. the only thing i presently know re the reich reaper, is that idjit reddit 'activism' substantially shortens life expectancy. hence 'stars' like wilson et al.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i've nfi whether i have months , or years, but pretty sure that not likely decade. the only thing i presently know re the reich reaper, is that idjit reddit 'activism' substantially shortens life expectancy. hence 'stars' like wilson et al. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the numbers aren't absolute 0. there's reddit and facebook and the logs and your site and everything in there, the full list is >2k separate domains
a111: Logged on 2018-09-10 15:50 asciilifeform: the 'TW' , 'educated' by decade of reddit and hn, is usually incapable of even considering 'tor is honeypot', it threatens 'depersonalization', sorta like pushing the hanging stool out from under feet. iirc naggum described this psychopathology at length.
asciilifeform: the 'TW' , 'educated' by decade of reddit and hn, is usually incapable of even considering 'tor is honeypot', it threatens 'depersonalization', sorta like pushing the hanging stool out from under feet. iirc naggum described this psychopathology at length. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so : something i nthe vein of reddit investigative journalists uncovering the pizza hut hilary clinton pedophilia scandal, if you recall that.
mircea_popescu: somewhat like "reddit" umm how did the expression go...
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'm willing to talk to 'hey i read ffa and in ch4 you missed this-here obvious optimization, here's proof'. but 'hi i am reddit, hear me roar' can go the fuck perma-away.
mircea_popescu: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2r0twz/josh_garza_must_not_be_allowed_to_speak_at_the/cnbuxyx/ specifically
mircea_popescu: cazalla's comments meanwhile beleted, but lulzy reddit thread he links
asciilifeform: i suspect even reddit can use a clock, tell diff b/w 10G/s router and 1M/s