267 entries in 0.841s
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: item is general-purpose pilot box, plz feel free to mutilate any way you like. the trb is a copy of 'zoolag', can replace w/ own favourite build, or switch off, etc. there is a nearly full chain. znc is set to smoketest knobs, if using , must reconfig.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: zoolag at 592682 , btw, as of 1min ago.
asciilifeform: here's 1 moar tidbit : , , and appear in zoolag's -addnode list but have NOT supplied 1 single block in the entire period represented in above log !!!
asciilifeform: and 0 from anyone else. (zoolag, asciilifeform's personal noad)
asciilifeform: the ominous bit is that miners themselves are apparently letting these go w/out actually verifying (or they'd sit as long as zoolag is sitting, per)
asciilifeform: in re trb -- zoolag ~still~ chewing on a block (perhaps the genuine ..450, perhaps not) even nao.
asciilifeform: and indeed zoolag's been sitting in disk i/o wait for ~10m nao..
asciilifeform looks at 'zoolag' log, it quite depressing picture, 900000 'heathen command, banned' erry hr
asciilifeform: dorion: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/588012.blk << blk # 588012 from zoolag.
asciilifeform: ( can't speak for all, but -- lacking 'aggression' , node 'zoolag' routinely was behind 100+ blox as often as not )
asciilifeform: will note, even with the heap fragging nonsense, current trb has quite reasonable ram footprint; e.g. i run 'zoolag' on a 2GB box, and never manually reset aside from when deploying patch (coupla times in past yr)
asciilifeform: it was pulled from zoolag the day before ( and not because sad, but to expand the latter to 1tb )
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 3 days, 9 hours, and 25 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> is http://trinque.org/2018/07/06/cuntoo-bootstrapper-preview/ still most recent cuntoo ? i got errything ready to bake cuntoo lappy ( the oddball lcd box; old ssd from zoolag ) ; should proceed or wait for update ? ty
asciilifeform: i'ma leave a tcpdump -w fuckwads.pcap -i eth0 "host" or "host" running on zoolag
a111: Logged on 2018-10-23 15:40 asciilifeform: in other noose, ( by all indications, does not contain a public node of any kind ) has been spamming randomly generated blox, incl. to zoolag, at the rate of 5-10 erry sec
asciilifeform: in other noose, ( by all indications, does not contain a public node of any kind ) has been spamming randomly generated blox, incl. to zoolag, at the rate of 5-10 erry sec ☟︎
asciilifeform: they happen erry coupla wks on zoolag, but are almost always of arity 1
asciilifeform: !Q later tell trinque is http://trinque.org/2018/07/06/cuntoo-bootstrapper-preview/ still most recent cuntoo ? i got errything ready to bake cuntoo lappy ( the oddball lcd box; old ssd from zoolag ) ; should proceed or wait for update ? ty
asciilifeform: achtung, panzers ! zoolag is nao back in service.
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, panzers! node zoolag will be going down for ssd upgrade in ~10m, for at least 1hr
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, panzers! zoolag going down for ~30min for test of experimental patch, in ~10m
asciilifeform: diana_coman: btc noad ? never connected to zoolag ( at least not in past month )
asciilifeform: fwiw zoolag in particular hasn't even seen ~invalid~ blox for ~2h.
asciilifeform: 'Asciilifeform ran the experimental patch bringup in trb node zoolag' << bahahahawaaat
asciilifeform: meanwhile in the trb observatory, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/cMfST/?raw=true << restarted zoolag, and confirms my earlier hypothesis -- 'bastards' from friendlies are simply when they throw their latest block blindly at each peer, without concern for who actually can eat it, and who cannot. shitoshi's shit protocol.
a111: Logged on 2018-10-01 13:57 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in trb observatory : http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/trb/10_1_ProcessBlock.txt << anatomy of a 'noad behind'. whole night zoolag fed nuffin but 'bastards', and incl. by friendlies, in continuation of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-01#1856264
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in trb observatory : http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/trb/10_1_ProcessBlock.txt << anatomy of a 'noad behind'. whole night zoolag fed nuffin but 'bastards', and incl. by friendlies, in continuation of http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-01#1856264 ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: in other minor noose, 100% of blox since this morning on zoolag are from tbf/pizarro, with exception of 1, from mod6's
asciilifeform: ^ spoiler/anticlimactic -- loox like just about all new blox on zoolag come from the pizarro noades
asciilifeform: speaking of which, thus far nearly all of zoolag's valid new blox came from one
asciilifeform: currently live on zoolag.
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, panzers ! trb node zoolag will be down for approx 20min for experimental patch bringup, starting 5min from nao.
mod6: asciilifeform: Ok, the Advertised Republican Node List has been updated with Zoolag's new IP.
asciilifeform: fwiw it's been in continuous test on zoolag since day1 ( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-23#1757668 ) ; iirc several other folx also tested ( incl. 'side by side' nodez ) , see what they have ( ben_vulpes ? possibly mircea_popescu ) ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: for comparison : the last time i reset 'zoolag' was to change ps. and the time before that -- to swap in the 'aggression' build
asciilifeform: far better, for instance, than my node 'zoolag', specwise
asciilifeform: attn folx : node zoolag is back in service
asciilifeform: attn folx : node zoolag is back in service.
asciilifeform: attn folx : zoolag node going down for scheduled maintenance , for next ~12h
asciilifeform: faster, in principle, even than zoolag
asciilifeform: in other not-quite-noose, not only is zoolag unfailingly in sync, but today had personal record broken, 31 peers.
asciilifeform: dulap-II had a serious striped-raid ; still took 5x as long to verify same block as fist-sized, raidless ssd zoolag.
asciilifeform: though i will point out, for completeness, that i saw NO substantial 'behinditude' on zoolag since feeding it the pill against shitoshi's sync retardation.
asciilifeform: ( dulap had ~ok trb performance on spinning rust, but it had striped raid . and STILL couldn't keep up with ssd zoolag, despite the latter being a box the size of my fist, with no raid, on residential fiber )
asciilifeform: in unrealated noose, massive reorg on zoolag
asciilifeform: !~later tell trinque how does deedbot's block-fetch history for past 2wk look ? zoolag's performed very, very well re 'tip of spear' , and there appear to exist at least 5 other fully-synced trb boxen that regularly speak to it.
asciilifeform: in other noose from asciilifeform's chamber of horrors : zoolag continues to astonish -- at tip of the spear continuously since reaching sync
asciilifeform: in other noose : zoolag still on tip-of-the-spear, working pretty great.
asciilifeform: in other noose, zoolag has 21 peers, and has been at the bleeding tip of the spear continuously ( at least through the lens of asciilifeform's hand-cranked observatory gear) since getting there.
phf: asciilifeform: zoolag running with your new patches?
mod6: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html << updated with zoolag
asciilifeform: meanwhile zoolag, a machine the size of a man's fist, not only has 0 problem keeping up with tip of spear, but slightly pacing ahead of, e.g., bci & co
a111: Logged on 2017-08-05 21:11 asciilifeform: zoolag live as of now at ye olde .
asciilifeform: mod6 plox to re-add zoolag to trb roster.
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! zoolag -- seems to be at tip of the chain.
asciilifeform currently puzzling over 'motherfuckers, e.g. deedbot is 501444-high, why is it physically possible for zoolag to have open connection to it and yet sit at 501436 for 20+ min'
asciilifeform meanwhile was watching zoolag sync, 'hmm 10min from nao' turned into hour+, and still 10blox behind. culprit seems to be a combo of 'everybody else is lagging' and 'flooded with mempool crud, and as result , not spending enuff time disconnecting unproductives and pushgetblocks()ing with novel peers'
asciilifeform: in related noose, zoolag covered ~20k blox in 4days. and looks set to fully sync by tomorrow morning.
asciilifeform: in other noose, zoolag with 'aggression' : walked from 484621 to 495973 in ~60 hrs.
asciilifeform: which presently leaves asciilifeform with no place to put the bot ( i won't keep it on zoolag, uncloaked irc-to-fleanode results in massive shitfloods routinely )
asciilifeform: the current test on zoolag, however, is mighty interesting: after floundering in a sea of prb for ~hour, thing's been loading blocks almost continuously. at this rate will actually sync in a week or so.
asciilifeform: in other noose, 'aggression' patch is apparently ~the~ pill against what ailed zoolag; 482253 -> 484621 in ~12hr , previously that was 3-4 day's worth
asciilifeform: fwiw 'aggression' is live on (still syncing...) zoolag, as of today.
asciilifeform: trinque: 'zoolag' still 30k behind
asciilifeform: while we're on subj : zoolag @ 462075 .
a111: Logged on 2017-08-19 00:13 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG panzers!! trb node 'zoolag' is back in business, this time as ordinary linux box -- syncing from 0 . same ip as prev.
asciilifeform: oh try this unbelievable horror on for size : zoolag since http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-19#1700485 is STILL syncing ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( zoolag is at 446213 currently )
asciilifeform: it's approx same as 'zoolag'
asciilifeform: !~later tell mod6 >> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-03#1719958 << plox to remove the deceased dulap, . and also note that ( zoolag ) is at 382k and will remain useless as a public node for some weeks. ☝︎
asciilifeform: in zoolag yes
asciilifeform: ( zoolag still syncing , however. slowly walking through the upper 300s atm )
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706896 << ftr current zoolag runs in 2GB of physical ☝︎
asciilifeform: if speaking of cheap nodez, zoolag costs ~0 ( aside from disks ) , i get fiber to the grounds regardless
asciilifeform: 49 zoolag
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1702394 << it is zoolag, it is resyncing, and ( i assume everybody knows ) it is ~impossible to usefully connect to a trb node that is syncing ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-05 22:43 mod6: <+asciilifeform> zoolag live as of now at ye olde . << thanks for the update.
mod6: Ok so this one is alf's zoolag: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-05#1694292 ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-22#1701819 << ~actual~ - i.e. ~hardware~ raid -- ain't cheap, even the controller, and mobo with actual slots, for it to sit down in, each cost more than all of zoolag ! ☝︎
asciilifeform: ssd also more , obviously, compact, and lower current. e.g. zoolag is approx the size of my fist. and runs from a wall wart.
asciilifeform: hanbot: the 1st two are mine ( #1 -- zoolag, which is midway through a resyncing, on account of a dead ssd ; 2nd is dulap, which is humming along )
a111: Logged on 2017-08-04 20:55 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform took the chance made by the death of ssd in 'zoolag' to attempt netbsd. result : no boot. ( with or without 'no acpi' ) option, hangs at usb init.
asciilifeform: zoolag @ 206640 an' syncing happily on
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG panzers!! trb node 'zoolag' is back in business, this time as ordinary linux box -- syncing from 0 . same ip as prev. ☟︎
mod6: <+asciilifeform> zoolag live as of now at ye olde . << thanks for the update. ☟︎
asciilifeform: zoolag live as of now at ye olde . ☟︎
asciilifeform: ACHTUNG PANZERS , welcome back the new zoolag
asciilifeform: about to put zoolag back in service. it will sync, for some days.
asciilifeform: habemus netbsd-zoolag.
mircea_popescu: nah. easier to make new board for pogo than to make new cpu for zoolag.
mircea_popescu has never specifically done zoolag, is stuck guessing from higher up.
asciilifeform: btw in case this wasn't clear, this was zoolag , which did 2+ yrs of 24/7 trb.
asciilifeform: old disk in zoolag was with centos.
asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform took the chance made by the death of ssd in 'zoolag' to attempt netbsd. result : no boot. ( with or without 'no acpi' ) option, hangs at usb init. ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( even if it's yer personal box. asciilifeform had a bunch of stuff grind to a halt when zoolag went )
asciilifeform: trinque: if it relied on zoolag, it will be hungry until the new ssd crate arrives ( tomorrow at dawn )
a111: Logged on 2015-07-16 04:24 asciilifeform: gentlemen, please welcome zoolag.ddns.net - a therealbitcoin/stator node.
asciilifeform: RIP zoolag ( until replacement comes... )
asciilifeform: in other noose, zoolag is back in service
ascii_wtf: zoolag ( same box ) also down until i can physically get to where it lives.