500+ entries in 0.104s
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/ossasepia/2020-03-09#1020492 << two things. in the positive, the sort of non-improvements like "supporting unicode" ; discussion with such a moron recently in trilema. in the negative, actually adding useful things that the pantsuit do not add, for whatever reason ("other priorities", "hateful to protected groups", "illegal", whatever nonsense).
mp_en_viaje: (and the dear love of the pantsuit for non-totalitarian comes exactly from this -- it comes with a guarantee to not bruise his definitional laziness.)
mp_en_viaje: mod6, suppose instead of all this ad-hoc "emergency" pantsuit nonsense you make a proper blog, like normal people, follow the path, like normal people, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: anyways, contrary to the purportings and pretences traditionally required by their culture, i do kinda suspect ye pantsuit gets pretty well overwhelmed in this here copacetic copse of #trilema
mircea_popescu: in other sighs, /me excitedly checked who the fuck that ИМ ave1 resqued from the spam que might be, went over to "knowen.org", turns out it's yet another dumbass pointless pantsuit platform-wannabe, "protected by recaptcha" to crown the shit in turds.
billymg: in other news i'm now a free man, last day of the pantsuit job was friday
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/01/pantsuit-nancy-finally-forwards-impeachment-to-senate/ << Qntra -- Pantsuit Nancy Finally Forwards Impeachment To Senate
mircea_popescu: because that's why i do these sorts of things, so a few years later i can discover hurr durr etcetera. i might as well link fucking pantsuit sites, they purge their linkstructure every four years also.
mircea_popescu: i wonder if anyone to date's noticed the entire hsitory of pop culture, 1950-onwards, all the comics / superheroes / etc fiction is entirely an attempt at retelling that history in the proper (ie, alternate) form from a pantsuit point of view
mircea_popescu: by the pantsuit favourite metric tho, ie headcount, nobody above e2 counts anyway
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-04 05:38:15 mircea_popescu: because totally, this is how the pantsuit "sincere regret" device works : gmaxwell is "sincerely sorry" about his 2011 "business" in his mind only wasting a buncha people's coins, therefore "mp largely slinked off into the shadows after one of his crappy businesses disappeared with people's coins".
mircea_popescu: because totally, this is how the pantsuit "sincere regret" device works : gmaxwell is "sincerely sorry" about his 2011 "business" in his mind only wasting a buncha people's coins, therefore "mp largely slinked off into the shadows after one of his crappy businesses disappeared with people's coins".
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/12/pantsuit-nancy-shows-cold-feet-after-pushing-through-impeachment-may-not-forward-impeachment-to-senate-for-trial/ << Qntra -- Pantsuit Nancy Shows Cold Feet After Pushing Through Impeachment May Not Forward Impeachment To Senate For Trial
BingoBoingo: Anyways, we've got this Republic which is sovereign. We've got a lord of lords in MP. Does not paying mike_c maximize coin that certainly stays inside TMSR, sure. Does not paying mike_c reduce the space in which Lords can credibly extract rents from those who've touched Pantsuit in the past, I very strongly suspect so. If we consider the cause of increasing the power of the Lordship over Pantsuit Delusonists...
BingoBoingo: mike_c agreed to pay substantially for representation along WoT lines. If he gets paid out and retreats forever back to Pantsuit dreamland or gets aggressive... he'll set a good precedent for closing the window that got him paid for all later comers.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-19 01:28:53 mp_en_viaje: http://qntra.net/2019/12/democratically-elected-us-president-donald-trump-writes-letter-to-pantsuit-nancy/ << pretty great letter huh.
mp_en_viaje: http://qntra.net/2019/12/democratically-elected-us-president-donald-trump-writes-letter-to-pantsuit-nancy/ << pretty great letter huh.
mp_en_viaje: interesting how virtuous circles drive virtue an' the republic itself much like vicious circles drive sin an' the pantsuit itself!!!! /aesop
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/12/democratically-elected-us-president-donald-trump-writes-letter-to-pantsuit-nancy/ << Qntra -- Democratically Elected US President Donald Trump Writes Letter To Pantsuit Nancy
trinque: heh, speaking of the pantsuit labeling everything its opposite, obviously the dorks with laptops are the most capital intensive businesses!
mp_en_viaje: i dont know, man. from where i'm sitting, and i'll readily admit i'm not some sort of linux scholar over here, it seems to me torvalds came in two decades ago on a sorta-kinda wishy-washy platform, and a bunch of perfectly respectable men went with him because well, sorta-kinda wishy-washy is better than nothing, and because being an engineers they didn't know better. they were, so to speak, pre-headfucked by pantsuit agitprop, like cult-r
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: They don't. Labour forgets that they are the local "Regime change in Iraq" party which was a great way to fuck themselves into nothing as a "left" pantsuit party.
mp_en_viaje: man, watching uk labour, literally the oldest anglophone pantsuit bastion, go the way of the dnc...
mp_en_viaje: this'd be to my mind the string holding pantsuit online together : python, wikipedia & wediditreddit.
mp_en_viaje: now, people as a particular class of living things are perverse (this is called "intelligence" in pantsuit gospels), meaning they also have a recursion built in there.
mp_en_viaje: contrary to the pantsuit fantasy, "this is everywhere" does not hold. there's a lot of power to be put behind the "you're fucking stupid, amerikanski" in very simple exemplar form.
mp_en_viaje: but yes, putting the above 20 log lines (in context-adequate form) under the eyes of a few hundred thousand pantsuits in fifty or a hundred pantsuit congomerations is not a half-bad plan.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-10#1954809 << look, it's very fucking simple : there are 62 cities in the world larger than houston ; of the 4.5mn living there about 300k own more than a million dubaloos' worth. if you go from nothing to 1mn dubaloos, you go from nothing to being in the top 300k pantsuits in pantsuit conglomeration #62.
mp_en_viaje: does actually expose pretty much the entire buboe. except it's not a pretty sight, for one thing, and moreover "civilised" life as narrated by the pantsuit's simply not compatible with the observation.
mp_en_viaje: the pantsuit drive to cleave history from existence, incidentally, is a lot more successful a ploy than their derpy http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-08#1954492
BingoBoingo: In pantsuit fail, spammers seem to have captured Central Methodist University's servers
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/10/kkkalifornia-freshman-pantsuit-congresswoman-caught-breaking-new-house-no-sex-with-staff-rule/ << Qntra -- KKKalifornia Freshman Pantsuit Congresswoman Caught Breaking New House "No Sex With Staff" Rule
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 06:24:44 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, a) to avoid the sha1-powered contraction ; b) to reject, discontinue and clearly mark as untenable pantsuit heritage ; c) to disrupt any possible legacy of usgistani shenanigans in the output ; d) to give meaning to the notion of computer identity ("a computer's key is the hash of the sig it uses to serpent its rng code") and e) for simplicity (one mechanism instead of two as now)
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, a) to avoid the sha1-powered contraction ; b) to reject, discontinue and clearly mark as untenable pantsuit heritage ; c) to disrupt any possible legacy of usgistani shenanigans in the output ; d) to give meaning to the notion of computer identity ("a computer's key is the hash of the sig it uses to serpent its rng code") and e) for simplicity (one mechanism instead of two as now)
mp_en_viaje: the very fucking point of structure speaks directly here. to be in the republic ~you must not be in pantsuit~. living the life of the atomized powerless pantsuit ~necessarily~ means you can't be in the republic.
mp_en_viaje: no, instead of interfacing with whatever idiotic pantsuit outfit via their website, you just do it through their bot they don't even have enough sense to have written themselves.
mp_en_viaje: and presto, solution to pantsuit websitization and accountization in hand.
mp_en_viaje: the moral being that contrary to what the pantsuit dweebery dept may be trying (and occasionally succeeding) in imprinting upon midwestern helicopter moms, the recourse of 3 ring binder corp putting forth claims upon its failure to service contracts is exactly nil.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-06 15:13:21 mp_en_viaje: as it turns out, it's a hollow spec, entirely holy water dousing. the orcs are just as pantsuit as the zeks, they're just too stupid to express it in specific forms, but otherwise will pantsuit reliably anyways.
mp_en_viaje: as it turns out, it's a hollow spec, entirely holy water dousing. the orcs are just as pantsuit as the zeks, they're just too stupid to express it in specific forms, but otherwise will pantsuit reliably anyways.
mp_en_viaje: item is just one of the lulziest bits of a huge bundle of historical evidence deeply inconvenient to the pantsuit socialists, because it quite clearly proves hitler's purported antisemitism as not merely a received idea, which didn't belong to him personally anymore than the notion that the string "sun" is how you describe the closest star belongs to you,
mircea_popescu: but to sum it up clearly and concisely : you're not required to try and commercialize everything you come up with, feel free to publish whatever it is you want ; and you're not required to try and publish everything you come up with either, feel free to try and commercialize. but pick EXACTLY ONE. don't try ye olde pantsuit magic, it neve
mircea_popescu: once you divide by 0, you'll get any other result you want ; once you buy this pantsuit idiocy of "try to guess what your life might mean in context", your life will be an endless AND DOOMED quest to rid yourself of pantsuitism.
asciilifeform: ( consider root of pantsuit's fixation with 'robotic soldier' )
mircea_popescu: same thing with being in the pantsuit, cry yourserlf to sleep as you will each night, the perception of mp grinning's still always there
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-17#1936911 << strictly because when some pantsuit came in here to derp about how "stallman is respectable" he was laughed out
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, i can't conceive how the pantsuit will manage to get a candidate. for one thing, trump did in fact end the dnc, as discussed in the logs.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-14 02:46:27 mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-11#1935561 << unlike phf, holding a torch of oneitis for some pantsuit chick that likely couldn't pick him out of a line-up, i should hope the texan has enough fucking sense to actually manage his household as his own.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-09-11#1935561 << unlike phf, holding a torch of oneitis for some pantsuit chick that likely couldn't pick him out of a line-up, i should hope the texan has enough fucking sense to actually manage his household as his own.
asciilifeform: i.e. current cn politburo is ~soft~. sided w/ pantsuit !
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/08/pantsuit-social-engineers-begin-calling-for-invasion-of-brazil-over-seasonal-wildfires/ << Qntra -- Pantsuit Social Engineers Begin Calling For Invasion Of Brazil Over Seasonal Wildfires
mircea_popescu: you don't grow the pantsuit from visual contact with that dude's bald head directly
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/08/200-us-ceos-sign-pantsuit-pledge-declaring-primacy-of-social-and-political-goals-after-other-us-ceo-confirms-usg-malice-pursuing-said-goals/ << Qntra -- 200 US CEOs Sign Pantsuit Pledge Declaring Primacy Of Social And Political Goals After Other US CEO Confirms USG Malice Pursuing Said Goals
mp_en_viaje: if they TRULY BELIEVE they got something, "democracy", blabla. if the pantsuit truly believe pantsuitism is +ev, then how come iraq isn't the 51st state ?
BingoBoingo: Irony of Ironies is that North Argentina Pantsuit more likely to see a jail cell. South Argentina just might elect theirs President again.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/08/arkancide-today-jeffery-epstein-dead-in-jail-two-weeks-after-being-put-on-suicide-watch-hours-after-pantsuit-names-released/ << Qntra -- Arkancide Today: Jeffery Epstein Dead In Jail Two Weeks After Being Put On Suicide Watch, Hours After Pantsuit Names Released
mircea_popescu: do you propose, sending out patrols to shoot in the gut and leave for dead any pantsuit saying "instinct" incorrectly ?
mp_en_viaje: in other sad lulz : protonmail.com too pantsuit to... show you the god damned headers.
mp_en_viaje: this is moral obligation of man, not merely "mp is being vindictive" or w/e the pantsuit bullshit. man has moral obligation, unavoidable and indelible, to repress monkey.
mp_en_viaje: oh, actually, since i started this : it is harmful to a superlative degree to attempt pantsuit abuse upon little boys and call it "education". boys have to spill blood, as part of their natural and necessary function ; this is precisely why little girls come with clingwrap on their snatch.
mp_en_viaje: s your piece of shit being dropped out of production because of your pantsuit bullshit
mp_en_viaje: imo this can stand by itself as death certificate for the pantsuit fantasy. IF any kind of work efficiency were contemplated, this'dbe ablated. but it stays, because the question's not productivity, the question's maintaining the fantasy, whereby both workers and China believe the ongoing shenanigans in the "work place" are "work", ie, activity towards some productive end
mp_en_viaje: keks. remember back when flying a flag meant something ? back in the days of richard cobden an' the 4 night parliament debate on the 2nd opium war ?
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-19#1923447 << so did linus. the problem with the behaviour standard is that pantsuit aligned agent can appear to behave sanely for lack of actual testing for any arbitrary length of time. eg, my clay pot also has behaved sanely as hammer for lo these past 3 weeks -- principally because i've not had need of any hammers 3 weeks straight. ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: the shitheads he links, too. anything as long as collectivism pure pantsuit retardation, holy hell.
mp_en_viaje: the experience of the past is there to inform the future, not to reformulate the past, we're not the pantsuit here.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/07/pantsuit-sex-epstein-arrested-for-child-trafficking-norwegian-fish-minister-arrested-for-buggering-trafficked-migrants-in-asylum-quid-pro-quo/ << Qntra -- Pantsuit Sex: Epstein Arrested For Child Trafficking, Norwegian Fish Minister Arrested For Buggering Trafficked Migrants In Asylum Quid Pro Quo
mp_en_viaje: from the "OEA" imaginary association of imaginary representatives of pantsuit-imagined "nations" to inexistent restaurants to everything else, the internet is mostly the pretendosphere of the redditard. ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: increasingly the internet becomes a pantsuit translation skin upon the world, giving such a worldview as could be digested by a specific sort of ideologically-hobbled moron and naught else.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-01 07:44 mircea_popescu: the general expectation of the pantsuit that their century-long loud noise has eliminated the possibility of thought as a backing of human activity is why they're so fucking [http://trilema.com/2015/so-i-found-the-libertard-motherlode/#select
mircea_popescu regularly ignores nonsense on "absolute truth" "respect" "consent" etc blablabla from assorted girlies. they handle it just fine, in fact all they're really looking for is some kind of release from it. if there's a place where things can be discussed without reference to the pantsuit mental infrastructure they're perfectly happy to.
mircea_popescu: but it seems to me talking to the pantsuit youth ~in groups~ is a complete waste of time. from one end to the other, fetlife yielded via private messaging ; okcupid did not yield through public and visible group dominance, i dunno the whys and wherefores but they evidently ignore all group anything.
mircea_popescu: the general expectation of the pantsuit that their century-long loud noise has eliminated the possibility of thought as a backing of human activity is why they're so fucking [http://trilema.com/2015/so-i-found-the-libertard-motherlode/#select ☝︎☟︎
mp_en_viaje: actual ~increase~ in cancer notwithstanding significant drop in smoking, so exact opposite of what was promised ; and also spike in dementia. sounds almost exactly like pantsuit awareness raising campaign.
mp_en_viaje: it's almost as if the pantsuit honestly believe they found the holy grail of scamming, everyone else is doing it wrong (tm)
mircea_popescu: this is exactly cosubstantial with the http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-22#1919401 inquiry : "reading everything aforehand" as a strategy is just as dysfunctional as any other idealism aka premature optimization. there's a fucking reason republican doctrine is "do it by hand first, automate later, and those parts that actually need it and benefit from it, rather than randomly and abstractly like the pantsuit do". ☝︎
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/06/oregon-government-in-chaos-as-minority-party-boycotts-pantsuit-legislation/ << Qntra -- Oregon Government In Chaos As Minority Party Boycotts Pantsuit Legislation
asciilifeform: admittedly asciilifeform not had time to follow pantsuit press. last i knew they helpfully assembled the old carrier fleet into a convenient shooting gallery for iran. (who for some reason not taken advantage yet)
BingoBoingo: The question is, which year in the 90s did Pantsuit win
mircea_popescu: other than repurposed cat growers / arts & crafts poets, the foremost female on the list (at #9) is http://www.profnancycartwright.com/ ; as contemptible a piece of pantsuit shit / femstate "architect" as could be ever found. replete with all the makings of a typical macauley ☝︎
asciilifeform: crapple, in the usual pantsuit 'add insult to injury', has audacity to brag re 'macbook is entirely recyclable'
BingoBoingo: ^ Related to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-08#1917763 Pantsuitist promotes decay while engaging in Pantsuitist child fucking network because XY Pantsuit is http://trilema.com/2016/the-pedoepiphany/ ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it's been the pantsuit kick for the past few years, "hurr durr nignogs matter, herp derp freedoms dont"
mircea_popescu: kinda the only thing pantsuit shitholes are good for, ye olde chick rescue. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: bitcoin exists to corrupt all around it, and all that. yes ?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> meanwhile, in asciilifeform's locale, price of tapwater has gone up ~2x. << There's a Pantsuit movement which advocated deliquent water payers need to be subsidized by relable water payers. Seems like your locale made it policy.
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in Pantsuit artifiacts found in the wild, trying to stack bills the Clinton way: https://i.redd.it/uxs7kznf3v131.png
mircea_popescu: misfortunate pantsuit, can't escape unfairness even in purely hallucinated masturbatory fantasy.
mircea_popescu: gotta put this shit on record before it "disappears", it's just too fucking lulzy stylistically : https://crji.org/?idT=88&idRec=5069 (source is this wanna-be respectable usg.blue character assassination project, made in the usual amerikanski fashion -- on the cheap by local orcs. very fashionable among the ro pantsuit crowd)
mircea_popescu: https://www.oglaf.com/forecast/ << such excellent concise statement of pantsuitism. "nothing to do with us", this is a ~possibility~ to the pantsuit mind. which happens to be the definition of the term : a pantsuit is the mentally deranged who imagines just like a cow or a boulder exist, so his "indemnity" exists, there can be such a thing as "nothing to do with him". ties directly into both [http://trilema.com/2018/the-pr
BingoBoingo: So the headlines in Pantsuit press today almost all relate to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-18#1914630 coming to an end. Turns out they did a modern democracy and made Sir Elliot of exquisite tastes king. ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: precisely how one defeats the pantsuit strategy : unconnected examples.
mp_en_viaje: especially because should someone shoot a few sets of 30 stooges, that'd be strictly speasking the end of pantsuit government in the island. permanently.
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in local Pantsuit campaign stunts: https://www.montevideo.com.uy/Noticias/Martinez-encaro-a-un-hombre-que-le-grito-en-un-acto-politico-Terminaron-en-paz-uc717774
BingoBoingo: Right. Gotta undo all the dishonest pricing Pantsuit debasement inflicted on the world
a111: Logged on 2019-05-04 17:56 mp_en_viaje: heck, half my discussions of such start with "that idiot one, with the horse face" or equivalent. i've been living for many years with tons of entries in the pantsuit namespace not resolving to anything whatsoever, and to no detriment.
mp_en_viaje: heck, half my discussions of such start with "that idiot one, with the horse face" or equivalent. i've been living for many years with tons of entries in the pantsuit namespace not resolving to anything whatsoever, and to no detriment. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> never win [as idem]" because "all authority can do is multiply the questions", see, had they not "kidnapped sasha" there'd be fewer "questions to answer" and someone gives a shit etcetera. << Watching Pantsuit run against the actual popularity of Maduro has been a trip. "Yes, all the venezolanos you talk to hate Maduro, but how poor were they? How poor are they now?"
mircea_popescu: the idea being, transparently enough, that in pantsuitist alt-reality "putin [as pantsuit defines the term] can
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-01#1910453 << then again nothing factually has to happen for the pantsuit to pantsuit. ☝︎