167 entries in 0.705s
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-10 13:53:17 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That part is ~90% plant genetics, and there isn't a Monsanto sorta monopoly on that. Largely for reasons of the folks doing seed development having been more or less effective dissidents. I suspect much of the percieved selectivity of the consumers is applied marketing.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: That part is ~90% plant genetics, and there isn't a Monsanto sorta monopoly on that. Largely for reasons of the folks doing seed development having been more or less effective dissidents. I suspect much of the percieved selectivity of the consumers is applied marketing.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-15 17:58 asciilifeform: specifically how there is no place in usa where one can 'i will pay double for non-monsanto but i don't give a fuck about 'gmo' and i sure as fuck don't want to see homeopathic crud in the shop'
BingoBoingo: That plus a little bit Monsanto 710 (apparently 710 is replacing 420 among anglotards because instead of smoking week they vaporize Monsanto weed oils like crack)
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's an industry because monsanto
a111: Logged on 2018-10-05 17:45 BingoBoingo: Anyways, the point is the cannabis forum wankers essentially invented their own Monsanto in the same way Linus and the men alone invented their own Microshit
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's what the kids who weren't good enough to hussle on the corner call themselves when they work slinging redditized Monsanto behind a counter
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the point is the cannabis forum wankers essentially invented their own Monsanto in the same way Linus and the men alone invented their own Microshit ☟︎
mircea_popescu: bout three or four years after they started giving monsanto columbia's tax money for no reason.
mircea_popescu: kinda how the ideal failure mode of usg mind hooks goes : it's effectual for the intended target and meaningless for the rest. monsanto idealia.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-15 17:58 asciilifeform: specifically how there is no place in usa where one can 'i will pay double for non-monsanto but i don't give a fuck about 'gmo' and i sure as fuck don't want to see homeopathic crud in the shop'
asciilifeform: it's more or less exactly monsanto-style agriculture, and other blunt tools of 'modern civilizations'
a111: Logged on 2014-10-14 15:14 mircea_popescu: the entire "monsanto increases yields" fallacy is based on the fraudulent proposition that shit-tomatoes are = tomatoes.
mircea_popescu: agricultural supremacy ~= john deere (THAT is a place "self-driving" has utility btw) + monsanto genetic "engineering":
mircea_popescu: agrarian us ? whjat is this, a monsanto joek ?
asciilifeform: and monsanto
asciilifeform: plains of nebraska ? ( compete with monsanto, somehow ? )
asciilifeform: (it contained the familiar ~deliberate~, not at all a result of intellectual sloppiness, conflation, of 'genetically modified' and 'monsanto')
BingoBoingo wonders if Monsanto has found a mesotrione resistance gene
shinohai: http://archive.is/Vfo1U <<< moar Monsanto lelz
BingoBoingo: I've also been looking into starting a Monsanto and marketing "Priviledge" as the banner product.
phf: bayer is buying/bought monsanto, http://www.bbc.com/news/business-37361556
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-14: [13:37:03] <asciilifeform> 'German chemicals giant Bayer has confirmed its record-breaking $66bn takeover of GM seeds business Monsanto - a deal that would create the world's biggest seeds and pesticides company.'
asciilifeform: 'German chemicals giant Bayer has confirmed its record-breaking $66bn takeover of GM seeds business Monsanto - a deal that would create the world's biggest seeds and pesticides company.'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2016/08/argentine-government-and-monsanto-approaching-peace-deal/#comment-68349
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/08/argentine-government-and-monsanto-approaching-peace-deal/#comment-68347
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/08/argentine-government-and-monsanto-approaching-peace-deal/ << Qntra - Argentine Government And Monsanto Approaching Peace Deal
deedbot: [Qntra] Monsanto On Dicamba Drift Disaster: We Are Not An Enforcement Agency, To Argentina: We Are An Enforcement Agency - http://qntra.net/2016/08/monsanto-on-dicamba-drift-disaster-we-are-not-an-enforcement-agency-to-argentina-we-are-an-enforcement-agency/
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: point , earlier, was that cheap, ubiquitous petrol is every bit as usgtronic as the monsanto-midland-mcdonalds food supply system.
deedbot: [Qntra] Monsanto Lead Dicamba Enthusiasm Raises Tensions Among Farmers - http://qntra.net/2016/07/monsanto-lead-dicamba-enthusiasm-raises-tensions-among-farmers/
BingoBoingo: covertress: http://qntra.net/2016/07/monsanto-lead-dicamba-enthusiasm-raises-tensions-among-farmers/
BingoBoingo: covertress: Well for that like shinohai you are going to have to read qntra in about an hour, but http://qntra.net/2016/05/monsanto-embargoes-argentina-from-getting-dicamba-resistant-soybeans/ will be useful background reading
BingoBoingo: Reasons Bayer > Monsanto #786 https://www.bayeradvanced.com/find-a-product/lawn-care/bermudagrass-control-for-lawns
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the monsanto that invented led lives in the same place as atari
BingoBoingo: Anyways Bayer upped its bid to 62 bn USD for monsanto
BingoBoingo: Also https://www.reddit.com/r/farming/comments/4k1jyv/monsanto_embargoes_argentina_from_getting_dicamba/d3cfp01
BingoBoingo: In other lulz http://qntra.net/2016/05/monsanto-embargoes-argentina-from-getting-dicamba-resistant-soybeans/#comment-59107
BingoBoingo: Nah, Bayer pretty much has to buy Monsanto
asciilifeform: at any rate, with people being idiots, i fully expect 'bring back $1 burgerz, motherfuckers' graffiti after monsanto dies
hanbot: <BingoBoingo> ^ Qntra Farm Report is back! Eat Moar Monsanto! << is there anti-monsanto graffiti in the us, btw? common theme here. also, "go home obama", from a few months ago.
deedbot: [Qntra] Bayer Bidding For Monsanto - http://qntra.net/2016/05/bayer-bidding-for-monsanto/
mircea_popescu: but as per our discussion of monsanto, if your idea of "innovation" in humanities is alligned with "absolute first", you can't even PERCEIVE humanities, let alone meaningfully interact with em.
mircea_popescu: in another view, what's nailing monsanto is called "so you thought you were smart, eh ?". heck, plants've been here a while. odds are whatever random unwashed derp in our colonies comes up with, they've seen before.
asciilifeform: one of the interesting things is that monsanto used to be an actual 'golden age of usa' chemical co. e.g., produced first commercial LED.
asciilifeform: the thing nailing monsanto has a name, 'epigenetics'
BingoBoingo: Anyways it looks like reddit doesn't get much traffic anymore compare https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/comments/1050659 to https://www.reddit.com/r/farming/comments/4k1jyv/monsanto_embargoes_argentina_from_getting_dicamba/
BingoBoingo: Still, the point remains Argentina's only strategy is to void the monsanto glyphosate resistance patents locally
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo yeah, monsanto is very much apple'd. the original idea seemed promising, in the 90s. sometime years ago, dunno exactly when cuz they've been keeping it secret and i never cared that much, they found out it's a doomed entreprise. ever since then... MON's been pretty much a stock scam.
BingoBoingo still wonders why Monsanto hasn't been digging for Diquat decomposing bacteria to make a wunderwaffen
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "genes Monsanto claims title travels" << claims title to ?
mircea_popescu: nice qntra btw. and yes monsanto is fucked - the projections were for weed resistance to appear in centuries. it showed up within a coupla short decades. this puts the practical utility of their "genetic research" in serious doubt. in fact they've closed down most "general" projects, focusing on a coupla more promising line, after which it's ~the end.
BingoBoingo: ^ Qntra Farm Report is back! Eat Moar Monsanto!
deedbot: [Qntra] Monsanto Embargoes Argentina From Getting Dicamba Resistant Soybeans - http://qntra.net/2016/05/monsanto-embargoes-argentina-from-getting-dicamba-resistant-soybeans/
BingoBoingo: Just because all the marketing is behind monsanto and glyphosate doesn't mean there aren't cases where a diquat is phine too.
asciilifeform: specifically how there is no place in usa where one can 'i will pay double for non-monsanto but i don't give a fuck about 'gmo' and i sure as fuck don't want to see homeopathic crud in the shop' ☟︎☟︎
ascii_butugychag: it necessarily appears. if not monsanto, then dow chemical, or somebody else.
ascii_butugychag: in that light monsanto is just a devil conjured up by the premise.
mircea_popescu: so would you be happy if we move on from "genetically engineered" to "monsanto engineered" ?
ascii_butugychag: to frame the conversation as being particularly 'about genes' is a deliberate and carefully-constructed memetic gambit by monsanto et al
BingoBoingo: <ascii_butugychag> i can't walk into a shop and buy 'gmo food', i can buy crud soaked in monsanto herbicide << this
ascii_butugychag: i can't walk into a shop and buy 'gmo food', i can buy crud soaked in monsanto herbicide
mircea_popescu: only reason those are excused is because ancient tradition. otherwise, caterpillar as loathsome as john deere as loathsome as monsanto as loathsome as mpaa
assbot: Logged on 31-12-2015 10:50:44; BingoBoingo: long story involving monsanto, obesity, biodiesel, and cuckolding
BingoBoingo: long story involving monsanto, obesity, biodiesel, and cuckolding ☟︎
BingoBoingo: yeah, maybe we'll have to table this until we get bored with our chip fabs and can move on to our own monsanto
BingoBoingo: Well, most american food is laced with the sugahs. Even the meats and breads. A lot of it is the sugahs that don't respond to insulin (fructose). Add vidya games. Add monsanto.
BingoBoingo: And no amount of Monsanto has yet produced glyphosate resistant wheat to my knowledge
BingoBoingo: <pete_dushenski> "ts fields could yield $200 million per year if those crops are sold, even at the cut rates paid on black markets. And how do you conduct airstrikes on farm fields?" << easily, call monsanto
BingoBoingo: Dietary protein goes monsanto http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/GeneticEngineering/GeneticallyEngineeredAnimals/ucm466214.htm
BingoBoingo: Sugar+water+gelling agent+chemical flavor also from monsanto
BingoBoingo: straight glucose from monsanto burns just fine. Marathon runners consume gelled satches of it which they litter their ritual grounds with.
assbot: Logged on 19-11-2015 15:24:00; asciilifeform: for some reason i am reminded of 'farmer's market' sc4mz0rz who load up on monsanto garbage at the big box shop and then resell 'organic tomatoez!!111' to chumpers
asciilifeform: for some reason i am reminded of 'farmer's market' sc4mz0rz who load up on monsanto garbage at the big box shop and then resell 'organic tomatoez!!111' to chumpers ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Monsanto makes its home in StL
BingoBoingo: And the Boeing and Monsanto
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-10-2015#1304392 << 'gmo' == monsanto/roundup in precisely the same sense as 'pc' == winblowz. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 08-10-2015 01:35:13; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-10-2015#1294670 << without having to perform any necromancy or wield crystal ball, i can tell you how it will go - precisely like the pharma pain of 1990s-present, where a corp is bought (present-day monsanto shares nothing at all with the monsanto that sold the first LED) - and 'useless eaters' like r&d folk are sacked to pad shareholder pockets
BingoBoingo: "Some say concern among residents and area officials has heightened since Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster released reports last month that said an underground fire at the landfill was moving toward radioactive waste in the adjacent West Lake Landfill." << Monsanto/Mallinkrodt has impending potential liabilities, potentially unbounded
assbot: Logged on 08-10-2015 01:24:57; BingoBoingo: Oh, look who is bleeding nao http://www.stltoday.com/business/local/monsanto-posts-big-quarterly-loss-to-eliminate-jobs/article_ba00c469-4165-5e12-a0e9-1f2b2d0621c4.html
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-10-2015#1294670 << without having to perform any necromancy or wield crystal ball, i can tell you how it will go - precisely like the pharma pain of 1990s-present, where a corp is bought (present-day monsanto shares nothing at all with the monsanto that sold the first LED) - and 'useless eaters' like r&d folk are sacked to pad shareholder pockets ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Monsanto posts big quarterly loss, to eliminate 2,600 jobs : Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1hrC4Sy )
BingoBoingo: Oh, look who is bleeding nao http://www.stltoday.com/business/local/monsanto-posts-big-quarterly-loss-to-eliminate-jobs/article_ba00c469-4165-5e12-a0e9-1f2b2d0621c4.html ☟︎
BingoBoingo: funkenstein_: Seriously what the fuck is Dupont compared to Monsanto
mircea_popescu: monsanto should ge au wasps to build houses in new mexico.
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: "As such, I would find it absolutely essential, in order to take this question to its logical conclusion, to murder everyone in my constituency extant and to replace them with an army of sterile maleviii clones (perhaps with the help of Monsanto because I hear they’re pretty good at this sort of thing), whom will be raised by robot nannies, so as to control for the differences between parenting qualities and s
BingoBoingo: <punkman> why don't they have a piss-funnel for the driver? fill it up during the 8 hours of commuting. << Biologic piss isn't good enough. Need special monsanto pure piss.
BingoBoingo: Because why accept engineering compromises when you can instead invent a tank that pisses into the exhaust and feed monsanto more bezzel
BingoBoingo: ascii_field: Nah, you gotta understand when Intel goes bust USG will have monsanto to fab chips
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: i developed gluten intolerance (not dissimilar to lactose intolerance as an experience) as an adult. why ? monsanto ? youthful rebellion against grain-growing ancestors ? who knows
BingoBoingo: bried survey of dex-kensaw also suggests many local with farms due to the substantial median size of holding possess "air tractor" which could be loaded with kerosene instead of monsanto for Joe Stack++
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Monsanto the Doge!!!
BingoBoingo: <decimation> those 50 acres are either owned by monsanto or abandoned today << Please point me to 50 US acres that are truly abadon. No "owner" no renter, no Sheriff.
decimation: those 50 acres are either owned by monsanto or abandoned today
asciilifeform: that was before monsanto and winblowz-traktor
BingoBoingo: decimation: Too be fair Kentucky isn't "flat" enough for intentive Monsanto'ing
pete_dushenski: funkenstein_: to the extent that the federal reserve is a counterfeiter, they most certainly control food (monsanto) and bedding (housing bubble)
asciilifeform: 'This effort didn't go very far at first, because Monsanto's marketing department reported that the only color customers wanted was red. Customers used red displays for calculators, so their only concern was getting cheaper LEDs. Marketing never considered other LED applications. Its conclusion that red was the only color wanted may have stemmed from asking the wrong question or asking the wrong people.'
asciilifeform: http://www.datamath.org/Display/Monsanto.htm
assbot: The Vintage Technology Association - Monsanto MV2 ... ( http://bit.ly/1QSaYVa )
asciilifeform: phun phakt: http://www.decadecounter.com/vta/articleview.php?item=529 << monsanto made... led.