167 entries in 0.527s
assbot: To land Syngenta, Monsanto offers to change name, incorporate in U.K. : Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1JBUo7T )
BingoBoingo: http://www.stltoday.com/business/local/to-land-syngenta-monsanto-offers-to-change-name-incorporate-in/article_da79bf37-0ccd-5dcd-aeb7-074e1e71fef1.html
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo from what i hear a major battle is raging in us agriculture. monsanto vs agrobiz
BingoBoingo: Eh, Monsanto's no so bad. The only problem with glyphosate is it doesn't always kill plants dead enough.
justJanne: If you want, you can move to Togo, or Monsanto City, or the Bahamas.
BingoBoingo: funkenstein_: Yeah, but apparently bred for said genetics rather than monsanto'd.
pete_dushenski: he can 'teach the controversy' all he wants but he's going to end up grouped alongside monsanto for it
nubbins`: noway dude, do you even log? no monsanto in twodogland
mircea_popescu: !ban nubbins` monsanto shill
nubbins` lives on monsanto-free island (for now)
asciilifeform: intel is interested in 'platform security' in much the same way that monsanto is interested in your healthy diet.
assbot: Logged on 12-09-2014 19:19:30; asciilifeform: except - they aren't banning monsanto garbage. they're banning 'gmo.'
brendafdez: but if you live close to the field you'll likely get intoxicated by the monsanto crap+
decimation: heh yeah, but does it reproduce without monsanto?
pete_dushenski: "Monsanto said Wednesday its earnings fell 34% in its first fiscal quarter" << fucken derps following cisco to the grave. such paper signers.
assbot: Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research FirmREALfarmacy.com | Healthy News and Information ... ( http://bit.ly/1Bx7fS9 )
punkman: http://www.realfarmacy.com/blamed-for-bee-collapse-monsanto-buys-leading-bee-research-firm/
thestringpuller: "fridges that order food only from sources that use approved GMO technology from Monsanto"
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski> further north, monsanto farms Further north and Keystone XL doesn't need to be as long. Right now trains and barges move crude. Refineries scatted around as well.
pete_dushenski: further north, monsanto farms
BingoBoingo: Actual dinosaurs impossible. Theme park monsters with vague resemblance to dinosaurs could probably be done in a decade or two if anyone cared to go monsanto on chickens
assbot: 42 results for 'monsanto' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=monsanto
asciilifeform: !s monsanto
assbot: 38 results for 'monsanto' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=monsanto
asciilifeform: !s monsanto
assbot: Logged on 12-09-2014 19:19:30; asciilifeform: except - they aren't banning monsanto garbage. they're banning 'gmo.'
assbot: Logged on 18-08-2014 16:12:29; asciilifeform: but no, somehow, 'gmo' equals what monsanto inc. does.
mircea_popescu: what, like monsanto mdma ?
mircea_popescu: the entire "monsanto increases yields" fallacy is based on the fraudulent proposition that shit-tomatoes are = tomatoes. ☟︎
nubbins`: it's not like people are buying monsanto seed and saying "hey, wait, this isn't what i paid for"
mats_cd03: monsanto makes it possible to feed more people with less. whats not to like?
chetty: uh, something is off here, a prepper that like monsanto ..no add up
mats_cd03: i'm a big fan of monsanto.
mircea_popescu: which i guess brings the side point for all the latter day big pharma purists : you oppose monsanto's genetic novelties ? how about margerine ?
asciilifeform: except - they aren't banning monsanto garbage. they're banning 'gmo.' ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: the proponents (there's exactly 1, monsanto corp. and its subcontractors) are happily and silently raking in the $$$
assbot: Payday Monsanto ~ Maniacs At Large [Listen up sheeple] - YouTube
xmj: Vexual: Monsanto strikes the hypocritical white progressives as bad due to their feeding people.
Vexual: and monsanto has prolly fed a lot of people
assbot: Is Monsanto The New Cannabis Supplier In Town? AnonHQ
xmj: http://anonhq.com/is-monsanto-the-new-cannabis-supplier-in-town/
chetty: <usagi> Thanks, I was looking at monsanto the other day actually and according to them at least, they don't produce "terminator seeds".// YET
usagi: Thanks, I was looking at monsanto the other day actually and according to them at least, they don't produce "terminator seeds". http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/pages/terminator-seeds.aspx
asciilifeform: but no, somehow, 'gmo' equals what monsanto inc. does. ☟︎
asciilifeform: if, say, monsanto - sold a set with an extra -5dB attenuation, made of reprocessed kittens and personally signed by obama, at 20x the cost - i'd buy it...
BingoBoingo: moiety: Maybe some day you buy Monsanto?
mircea_popescu: also yes, as usual : the main utility of monsanto bs actually is in china.
asciilifeform: i can easily imagine chinese gov. handing out chicom-monsanto seeds, aerial spray of 'roundup' at public expense
other_mp: i don't lol. monsanto does.
BingoBoingo: Monsanto and Urban Corn share a home for a reason
mircea_popescu: "Millions will be encouraged to dump Monsanto stock this coming Friday, May 9th, to give a clear message to the biotech industry that we don’t support them at all."
mircea_popescu: ction and the severity of the mutilation. Judge C. Glenn Stevens awarded the man $16,000,000 in 1993 to compensate him. To satisfy the judgment, the Midwest Rubber Reclaiming plant and equipment owned by the Monsanto Corporation was sold at auction in August 1993. The site has since been leveled with no future prospects for development.
mircea_popescu: The Monsanto plant in Sauget was also home to a serious accident in January 1992 when worker Charles Pritchett was critically hurt. Pritchett was caught in an auger used for moving small materials and shredding rubber. He was stuck in the auger for five hours while officials attempted to extract him. Pritchett was in a coma for three months and pronounced dead twice. Pritchett's leg was eventually amputated due to infe
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Well, No one but Monsanto and strip clubs actually are in the city limits
mircea_popescu: Sauget was incorporated as "Monsanto" in 1926. It was formed to provide a liberal regulatory environment and low taxes for the Monsanto chemical plants at a time when local jurisdictions had most of the responsibility for environmental rules. It was renamed in honor of Leo Sauget, its first Village President
mircea_popescu: right. but this mostly because you don't want either usda or monsanto
herbijudlestoids: there is no way you should be able to be the head of some important decision making function at the USDA and then in a week go work for monsanto
deadweasel: must be, mp. that monsanto chicken is looking mythical
mircea_popescu: deadweasel is that a tiger and a monsanto chicken in your avatar ?
thestringpuller: down with Monsanto!!!!
thestringpuller: what's next, monsanto starts patenting our genes?
mircea_popescu: i suppose corporations will catch on of this magic soon, and we'll see ads for monsanto made by shells
truffles: id boycott monsanto too
mircea_popescu: http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2013/05/14/new-app-lets-you-boycott-koch-brothers-monsanto-and-more-by-scanning-your-shopping-cart/
cads: I'm not liable to damages claimed by the monsanto company
thestringpuller: monsanto....
thestringpuller: be evil like monsanto