170 entries in 0.661s
BingoBoingo: <User705> On both ends lulzy the whole thing of you now own things I don't really own and the plaintiffs asking to get back a valuable thing that wouldn't be worth shit if you could get it back that way. The cryptsy dude should just send the court a letter stating I release all rights to those addresses to you as a satisfaction of judgement. Best of luck. << Nah, this is how "family court" works
User705: On both ends lulzy the whole thing of you now own things I don't really own and the plaintiffs asking to get back a valuable thing that wouldn't be worth shit if you could get it back that way. The cryptsy dude should just send the court a letter stating I release all rights to those addresses to you as a satisfaction of judgement. Best of luck.
User705: Judge in cryptsy suit ruled that the plaintiffs own the BTC in addresses they have no keys to
User705: thought qntra or logs would cover the cryptsy judgment iirc this is first time a "legal" claim got laid to just a BTC address
asciilifeform: 'No Mircea Popescu (his blog, ranting) is not the DAO hacker, but he does know what actually happened to Cryptsy. Polonix.com doesn't know how to handle floats/doubles/scientific-notation and it is being manipulated in margin trading. 10% (soon to be 20%) of all mining rewards go to the Bilderburg Group' << lollamatic
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/12/coinbase-targeted-in-cryptsy-class-action/ << Qntra - Coinbase Targeted In Cryptsy Class Action
assbot: Cryptsy Co-founder and Josh Garza Co-conspirator is the ideas guy behind Bitcoin Classic : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1ScjT40 )
BingoBoingo: https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/42z5yy/cryptsy_cofounder_and_josh_garza_coconspirator_is/
assbot: marshmellow_long comments on Bitcoin Classic is possibly a Takeover Attempt by Cryptsy and Marshall Long of FinalHash to dump Worthless Coins on Depositers ... ( http://bit.ly/1RyFSBP )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-01-2016#1372437 << dude go back to cryptsy/glbse/whatever the fuck. ☝︎
assbot: Cryptsy Blog — Announcement ... ( http://bit.ly/2364INd )
punkman: http://blog.cryptsy.com/post/137323646202/announcement mega-lol
assbot: Cryptsy Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1nmGjCv )
AdrianG: http://blog.cryptsy.com/
BingoBoingo: That's the other good reason it wouldn't have been linked if I found it in time. It's like Cryptsy screaming their were hacked after their end has already entered the record. Too late.
assbot: Cryptsy - Trade Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oqol8X )
BingoBoingo: <copypaste> Cryptsy just published a notice that it's been hacked on all pages https://archive.is/hxGqy << Scammer's don't get to pick their narrative
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 09:04:03; copypaste: In fact, I just added it up ( $('#leftbtclist>li').size() ) - you can trade 266 shitcoins on Cryptsy.
copypaste: In fact, I just added it up ( $('#leftbtclist>li').size() ) - you can trade 266 shitcoins on Cryptsy. ☟︎
copypaste: Cryptsy is an exchange where you can trade real Bitcoins (and Pushcoins) for virtually any shitty coin imaginable, even those with no running clients.
adlai: what's cryptsy?
assbot: Cryptsy - Trade Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oqol8X )
copypaste: Cryptsy just published a notice that it's been hacked on all pages https://archive.is/hxGqy
deedbot-: [Qntra] Another One Bites The Dust: Cryptsy Edition - http://qntra.net/2016/01/another-one-bites-the-dust-cryptsy-edition/
assbot: Cryptsy Has Moved Out of Their Building Unannounced, Nowhere to be Found - Bitcoinist.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1JBwDy2 )
punkman: http://bitcoinist.net/cryptsy-has-moved-out-of-their-building-unannounced-nowhere-to-be-found/
assbot: Cryptsy halts both trade engine and withdrawals : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Z6woSv )
punkman: https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3zm3m7/cryptsy_halts_both_trade_engine_and_withdrawals/
mircea_popescu: it's just cryptsy. 3/10 shits given, if that.
assbot: CRYPTSY stopping withdraw locking accounts without notifying users! Class Action ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTLAH9 )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1173703.msg13210862#msg13210862 << cryptsy finally pulls the runner.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes may i remind you of the "cryptsy couldn't move a bitcoin because doesn't have a bitcoin" ?
assbot: I have sent back the 60 BTC I was mistakenly able to withdraw from Cryptsy. If this affected you too, please do the same. Don't take someone else's bitcoin. Xmas is coming up : ) - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1PEEf2J )
assbot: Cryptsy is having trouble sending out a single BTC for over a week. : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1PEDJC3 )
punkman: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3sjxa5/cryptsy_is_having_trouble_sending_out_a_single/
assbot: Altcoin Exchange Cryptsy Partners With Vogogo And Digital BTC | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1GQpIdt )
BingoBoingo: Similarly Death sentence http://qntra.net/2014/10/altcoin-exchange-cryptsy-partners-with-vogogo-and-digital-btc/
shinohai: https://twitter.com/cryptsy/status/656215065947951104 <<< Only room for one set of scammers named cryptsy
assbot: Logged on 09-10-2015 04:40:28; mircea_popescu: http://www.ttm.news/2015/10/06/cryptsy-seeking-legal-action-against-mike-johnson/ << hey BingoBoingo check out all the weird.\
assbot: Cryptsy seeking legal action against Mike Johnson | To The Moon ... ( http://bit.ly/1NrW2Lk )
mircea_popescu: http://www.ttm.news/2015/10/06/cryptsy-seeking-legal-action-against-mike-johnson/ << hey BingoBoingo check out all the weird.\ ☟︎
adlai: yes, i'm not trusting that ~23% from cryptsy, it's essentially holding funds hostage by blowing up the transfer fees
cazalla: http://coinfire.io/2015/10/04/federal-investigations-of-cryptsy-underway/
SuchWow: cazalla: pretty sure cryptsy is still #1, but haven't checked honestly
BingoBoingo: For people lacking history Vircurex was what cryptsy aspired to be until Vircurex was robbed to the point no one bothered robbing it anymore
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu> so i'm banning both clam shitcoin and cryptsy from bitbet. anyone want to argue either ? << Surprised Cryptsy didn't hit the shitlist earlier
mircea_popescu: so i'm banning both clam shitcoin and cryptsy from bitbet. anyone want to argue either ?
assbot: 102 results for 'Cryptsy' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=Cryptsy
BingoBoingo: !s Cryptsy
the_scourge: who is cryptsy and why should i care?
assbot: Part 3: Cryptsy stole me 180 BTC (Withdraw locked) : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/18LAUxE )
BingoBoingo: If we must read reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2ummr4/part_3_cryptsy_stole_me_180_btc_withdraw_locked/
assbot: /cryptsy DRK/XRP market shows the top bid higher than the top ask. How/why is that happening? http://t.co/xdXnoFMF7v
Adlai: it's like cryptsy except without litecoin shoved down my throat at every turn
Adlai: oh look it's another cryptsy
mircea_popescu: MissShibe: Hi all, if anyone has lost money in Moolah / Cryptsy we are working on a class action lawsuit against Ryan Kennedy. <<< because "class action" suits exist for the purpose of allowing a bunch of derps to not have to pay anything in civil claims against individuals now.
undata: MissShibe: hah, did cryptsy go down?
MissShibe: Hi all, if anyone has lost money in Moolah / Cryptsy we are working on a class action lawsuit against Ryan Kennedy.
assbot: Cryptsy and Shavers Sued by Victims | Qntra.net
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2014/10/cryptsy-and-shavers-sued-by-victims/ << pirate investors eh.
thestringpuller: http://qntra.net/2014/10/cryptsy-and-shavers-sued-by-victims/
mircea_popescu: yeah, and then he'll ipo b-a voice on cryptsy
decimation: lol dogecoin volume has suddenly doubled on cryptsy the past few weeks
penguirker: New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/debitway-to-help-cryptsy-move-into-canadian-market/
penguirker: New blog post: http://qntra.net/2014/10/altcoin-exchange-cryptsy-partners-with-vogogo-and-digital-btc/
cazalla: cryptsy users about to get btfo with spam "Cryptsy will actively promote digitalX Mintsy to its customer base of over 250,000 registered users, who currently trade over 200 different types of digital currencies, making the site a leader in digital currency trading."
jurov: cryptsy ==== poloniex?
ThickAsThieves: fwiw i have blacklisted cryptsy, if anyone cares what i think
MolokoDesk: I notice that cryptsy has so many altcoins now that trying to load the entire json spew for them all crashes the quote-reading module.
ThickAsThieves: Cryptsy not processing my withdrawals for 8+hrs, what is this, MPEx?
BingoBoingo: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/2behuy/doge_just_got_dumped/ << "Cryptsy data from http://doge.yottabyte.nu/ shows that we are down to 138MIL TOTAL Buy order.
assbot: 81 results for 'cryptsy' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cryptsy
benkay: !s cryptsy
assbot: 0 results for 'cryptsy security' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cryptsy+security
benkay: !s cryptsy security
BingoBoingo: OMG Cryptsy DOGE and Vircurex DOGE are a parity at 44 satoshis per
benkay: <zrobo> cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 44 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0003. 24 hr volume: 205 megadoge
assbot: Cryptsy - Time for Paul Vernon To Come Clean | Bitcointa.lk
benkay: <zrobo> cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 56 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0003. 24 hr volume: 310 megadoge
Cosmos: ~ E N C Y C L O P E D I C A L T C O I N S D A T A B A S E ~ * = Virtual CryptoCurrencies marked w/ "*" symbol are not currently listed on Cryptsy/MintPal's BTC-/LTC-Denominated Markets at the moment, & are thus pending larger-scale community adoption. ꜝ = This symbol denotes that the name or acronym entered for the CryptoCurrency in question is merely a personally-preferred colloquial term, and not the actual ter
ThickAsThieves: from Cryptsy trollbox
benkay: <zrobo> cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 65 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0004. 24 hr volume: 944 megadoge
frankenmint: because this looks like its one bot that works across several markets I was going to spend time to build my own bot from scratch that only uses cryptsy
frankenmint: and I was going to change out gox for something like coinmkt or cryptsy
danielpbarron: 09:26:55 <+los_pantalones> had a buddy at cryptsy that kept getting negative BTC balances << happened to me too
ThickAsThieves: to see if it meets our requirements for addition to the Cryptsy exchange.
ThickAsThieves: they seem much more open-minded this time "Thank you for contacting Cryptsy. I am happy to assist.
Apocalyptic: TAT, kinda wondering why you need cryptsy to accept ATC
fluffypony: and you can also use your Cryptsy points to vote
ThickAsThieves: <+fluffypony> ThickAsThieves: what you doing with Cryptsy? getting ATC listed? /// well i'm emailing support for the seconf time about it, but this time to see if they'll add it to a special page they have for letting community vote on what to add next. this mechanism also has a way to pay for votes (i havent done the math)
fluffypony: ThickAsThieves: what you doing with Cryptsy? getting ATC listed?
los_pantalones: had a buddy at cryptsy that kept getting negative btc balances
assbot: Cryptsy - Register New Account
pankkake: ThickAsThieves: https://www.cryptsy.com/users/register?refid=3099
ThickAsThieves: anyone have a cryptsy referral code?
assbot: help!!! withdrew from cryptsy to brianwallet.org adds, 10.7995 BTC GONE!! | Page 2 | Bitcointa.lk
assbot: /hashtag/darkcoin?src=hash frozen on both cryptsy & mintpal, once fork issue is fixed price should rally again so don't worry and HOLD.
benkay: <zrobo> cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 78 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0004. 24 hr volume: 1147 megadoge
benkay: <zrobo> cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 80 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0004. 24 hr volume: 1368 megadoge
pankkake: someone sent me 0.001 BTC to an address I only used to widthdraw from Cryptsy