170 entries in 0.519s
fluffypony: the chat box / troll box on btc-e or cryptsy is WAY worse than the forums
fluffypony: ThickAsThieves: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes - get them to add it there and you can buy votes :-P
ThickAsThieves: why isnt ATC on cryptsy then!>
fluffypony: Naphex: Cryptsy, but it's fairly agnostic to the exchange
HeySteve: hmm yeah mentioned cryptsy failing this morning
kakobrekla: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/cryptsy-in-disarray/2014/04/17
ozbot: [WARNING] Serious issues at Cryptsy : dogecoin
HeySteve: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/238ew5/warning_serious_issues_at_cryptsy/
cgcardona_: it looks like cryptsy hasn't broadcast them yet. cause I created new addresses for each withdraw/coin and I'm not seeing those addresses show up on any blockchains yet
benkay: cgcardona_: are they actually in the memory pool or has cryptsy not broadcast them yet?
cgcardona_: damn cryptsy is slow- withdrew 7 different coins about 24 hrs ago and the transactions are still *pending*
fluffypony: so someone placed a ~100 BTC buy order on Cryptsy for Dogecoin last night
akstunt600: i use cryptsy
mircea_popescu: well so lettuce guess what happens once some guy with a new york website sends cryptsy an email ?
ThickAsThieves: "Cryptsy is a disaster 10x worst than MT. gox waiting to happen"
ThickAsThieves: send them to my cryptsy wallet
mircea_popescu: eh get the fuck out, cryptsy never saw 1k btc in its entire existence
ozbot: Cryptsy - AUR/BTC Market
ThickAsThieves: https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/160
ThickAsThieves: www.cryptsy.com
gribble: [ANN] Bernankoin the Coin Not Evil according to Paul Krugman DL ...: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=375010.0>; Bernankoin Printer - The Bitcoin Master: <http://www.thebitcoinmaster.com/bernankoin/>; Please add Bernankoin - BEK : Tickets - Cryptsy.com Forums: <https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/46514>
Duffer1: it was a joke, cryptsy is a joke ^.^
Duffer1: cryptsy system of trading, make trade, it executes a few hours later
Bugpowder: I like the cryptsy system of, whatever bid you place that is over market, you get filled at asks at that exact price.
ThickAsThieves: from Cryptsy "We pick coins based on what we perceive the volume will be not based on any criteria you can just meet."
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves you're the scamspert, do you like cryptsy ? <<<< i dont know any of the people doing any of em, but this morning i inquired with all of them
Bugpowder: I like cryptsy's order matching
Apocalyptic: <mircea_popescu> Bugpowder nah, i don't think we like cryptsy. // we certainly don't
mircea_popescu: mkay then. we don't like cryptsy.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves you're the scamspert, do you like cryptsy ?
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder nah, i don't think we like cryptsy.
Bugpowder: Is ATC listed on cryptsy yet?
Vexual: cant call it the altcoin zand hope for cryptsy
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: They probably pay better than people trading on Cryptsy do
mircea_popescu: meanwhile back @stupid ranch, clueless journo working for obscure publication links to my article on cryptsy, calls me "a commenter". i point out to him he's embarrasing himself.
KRS-One: and yet tweens are doubling, tripling their money on cryptsy of all exchanges with "doggie" coin and I got thousands sitting here I cant touch.
chipug: i guess i should get a cryptsy account to get rid of these flipping dogecoins huh
davout: it lacks the cryptsy-plugin generator
mircea_popescu: and you can blow cryptsy right out of the water, because in is wholly manned by idiots
mircea_popescu: https://www.cryptsy.com/pages/jobs ahahah best jobs section yet.
mircea_popescu: that cryptsy thing looks exactly as retarded as if burnside had come back from the dead.
deadweasel: when does it get listed on cryptsy? that's when the others start to die
ThickAsThieves: Altcoin gets listed on Cryptsy is a better bet
mircea_popescu: srsly. i mean cryptsy exists to list everything neh ?
ThickAsThieves: You think a Cryptsy.com Lists Altcoin bet would pass the Halls of Judgement?
ThickAsThieves: So what if I post that I'll buy 10BTC worth when it lists on Cryptsy
mircea_popescu: "Big Vern told me he is adding this to Cryptsy tomorrow."
ozbot: i wiil give cryptsy a sugestion since withdrawal delay so much
Duffer1: "BigVern ‏@cryptsy 20m
punkman: speaking of projects, I'm working on a Python app that can query market data and trade on bitstamp, btcchina, okcoin, btce, bter, cryptsy, cryptotrade, litetree, therock and more
mircea_popescu: wait cryptsy is still a thing ?!
KRS1: lol <nostrich> ppl saying their wallets are empty on cryptsy now omg
KRS1: cryptsy sux ass sideways
BingoBoingo: Cryptsy was always derp
mircea_popescu: soo cryptsy has gone full derp mode huh
s4rn: what's the difference between cryptostocks.com and havelock investments? i bought cryptsy stock from cryptostocks, now i'm interested in investing in neo&bee
ozbot: Please add Bernankoin - BEK : Cryptsy.com
pankkake: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/46514 not enough faces too many palms
Duffer1: seems like they're trying to increase volatility to get better margins as they fleece suckers on cryptsy
pankkake: that one is a cryptsy reflink, lel
ozbot: Cryptsy - We Need To Start Filing Complaints with the Florida Attorney General
Apocalyptic: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=361514.0;topicseen // cryptsy turning to a mess, what a surprise
Duffer1: and with the amount of B following him, pumping some of those .00000001 coins on cryptsy could be very lucrative
Duffer1: fontas just tweeted colossus coin pump, guess he's moving on to the coin graveyard er i mean cryptsy
Duffer1: it seems he's taking credit for cryptsy's current troubles
Apocalyptic: much less than cryptsy though
samson_: I see Cryptsy.com is offering 100,000 shares (20% of company) on cryptostocks.com in an IPO with no expiry date for 0.05 BTC each - listed yesterday by the looks of it
ozbot: Cryptsy - Trade Home
jurov: https://www.cryptsy.com/ moar altcoinz, moar amazing
Duffer1: right but then they have mcxnow, cryptsy, coins-e, and vircurex to compete against