1000+ entries in 0.803s
nubbins`: tat, mp: i lel'd
truffles: TAT why not
dub: tat = deathbylolipop?
the20year: How goes it tat?
pankkake: I know… but I also have TAT in my trust root
jurov`: i was thinking you want to social engineer TAT
Vexual: http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2013/12/05/betting-against-bitcoin-bubble/ you got quoted TAT
nubbins`: tat, i have much to say on the subject of prints
kakobrekla: tat warp traveling
ThickAsThieves: je m'appele TAT
nubbins`: tat, guess i slept through it
Vexual: sorry tat
Vexual: you affiliated with nay particular pool tat?
Vexual: market making TAT
Vexual: sorry TAT, i have to authenticate myself somehow
Vexual: want an android app to wake you up TAT?
dub: tat gonna be rocking srs bzns
kakobrekla: what setup you got tat?
Duffer1: tat what's make/model of the unit?
truffles: so u r interested in evoluation TAT
Vexual: TAT, there might be a market for some satoshi dust for petty jilted lovers
iamnot_: pankkake: ´recalled´ sounds bad. does that mean TAT bought back everyone´s bonds?
mircea_popescu: truffles tat shorted the difficulty, i'll have you know.
truffles: lol TAT's a baller
jurov`: ThickAsThieves: can I kindly refer him to bitcoin powerhouse of TAT Investments?
nubbins`: tat, too true, it's a hard sell tho
truffles: TAT snarky > mean
truffles: TAT what is your problem with me and Diablo-D3
truffles: TAT ure so mean
truffles: http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/archive/segment/kalief-browder-prison-guards-starved-me/529d1ac2fe34441ee5000416 TAT when looking like some1 else goes extremely bad
truffles: TAT thats freaky
truffles: TAT yea but u think they all look a like
dexX7: be careful tat
jurov`: heh tat. idiffs ended, so ruining someone else on difficulty futures this time
ThickAsThieves: bet resolves yes when TAT can will it to
lewicki: tat, think the neo pr will be out tonight?
mike_c: topace, i am a fan, not a troll. you should remove that # from the site.. TaT seems to agree.
mike_c: tat, show me any definition of market cap that is different from this.
nubbins`: tat, yes
nubbins`: tat, lel
truffles: TAT are u trying to educate mp os?
dexX7: that's why i was looking for tat hehe
dexX7: TAT_Investments: you're around?
nubbins`: tat, suppose something happens to my wife?
nubbins`: tat, does it generally bother you when people lose money? ;)
Apocalyptic: TAT, as far as I know he's jut an "advisor"
Apocalyptic: had the same instinct TAT
abillionhorses: lol at TAT
mgio: im not sure what you are saying TAT
Urushiol: I haven't had any chance to run the numbers yet. I assume, knowing TAT, that they look good? Anyone run them yet?
nubbins`: todi, i was responding to TaT. i don't run bitbet
nubbins`: tat, guilty like you and i would be guilty... or "guilty"? :D
thestringpuller: isn't that where TaT was helping with an IPO for a cypress bitcoin bank?
kakobrekla: here tat, jesus saves: http://jezus.si:81/render?target=bitcoin.*.transactions&height=500&width=1100&lineMode=connected
nubbins`: if i understand correctly, tat can't forcefully buy back at 1.0x; it's just an opportunity for people to initiate their own sell-back at 1.0x rather than 0.95x
mike_c: well, it likely dropped recently when TAT implied he might forcefully buy some back.
BingoBoingo: TAT Whatchu rolling. I'm killing me a pikachu for this blunt
abrabtc: hardly seems worth TaT's time
casinobitcoin: thanks tat, I'll be sure to have her take me shopping
Vexual: ill those dude make a go of it TAT?
benkay: tat what investments are you operating these days?
nubbins`: tat, do you suppose the pillows stuffed in his suit are functional or just there for aesthetics?
nubbins`: tat, virtex had btc deposits disabled yesterday for a few hours
mircea_popescu: TAT_Investments the leading hypothesis is that they mean their chip packager fucked up.
kakobrekla: yeah tat did it by "reserved" post :D
kakobrekla: id argue it is, cause not any shit can get listed there tat
mircea_popescu: it's tat's fixed thing
ThickAsThieves: TAT.VIRTUALMINE is officially closed, bought back, and delisted from Bitfunder.com
nubbins`: tat, you're neither high nor sober until someone observes you
ThickAsThieves: TAT.VIRTUALMINE will be bought back and closed permanently: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=223442.msg3491087#msg3491087
nubbins`: tat, right?!
dub: #tat.tit
nubbins`: tat, you got me on a technicality
Namworld: I thought you were answering to TaT which mentioned the other kind of truffles
ThickAsThieves: Announcing G.ASICMINER, AM100, and TAT.ASICMINER temporary conversion services: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=99497.msg3452278#msg3452278
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic: Like TAT is some holy god. I have much respect for TAT. But almost lost it now when he throw a word like ponzi, without any resarch. << i love these guys and their evolving respect thingee.
Apocalyptic: TAT, don't bother
skinnkavaj: Apocalyptic: Like TAT is some holy god. I have much respect for TAT. But almost lost it now when he throw a word like ponzi, without any resarch.
Apocalyptic: <skinnkavaj> But you went full retrd // you're telling that to TAT, rofl
lurker: TAT: decentralization is essential. BTC enemy n°1 is centralization (51% yada yada)
kakobrekla: tat ment the fake vol bot
TATI: TAT.ASICMINER migrations form Bitfunder to Havelock now open for a limited time: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=192498.msg3395298#msg3395298
mircea_popescu: whichever azn minibear tat's not fucking
kleeck_: TAT.SOLARIS
dexX7: hey tat, assuming havelock closes it's door to us issuers, too. what would you do then?
nubbins`: tat, we all know this, yes
ThickAsThieves: but funny how they just add TAT. in front and email me
ThickAsThieves: I'm getting migration requests for "TAT.S.MPOE-PT"
ThickAsThieves: so now that we caught up on processing all the migration data, we encountered a technical limitation with Bitfunder and we will have to require ALL TAT.ASICMINER migrators from BTCT to resubmit their info using a Havelock account
Lennix1: hey TAT, given the current situation, you might think about offering those who are transferring their shares to BF to change their destination to HL
Lennix: TAT, I remember correctly that you are no US citizen?
jcpham: TAT blamed for everything
mike_c: TAT posted that before. is he running it?
nubbins`: tat, lel
robitnik: TAT, the NeoBee migration to Havelock seems to be going smoothly. Nice work.
nubbins`: tat, lsd sugar cubes
lewicki: tat, eta on video of presentation?
nubbins`: tat, i think it's a prerequisite
ThickAsThieves: all are xfers other than TAT.AM are caught up and awaiting assistance from the exchange operators to render the shares
Rulother: so tat how many transfers are you working on?