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asciilifeform: it has hard time spec.
asciilifeform: i was able to make 10baseT ethernet meet timing spec without using xilinxisms
Framedragger: i recall someone attempting an implementation / spec of this 'everyone has their own currency' thing. just with wot being less central to it, perhaps
mircea_popescu: why would i have to prevent it ? there's specific space in the design spec for third-party developed maps. they run by whatever rules third party comes up with ; player doens't have to enter it. if he does enter it, client loads up more data.
mircea_popescu: so then say "sorry, i couldn't maintain my bot to spec" not "bickering. truth helps.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger then stop lying to yourself and draw the design spec correctly.
phf: right timing attacks with gpg as backend i get. i assumed that attacker being able to discover topology is a given (with spec as written)
phf: apparently it's even in the spec
a111: Logged on 2016-08-26 14:15 phf: particular transport. never the less when the conversation about current spec comes in you are eager to point out how spec is useless. it's a significant effort to drone you out long enough to actually attempt the implementation, and since in my experience attempting the implementation is a significant step in grokking, i think you repeating the same point over and over again actually lowers overall snr.
phf: particular transport. never the less when the conversation about current spec comes in you are eager to point out how spec is useless. it's a significant effort to drone you out long enough to actually attempt the implementation, and since in my experience attempting the implementation is a significant step in grokking, i think you repeating the same point over and over again actually lowers overall snr. ☟︎
phf: asciilifeform: going back to gossip conversation, my issue is that the gossip you talk about exists exclusively in your head, where's mp got a spec. there are aspects of gossip functionality that can be explored with current spec despite the underlying tcp transport. and like i said broken transport doesn't invalidate the application functionality. it will leak in practice through tcp shenanigans, but that's the nature of this
phf: but that's a very minor detail of the spec!
asciilifeform: current spec is imho only worth something as a starting point.
phf: current spec doesn't do that
phf: come to think of it sybil is not the right word in this case, on application level there's no psuedonymity and you only talk to people in wot. on transport level an attacker can construct a valid looking (struct layout wise) pgp packet, which in my naive spec implementation is handed over to gnupg. now you have a bunch of potential attack vectors here, but assuming there's no memory attacks in gnupg, race conditions in gpgme,
Framedragger: i won't argue the point, sorry for any frustration caused. the thing i have in mind is probably not the "current spec" anyway!
a111: Logged on 2016-08-26 01:10 phf: adlai: i think gossip spec is fine, just nobody took it to release. asciilifeform has significant changes to the spec, but if you ignore those you can still build a working implementation. in fact, unless you're ascii, i think it's better to ignore further discussion and just stick to what mp wrote. i also think it's one of those ideas you don't want nailed down at protocol level. mine for example slings gpg packets
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529496 << just curious - does the gossip spec as it is place any trust in ip addresses? this iirc was one of the points criticized by asciilifeform, i would think it to be a valid one. sorry if this, too, was extensively discussed in the logs. ☝︎
phf: adlai: i think gossip spec is fine, just nobody took it to release. asciilifeform has significant changes to the spec, but if you ignore those you can still build a working implementation. in fact, unless you're ascii, i think it's better to ignore further discussion and just stick to what mp wrote. i also think it's one of those ideas you don't want nailed down at protocol level. mine for example slings gpg packets ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-08-23 21:41 asciilifeform: znort987: rather, yes, there was provision for it in the original openpgp spec, but it is a bogus concept because it entails a global repository of revocation messages and a universal agreement re what time it presently is.
asciilifeform: znort987: rather, yes, there was provision for it in the original openpgp spec, but it is a bogus concept because it entails a global repository of revocation messages and a universal agreement re what time it presently is. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: trinque: it was part of mircea_popescu's original gossipd spec.
phf: i'm trying to remember what the current name is (which is where community retardation comes from) but yeah, aclocal is where you spec out just the things that you need for project
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform his argument is that it fits the spec for performance. which it does.
mircea_popescu: yes, but i suspect we solve all that through not including idiocy in the spec.
asciilifeform: you still can't meet ddr timing spec with it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the difference between your spec and my spec should be obvious. is it ?
gabriel_laddel: on my dead harddrive there is a bunch of half-implemented useful things like clim-spec-in-clim, the "navigator" which is a reflective search apropos, I've taken climacs and made it usable for day-to-day work...
mats: fun fact, the usb smart card reader spec defines a control request for eating cards instead of returning them
mircea_popescu: ok. so the reasonable move here would be to spec this to transport 10kbps from client to server ; in chunks no longer than 2048 and no shorter than 32.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-06 00:37 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so im thinking here, without a byte/sec sort of idea of what messaging is liable to look like, we can't really spec anything anyway.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so im thinking here, without a byte/sec sort of idea of what messaging is liable to look like, we can't really spec anything anyway. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: hm. im guessing we'll get together with diana_coman and write a spec ? unless you want to propose one ?
asciilifeform: answer would depend on what is specced, but if spec will substantially reflect linked trilema article, then, likely, not, and not.
mircea_popescu: in fact, the heavy machinery industry is today very much a "designer item" sort of thing, pretty much any large mine will order machinery to spec for its own particular use.
asciilifeform: srsly focusing on the dust spec on the pr0n gurl
Framedragger: (maybe i just described a spec that i should one day implement, heh)
mircea_popescu: cuz you're trying to make a church to that spec ?
a111: Logged on 2014-07-27 19:05 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in 2010 i concocted a variant of the test that could be carried out for approx. 50k USD, from scratch. schwartz answered that, in his estimation, the test would work to spec, but results would not be accepted by the field unless carried out on one of the two existing eotvos balances. one - adelberger's, one - chicom.
mircea_popescu: next time that guy comes in that was trying to fix qntra, i guess we get him to make you a special wp 2.7 theme to spec ?
mircea_popescu: it's really a draft of a spec as it is.
phf: as a spec to how a node within a wot graph is going to operate by default in relation to text
BingoBoingo: Yeah he hasn't made it that far yet. Just has spec
mircea_popescu: yeah i;ve been thinking on the correct spec for it.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: is there a 'stable' algorithm / spec for deriving phuctor's hash / permalink? you'd mentioned before that it "includes the entire key - names, emails, ~all~ subkeys."
mircea_popescu: it is perhaps notable that universe does not provide spec of itself, and so "we're stuck doing basic science on it".
asciilifeform: (the notion of 'high vacuum', interestingly enough, ~has~ a hard spec: mean free path of a particle in the vacuum must be larger than the vessel is wide along any axis)
mircea_popescu: how you distinguish between "spec" and "things that emerge from constraints" ?
Framedragger: (ahahaha re bassett disaster.. yeah i would view 'cache' as an inevitable result of *constraints* (finite c).. i think it was a confusion of terms (spec / things that emerge from constraints), and i suppose the point of confusion itself is possibly an interesting object to discuss, etc)
asciilifeform: but yes, fundamentally spec was born so that a man could part out a rifle.
asciilifeform: and 'the implementation was the spec', at least for a long while.
asciilifeform: whole concept of spec only makes sense in application to testable man-made objects
asciilifeform: you can put whatever you want in a valid spec, so long as it is deterministically testable.
mircea_popescu: honestly it doesn't seem anyone has a better idea of what a spec is than "correct metaphora", which is ridiculous, ironic, scandalous and not much to go on simultaneously.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, your definition of a spec is amply vulnerable. take the time issue : what, ddr can't be specified ? fingering a girl neither ? what happens if the spec asks for a 10 followed by a 11, and ytou get the 10 and silence ? now you got a whole halting problem on your hands.
asciilifeform: at any rate, spec is a weak animal when it relies on promise, rather than protocol. ideally you want a simple litmus test for conformance that insta-zaps deviants
asciilifeform: a spec must be objectively, deterministically testable.
asciilifeform: there is no room for dice rolls in a spec.
asciilifeform: the wild animals of the forest are not a spec
asciilifeform: since i did not mention timings or analogue characteristics, the two will be equal per the spec.
asciilifeform: absolutely. i can build machine to match my spec above out of GaAs transistors, or MOSFETs on Si or whatever.
mircea_popescu: then variant and unequivalent implementations of the same spec may exist ?
mircea_popescu: and spec may not discuss internal state, only inputs and outputs ?
mircea_popescu: "don't steal" can not be a spec, only "if you steal you go to jail" ?
mircea_popescu: so a spec is purely descriptive, and in no sense prescriptive ?
asciilifeform: have an example of correctly made spec: the ada ref+rationale.
asciilifeform: spec ain't magic. and much of what you see passing for spec is a deliberate attempt to paper over broken ~concepts~ with verbiage.
mircea_popescu: so make a spec for god.
asciilifeform: no such thing, because spec is a program for ~meat~
mircea_popescu: instead, he made one. by hand. to spec as his project needed.
BingoBoingo: But yes, 80 col wrap is out of spec for qntra's actually adaptive layout.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-10 01:15 phf: but you can easily upgrade open access service to a custom service and charge for the extra work too. if you want your ads injected on all machines, you don't get to put own exe, needs to spec out the problem and give it to botnet owner to develop. also means that particularly losery owners will rapidly transfer their botnets to smarter crowd
phf: but you can easily upgrade open access service to a custom service and charge for the extra work too. if you want your ads injected on all machines, you don't get to put own exe, needs to spec out the problem and give it to botnet owner to develop. also means that particularly losery owners will rapidly transfer their botnets to smarter crowd ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: In the sense of: http://bauhh.dyndns.org:8000/clim-spec/index.html
phf: mod6: if you want i can spec it out for you, but that's the direction i want to take my some miniserver, that i would put on top of my znc logs
a111: Logged on 2016-05-31 19:04 asciilifeform: eh iirc mircea_popescu flies these in and reprogramms them to spec in days.
trinque: phf: right, I would prefer not to account for spec violations
phf: but you also have to account of all kinds of other spec violations. like having non-blank ids that are also non-unique
trinque: because the spec says it's unique
ben_vulpes: also i regularly go out of spec
asciilifeform: eh iirc mircea_popescu flies these in and reprogramms them to spec in days. ☟︎
trinque: were that unique as per (iirc) the spec of atom it'd not be skipping posts
asciilifeform: remember it? gigantic mass spec.
asciilifeform: relatedly, and hilariously, in sov era, the phrase 'classical education' meant, to educated folks, the imperial ru gymnasium, per old euro spec, with latin and greek. and ~all of the great ru writers, INCLUDING sov era, had this education, were old enough. whereas TODAY 'classical education' in ru refers to sov era school !
mircea_popescu: 4. convert the phuctor key db into a sks as per republican spec. the strategy being that we will confiscate all public key crypto just like we confiscated bitcoin from the fucktarded zombie horde.
mircea_popescu: spec says circle for a reason.
mircea_popescu: the spec says pipe.
asciilifeform: but will need 2 of'em, since i no longer have access to mass spec
mod6: actually, i'd bet there are folks, even here, that would do small spec'd out work for .50000000
mircea_popescu: that's just shitty spec/compiler and no more.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform can you explain the concept of "contiguity" as seen in this ada spec discussion ?
asciilifeform: except that dram ~demands~ the controller, and it HAS to meet the timing spec 100% of the time, or it loses bits.
phf: that's also an idea from "when everything had a spec, and everything was written to spec, and things just fit into each other neatly" decades
phf: you need to spec your problems better :>
asciilifeform: whereas if spec had been 'winners will receive C coins on addr A from addr B at time T if condition Q' then there would be no puzzle.
asciilifeform: btw my emulated micropopescu is stabbing me with a sharpened toothbrush. is this a correct spec behaviour ?
phf: main reason gpg is turd, because was written for dos and frozen into spec that way. provided functionally is composite and doesn't "do one thing well". instead of freeform key annotation has explicit "name, email, comment" fields, instead of easy way to spawn many keys, has a convoluted key hierarchy, etc.
kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-03-2016#1435802 < generally in favour - perhaps the 'actual assets' need a more tight spec? ☝︎
asciilifeform: NO open mass spec.
mircea_popescu: ie, the win98 item is 100k in cash + 4,5mn in fixing it to spec ; this is 340k in cash + 0 etc.