786 entries in 1.135s
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not that dude. when they wanted to send a guy to the moon they didn't give gm "the contract"
asciilifeform: jurov: recall my gravity well analogy. one gram of rocket fuel gets you nowhere nearer to escaping, e.g., earth or moon. a hundred tonnes - does. the gram brings you nearer to blowing out from the well only in the sense that it's one gram less that you must collect.
PeterL: ninjashogun: NASA also put a guy on the moon, but there are no companies doing that (yet)
mircea_popescu: not as an actual moon rocket.
asciilifeform: people act as if tcp/ip were a moon rocket
mike_c: http://bitnewt.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Bitcoin-Moon-Flag.gif
mircea_popescu: wasn't it the dog that went to moon ?
mike_c: last i heard we had hit moon and were aiming for mars. but i don't keep track.
BingoBoingo: mike_c: I thought we never really hit the moon yet, just low earth orbit.
mike_c: really? i thought we were going back to moon now.
bounce: perhaps interesting to see how people got started in the gene sequencing biz, and over a couple decades have seen sequencing speeds and capacity shoot up not quite to the moon, but close.
Vexual: thats a likeness of Juscelino Kubitschek with the last blood moon
RagnarDanneskjol: blood moon tonight
thestringpuller: is that the moon or mars?
nara__narayana: who's seeing the blood moon?
thickasthieves: the trading chat is all "we'll have one more new low, then moon"
Shakespeare: <+mircea_popescu> thickasthieves: would love if mpex or an mpex property offered any sort of price instrument that would allow moving volume from other exchanges << specifically ? /// well, i'll start with the moon: just buy bitfinex and offer the whole shebang! otherwise, just would be nice to trade somewhere more private, transparent and trustworthy. The product could be options,
Vexual: no granny on the moon okay?
MolokoDesk: there's at least one known asteroid with a moon.
mircea_popescu: the only relevant change there is that the car is history and the moon lander is not.
asciilifeform: picture if ford wanted moon lander instead
BingoBoingo: And yet the Moon rocket worked.
moriarty: xmj, yeah you can promise me the moon, doesn't mean jack
ben_vulpes: first moon landing - full of standard procedures.
asciilifeform: mp_sails: not merely huge workload. journey to the moon on stacked chairs - unless done correctly - i.e. bonfire of the computations.
mircea_popescu: business partners with the usg, god help us. what will fiction produce next, the harem of wolves, flying to the moon on own farts, mind boggles.
BingoBoingo: Blackcoin moon spaceship apparently next year
decimation: re: small plane safety: http://philip.greenspun.com/flying/safety " If you don't want to die like JFK, Jr., who became disoriented on a dark and hazy night over water, don't fly at night or don't fly at night unless you're absolutely sure that it will be clear with a bright moon. If you don't want to die when a 25-year-old part fails in mid-air, get a new airplane. "
nubbins`: finally come across this Melvins poster w/ mcdonald's characters on the moon with huge 10' tall cocks growing out of the surface
decimation: asciilifeform: or try bouncing some bits off the moon
mircea_popescu: " Americans probably now know less about Rhodesia than they do about the moon, which does not deter them from trying to impose on us the "solution" and resulting chaos they helped to entrench in the strife-torn Congo."
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'can't go to the moon by stacking chairs'
ben_vulpes: http://38.media.tumblr.com/bd2919040da73582382a150d7cb43efc/tumblr_n9jbp2pzbp1qz66gdo3_r1_1280.jpg << such moon
decimation: bitcoin has already gone to the moon, some of the world hasn't figured that out yet
usg_press_machin: If you're into it to go to the moon - mass adoption (hence legal frameworks) are key
chetty: to the moon
pete_dushenski: what's more to the moon than stellar shit?
moiety: they still seem blissfully unaware. still on their way to the moon they think
benkay: ;;8ball moon when?
RebeccaBitcoin: When are we going to the moon
mircea_popescu: chetty moar like, the moon.
asciilifeform: Rich fools are a resource to harvest like any other until the simply become fools << dollar in the hands of billionaire is not the same as dollar in the hands of a mere mortal. just like a gram of dirt in orbit is not the same as same gram in a moon. 'quantity has a quality of its own.'
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: For asciilifeform> we're talking about a gadget that powers up and sends a single 'sms' every blue moon. << You can pay $ int every year.
asciilifeform: we're talking about a gadget that powers up and sends a single 'sms' every blue moon.
mircea_popescu: mike_c in this case, the only significant amount of btc is in the hands of the idiots trying to fraudulently prop an ipo scam visible from the moon, in some sort of misplaced delusion of legal immunity.
mircea_popescu: it was the man in the moon and catjesus.
mircea_popescu: moon landing also tremendous cost to the taxpayer.
BingoBoingo: OMG ATC diff going to the Moon!!!
terp: whens the next trip to the moon?
gribble: BMF has lost access to it's wallet | Bitcointa.lk: <https://bitcointa.lk/threads/bmf-has-lost-access-to-its-wallet.321036/>; BMF has lost access to it's wallet [UnModerated] - Bitcoin Forum: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=631605.0;all>; Lost and Found Chapter 1: Prologue, a sailor moon fanfic | FanFiction: <https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8328628/1/Lost-and-Found>
rithm: set your asks for "the moon" and kick back and drink a beer?
pankkake: dirigibles don't work on the moon
ThickAsThieves: mp just gets extra-provocative on a New Moon
asciilifeform: 'can't get to the moon by piling up chairs'
thestringpuller: or on the moon
ThickAsThieves: Every bitcoin bubble peak has occurred during a new moon, the next new moon is on the June 27th, the SR USMS coin auction is on the 27th, the auction resolves the June 30th, professor bitcorn predicted Bitcoin would be $10 by mid-year.
davout: nice dip! x.eur to the moon!
kakobrekla: jupiters moon?
asciilifeform: mike_c: clouds - moon, if you want! are... reflective.
mircea_popescu: what, it just goes to the moon perpetually ?
kakobrekla: also euro back at 1.36, to the --moon
davout: kakobrekla: to -moon !!1
nubbins`: yeh, guy went to the moon long before btc did
Vexual: to da moon
mike_c: back to the moon i guess
assbot: Goa Moon 2.1 - Full Album (Compiled by Ovnimoon) - YouTube
Vexual: now friedcat has to buy btc to pay dividends and the whole dollar exchange moves like the moon is about to hit
cgcardona: ~~~~]////////> to the moon
mircea_popescu: "And while I’m setting the record straight, the original (TECO-based) Emacs was created and designed by Guy L. Steele Jr. and David Moon. After they had it working, and it had become established as the standard text editor at the AI lab, Stallman took over its maintenance."
mircea_popescu: where's he ? the moon ?
fluffypony: you wouldn't need to say "to the moon" with it
BingoBoingo: When that happens, then bitcoin may once again proceed towards moon.
TestingUnoDosTre: it's going to the moon!
mircea_popescu: where 1/0 = moon
mircea_popescu: they're tuned to seek the moon in the dark, you see, because while they can't go that far, all of them seeking it ensures they meet
mircea_popescu: <mike_c> they got their mistakes out of the way with SF1. You need to jump on SF2, it's going to the moon. << i forget, what was the eventual return on that thing ?
mike_c: they got their mistakes out of the way with SF1. You need to jump on SF2, it's going to the moon.
mircea_popescu: "all 12 men to have walked on the moon were either eldest or only children"
HeySteve: it's not very funny but has its moments. reddit was shouting to the moon because bitcoin was mentioned in last episode
kakobrekla: also moon.
jurov: to da moon!
pankkake: the moon is going to be annexed by bitcoin
bounce: I don't think I'd like russia, or the usa, or china, or any earthly country for that matter, to annex the moon
BingoBoingo: http://www.vox.com/2014/4/11/5605236/russias-deputy-prime-minister-wants-to-annex-the-moon
rithm: if i had a laser on the moon, i'd hold the world hostage for a million
akstunt600: or take kratom like once in a blue moon
asciilifeform: fluffypony: me. i still consult 'swag' for algos, once in a blue moon.
nubbins`: where do you live, the moon? :(
bocobit: who was the four man on the moon?
MisterE: the other thing about the 'intangible benefits' of research and exploration is that it inspires and this is so very much lacking in todays youth. When we were walking on the moon people were amazed and wanted to be engineers, nothing like that now. The biggest value to come out of the Apollo project was the increased interest in science.
BingoBoingo: Well cunt is the new moon. ATC is headed to the Cunt.
mircea_popescu: someone should go and moon him.
Namworld: I call that a "Look, the moon is fucking brown-orange."
gribble: What is a Blood Moon? | Human World | EarthSky: <http://earthsky.org/space/what-is-a-blood-moon-lunar-eclipses-2014-2015>; Divine Sign for Israel? Hagee Explains Blood Moons - Inside Israel ...: <http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/insideisrael/2014/February/Divine-Sign-for-Israel-Hagee-Explains-Blood-Moons/>; Blood-moons fallout: NASA goes hiding - WorldNetDaily: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: ;;google blood moon
Namworld: What the hell is a blood moon?
tg2: if so, holy fuck your jimmies are on the moon
tg2: if not, props cause my jimmies are on the moon
moiety: B007: the moon is taken, they need to find another planet