639 entries in 0.67s
kuzetsa: this is the most recent dashboard post for one of my more NSFW tumblr accounts ---> https://40.media.tumblr.com/7ac19bdd7652e3e26d497eb4cc5842c3/tumblr_n6uc3hzm3s1rbmzr2o1_500.jpg
kuzetsa: benkay: thanks for the advice --- despite being busier than I'm used to, I happen to like it here more than most channels, so I finally got around to configuring my "highlight on nick" feature on my client
kuzetsa: I personally don't feel "trash" or "trashy" is a good way to refer to persons --- trash is refuse, waste, compost, scrap, things to be recycled, or a computer metaphor for marking something as "trash" to be staged for deletion (such as putting one's unwanted spam emails in the trash)
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves: <+BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you want to take both sides, BitBet is probably the best tool for that --- good point, need ETH BitBet, that's how we can all short the mofo << well obviously not all.
ThickAsThieves: <+BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you want to take both sides, BitBet is probably the best tool for that --- good point, need ETH BitBet, that's how we can all short the mofo
thickasthieves: <@assbot> Domain Registry Of America Suspended By ICANN --- fuk ya!
Rassah: BingoBoingo: -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE-----
assbot: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAG - Pastebin.com
assbot: Council of European Canadians: The Great Fear --- Why do Whites Fear their own Ethnicity?
assbot: --- * ~~~ Professional Scamming ~~~ * ---
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> such are the blessings of closed society : that art may flourish. democracy and social mobility allows for no such thing. //// or a *small* society --- but maybe i'm splitting hairs
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: snip it, add a methyl, ---> methcathinone
ThickAsThieves: Nintendo won't add Twitch streaming to Wii U: 'What's fun about that?' --- Nintendo rox
ThickAsThieves: <+fluffypony> http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/281ftd/why_i_just_sold_50_of_my_bitcoins_ghashio/ ---- I love how everyone is acting like something can be done.
ThickAsThieves: <+fluffypony> ;;later tell ThickAsThieves congrats, ATC is on here - http://mapofcoins.com --- neat! back to lumberjacking...
assbot: New inbox filter for emails containing "New York," "coming to the Bay Area," "writing an article," "pick your brain" ---> auto-reply "NOPE."
darlidada: <+fluffypony> darlidada: you still keen on taking on that #bitcoin-assets synopsis / archiving project? --- yes i'm sitll up for it
ThickAsThieves: <+jurov> ThickAsThieves: there? --- mostly
ThickAsThieves: <+mircea_popescu> you settled with da SEC yet ? --- I have no business with them at this time.
nubbins`: "Today Apple makes an OS announcement --- I say we flood social media & news with questions about why they are anti-tech & anti Bitcoin"
kakobrekla: and ------BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- ARGLE BARGLE
kakobrekla: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
davout: mircea_popescu: "then -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----" <<< pastie or it didn't happen
mircea_popescu: then -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----
mircea_popescu: then -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
mircea_popescu: that very special moment when you decrypt an email, see -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
mircea_popescu: "CNBC Correspondent, alum @NYUStern (MBA) and @MiamiUniversity, country music & college football enthusiast --- livin' the NYC dream but forever a proud Ohioan"
ozbot: FEC chair warns that conservative media like Drudge Report and Sean Hannity face regulation --- like
dub: [15:26] --- gesell1 [~gesell@p2003004546563A19D55BF2EA363B137A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #bitcoin-analysis
ozbot: Cointerra Bankrupted --- People Asking for refunds..
ThickAsThieves: <+bounce> I'm not asking whether they would be donating anything. I'm asking whether, in case some company would like to donate and deduct, they can do it with off-shore money --- well, they can't bring it back without paying their due. i suppose they could donate within the host country though. I really don't know the facts.
ThickAsThieves: mircea_popescu:BCB uh, the entire sd db is publicly in the ledger. --- dammit i signed in just to say this
ozbot: Eat recycled food for a happier healthier life --- (Judge Dredd movie) -watch stoned - YouTube
SatoshiJack: no prob... there is free play as well --- give me an atc addy and I'll loan anyone 5K to play right now :)
TestingUnoDosTre: harry L-------
cgcardona_: " imagine world directors talking about important topics whole days wrapped in clouds of smoke with electronics demo and sightseeing walk thrown in for diversity" <--- count me in
cgcardona_: <----------(still learning)
cgcardona_: http://letstalkbitcoin.com/bitcoin-and-the-three-laws-of-robotics/#.U1AHcOZdVUV <--- interesting read comparing Bitcoin (big B) with DAC
cgcardona_: *green line which is the green line* <----huh?
mircea_popescu: ----BEGIN
SatoshiJack: none the less -- we are supporting it and working out all the details as we can --- but any play we can get at the tables and suggestions on game play etc is greatly appreciated!
SatoshiJack: True that --- we were using some of the api to push some transactions -- but for many coins -- we will have to host a daemon as well -- for cold wallet etc...
SatoshiJack: SJ -- will be taking atc --- been mining like hell to get a little bank going --- working on the backend support for it -- don't have all the function of blockchain.info over @ blockr...
SatoshiJack: Getting there --- will be taking atc prob. by end of weekend..but you can play for free now :) and test the game play :)
Shakespeare: <--- tat
TestingUnoDosTre: <---- lost all his bitcoins to Ukranian videochatters in 2010
TestingUnoDosTre: mike_c, at least you didn't almost lose .5 btc at the last minute like this guy <-----
SatoshiJack: I hear ya mp... my issue is how to generate the transactions --- and send --- blockr does not provide -- but it's all good -- we are working around :)
SatoshiJack: I will give you full details in a day or so -- we are going through the code now -- and figuring out what we have tobuild for it --- our big thing is -- how we generate address etc... I need to be able to generate like 1000 or so at a time -- and also to be able to submit transactions similar to how brainwallet.org works with blockchain.info for transaction submits...
rithm: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
asciilifeform: ---- > your cdrom is banned.
locksmith: JWU42 some never knew of this channel don't want to point to names -----> cryptocyprus
danielpbarron: so it is a misunderstanding to ask why God "allows evil" --- He CAUSES IT
SatoshiJack: TAT --- right now we are focused on game play/engine --- The front page is not set in stone by any means --- but check out the chats and the sit at a table -- register an account -- and play.
danielpbarron: "The SEC is investigating all of the above" <--- not ready for Bitcoin; go home
ozbot: ,-----. ,--. - Pastebin.com
benkay: it's like consumer 'any txn we can get' ------------------------ elite '1 tx of 5m every two or three months'
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> http://trilema.com/2014/heres-an-idea-for-you/ --- Futura is my favorite typeface, but the world seems to be catching on
ThickAsThieves: although(<--- !) all is a lot
ninjashogun: pretty interesting link - http://blogmaverick.com/2009/02/09/the-mark-cuban-stimulus-plan-open-source-funding/ --- but the interesting part is the comments! scroll down.
ThickAsThieves: http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/ --- Yes, now pays 2%, woot!
ninjashogun: asciilifeform, by the way don't let the haters take anyting away. All of my suggestoin are at a single layer - and do not in ANY way impact the basic idea you've come up with with mircea_popescu --- which is a VERY good one. I don't really add anything in my suggestoins - it is the same design. You should patent it.
chetty_: well mass ----something could wll be mass pile o shit
kakobrekla: ---
kakobrekla: ---
ThickAsThieves: REMINDER: AM1, AM100, and the SMG passthrough will all be controlled by Havelock by March 1st, 2014. The underlying ASICMINER shares are already in the process of being transferred to 1J5fvfUrDcZj8rrpVHMgn8u7sXee84QkPd --- AMFund@havelockinvestments.com --- All AM1,AM100, and SMG(PT) transfer requests and related support requests should be sent to the Havelock from now on.
ThickAsThieves: Lawsky AMA 12:30PM EST tomorrow --- https://twitter.com/BenLawsky/
Shakespeare: <mircea_popescu> mothers are to blame. --- O! I said this to #ActM only minutes ago "Bastard begot, bastard instructed, bastard in mind ... in everything illegitimate."
ThickAsThieves: <pankkake> I was thinking of creating a service for that. pay X coins to create an identity that will be allowed without captchas on any compatible website ---- this falls under same premise as me wanting the WoT to be user/service friendly
ThickAsThieves: <the20year3> is this TAT's fund or someone else's? ---- it was referring to Dr Greg
ThickAsThieves: <Duffer1> he scammed some guys he devd a coin for by premining the shit out of it --- isnt this like impossible to get away with?
ThickAsThieves: <herbijudlestoids> ThickAsThieves: yo you around? --- for a few minutes or so
ThickAsThieves: <the20year> By 1998, in the US there was plenty of 80s being played still, today there is very little 90s music being played outside of things like nirvana ,tool, apc, metallica, and other similar hard rock type bands --- that is not how you sort things
ThickAsThieves: i vote my mate joe up because hes my mate joe! --- this person will get rep with people that value that
ThickAsThieves: <kakobrekla> tat blockr will add atc --- you know them?
ThickAsThieves: <herbijudlestoids> except the entire thing is stored on some server --- recently ive been preaching need for a decentralized wot
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> mike_c it's for ppl who has none! i'm not sending tat any either --- you mutha!
ThickAsThieves: <jborkl> Tat, regular stratum runs against it but- mining.submit must be different. You will need to ask --- ask what now?
ThickAsThieves: <Duffer1> TaT do you have any plans to issue anything on Ciphertrade? --- no, i do no
ThickAsThieves: <Bugpowder> did he bail because he couldn't cover a difficulty move --- nah, he either bailed because btc went to $1k and he said ah fuckit, or because he realized that the ciphertrade scam would make his bonds unredeemable
ThickAsThieves: [15:05] <the20year> lol i doubt it --- I don't
ThickAsThieves: <herbijudlestoids> truffles: any opinion on when bitcoin difficulty might level off from its current insane trajectory? ---- so, so, difficult imo
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> i tried to watch capote and i couldn't get through the whole thing. --- mme too
polac: here stas say if i put 1 btc i get ---Yes pays: 0.9904118 BTC ----- No pays: 1.04474976 BTC
rattaTATtatblamp: <--- ThickAsThieves
netSam: And MTgox wants a wire transfer ---
davout: yay ---> <@assbot> [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 100 @ 0.00199998 = 0.2 BTC
davout: < nubbins`> american cheese is fucking great <--- ahem
nubbins`: if you checked each text box for -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----, people would just wrap their cleartext messages in that and carry on.
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> for instance, there are the people who are clean. --- so we're not all sinners in the eyes of the lord?
ubuntu__: http://www.spritelamp.com/ <--- Useful for S.MG ? :)
firedrops: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24818769 <----wtf
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves i wonder what % of bitcoiner family members will get cardanos for xmas --- the more the merrier
[\]: mircea_popescu: [\\\] <--- VIP attendee ;-)
fractal: all the idiots saying that bitcoin only has value because of SR --- i've been saying its not true for 2 years... now i am vindicated. i will be proven right again as we hit $250 this year once more
mircea_popescu: ---+++--
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves is that a good thing ? --- I run no such PT
dexX7: like ----BEGIN ...?