400 entries in 0.593s

veen: put it this way, i couldn't figure out how to generate a gpg keypair with
fuckgoats, because gpg reads /dev/random, and i couldn't work out how to get
fuckgoats (or any other file-like) shimmed in there
veen: up to your
fuckgoats hardward or driver, i suppose
veen: by way of example, imagine /dev/random is just an alias for e.g. /dev/
fuckgoats thestringpuller: asciilifeform: is there a guide on making this fabled kernel module for
FUCKGOATS extension board..
mircea_popescu: lol check that out alf,
FUCKGOATS reselling as collector itamz lel
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: yeah, but
FUCKGOATS has _lots_ of text, whereas this is a video.
mircea_popescu: the
fuckgoats part seems easier. so where's this address of yours and are what deal are we looking at here ? machines for
fuckgoats ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-28 05:08 mircea_popescu: oh speaking of which, gabriel_laddel_p why not packaging
fuckgoats with the masamunes ?
mircea_popescu: i'm saying isis is as good a referent as
FUCKGOATS. have you met him ?
trinque: clearly was just testing her new
FUCKGOATS mircea_popescu: oh speaking of which, gabriel_laddel_p why not packaging
fuckgoats with the masamunes ?
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-12-20 22:11 phf: i'd imagine in sane world they would have something like
FUCKGOATS or an expensive variation of (like john walker's hotbits) so can publish schematics all you want. in reality it is probably a prng with a seed under two keys
phf: i'd imagine in sane world they would have something like
FUCKGOATS or an expensive variation of (like john walker's hotbits) so can publish schematics all you want. in reality it is probably a prng with a seed under two keys
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 23:11 mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform : actual usecase for
FUCKGOATS in eulroa play : because the current mining software uses random to position the miner, the quality of the rng generator decides how likely you actually step outside of the coords you are. ie, if your rng is biased, you're more likely to go outside.
mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform : actual usecase for
FUCKGOATS in eulroa play : because the current mining software uses random to position the miner, the quality of the rng generator decides how likely you actually step outside of the coords you are. ie, if your rng is biased, you're more likely to go outside.
☟︎ mod6: if I were him, this is what I would do: take the schematic blob, encode it, clearsign it with a note at the top and a hash of its output value. submit to deedbot. next, edit the code somewhere or prefereably create a README.txt that points to that deed, create a new fuckgoats_genesis.vpatch and fuckgoats_genesis.vpatch.alf.sig on nosuchlabs.com, point to them with your www.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: toyota then. lexus if you sell a million
BingoBoingo: Put on a camper shell and you have a
FUCKGOATS transporter
fuckgoats is basically one part of the original cardano, specifically, the one actually worth making, turned up to 11.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: from peterl in contravex comments : "I could be wrong (have not ordered one yet myself), but isn't the cardano a sub-piece of the
FUCKGOATS? So they are delivering a bigger, more complex, more useful item (but later) than what they originally planned to sell?" i must say i missed this difference b/w
fuckgoats and cardano as well. i guess i'd assumed that the latter'd been renamed to the former
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: meatwot says congratulations on
fuckgoats trinque: as with
fuckgoats -> cardano, sell every useful increment towards goal
thestringpuller: While asciilifeform is diligently building
fuckgoats the lamestream media will inevitably "white wash javascript" crypto. Above is evidnce of it happening in the making. Maybe not suprising to you. But surprising to me to see it more rampantly.
jhvh1: shinohai:
Fuckgoats shinohai: !~translate en to zh-CN
Fuckgoats mod6: i love these
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so the tor enthusiasts will buy
mircea_popescu: check it out, alf's
fuckgoats + trinque's wot work + ben_vulpes 's brunnr + things -> btc goes up 10%.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-03 04:35 mod6: you are backing us away from "number of seconds from 'midnight' of rsacalypse" one step at a time. first lamport, then
FUCKGOATS, each step helps.
mod6: you are backing us away from "number of seconds from 'midnight' of rsacalypse" one step at a time. first lamport, then
FUCKGOATS, each step helps.
☟︎ mats:
FUCKGOATS is impressive, thanks asciilifeform
mircea_popescu: did you see the guy who had a "for free just as good version" consisting of buying a software radio thing (for slightly more than what
FUCKGOATS costs) and you know, listening to man made "entropy"
Framedragger: congratulations on
FUCKGOATS, asciilifeform and mircea_popescu
pete_dushenski: many congrats to asciilifeform and mircea_popescu on squeeking in under the nth xmas deadline for #
fuckgoats. looking forward to getting my hands on one, whatever batch that may be. will probably order a few and give as gifts to sufficiently nerdy friends.
mod6: so now, i see that 'nosuchlabs.com' homepage is the '
fuckgoats' page -- no middle finger
mod6: asciilifeform: did you guys take down the order form for
a111: Logged on 2016-11-14 12:27 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-14#1566990 << there is no such thing as "tld". there's just strings. if you query r-dns for "fucksgoats" you get ip for "fucksgoats". if you query for "hurrdurr.
fuckgoats" you get ip for "hurrdurr.fucksgoats". if you query for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6" you get ip for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6".
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-14#1566990 << there is no such thing as "tld". there's just strings. if you query r-dns for "fucksgoats" you get ip for "fucksgoats". if you query for "hurrdurr.
fuckgoats" you get ip for "hurrdurr.fucksgoats". if you query for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6" you get ip for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6".
☝︎☟︎ BingoBoingo wondering if
FUCKGOATS are indoor or outdoor pets, and what their feeding requirements are
hanbot: "S.NSA is expected to realise operating revenue next period." << exciting bonbon in this month's s.nsa report. if
FUCKGOATS didn't knock one's tongue out, anyway.