375 entries in 0.921s

pankkake: otherwise you can also add nodes in ~/
herbijudlestoids: yeah..
.all the values seem to come out negative, not including the house edge
KRS1: ...Oh wow, I know Chris Capuccio from damn.
.almost 15-20 yrs ago. I was a user on dqc.org for like..ever.
KRS1: nice lab.
.also..if the 70's ever rolls around again, you are already remodeled =D
KRS|Gotchawallet: cant help but seeing all the good news lately.
.although i am not confident enough to put bitcoin in my IRA, some people might be crazy enough to do it..hey it could mean early retirement too
KRS|gotyawallet: fo sho...love that one that "hit" russia.
.although it didnt hit ground
KRS1: damn I wanted to go to Japan one day too..gotta cross that off my list..
.although the monster sushi caused by the dna damage from the radiation might be rather tasty.
taub: Advertised Silk Road days after it.s launch on drug forums and bitcointalk.org with the username
.altoid.. 8 months later he used this username looking for developers and included his personal email (rossulbricht@gmail.com) in the message.
jurov: lol the good kind of error.
.already forgot it's still there
KRS1: taking some getting used to.
.also keep forgetting the volume for btc markets is shit so..
KRS-1: company restructures and puts investment into other projects so they're no longer needed.
.all under the umbrella of "employment at will"
KRS1: im looking at btc-tc right now, i have been thinking about this for a while.
.also checked out havelock
KRS1: but.
.all that can be stored for analyzation later..so why throttle anyway
mjr___: you would have to walk up to a group of people...get them all to hand over cash or bitcoins..
.all while attracting no attention
gribble: (say <channel|nick> <text>) -- Sends <text> to <channel|nick>. Can only send to <nick> if supybot.plugins.Anonymous
.allowPrivateTarget is True.
MJR_: you can look up a spreadsheet that tells you each pool's rules..
.also, who cares
MJR_: for example..
.almost any woman could prostitute...why don't they all do it (and not just in a metaphorical sense)?
splnkr: hmmm.
.all this spasmodic behavior by gox is kind of a testament to the folly of meddling with money markets, which is what i thought bitcoin was designed to discourage
MJR__: hence..
.all hedge funds are ponzis
MJR_III: for example if you had a relationship between those two exchanges..
.all arb would go away as they both equalize
mjr_: the point is this... tiberiusiv constantly casts doubt about things, but usually has logical flaws that are obvious...when confronted, he finds other doubts..
.also flawed
mjr_: day traders boggle me..
.all you do is make the exchanges rich
MJR_: see how many interviews he's doing..
.almost never really talks about sdice
guruvan: yah. would do that for sure....
.also...you haz typo on smickles.com "I've recently lunched"...
ZedsterX: VWAP? see right there i'm lost...
.also aren't basic day trading how-to sites helpful for the basics?
MJR_: also, anonymous..
.also seems like an obvious fit
jurov: with some fun thrown it..
.AlpacaStocks lol
mjr_: yes i know...but they again just paid..
.almost 5% more than market
assbot: [MPEX] [X
.ALCG] 170 @ 0.09331194 = 15.863 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [X
.ALCG] 500 @ 0.10144961 = 50.7248 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [X
.ALCG] 1 @ 0.10096628 BTC
gribble: Nick 'B0g4r7', with hostmask 'B0g4r7!~b0g4r7@h-98-134-26-221.ip
.alltel.net', is not identified.
drekk: "..
.also I got a free rifle at my bank for opening a new account. FREE RIFLE!!!"
gribble: Nick 'B0g4r7', with hostmask 'B0g4r7!natty@h-98-134-238-48.ip
.alltel.net', is not identified.
Ignatius-otc: sell shares, drop price, buyback panic sell, repeat. you never diluted in a traditional sense, but the result would be a fleecing of investors and a chart with a similar appearance..
.always trending down. So mp you are saying no mpex asset has ever defaulted? wow