195 entries in 0.541s
decimation: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2007/08/country-that-used-to-exist.html < here was yarvin's big article on rhodesia ☟︎
decimation: well, as yarvin pointed out, brevik struck at the king and failed to kill him
decimation: http://www.oregonlive.com/silicon-forest/index.ssf/2015/02/alex_payne_one_of_twitters_fir.html < this alex payne guy was part of those who joined the anti-yarvin campaign
decimation: interestingly yarvin himself appeared in the thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9676813
mircea_popescu: is yarvin even racist, other than simply being stupid ?
decimation: in order to convince him to blackball yarvin from the conference
decimation: This Steve Klabnik guy obviously calls shots on HN, and is also a left-wing radical. Apparently he was also among those who protested yarvin on twitter.
decimation: note the particularly oblique angle here: it's not that yarvin's opinions are bad, it's that his group can't handle them, see
decimation: scraper is much easier than writing the server stack. as yarvin put it "An Internet server is, above all, a massive fortified castle in alien zombie territory. The men who man these castles are men indeed, quick in emacs and hairy of neck."
decimation: yarvin was also pushing the 'stalin was gonna attack' theory
decimation: it seems the more likely explanation is yarvin's supposition - russia was playing 'hard to get' and fdr and his staff wanted russia 'even more'
mircea_popescu: for that matter, the problem with yarvin was not the broad strokes, but all the empty mcdonalds wrappers he glued to them everywhere.
decimation: yarvin thought that urban police depts. would make good rulers
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-04-2015#1114626 << the thing yarvin was building leaky submarines out of ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes there's a wider point here btw : the internet has been slowly evolving towards immutability. this trend is visible high and low - curtis yarvin's attempt to "remake bitcoin in his own yard" did not miss this point, the general response of the fetlife cattle to the meatlist is a very sound "internet is immutable", the wind is there.
mircea_popescu: for the other it's not ok to admit urbit exists strictly because a) yarvin's chumpatron attempt failed just at the time b) usg was looking for a particular tool
mircea_popescu: well for one thing it's not ok to admit yarvin is orlov in a different color scheme
mircea_popescu: every year shall bring more yarvin, yakudsky, yaranidiot.
the_scourge: urbit is yarvin's thing
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what was the curtis yarvin brand of systemd called ? i forget ?
mircea_popescu: how is poettering to sell a shitty re-implementation of yarvin's pile of crap ? PROCLAIM LOUDLY THAT IT BOOTS FASTLY.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes actually i confess i do the same sort of obsessive rereading myself. tho perhaps not on orlov and yarvin
mircea_popescu: yarvin doesn't get an out of jail free card just because he is "with us", as opposed to whoever, golf club pattern proponent
mircea_popescu: actually it wouldn't surpriose me to find that's the process through which it was invented. all like nlp and shit, yarvin sat down and figured hey, this is going to positively attract the esl retards.
punkman: but yarvin pretty much came up with the term "neoreactionary"
punkman: yarvin is the "nrx" thing. <- if not yarvin, who?
mircea_popescu: the entire thing having no further substance past repackaging, obviously the coca cola company is the coca cola thing, and yarvin is the "nrx" thing.
the_scourge: i think it's a misconception that yarvin started NRx or even is/was a leader in any way. he's a good writer. he is NRx, yes
mircea_popescu: like shorthand for "yarvin's readership" ?
decimation: absolutely. mr. yarvin linked to a vint cerf lecture where herr cerf was talking about global persistant namespaces
decimation: yeah as Mr. Yarvin enjoys pointing out, the past is dead, cannot live again
decimation: well, Mr. Yarvin is quick to point out that it only took 1000 british civil servants to rule all of said india
decimation: as Mr. Yarvin (and many others) have pointed out, the bottom line is that the us as a going concern (then entire economy) is a money losing proposition
decimation: I think mr. yarvin pointed to some internet elder figure who was hawking this idea (also urbit)
johntraveller: so moldbug/yarvin was a typical california libertarian who dropped a lot of acid
johntraveller: speaking of, I was reading mp’s critique of yarvin
assbot: 57 results for 'yarvin' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=yarvin
mircea_popescu: !s yarvin
mircea_popescu: i have in fact not followed either for any interval at all. these other guys do, maybe decimation is the local authority on yarvin. asciilifeform used to have a battleship or w/e it was called in his leaky snowglobe.
mircea_popescu: and yarvin with that dead banker
mircea_popescu: what if they replaced orlov with yarvin
decimation: mr. yarvin had a post where he hypothesized that if there were a credible alternative to usg it would immediately crumble
mircea_popescu: by the way, is yarvin still writing or lives in memory only ?
decimation: to paraphrase mr. yarvin, every asset must pass through the bitcoin-hole
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah, as Mr. Yarvin said, revolutions are when random adventurers seize power for their own ends
decimation: as I recall Mr. Yarvin quoted Lord Cromer as saying that he reckoned he could effectively rule egypt if he could publicly hang one egyptian of his choosing per year
decimation: asciilifeform: do mix Mr Yarvin's metaphor - what would "Haakon the Fairhaired" do about computers today? would he pointlessly toil with c-machine kazoo or would he bide his time and work on something unique?
BingoBoingo: I still don't understand why Yarvin fucking did "Jets" as his fallback to x86 derivatives sucking
mircea_popescu: i never wanted to whip and cane women like i want to whip and cane this sort of yarvin fuckwit.
asciilifeform: or, more precisely, of mr. yarvin's first full-time toady
decimation: asciilifeform: brings to mind the play quoted by Mr. Yarvin where the kulak is found guilty of hording foreign currency in basement
decimation: mircea_popescu: yeah your post reminds me of Mr. Yarvin's point about insulting the "protected class".
decimation: asciilifeform: re: raising an army: The scale of humanity today is such that being a 'land baron' is almost impossible. Consider Mr. Yarvin's quote-of-a-quote: " As the laws of King Ine of Wessex famously put it: We use the term "thieves" if the number of men does not exceed seven, and "brigands" for a number between seven and thirty-five. Anything beyond this is an "army."
mircea_popescu: decimation that for one thing. for the other, the only way to read yarvin's definition outside of "the mob" would require absolute midwestern innocence of the mob
decimation: mircea_popescu: Here's my confusion. Yarvin would call a USG-funded professor a "brahmin", but said professor is a parasite on society, in a manner that is much more harmful than your average urban poor folk.
mircea_popescu: <decimation> re: yarvin's OV-BDH model: I'm not so sure the mob would count as Dalit, I was thinking more underclass non-black minorities << why not ?
decimation: at any rate, I Yarvin's model of elite whites being allied with minorities/plebes against productive people is quite obvious. The problem is that the gig is up, the elite/underclass are the clear winners
decimation: re: yarvin's OV-BDH model: I'm not so sure the mob would count as Dalit, I was thinking more underclass non-black minorities
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> he has phobias. << Some people come to Bitcoin out of their technical knowledge. Some people like myself come because crazy. A Yarvin beats around the bushes because of an uncomfortable median?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: he [yarvin] doesn't want the current one to crash << this is because he is persuaded (not necessarily wrongly) that he and his children will be eaten by orcs when crash
mircea_popescu: once that's on the table, the difference between yarvin and dutta is purely cosmetic.
mircea_popescu: that reminds me BingoBoingo : i was gonna say i don't like curtis yarvin / mencius moldbug for the following very specific reason - he sounds exactly like a propaganda job for smart people.
BingoBoingo: Not as Yarvin says, as poor Jimmy from Fallout 3 says
decimation: as Mr. Yarvin says, perhaps one day the mighty Patomack will once again flow unvexed into the Chesapeake
mircea_popescu: curtis yarvin a footnote of meaninglessness in a larger discussion, as every fucking time.
decimation: as ascii's quote of Mr. Yarvin points out, one would then make themselves a slave to Neptune, who isn't a forgiving master
decimation: Mr. Yarvin goes on: "If you are an American raising kids abroad and you want to reintroduce them to your country, I highly recommend this sort of shock-and-awe approach. Having to deal with an American high school was not pleasant, but it gave me a certain respect for America: it exists. Once you go to college, you are no longer in the real America. You are in a fortified outpost of future America, which has been planted in the real
decimation: Mr. Yarvin experienced something similiar w.r.t. American culture: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2008/01/how-i-stopped-believing-in-democracy.html "For example, the first thing I remember from my first year in Maryland was something called a "pep rally." For those of you who did not attend an American public high school, a "pep rally" is basically a straight ripoff of what Albert Speer did at Nuremberg, except that (a)
asciilifeform: (before anyone asks - no, i have not the faintest idea whether norman yarvin is a relative of curtis)
mircea_popescu: i wonder how many of these various and sundry internet groups are mefiant/angry with bitcoin for the yarvin reason : they poured their energy into a different obscure thing, and what is this bitcoin to succeed exactly the way they had hoped their thing to succeed!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: actually moldbug/yarvin 'came out of the closet' when he bragged about inventing address space randomization in an obscure paper as an undergrad
asciilifeform: ^ yarvin as a kid, when he was more fun
BingoBoingo wonders if Yarvin will revise the Urbit metaphor again when Bitcoin becomes a Naval power...
asciilifeform: afaik urbit achieved its actual goal (refill mr. yarvin's money bag)
asciilifeform: Mats_cd03: fellow named Curt Yarvin wrote an elaborate programming language / runtime env. / replacement for dns and http. and sold namespace for substantial money. but earlier he handed out parcels of address space to folks who participated in a contest - which is where i got mine.
mircea_popescu: maybe we should have a bet : katecraig wood delivers before yarvin's submarine plane stops leaking.
mircea_popescu: how's the esteemed mr yarvin these days ?
decimation: heh. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Mr. Yarvin reads your blog
decimation: mircea, I liked your nigger story on trilema, but I was confused about the link on your second footnote - do you mean Yarvin's article posted Sep 2013?
mircea_popescu: so i guess the circle is complete, don't recomend yarvin to me, recomend trilema to his readership, which will result in him having more stuff to write in the future.
mircea_popescu: jesus god, yarvin actually argues that the us invented communism ?
mircea_popescu: so yarvin delivers. there, greenspan_fan is a short and sweet explanation of the concept.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that yarvin piece is absolutely fuckingly hysterically funny, because :
asciilifeform: yarvin also noted 'yi yi zhi yi'
decimation: well, Herr Yarvin's point is that the niggers have taken the place of the roman duke
decimation: Herr Yarvin has a giant meandering post on topic: http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2013/09/technology-communism-and-brown-scare.html
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform could this be merged into the yarvin thing ?
decimation: As Mr. Yarvin points out, post-fiat dollars will still have some value as "federal brownie points"
decimation: Much like Mr. Yarvin's Goldenstein : http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2008/02/return-to-castle-goldenstein-gold.html
decimation: I donno, I came to bitcoin via Mr. Yarvin. In retrospect his doubts about Bitcoin look silly.
decimation: I think Mr. Yarvin was correct in his analysis about the game theory of bitcoin saving
mircea_popescu: and you'll be well advised to take note that for all his childish posturing a) yarvin capitulated and tried to make his own bitcoin
BingoBoingo: This Yarvin guy seems like he could use a bit of Vitamin H
asciilifeform: there wasn't any KYC nonsense when Mr. M (Curtis Yarvin) spoke to me re: the original award.
mod6: yeah, it seems that this guy Curtis Yarvin kinda goes against the grain with this one. im not a haskell guy or what not, so I'm not real sure what to think just yet.