89 entries in 0.539s
mp_en_viaje: i still don;t perceive the difference between above quited john d. and historical curtis y, or tucker m. or etc. this may be a failure of my differentiator, but w/e.
mircea_popescu: chuck fucking max and tucker fucking moore, the famous tards of buried lands.
mp_en_viaje: his forray into business however, is sadly reminiscent of tucker max.
mircea_popescu: "Tucker mentioned possible Oscar nomination for the script, more than $200M at the box office and revolutionizing Hollywood." sorta thing.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-24 17:52 mircea_popescu: ahaha oh this is delishious. "My work has appeared in LA Weekly, Vice, Curbed, Complex, ANIMALS, The Daily Dot, and LosAngeles.com" << dork quit law school because tucker max said to and is now a relationships advicerist.
danielpbarron: in tucker max's defense, his are the only books i have ever purchased in "e"lectronic form. and I did get a kick out of them. But that was before I discovered trilema so who knows how they'd read to me if i tried again
mircea_popescu: anyway, the whole "i write books" aspirational occupation is a macula of dumb just all of itself. i keep mentioning tucker max because he tried (and claimed to succeed) and utterly failed at the thing.
mircea_popescu: tucker max comes to mind, and there was the recent copycat we discussed.
mircea_popescu: ahaha oh this is delishious. "My work has appeared in LA Weekly, Vice, Curbed, Complex, ANIMALS, The Daily Dot, and LosAngeles.com" << dork quit law school because tucker max said to and is now a relationships advicerist. ☟︎
the_scourge: I'll have to ddg tucker max, never heard of him
mircea_popescu: all i see is a wanna-be tucker max. is that guy famous as 3 fucks so she can be famous as one fuck or what ?
mircea_popescu: btw, since i mentioned http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160831/from:36/to:36#36 : it is directly evident why it's such a big deal for elliot kid. leaving aside all the insane preposterous nonsense worthy of a tucker max / wolf of wallstreet / suicide kings production : there's one sex scene, in which this kid (totally whitebread, goes to school and does his homework 15yo with no tattoos) is kidnapped by a bunch of derps, and then
phf: the same, but i thought nick denton has that mainstream legitimacy. tucker max and m.y. seem like they exist in the same blogspace, i.e. people who used to post videos about 9/11 truth with that matrix soundtrack
phf: i thought milo yiannopoulos is the new tucker max
mircea_popescu: e. The sad part is, he’s not even selling out. He’s trading principles, honesty and consistency for nothing. He will not reap money, power, or fame from his transformation into an emasculated poof. Tucker Max is ignoring his opportunity to be a part of history, and his only reward will be a well-deserved slide into obscurity." (cca 2012.)
mircea_popescu: o nevermind, i got it all wrong! "Tucker Max had the opportunity to be a spokesman for a generation. He had the opportunity to lend his voice to the revolt against the effeminization of North American Men, and maybe even lead a 21st-century revival of classical masculinity. Instead, he is pissing that opportunity away, in the hopes that he’ll earn a morsel of approval from the gatekeepers of mainstream culture and literatur
a111: Logged on 2016-08-23 00:09 asciilifeform looked up 'tucker max', wants the 5 minutes back!1111
asciilifeform looked up 'tucker max', wants the 5 minutes back!1111 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: kinda what tucker max is known for, really. notwithstanding various attempts to market self since, essentially it's "im this dude who scammed a bunch of lawyers astroturfing social media"
pete_dushenski: who knew tucker max was so progressive. reappropriating old words is libtard 101. ie. "wage slaves aren't slaves because only blacks can be slaves!!1"
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: I'm pretty sure the definition of Fratire is older than the Tucker Max one by decades. Maybe even a whole century.
pete_dushenski: ""Fratire" is a type of 21st-century fiction literature written for and marketed to young men in a politically incorrect and overtly masculine fashion. The term was coined following the popularity of works by George Ouzounian (writing under the pen name Maddox) and Tucker Max." << o.O
mircea_popescu: hey, tucker max made it in the us
mircea_popescu: tucker max was a "finance expert" with scott lockinesque notions on bitcoin, last i looked,
mircea_popescu: you know a funny derp by the name tucker max ?
mod6: by S. Tucker Taft and Robert A. Duff
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly, it occurs to me looking through tucker max's sad history past decade (random guy on the internet, thinks "he invented a literary genus" because wrote some bland, unoriginal "debauchery stories" ; burned out of that [the tucker max makes a movie in hollywood shit was pretty lulzy] then moved on to... being an investor! burned out of that, now writing advice books on how to be the perfect mate for some woman
mircea_popescu: September 18, 2015 by Tucker Max
mircea_popescu: i suspect the stoolie is a tucker max fan.
punkman: tucker max
mircea_popescu: "That's the trick of Shame. "He's an attractive, wealthy, guy with a big penis (did you see it, ladies?) but he's not using it properly..." Brandon's sex addiction makes him very un-desirable, no one watches Shame and says, "wow, I want to be Brandon" and no woman says, "wow, I want to be with Brandon." The opposite is true for Tucker Max, who is popular with women, especially the very women that he "degrades." Now
assbot: RAW VIDEO: KCSO video shows Deputy Edward Tucker escape - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Wln77P )
mircea_popescu: in other news, snakes on a plane is an incredibly bad film. down there with tucker max productions and shit.
asciilifeform: 'On April 9, a search warrant was served at Tucker's home and a computer had an operating system used by hackers, DPS said.'
assbot: Amazon.com: Ada 2005 Reference Manual. Language and Standard Libraries: International Standard ISO/IEC 8652/1995(E) with Technical Corrigendum 1 and Amendment 1 ... / Programming and Software Engineering) (9783540693352): S. Tucker Taft, Robert A. Duff, Randall L. Brukardt, Erhard Ploedereder, Pasca ... ( http://bit.ly/1BdeOgX )
mircea_popescu: to get an idea of what 10mn buys you, check out tucker max' film.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller> it's not a true reputation system just and aggregator << actually, it's a repackaging of an ancient idea in the words du jour. tucker max also made a "itsuptoyou" website that was essentially... yet another (meanwhile failed) blog.
punkman: tucker's biography is gonna be way more funny than his stories
mircea_popescu: Tucker "Yeah, of course."
assbot: My Start-up Made 200k In Its First Two Months...And I'm Embarrassed | Tucker Max | LinkedIn ... ( http://bit.ly/1CRiIgT )
mircea_popescu: Most would say that Tucker Max was nothing more than a brief flash-in-the-pan, a pony whose only trick was vulgar frat boy humour. But the reality is that Tucker Max’s stories were more than just entertainment: They articulated a new male identity that was unapologetically masculine and intellectual."
mircea_popescu: "Tucker Max was a hero of mine. I discovered his writing at the age of eighteen, and idolized his literary persona for the next five years. His descent into mediocrity has been painful for me to watch.
hanbot: <assbot> Tucker Max Is Lying << dude clinton should've been made emperor stead of impeached. clearly this is the sort of shit they're interested in.
assbot: Tucker Max Is Lying - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ztR5s7 )
assbot: Mating Grounds: Geoffrey Miller and Tucker Max Copy Danger & Play and Hilarity Ensues - Danger & Play ... ( http://bit.ly/1ztPUbY )
mircea_popescu: http://www.dangerandplay.com/2014/03/17/mating-grounds-geoffrey-miller-tucker-max-hilarity-ensues/ << this shit's pretty lulzy, as far as academic drama goes.
danielpbarron: is that tucker max?
mircea_popescu: tucker max at any rate quit law school for it, or to quote tlp
mircea_popescu: the author is one tucker max, famous for nothing in particular (and whose life story is instructive, in case any chickies born yesterday actually believe amanda hess or randi zuckerberg are "feminist" models, and something good for her, and failed to understand that http://trilema.com/2015/the-worm/ is simply a fable about gawker.
Adlai: this is from jeffrey tucker, the only speaker who hasn't used a slideshow
assbot: Walter Relief Print by Tucker Schreiber ... ( http://bit.ly/1I0yuIw )
rithm: http://www.prinnnt.com/collections/posters/products/walter-by-tucker-schreiber
assbot: Tucker Goes to Campout, Owns Duke Nerds « TuckerMax.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1v6cln6 )
mircea_popescu: http://www.tuckermax.com/stories/tucker-goes-to-campout-owns-duke-nerds/ << this was a decade or so ago.
mircea_popescu: honestly this entire "feminist protesting" stuff reads a whole lot like the sort of crap that tucker max "strategist" derp would come up with
mircea_popescu: I had a chance to hear Tucker Max talk about the movie at a screening and he seemed quite confident that it would surpass Wedding Crashers as the highest grossing comedy of all time. After seeing the movie, it became quite clear that he was completely delusional.
assbot: Tucker Goes to Campout, Owns Duke Nerds « TuckerMax.com
danielpbarron: http://www.tuckermax.com/stories/tucker-goes-to-campout-owns-duke-nerds/
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: i don't recall, do we like j tucker ? << o mr. sleepyhead? there's definitely worse muppets out on the "conference" scene.
assbot: 27 results for 'tucker' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=tucker
mircea_popescu: !s tucker
mircea_popescu: i don't recall, do we like j tucker ?
assbot: Bitnation will be performing the first Bitmarriage on the Blockchain, officiated by Jeffrey A Tucker using CoinOutlet Inc /CoinsKingdom.
BCB: Speaking of Jeffrey Tucker: https://twitter.com/MyBitNation/status/513853503694204928
mircea_popescu: is Jeffrey Tucker the guy that split from mises.org some time back ?
BCB: JuliaTourianski_: who chooses Jeffrey Tucker's bowties?
mircea_popescu: max tucker spoke at mit.
HeySteve: which might work well for publicity actually. worked for tucker max anyway
mircea_popescu: princessnell, as in too many duke grads unemployed to the point you get idjits a la tucker max writing "novels" and then moving on to "financial advicering" ?
princessnell: jeff tucker is a lizard tourist
bravetheworld: mircea_popescu peter todd is nice too. and mr. jeff tucker also said some insightful things to me about bitcoin. i try to keep my ears open u know
Naphex: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/292/4/5/tucker_s_law_tea_towel_by_masterplanner-d6r36bp.png
mircea_popescu: tucker fucking max.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo are you like trying to become tucker max or something ?
cazalla: he also ran a conference where last year he said the winklevoss twins were book, months pass and it was the winklevoss twins are a maybe, then it's deleted from the website and the headliner was jeffrey tucker instead lol
mircea_popescu: lmao this reminds me of the original tucker max wage fixing story.
ozbot: Charlie Shrem, Bitcoin entrepreneur, interviewed by Jeffrey Tucker - YouTube
pankkake: jeffrey tucker
efbiai: Tucker اس کے کوارٹر فائنل میں T'Pol کے ساتھ بیٹھتا ہے اور
efbiai: Tucker: میں نے پہلے تھا جلد ہی ....
efbiai: کمانڈر Tucker: میں واقعی میں ہر چھوٹی تفصیل کو گرفتار کر لیا اور یہاں درج ہے کہ یقین نہیں ہوتا. دیکھو، مجھے بالکل بیرونی شیل کے ساتھ فیری کی جگہ کے معائنے پر 1 سال پہلے کر دیا ہے.
efbiai: کمانڈر Tucker اور آرچر سرخ ذکر نقصان بھی شامل ہے انٹرپرائز holographically کم نمائندگی ہے جہاں Reperationsstation کی کمان مرکز درج ​​کریں:
efbiai: Tucker: کیوں تم اس پر برطرف کر دیا؟
NSAFBI: Tucker اس کے کوارٹر فائنل میں T'Pol کے ساتھ بیٹھتا ہے اور
NSAFBI: Tucker: میں نے پہلے تھا جلد ہی ....
NSAFBI: کمانڈر Tucker: میں واقعی میں ہر چھوٹی تفصیل کو گرفتار کر لیا اور یہاں درج ہے کہ یقین نہیں ہوتا. دیکھو، مجھے بالکل بیرونی شیل کے ساتھ فیری کی جگہ کے معائنے پر 1 سال پہلے کر دیا ہے.
NSAFBI: کمانڈر Tucker اور آرچر سرخ ذکر نقصان بھی شامل ہے انٹرپرائز holographically کم نمائندگی ہے جہاں Reperationsstation کی کمان مرکز درج ​​کریں:
NSAFBI: Tucker: کیوں تم اس پر برطرف کر دیا؟
pankkake: actually I know Tucker and Kinsella. but not for their Bitcoin work