46 entries in 0.5s
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: This is a project I could start warming up again and structuring as I work on building my toolset and working towards some sort of actual rather than UStarded level of literacy. If I break these particular mid-19th century retards up into bite sized chunks and publish indictments/annotations on the blog in a structured way, I would be filling a gap in documenting how intentional the failure of US "education" was.
trinque: and why are you soviets so damned allergic to structuring things *like a business*
mircea_popescu: poor communication with the exterior and poor structuring of the internal process. no, it's not AT ALL the same fucking thing, oh, x is vaguely related to y so let's call it all z." the point isn't to make stu over here.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, contention here is the structuring of activity as theoretically summarized, it's not driven by events but by the need to produce the structure trees needed by indefinitely scalalable summaries.
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741759 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-22#1741862 <-- string not a primitive, but -- "string" datatype aside -- symbol names are (conceptually) strings, so they (the symbol names) require an internal representation etc. cons'ing characters upon reading was simplest approach I found to storing and structuring them. con: list cells introduce memory overhead; pros: avoids arrays and magic numbers like ☝︎☝︎
davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-06#1733218 <<< "The IRS wouldn’t comment on Kwon’s specific case, but a spokesman noted that he pleaded guilty to the structuring charge." ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "memory", what's that. he got a bit of memory out of his own body through structuring the environment.
mircea_popescu: actually proper english structuring of mat would be a fine exercise for learning either. though more in the phd level of things.
mircea_popescu: what fits in head depends also on the structuring of the head.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: bezzle land corporate structuring is just sad on every axis
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: my criticism was specifically that structuring them ~unopposably~ is an act of dishonesty.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i have words from mp's free critique services : 1. too big font, too much whitespace => way too few words in right column ; 2. single utility column => too much scrolling to get articles ; 3 no good structuring of history (and i dun care about your categories enough to want them listed) ; 4. bad idea to put whole article in archive listing, because then you have to paginate the months which defeats the whole point
mircea_popescu: there's two points. one, where i saw it at the periphery and feared it may be a thing, which made me pretty pissy : http://logs.bvulpes.com/chainstate?d=2017-1-11#1340 and then http://logs.bvulpes.com/chainstate?d=2017-1-11#1374 as the issue was structuring in my head. then of course the closing comments early today morning, http://logs.bvulpes.com/chainstate?d=2017-1-12#323 as the thing couldn't actually be dismissed.
ben_vulpes: in specific grading a lisp 'c' for 'prototyping support' (review panel completely ignorant of repls i suppose) and 'c' for 'high level structuring' (macros don't exist i guess?)
mircea_popescu: there's a reason medieval empires always included sumptuary laws, which prevented the margins from benefitting from the discoveries/technologies. yes this has a cost in terms of aggregate productivity, BUT that cost can, and in practice usually is, offset by the benefit in political structuring.
asciilifeform: if you're structuring the 'comment' field, before long you end up with rfc4880 et al if not careful.
mircea_popescu: perfect ; ima spend the rest of the day structuring this and we see!
BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-09-2015#1259321 << IRS treats expenditure optimization frequently the same as "structuring" and other not crimes that are somehow crimes. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: 1. full rsa. 2. proper signature encapsulation. 3. sane structuring of the keys. 4. etfc.
ascii_field: 'For the first time in the century or so of history of this particular human endeavour, text was deliberately structured with due consideration given not only to its meaning, but also to its source, and to its context. Prior attempts at structuring software, at first consisting of a naive approach focused on meaning only, over time added a half-hearted consideration of context, very unequally and rather haphazardly. The
asciilifeform: t was the first time I had really serious doubts about the wisdom of SGML's structuring process, because the massive complexity of it all is _completely_ pointless and a result of spreading the semantics so thin that you had to keep mental track of an enormous number of relationships to end up with an idea of what something should do or mean. It does not have to be that way. It was _profoundly_ disappointing to discover that
BingoBoingo: It isn't an actual property of Bitcoins. It is a failing of the social structuring of the stupid.
trinque: having too much btc will have a word like "structuring" pretty soon
trinque: "structuring"
gabriel_laddel: ^ It appears that I should properly make the business case. If the unix in question had a sane substitute for portage (clearly specified set of systems guaranteed to build for a specified set of versions, no cyclic dependencies when you try to enable the USE flag for docs globally, sane CLOS structuring of the systems, `build' builds, `test' tests
jurov: overhead compared to what? structuring/trading bonds?
artifexd: <asciilifeform> speaking of which, did artifexd follow mircea_popescu's prescription and use a hacked gpg for 'gossip' ? << No. I'm using go's openpgp code. However, I'm structuring the code so that I can later add the option do the crypto via a shell out to gpg. Then you can use whatever version of gpg your heart desires.
mircea_popescu: otherwise if you could skirt reporting by structuring instruments nobody'd own anything anymore.
asciilifeform: 'Deliberately keeping deposits below that threshold to avoid the reporting requirement is a crime (known as "structuring"), but Hinders was never charged with it. Instead federal prosecutors argued that her bank account had facilitated the crime of structuring, making it subject to civil forfeiture.' << lol!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: ^ #b-a search is broken. why am i seeing text that does not contain the literal word 'structuring' ? <<< mthreat's thing has a stemmer.
assbot: 336 results for '"structuring"' - #bitcoin-assets search
asciilifeform: ^ #b-a search is broken. why am i seeing text that does not contain the literal word 'structuring' ?
assbot: 336 results for 'structuring' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=structuring
asciilifeform: !s structuring
bounce: those civil forfeitures for people "structuring" their deposits so their bank has less paperwork to do is clearly an effect but not, as far as I know anyway, a publicly stated purpose of the reporting rules
ben_vulpes: <ThickAsThieves> i'm like, you now i'll have to pay taxes on those too right? << dude stop letting the wimmins make important decisions like dietary and financial structuring
Vallance: Thinking of re-structuring our business affairs
mike_c: yeah, so, i believe all the hairiness would be in implementing what goes on in those states anyway. i'm not sure structuring the high level stuff around states would neccesarily make it much cleaner.
mircea_popescu: tell it to the structuring consultants.
BingoBoingo: pankkake: So how are you structuring this poll?
mircea_popescu: i am saying that numerous concepts are employed in a way which belies unfamiliarity with the field, and the general structuring of the narrative is such that you suspect the author does not have a birds eye view of the topic.
bgupta: Another example would be structuring a sports bet that closes for betting at the beginning of a season, but resolves at the end of a season. I think enabling these kinds of bets would bring in more betters, at the cost of holding onto their btc for a long time, and dealing with a potentially large book of unresolved bets.
bitcoinbust: well id even go as far as 100% of idiotic ideas of structuring government came from germany
pigeons: that's "structuring"
benkay: mircea_popescu: what is the risk distribution and capital structure of afk banks you avoided with the MPEx structuring?
pigeons: structuring!