683 entries in 1.232s
kakobrekla: decimation i have put a mcu + lcd screen + sd card mid cable. and some buttons. probably doesnt need an explanation.
mats: there are 128gb sd cards, in the interest of humoring this discussion
punkman: sd cards?
Vexual: this is where sd had an advantage; bill gates didnt braintsotorm it
Vexual: the sd one is cool, i dont undertand the other thing
TheNewDeal: someone once sent me a text file of the SD ipo
mike_c: <+ben_vulpes> http://www.nhplace.com/kent/CL/x3j13-sd-05.html << this seems like a good, simple, plain example.
ben_vulpes: http://www.nhplace.com/kent/CL/x3j13-sd-05.html
assbot: 136 results for 'sd' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sd
TheNewDeal: !s sd
mircea_popescu: that'sd a good point
asciilifeform: how are sd and jd more than simple chumpatronic pumps ?
mircea_popescu: guy listed sd on mpex. about a year later, he claimed someone bought it and so it was delisted. mpex shareholders received a negotiated, fair compensation and it was the end of the matter.
TheNewDeal: for sd?
mircea_popescu: sounds like btc is nao copying mpex, i recall how pissed ppl were on the first and original sd dump
TheNewDeal: http://www.ofnumbers.com/2014/08/12/bitcoins-pr-challenges/ Wasn't EV sued for something other than SD?
bitcoinpete: Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. H (Sd.Kfz. 161/2) is ~$2.5mn
asciilifeform: likely contents of sd: fpga bitstreams
decimation: the sd slot is probably to store pretty pictures of the spectrum you capture
mircea_popescu: micro sd slot ?
mike_c: the double spend had to do with making the SD tx ugly (lots of inputs), and double-spending with a fee. SD just started using fees and problem went away iirc.
mike_c: this was explored exhaustively with satoshi dice. some serious gymnastics pulled it off with trivial amounts, and SD then reacted and closed that loophole as well.
asciilifeform: third, why did vorhees, having profited handsomely from sd, have to take to spam?
mike_c: you missed the one from financial times that said SD raised *10 million* btc in their ipo
asciilifeform: (with sd rather than external mechanical disk)
ThickAsThieves: mircea_popescu:BCB uh, the entire sd db is publicly in the ledger. --- dammit i signed in just to say this
mircea_popescu: BCB uh, the entire sd db is publicly in the ledger.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's sd done by a better guy, with a better model.
asciilifeform: since i've been living under a rock, i gotta ask - is jd just sd with new fuel rods?
BingoBoingo: ThickAsThieves: JD pretty much killed SD
jurov: sd card is encrypted and i always use keyboard connected directly to rpi for passphrase
bocobit: I hear SD is even better on the martian surface
asciilifeform: cardano uses a micro-sd card for storage, and assumes that said card was built by the devil
ThickAsThieves: For example, if I took 10 btc of SD earnings and rebet it over and over and over, eventually it would all be owned to the shareholders on mpex because they would see that the site had xxxxxxx in bets and xxxxxxx in profit owed to them.
Namworld: Basically, contract was respected. People are mad about the SD deal because they can't verify anything about the sale. They bought at a high price and claim Erik sold to "himself" for low after selling some shares for a very high price or other such accusations.
Namworld: If I recall right, I bought afterward, when price was much lower, not long before SD sold.
skinnkavaj: SD is not legal and neither is MPOE, but I love the fact that you are not agreeing with me on that
skinnkavaj: mircea_popescu: So you think SD is a legal service?
skinnkavaj: So he would not get into trouble and can still operate SD
skinnkavaj: Fake selling SD to himself
decimation: bunnie has a whole post on hacking SD cards
dexX7: spoiler: wired.com posts a story on sd + sec, too
dexX7: what does the sec want with the user data etc.? i'm wondering, if this is about the sale of sd, btc stocks in general or an investigation about some fraud going on etc..
dexX7: now is the time to tell. were you the unknown buyer of sd? ;)
Mallstromm: chetty: probably 500 coins are nothing to Erik. He got paid hundred of thousands for SD
ninjashogun: lnovy - if it's any consolation, they just came out with a 128 GB micro sd card.
mircea_popescu: benkay except sd ipod on mpex not on ethereum
greenspan_fan: mircea_popescu: read it; still unsure why it's unsustainable-- 0->1 SD is always going to be about 18%
asciilifeform: haha, anybody run 'dieharder' on JD/SD/etc. ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform was sd pwned ?
mike_c: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JnxM_vuAsuY/Tzbk6hagwbI/AAAAAAAAAho/5p5kBwiWw54/s1600/sd.jpg
wao-ender: mircea_popescu: because that Fico's party (SMER-SD) will loose it's managment when he moves to the president position afaik
asciilifeform: e.g. 'sd card' tooth (a la cyanide tooth)
Namworld: You could have accrued dividends on SD in the range of up to ~0.0002 per month per share at it's highest I think, or close to that
Namworld: SD went from 0.0022 - 0.0027 IPO slices to 0.007 and then back down or something
Namworld: SD started much lower than that
nubbins`: SD cards fail all the time
TomServo: Speaking of, was the SD buyer ever revealed?
kakobrekla: not only SD did not break BTC but JD (offchain) broke DOGE!
asciilifeform: KRS|Gotyawallet: set up tor exits which replace SD addrs with yours.
asciilifeform: sd card (or rolled up printout) would be gentler on the rectum, i imagine, than a coin.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu, Well, I keep discrete digital backups of things on top of the paper ones. Who knows what might be metadata in an SD card's text folder or something moar important? (having said that I've found places I haven't mentioned that aren't that)
Namworld: Wow... SD new website ain't getting much business...
TomServo: When did SD get a facelift?
nubbins`: anyway, even after fucking up the timing on SD and AM
dexX7: @sd
Namworld: SD made over 10x that already
kakobrekla: you mean like EV sold SD twice?
kakobrekla: SD is no longer publically traded or listed
Diablo-D3: I won like 100 BTC before SD fixed their shit lol
mircea_popescu: then that'sd your brokerage house.
kakobrekla: oh that, sd or jd
kakobrekla: sd was in ireland at some point
fractal: although the investment ROI has stalled in the past couple weeks... but i think whoehver bought SD madea mistake ;)
Diablo-D3: came out with ver 4 of the SD spec
Diablo-D3: the SD group
dexX7: mircea_popescu: transfered to the times where sd was traded between .003-.006 and made 10k/month, am would be valued between ~1.5-3 for the current 3 month low of ~200k/month. to get near to sub 1.5 in this comparison, am would need to stop all sales and mine with less than ~10 % nethash rate --- tl;tr: even with girly logic applied, we are currently in an area where we should be
dexX7: mircea_popescu: dexX7 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=144319.msg1530287#msg1530287 << ty - following this approach based on last div (am: 4904 btc/week + sd: 4988 btc/month = 1247 btc/week, trading at .0025/share), am should trade at 100000000/400000*4904/1247*0.0025 = 2.458 btc
dexX7: this is what i received via pm: Hi there! I am the new SD producer, working for the company that just purchased SD. Erik Voorhees can also verify my identity if you need him to - he's the one that got the account set up through the admin, actually, since Satoshi is restricted. Thanks for doing your due diligence - it's an honor to be part of the community :) Kat
mircea_popescu: but anyway, i dislike the way goes "o, it'sd a bad idea" in spite of not managing to get a single dime.
dexX7: "Hi there! I am the new SD producer, working for the company that just purchased SD. Erik Voorhees can also verify my identity if you need him to - he's the one that got the account set up through the admin, actually, since Satoshi is restricted. Thanks for doing your due diligence - it's an honor to be part of the community :) Kat"
Rawted: there must be a huge market outside of the US for SD
mircea_popescu: there's some stuff i recommend not buying, and that'sd about the extent of it
TomServo: Odd there was no mention of the SD sale.
Diablo-D3: SD was sold?
dub: I have already tabled the mp bought sd conspiracy
Namworld: SD is the kind of thing that considering mircea's stance and location, it would be fun if he was the one who bought SD.
PeterL_: so, are all the asset prices going up now that everybody get's their money out of SD?
matthew_boyd: Anyone investing in sd?
enclosurefrednom: i almost fell into this trap: sd call option, strike 0.03100000, premium 0.00001155
enclosurefrednom: is Namworld, the issuer of SD pt on btct here?
enclosurefrednom: does anyone know if sd's payout has already started?
expectedgoepabo: if sd money hits the market, they could fill am's ipo instantly
Diablo-D3: and presumably a continuing flaw in how SD operates
Diablo-D3: SD will reply with a win no matter which tx makes it into the chain
Scrat: SD
evoorhees: SD doesn't rely on having any trust in the operator of the site... that's the whole point
Namworld: but might as well be something like "SD will have a kiosk at that event. Yes, I never go publicly representing SD anymore, but fuck it!"
Namworld: FZB is like a billion time more valuable than SD, of course.
Namworld: So far it's another month at around 0 for SD.