600+ entries in 1.303s
mircea_popescu: i don't think anything'sd so hot.
assbot: BitBet - Parties SMER-SD and SNS to win supermajority in Slovak parliament :: 0.37 B (46%) on Yes, 0.43 B (54%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 2 days | weight: 84`005 (100`000 to 10`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q5uOGb )
jurov: kakobrekla dang you completely filter unicode on bitbet? my translation now looks like abortion :( https://bitbet.us/bet/1247/parties-smer-sd-and-sns-to-win-supermajority-in/#c5617
mircea_popescu: so if you make MORE space for people to take a shit in, there's going to somehow be fewer sd chips burned ?
mircea_popescu: but, to make it perfectly clear, i don't believe funkenstein_ is to any significant degree related to the foregoing. that'sd what i mean by primed, i just see it everywhere now/
assbot: Logged on 29-12-2015 00:03:37; asciilifeform: 'The main principle introduced below is the requirement for the laptop hardware to be stateless, i.e. lacking any persistent storage. This includes it having no firmware-carrying flash memory chips. All the state is to be kept on an external, trusted device. This trusted device is envisioned to be of a small USB stick or SD card form factor.' << batshit lunacy on x86
asciilifeform: 'The main principle introduced below is the requirement for the laptop hardware to be stateless, i.e. lacking any persistent storage. This includes it having no firmware-carrying flash memory chips. All the state is to be kept on an external, trusted device. This trusted device is envisioned to be of a small USB stick or SD card form factor.' << batshit lunacy on x86 ☟︎
thestringpuller: PSA: Bitnodes units shipped with 64GB SD cards will reach capacity in next few days. << L0L
pete_dushenski: though it's probably fair to say that anyone trinque associates with is an sd or two above the mean
asciilifeform: (an ancient and heavily-proprietary turd which sells for 5x/byte vs 'sd')
cazalla: for sake of logs - the 21.co blockchain on an SD card quote is http://dpaste.com/07AQSXN.txt
assbot: Logged on 21-09-2015 20:24:53; jurov: they are never going to fully validate blockchain on SD card
jurov: they are never going to fully validate blockchain on SD card ☟︎
BingoBoingo: The 128 GB SD card is prolly not going to last that long
BingoBoingo: "The product will include a Wi-Fi adapter, RPi 2, power supply, USB-to-laptop cable and 128GB SD card, and come equipped with a "factory-installed" copy of the blockchain. It is not known how much hashing power the miner generates."
nubbins`: i had two actual DS carts (mario kart korean version, advance wars 2) before i bought an SD loader
assbot: Logged on 10-09-2015 00:05:33; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-09-2015#1269003 << even here we have the fake cn drives, in all form factors even, from doctored thumb drive to hollow laptop ssd containing lead weights and sd reader, etc
punkman: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-09-2015#1269012 << I guess I don't buy enough SSDs (and/or the local vendors are not fucktards). I've never chanced upon usb flash or sd card with fake capacity though. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 10-09-2015 00:05:33; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-09-2015#1269003 << even here we have the fake cn drives, in all form factors even, from doctored thumb drive to hollow laptop ssd containing lead weights and sd reader, etc
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-09-2015#1269003 << even here we have the fake cn drives, in all form factors even, from doctored thumb drive to hollow laptop ssd containing lead weights and sd reader, etc ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform why not ? there's a complaint, there'sd proof. what else.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: traditionally '70' corresponds to -2 sd, and '85' to -1.
mircea_popescu: but yes. being able to tell new people "do http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-08-2015#1225687 or else, AT YOUR OPTION, if you have the time, and the expertise, here'sd the source, read it, sign it, ml the receipt" way beats having to tell new people http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-08-2015#1228947 ☝︎☝︎
asciilifeform: can use sd card, with a little soldering
jurov: Perhaps if there was appropriately priced 8-32 GB SD card or USB dongle known to be fast nad not wear out quickly
mircea_popescu: o, wait, "actual money" = "fixed percent of all the money that'sd ever going to exist" ?
Vexual: sd card is the only hole on a google netbook?
asciilifeform: Vexual: sd card with single-chip 'crypto coprocessor' (a la the atmel turd discussed a few months ago; possibly even the very same) - with extra holy water and marketing drivel included
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes shut up hater! there'sd even a bitcoin literature!
mircea_popescu: http://ontariokink.com/thoughts-meat-list/#comment-111 but wait there'sd more!11
asciilifeform: ~50MHz 32-bit (oddball architecture) cpu, tcp/ip implemented in hardware, can address via spi (as in sd card) external eeprom.
assbot: Logged on 10-04-2015 20:04:58; Chillum: I just got an ESP8266, a $4 chip that has a microcontroller that can run either C or Lua with 512kb memory 8GPIOs and a wifi card with a high level interface. All the size of a SD card and running off 300ma(peak) at 3.3v
mats: 16:04:57 <+Chillum> I just got an ESP8266, a $4 chip that has a microcontroller that can run either C or Lua with 512kb memory 8GPIOs and a wifi card with a high level interface. All the size of a SD card and running off 300ma(peak) at 3.3v
Chillum: I just got an ESP8266, a $4 chip that has a microcontroller that can run either C or Lua with 512kb memory 8GPIOs and a wifi card with a high level interface. All the size of a SD card and running off 300ma(peak) at 3.3v ☟︎
asciilifeform: the Gb ethernet, 3Gb/s sata, sd card, usb - work
asciilifeform: sd and usb also work.
nubbins`: curious to see how much the SD chokes
nubbins`: okay, sweet. i've got a 60GB SSD and a 64gb UHS-1 SD card on the way.
Chillum: so I reimaged the sd with a base raspbian and wrote some python code to get addresses from vanitygen and print them
asciilifeform: trinque: where does turdel expect to find storage << nowhere. you can manually mount sd and usb. (sata not yet working)
nubbins`: right now my pogo will try tftp, then boot debian from sd card, or original pogo if none present
trinque: asciilifeform: put debian on the sd card in a partition, I assume I can flash the nand from there?
trinque: oh hey, pogo and sd card are to be delivered today
Chillum: if the piper is running a raspberry pi then it is far from bricked. Just reimage the sd card with raspbian then plug it into ethernet, nmap for port 22 and login user/password pi/raspbian
asciilifeform: this is some extra effort vs. stuffing it on usb or sd, but will pay off later
nubbins`: you said it'll run from sd, ya?
asciilifeform: it is able to use usb storage and sd
nubbins`: gonna try the SD-for-block-storage route on one of these
nubbins`: updated seed list on sd card?
asciilifeform: personally what i'd do is look for and verify foundation gpg sig on tarball on sd card when button pressed
nubbins`: if we end up jamming the os onto the nand, you could have it scan SD cards on insert for patches
nubbins`: http://www.amazon.ca/Transcend-TS128GSDU3-Speed-UHS-3-Memory/dp/B00J3KA8JG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427237075&sr=8-1&keywords=sd+card+128gb+uhs+3
nubbins` admittedly knows zilch about sd
nubbins`: we'd want, class 10 sd?
mircea_popescu: anyway, the situaton is : usb not usable for storage for our purposes, sd maybe usable. if one wants guidance, that's guidance, if one wants to do testing, that's your falsifiable hypothesis.
trinque: seems the above sd is intended for yeah, filming
trinque: http://www.amazon.com/PNY-Elite-Performance-Speed-Class/dp/B00HIKBW1G/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1427236380&sr=1-4&keywords=sd+card
danielpbarron: might be interesting to see if an already synced .bitcoin directory is copied over to SD card and see if it can simply keep up
ascii_field: sd card isn't typically built for 100% duty cycle either
ascii_field: sd is a few 100 kB/sec in practice
mircea_popescu: maybe he has good sd cards.
danielpbarron: store blockchain on SD card? that will take forever to sync
mircea_popescu: trinque you should try the sd if you're doing research.
trinque: any reason not to use pogo with an sd card for the blockchain?
nubbins`: boots from SD tho!
nubbins`: just USB2 and SD
nubbins`: nobody who can't follow some simple instructions to flash nand down the road and reclaim their SD card is gonna buy one anyway
nubbins`: if we're talking about a "pogo node" as a kit that one can purchase, i think, it's fine to start with w/e distro, booting from SD, skull-and-crossbones patches, w/e
nubbins`: <+danielpbarron> would have to be shipped with SD card already configured if the end user is to just plug in a hard drive and forget about it <<< that is actually preferable for almost everyone who would buy this
danielpbarron: would have to be shipped with SD card already configured if the end user is to just plug in a hard drive and forget about it
nubbins`: .foundation running on pogoplug w/ SD card is a stopgap here
BingoBoingo: davout: Floppies though are purely passive. You need to bring a drive to the disk. SD incorporates the drive.
asciilifeform: sd card, incidentally, offers no proper means of write protection
danielpbarron: using SD card
danielpbarron: the blue model is perfect for this purpose, just add SD card of any size
danielpbarron: even using the sd card for os << not necessary; the whole thing can go on the same hard drive as the blockchain
nubbins`: even using the sd card for os isn't an unbearable extra burden
danielpbarron: fyi the "blue" pogo (the one that doesn't have sata port) is works just like the purple one would if installing to a SD card
asciilifeform presently investigating why netbsd does not correctly initialize sata or sd controllers
asciilifeform: i think the purple logo won't boot off an SD << when this is through there will be no need to boot from anything but the internal eeprom
nubbins`: also i think the purple logo won't boot off an SD?
nubbins`: just needs a 4G+ sd card
asciilifeform: but luser gets to stuff sd card or usb drive into this gizmo, which serves up contents over http
asciilifeform: there's an sd in the slot, yes. you can boot off that, but only if you have a working bootloader
asciilifeform: oh and avoid sd card for blockchain. it is terrible, no good, unusably slow
asciilifeform: sd is just a bitch
TomServo: RE: pogonode, according to an amazon customer "Just tried a 64gb sdxc and no joy. 32gb sdhc OK" if anyone was still considering SD.
davout: the sd card or usb stick is gonna end up costing more than the actual device
asciilifeform: nubbins: use the usb3 jacks. sd simply sucks.
nubbins`: would be nice to use SD as a base option, with the ability to stuff whatever laptop etc drive in there
davout: so sd card performance would be acceptable if blockchain pre-loaded
asciilifeform: the sd will croak reasonably quickly.
asciilifeform: davout: sd is slow as fuck
davout: ok, the thing itself doesn't include storage, does it have to be a sata disk, or would a large enough sd be enough?
asciilifeform: davout: the unit presently churning on my desk was booted from sd card - which i was using for testing (final firmware will be a read-only squashfs)
davout: asciilifeform: i'm up to date logwise, but it's not really clear to me if i should get some sort of chord, or provision separate sd card/storage
asciilifeform: i ran it off sd card
asciilifeform: or large sd, or usb stick
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: why replace it? the thing has three usb3, one sd, and one sata jack.