683 entries in 1.064s
Namworld: But of course, won't put other website there other than the SD option.
Namworld: Major source of gambling for SD
Namworld: blockchain still direct link SD for its user
mircea_popescu: davout again, if "half hour" becomes part of hte process there'sd incentive on both sides.
jcpham: ok it's a SD knockoff
Namworld: That's significant albeit a small share of SD betting volume.
Namworld: Coinroll now has more bets than SD (bets count, not volume)
davout: mircea_popescu: the SD chart looks weird, on the frontpage the last candle is green, and on the SD asset details page it's red
Neil: If he'd thought out the contract better he'd have given SD leeway to retain up to 5% of profits each month to build reserves, at discretion of "the representatives".
Namworld: I'm pretty sure SD has all it needs to get it working.
Namworld: Coinroll just went ahead of SD in amount of bets. Still far behind in BTC volume tho.
davout: dub: i guess if you look at the net result for SD being a reduced pool you can see it like that
davout: well, to be completely honest, not right now, right now i'm having some popcorn while reading the SD thread
ThickAsThieves: wouldnt that make all SD investors noobs?
jborkl: the 7 stages of a SD noob investor
jborkl: and SD is up big for the month so far..
error4733: http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-and-sell-your-bitcoins.png
Namworld: Not that they can't still just send bets to the SD addresses...
Namworld: They never. SD did ban US traffic from their website however.
Namworld: since there's a 2 million shares sell order at 0.0035, SD volume is down, they stopped serving the US (yes I know they can't really block US traffic) and will probably have 0 profit/a loss this month...
Scrat: thank you SD for not processing bets
Namworld: SD has had about ~90'000 BTC volume this month
Namworld: Coinroll has made 1/4th of SD profit so far this month. SD really isn't lucky this month.
davout: me neither, but you never know, especially if you plug into a SD clone
jborkl: Oh, SD is having a really bad day
jurov: ThickAsThieves: I can argue that if you exclude whalespotting between dec 2012 and march 2013 the sd picture isn't so clear
davout: of SD or of its website?
pgp: don't count SD out just yet...
Namworld: The thing started 2.5 weeks ago and got ~1/15th of SD's betting volume already.
dub: SD is dead
pgp: SD watch out!
mircea_popescu: the great advantage of btc is that it'sd a perfectly even ideal field on which everyone's understanding can be tested
davout: ThickAsThieves: like I said, someone who has a stake in this *will* put up a US accessible clone of the SD website
jcpham: well i think s.dice is dead and SD will be fine
davout: i think sd markets itself for free on the frontpage of blockchain.info
davout: some big shareholder should just clone the SD website and make it available in the US
Namworld: Coinroll is pretty much like SD
Namworld: Well I'd need to know how many US SD players use proxy/Tor to play and how many just plainly access.
jurov: sd is too successful, so he's just riding it... no motivation to improve it
kakobrekla: well the problem with sd - its in his interest for the site to die as far as i can tell.
Scrat: piuk has stated that he gets no commission from SD
Namworld: Not that much of an issue if SD can keep the dividends incoming for everyone
Namworld: SD should be in another jurisdiction
Namworld: SD shouldn't be in Ireland
benkay: and i get the sense SD was built by someone who wanted to build a buttcorn generating machine
benkay: what should SD do differently?
error4733: miss the perfect trade, sold SD @0.07 and bought AM @0.
Namworld: But doesn't bring much that SD wasn't already providing.
Namworld: What do you guys think of the latest SD type game, coinroll?
Namworld: urgh, where's the info on SD's profit for this month?
jcpham: apparently someone just sent 40 btc to SD in -otc and lost it
mircea_popescu: yeah well that'sd explain it
troc: aren't sessions are too late to benefit of blockchain spam. SD proportion of transactions is going down. perhaps sessions to increase site stickyness
jcpham: amirite cuz SD could you know register accounts and run a db and NOT USE the blockchain
troc: 3FTE on SD now !
damientrog: but I like Erik as well, I trust he'll come up with something to revive SD
damientrog: I have a respectable amount of shares in SD
damientrog: Shareholders also lose on SD :/
bowjob: SD is a guaranteed loss overtime
Uglux: or play sd ^^
mircea_popescu: http://.sd
Diablo-D3: it means SD is finally dead
Doffx: That was the first time I ever tried to go to SD
kakobrekla: the SD thingy, nevermind
error4733: SD is up for me
jborkl: I am assuming SD is undergoin a DDOS attack now
jborkl: not me, I mean SD profit
jborkl: on SD
jborkl: woot, sent dust spam to sd on less than 2000 and won
jurov: just play sd
jborkl: at this rate SD will be over 4 million bets tomorrow
error4733: so you thinks SD value is 35M$ ?
jborkl: in sept i think. SD had a negative month.people panicked on lost out on great months after
jborkl: SD canvhave a bad month here and there.nothing to panic about
jborkl: SD price at .0031 compared to januaru yield of .0002 or feb yield of .0001 (dont remember feb # of the top of mmy head
error4733: mp what do you thinks about last SD trade ?
Uglux: look a sd
jurov: but SD has lot lower learning curve
Bugpowder: SD has much more action than SR
Namworld: USD wise however, SD is making gains
Namworld: For running SD would be a clearer and simpler way to put it...
smickles: i wasn't at the keyboard the whole time, so i might have missed tiberiusiv's reasoning as to why SD is gambling or gambling in the order that it needs to be regulated
smickles: but seriously, did i miss something or did they basically say that SD was illegal because it's online gambling, and it's online gambling b/c it's online gambling
tiberiusiv: quit argueing ridiculous statements and read the laws. if sd dice was legal everyone would have ran "token" games in the US.
tiberiusiv: sd is
tiberiusiv: smickes: SD dice takes a cut from running a game of chance and promoting large payout multiples
smickles: sd takes a cut of people using bitcoin, it's not ok
smickles: how is SD not earning btc from their software?
tiberiusiv: so if sdice doesnt represent sd shares what do they represent?
smickles: hah, you still think S.DICE represents the value of SD shares?
smickles: that would be a real show of strength to my mind, SD keeps going even after the US GOV't tried to shut it down
smickles: SD would likely keep running at the same BTC addresses the whole time
smickles: SD proper
smickles: SD proper
smickles: why is SD illegal under us law then?
smickles: if you alread said why you think SD is illegal, can you at least give me a timecode so i can grep it
smickles: SD doesn't operate in 'merica
smickles: even assuming SD qualifies as a casion
kakobrekla: gonna be a great publicity for SD
smickles: i don't think S.DICE represents the market value of SD at all