483 entries in 0.819s
asciilifeform never really saw the 'rage' angle re: rms
ascii_field: old news, found by sheer accident when reading piece re: rms no longer using 'loonson' mips laptop on account of it having been pinched and no replacement could be had
asciilifeform: 'but Richard is seemingly frightened about the compiler competition from LLVM that is out under a permissive free software license.' << fud artist lies through his teeth. rms is not 'frightened of competition under permissive licenses', but is pointing out that organized attack by shitgnomes flying (as always) flags of convenience, is under way. ☟︎
assbot: RMS Feels There's "A Systematic Effort To Attack GNU Packages" - Phoronix ... ( http://bit.ly/1L1JIxb )
asciilifeform: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=RMS-Emacs-Gud-LLVM
mircea_popescu: to quote rms, "To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example."
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> danielpbarron: in essence, like most supposedly 'gpl compliant' commercial products, the compliance is a total and unabashed crock of shit. <<< funny how much stock rms puts in the nude declaration, huh.
asciilifeform: open challenge to rms? the latter will remove the gnome if he has any balls left
asciilifeform: the_scourge: in the days of rms, symbolics corp. sold machines. the cheapest started at about the cost of a single-propeller airplane.
the_scourge: just when i was starting to think esr and rms didn't have a point. maybe they did
asciilifeform: had an early draft where it was phrased in a particularly comedic (unintentionally) way, where, parody of rms and his 'software freedoms,' the sqrt(-1)-th 'freedom' was to be 'freedom to understand'
mircea_popescu: dude rms, you saved 24 bytes aren't you a smart fucking cookie.
decimation: by they way there's a typo in your RMS article: there is an "RSM"
decimation: yeah, it kinda connects with your rms discussion over the last days
asciilifeform: re: rms: i vaguely recall that gpl was invented (conceptually) by his friend & associate, eben moglen
mircea_popescu: rms' ideas are a sort of "this is computing so elvis never happened".
asciilifeform: as mere aesthetic preference, i'd rather if folks were able to be honest with themselves and others re: their motivations. but i did not fight rms's war, cannot say 'he oughta have....'
asciilifeform: to follow the analogy, rms was offered computer that came with 'strings' - promise not to xxx, etc. went off to make own.
asciilifeform: rms might say, 'i'll leave you with your slave, you leave me with my computer'
asciilifeform: rms was speaking of the right to do as you will with things that are physically yours, without gestapo suddenly breaking down the door and demanding to see if you've multiplied unauthorized numbers
mircea_popescu: state the rms "ethical consideration" w/e it is. "nobody may forbid anyone's access to written strings" ?
asciilifeform: the thing rms was trying to kill in, say, 'right to read', is still alive and well.
mircea_popescu: i don't propose that rms "shouldn't have" or that fsf shouldn't have been or anything of the sort. but really, the pretense that at some point the situation seriously was, red pill vs blue pill and o'reilly of all people tricked everyone into getting the wrong pill... ☟︎
mircea_popescu: neither of it enacts rms as some sort of Jesus unless im missing a lot ?
thestringpuller: RMS isn't married is he.
asciilifeform: 'Stallman complained that anything of good quality remains...' << rms is a counterweight.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'at no point was the FSF an important force on the field.' << though history isn't an experimental science, we are getting a kind of picture of what we may have ended up with much sooner, without rms
assbot: Logged on 10-01-2015 06:34:07; asciilifeform: re: rms and his oddities, i'd note that quite a few (most?) folks would end up regarded as similarly odd, if they somehow were set free to do wtf they pleased
asciilifeform: re: rms and his oddities, i'd note that quite a few (most?) folks would end up regarded as similarly odd, if they somehow were set free to do wtf they pleased ☟︎
asciilifeform does not know what to believe, but did at one point meet an actual live woman who spoke at length of writing to rms and wishing to make close acquaintance - no luck
asciilifeform cannot swear to it, mainly informed thirdhand re: a variety of rms women.
asciilifeform: reportedly, rms keeps a harem. perhaps it understands his words.
asciilifeform: mats: gcc... a) i dont get it... << what's the hard concept here? rms wishes to avoid gcc turning into a sweet and defenceless piece of candy for the 'embrace & extend/extinguish' folks. ☟︎
mats: https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2014-01/msg00247.html RMS pisses on llvm
asciilifeform: iirc rms is concerned about something quite valid - gcc has excellent front-end and ast-level optimizations, while at the same time, a middling-to-poor set of back-ends (depending on cpu arch)
cazalla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E22gszljklc all one ever wanted was option to burn own house down without police turning up to arrest, maybe grow some veg/fruit before dying, can't even do that these days down under, clinging to RMS Bitcoin.. sometimes wonder if better to jump overboard into ice water and be done with it
asciilifeform: (the well-known 'right to read' by rms. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html )
decimation: indeed it makes RMS's retarded diatribes look more retarded
decimation: RMS
BingoBoingo: Oh, the rms ordained distro has a new release https://trisquel.info/en/trisquel-70-lts-belenos
mircea_popescu: not what i mean tho. incidentally : that's rms gnu. he lies when he says that's foss. it's not. it's a particular attempt at a middle way, with him as the "modest" hero.
mircea_popescu: <Maryjane> Beyond me. <<< meet rms sometime.
mircea_popescu: bounce not nearly as hard as a compiler, if you mean a tight optimizing compiler. otherwise, rms has been writing compilers in a day and a half on emacs.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i must disagree exactly '180 degrees' about rms. he in fact did do a 'gotta' species of forced mistake. specifically, chose to accept eternal unix-clone retardation as gospel, because no alternative (in his mind, at the time)
asciilifeform: as far as i can tell, rms was defeated in his original life. and ended up performing almost the equivalent of a seppuku - had to retool and rescue some very small thing that could be salvaged, and turned it into another life.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: notice that rms will not speak of lisp to this day. the demise of lmi cut him off from the genuine machines (there was no possibility of baking one by his lonesome, or with his band of ragged dervishes, any more than they could launch a mars mission) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: rms's tortured existence is proof as to their uneven strength : neglecting the "gotta" works better than baking it in.
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform> what is rms holding in the photo? << toe jam?
asciilifeform: what is rms holding in the photo?
mircea_popescu: that "some reason" being rms being a fucktard.
asciilifeform: jurov: rms lusitania.
mircea_popescu: this is a rehash of that miserable rms lusitania bullshit.
mircea_popescu: rms and co really meant "bad software" but just said "software", and "plain language" being what it is, who's to know the difference.
asciilifeform: mostly in head of rms
mircea_popescu: course... i seem to also remember some massive rms drama
mircea_popescu: a yeah, right you are, burnside was derping on ltc with this thing, then when nefario closed down abruptly for unspecified legal reasons one week after declaring he's legally 100% not illegal at the conference where he scammed clueless rms into showing up
asciilifeform: rms is a special case. he used to be a fairly sociable creature before his motherland was burned to the ground.
antephialtic: but rms is a greybeard. a neckbeard who is respected widely for technical contributions
mircea_popescu: i wouldn't go as far as rms.
ozbot: Why I think RMS is a fanatic, and why that matters.
mircea_popescu: "I met Richard Stallman (RMS) once. Actually sat down to dinner with him at the same table but I didn’t realize who he was. He was poorly dressed, unkempt, needed a shower, and his conversation was both confused and confusing. I later learned that he was always that way. When he got up as the speaker for that afternoon, I said to myself, “Huh? Who is this guy that he’s being allowed to speak dressed like that?”
mircea_popescu: you're like some chick indignant that rms won't wash for her.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the rms life and culture seems now a failed experiment. gpl was perhaps a good idea, but gpl 3 is an unmitigatedly bad idea, and so it goes. they wanted to kill bsd and in the end bsd killed them.
mircea_popescu: and at least at THAT one even rms showed up
nubbins`: just call up that company whose laptops RMS uses
mircea_popescu: if you plot rms' output and his public speaking, the results are pretty sad.
simlay: I saw rms at uc berkeley a couple months back. He didn't wear shoes throughout the whole talk.
pankkake: http://youtu.be/9sJUDx7iEJw here's a better side of RMS
nubbins`: is that the one RMS uses?
dub: hold the slashdots RMS is drooling on his shoes again
dub: in nerdland its more 'hurr durr my key is signed by RMS, check my epeen'
mircea_popescu: someone should invite rms, then feed him parrot stu for breakfast
pankkake: oh, that rms picture is very old
jurov: but maybe rms had in mind sometihng else
pankkake: that reminds me of https://www.fsf.org/photos/rms-sign.jpg
asciilifeform: rms above is a bad example. he has a "mad hermit" image (external and internal, as well) to maintain.
mircea_popescu: fuck, rms needs to be told to take a bath.
mircea_popescu: o nm, it is rms
mircea_popescu: sounds like rms
Bane_Capital: Does RMS even like capitalistic things such as Bitcoin? : P
Diablo-D3: why the fuck did rms even show up ☟︎
copumpkin: tell RMS to eat more toe junk
mircea_popescu: and im waiting on rms to include it in the C compiler.