73 entries in 0.855s

perelman had enough fucking sense to tell the ustards where to shove their soiled tp, assange somehow not bright enough to figure it out ?
mircea_popescu: end of ru 90s was strictly desertion into
perelman fantasyworld by the foot soldier. much like end of europe 1700s was -- desertion into socialist fantasyworld by foot soldier.
mircea_popescu: fwiw, whichj isn't much, i don't expect
perelman gave much of a shit about it all before, either. not exactly "driven into" or anythjing
phf: it is the kind of solution one were to find in yakov
perelman books, with a handy back of the napkin classical mechanics calculation explaining how it would work
mircea_popescu: this pious fraud beset poor darwin all his life, and he pretty much
perelman'd because of it.
mircea_popescu: oh,
perelman takes money now ? darn, i should headhunt the original
mircea_popescu: well if he wqants to go
perelman all over eulora... something could perhaps be arranged.
BingoBoingo: Maybe
Perelman decides he needs some Bitcoin to try the Erdos thing?
ascii_butugychag: at any rate, mircea_popescu will not find
perelman inside $randombar
jurov: well, at least i can name the problem to ask
perelman "want to generate infinite count asymetric functions, and they will each have distinct algorithm"
phf: haha, that
perelman illustration (re scientific take)
gabriel_laddel: "Grigori
Perelman's theorem: There is no offer you can't refuse."
phf: i forgot that event existed, probably got thrown out during the move, along with my copy of занимательная физика by
perelman mircea_popescu: is perelmanism singularly unprofitable for the
perelman ?
perelman but like gentleman?
ascii_field: specifically, you can have arbitrarily high 'psychoticism' in the sense of being
perelman and no 'dominance' or 'social supernode' to speak of.
ascii_field: gabriel_laddel: i suspected he might have 'went
midnightmagic: (but
Perelman's a safe bet because he's a recluse and there's no possibility of that image ever being shattered)
midnightmagic: Nobody wears a halo to me. Well. Maybe Grigori
mircea_popescu: "oh, recognition has ocunter-productive effects". no.
perelman rejected the recognition you were offering BECAUSE IT CAME FROM YOU
ascii_field doesn't recall
perelman so much as threatening to have a wife
decimation: probably the only real defense is to go 'full
perelman turned down the fields medal right?
mircea_popescu: on one hand it's completely irrelevant who "judges" these things, just like the people running around begging
perelman to take their "award" so they may say "o we gave
perelman an award, please think we matter" are irrelevant to math
Bugpowder: "One popular theory among Russian bloggers speculates that Nakamoto is Grigory