500+ entries in 0.334s
mp_en_viaje: i mean, the orcs visibly still imagine some kind of similar miami, across various orclands. but this is very flimsy existence indeed.
mircea_popescu: building the "empire of science", because what are orcs for, if not to mindlessly parrot whatever lulz mother inca got assraped with.
spyked: it's commonly used among orcs, even the more educated ones. and well, I tend to pester the people I care about with locatie/loc and inovativ/inovator and so on.
mp_en_viaje: orcs do a lot of thse "copies of human land extremities as ordinary business"
mod6: Then could have the drives emplaced, racked, and off we go. Could simply sell the old box in .uy to orcs.
mod6: I'm not sure how it'll work out exactly, but somehow not selling the very finite resources of working/tested FGs to orcs would be in the best interest of the Republic.
asciilifeform: ftr asciilifeform opposes the sale of remaining FG stockpile to orcs at flea market. but mod6 is majority holder, and so will mention even this, for thread-completeness strictly.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if the orcs double-taxation thing appears to make transportation impractical, we may want to consider a pickup flight by asciilifeform . can remove 4u of boxen for ~2k (us) total . for certain machines even this may be +ev.
asciilifeform: mod6: at the very least, imho the purely piz-owned irons oughta live in new racks asap rather than go through the cycle of sell-for-penny-on-dollar-to-orcs etc. but no such thing will be done w/out agreement of shareholders ( and mod6 is majority holder. )
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo_, is in on the carpet over not managing to magic over workable orcs in the south american outback over a coupla years ? he got there he didn't even speak the fucking language.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: can plug it in, just be prepared to lose the box if the orcs lock you out
asciilifeform nao gettin' spamola from orcs, 'pleez dear sir rack sumthing?'
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1943810 << I think I get this now, and it fits with the theme of today's logs of the republic *taking ownership of a space* before the orcs do their thing. In this instance, it is the blogification of irc, and if it takes until 2020 than we've already lost the plot of the job in the first place
asciilifeform: ( to be fair to the orcs, they letcha cancel whenever , no indenture )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje, BingoBoingo , et al : bmore orcs actually pretty cheap , comparatively . promised written quote later today.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the sooner you officially stop the service, the moar likely can recover sumthing from the orcs. tho , as mp pointed out, it is difficult to picture that we'll see a penny
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: advantage of local orcs, supposing can agree on price, is that if their park suxx, can walk over and remove in half hr
mp_en_viaje: at the worst they're giing to "omfg, child porn". which 100% maps to "ddos", orcs just went dumb.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: point! difficult to picture how could worse than uy orcs
asciilifeform: nuffin should be left to the orcs if it can be helped.
asciilifeform: hm i thought 'suing orcs dunwork'
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 14:53:03 asciilifeform: fucking orcs. they went to sabotage the heat exchanger so could then blame delay on 'cooling problem', didnt they.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-07 11:41:27 asciilifeform: and holyfuq, just 8 ?!!! and the fucking orcs put ~destination~ in blackhole, and not the 8 sources?!!!
asciilifeform: fucking orcs. they went to sabotage the heat exchanger so could then blame delay on 'cooling problem', didnt they.
asciilifeform: and holyfuq, just 8 ?!!! and the fucking orcs put ~destination~ in blackhole, and not the 8 sources?!!!
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-06 15:13:21 mp_en_viaje: as it turns out, it's a hollow spec, entirely holy water dousing. the orcs are just as pantsuit as the zeks, they're just too stupid to express it in specific forms, but otherwise will pantsuit reliably anyways.
mp_en_viaje: as it turns out, it's a hollow spec, entirely holy water dousing. the orcs are just as pantsuit as the zeks, they're just too stupid to express it in specific forms, but otherwise will pantsuit reliably anyways.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-04#1940496 << problem with orcs, that even evaluating their poverty is impossible from a distance, gotta go there first. much more competent and capable at "giving the impression of" than actually doing the thing they're giving impressions of, by design and deliberately constructed. i can't fucking comprehend, even n
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-04 17:15:13 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i guess this is an illuminative experiment re the q of what it is we actually get for that ( pretty hefty, quite enuff to keep three bus-fuls of orcs in empanadas erry month ) pipe fee. turns out not 200Mb/s , but 'what we feel like aint too hard' ??
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i guess this is an illuminative experiment re the q of what it is we actually get for that ( pretty hefty, quite enuff to keep three bus-fuls of orcs in empanadas erry month ) pipe fee. turns out not 200Mb/s , but 'what we feel like aint too hard' ??
asciilifeform: ( other detail re orcs -- initially, was possible for serfs to move at certain times 'day of xyz saint' etc. then phased out. )
asciilifeform: ( when asciilifeform was a sysop, never took 4 whole min to move a live cable. but whoknows, orcs )
mircea_popescu: anyway, the smallpox is necessary ; the orcs left undisturbed turn into fucking scotts.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: what do the orcs have against paper ?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: consider, usg.dos et al dun seem to have any trouble finding bottomless supply of orcs quite ready to 'ponerse delante de las tanques' in the name of clitler.
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-30#1932215 << that comp case, btw, may have been an inept clone of 1 of my current ones, where ps goes in bottom and ~intake~ fan sucks cold air through filter in the bottom panel. but the orcs did not bother evidently to think about why, and... decided to put ~hot~ end there !
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo re http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-27#1931572 << i suspect exaggerated. even when i went to heart of lafondistan, 'darkest africa', when attempted to buy dilapidated building -- went into where the orcs were, their 'food depot' even, and no one put knife in, no one even spat in asciilifeform's face or even could be aroused to utter insult
asciilifeform: the only times had to even haggle, was with orcs in orcistans.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i dun recall the orcs asking me where i lived. you give'em the usa passport and is all.
asciilifeform: ( in usa bouncers would come and beat such fella black and blue and throw out of gate. but orcs. )
ave1_away: Or see about renting something big, the way these orcs drive
mp_en_viaje: i don't give a shit what you tell the orcs back home, or your crying inner 6yo at night or anything else -- buy the ticket, take the ride.
asciilifeform: was astonished, that poor orcs would break backs over coupla hundy u.s in whatever scammages
mp_en_viaje: i'd seriously have mandatory 4 hours of walking each day for orcs. 6 if female.
mp_en_viaje: "so what do you do about foreign relations ?" "we hestrate orcs"
asciilifeform: pretty common cockroach in head of 'vhs' orcs incidentally -- 'in usa errybody's rich, see, even elderly widows own trucks'
asciilifeform: as mp_en_viaje prolly already knew decades ago, 'vhs amer' is ~religion for sovok orcs.
asciilifeform: prolly cheaper (and more interesting) to build dome under ocean, than to terraform derpistan fulla orcs
mircea_popescu: fucking orcs everywhere
mircea_popescu: like them or not, the ustards have a pretty functional colonial empire going : the orcs pay them by the wheelbarrow in order to "secretly" ruin their own shit. it's almost an exact re-enaction of medieval papacy functioning.
mircea_popescu: gotta put this shit on record before it "disappears", it's just too fucking lulzy stylistically : https://crji.org/?idT=88&idRec=5069 (source is this wanna-be respectable usg.blue character assassination project, made in the usual amerikanski fashion -- on the cheap by local orcs. very fashionable among the ro pantsuit crowd)
mp_en_viaje: i get it, they don't do (enough) of what you want them to. but they do what they want to, for some reason they decided to go in through the phone hole. and they're in, orcs buy huawei, and declare it better than reich.
asciilifeform: btw in ye olde sovok, coupla million frugal orcs saved up what was by any rights small fortunes. 100% evaporated in '90s. cuz 'currency realigned', on top of 'oh, you own your flat? so cute! how about it now costs you $maxint to pay our 'security service' here , if you dun want tadjiks moving into it next week' etc
a111: Logged on 2019-05-14 20:00 mp_en_viaje: future-as-a-scam, what. which is why they're orcs in the first place -- they buy this sort of shit.
mp_en_viaje: future-as-a-scam, what. which is why they're orcs in the first place -- they buy this sort of shit. ☟︎
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-13#1913111 <-- in ro it's mostly stupidity, the thing's publicly subsidized anyway. the way local orcs in bucharest circumvent the member-only thing is by not paying for it, even tho it's about a quarter $ per trip. then when the dumbass "controlori" arrive, they play dumb and complain that "nothing ever changes in this country", which sets other frustrated travelers (who, of ☝︎
asciilifeform: the idjit orcs want 'ipnoje', and that's afaik it
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-05-12#1912579 << i recall this, poster even had marx an' lenin on it, to draw orcs ☝︎
BingoBoingo: <mp_en_viaje> the boys are wise to it, too. which is why every kid with daddy's money bmw has the app installed. it's like tinder for the orcs. << Here the kids get the Uber cars on some sort of ruinous credit. Run 5 or six other ride apps at the same time.
mp_en_viaje: the boys are wise to it, too. which is why every kid with daddy's money bmw has the app installed. it's like tinder for the orcs.
mp_en_viaje: it's not like intel's paying them a drilled penny. but there they sit, true orcs, doing it for free.
BingoBoingo: How are the local orcs in Ok?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: other curio in uy , there was a 'civilian' ru colony. but they did not have the cult. so result was -- assimilated, forgot lang, today ~indistinguishable from other local orcs
asciilifeform: if the orcs suddenly woke up to this being a bit much of a lopsided exchange for 1 rattled old meatwagen, perhaps some of'em even have sumthing like a brain
asciilifeform: do orcs even know how to steal properly ? ( recall, sunday market, had among other things a carpet fulla... tv remotes. in ro i saw same, manned by gypsies. who the fuck steals these , and why ? who buys ? )
mircea_popescu: this was for orcs contemplating saying "yes" to the questions that may only be answered with the orlov niet.
mircea_popescu: the warnings to any orcs thinking of following usg.blue's nonsense do pile on : they'll leave you high and dry, yo! wake up an' smell the coffee.
asciilifeform: non-miami-compliant orcs
asciilifeform: ~those~ orcs moar like ro than like that.
mircea_popescu: comprehending is a draw on mental energy ; comprehending women perhaps the largest ; unschooled orcs perceive this issue whereby the costs mount exponentially and the marginal benefit is nil (you can only fuck one hole at a timwe anyways!!).
spyked: returning briefly to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-11#1901372 : back in the early 2000s, most file transfers in ro were done via local 'dc++' hubs, the largest hosted in uni politehnica of bucharest campus. wasn't all that horrible, with the exception that orcs had no notion of wot, so they were all suprised when police started raiding the dorms (accompanied by "anti-piracy campaign" orchestra, of course) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-27#1899452 << this'd be precisely why spawning's a waste of republican time. the daughter of random orcs from africa makes just as good a putative slavegirl, the son of random chinese provincial governors makes just as good putative meat for the noose as anything your missus could be bringing you home. ☝︎
asciilifeform: right nao in cuba, there's this wonder, orcs who machine toyota gearboxes to fit in 'lada', etc.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: your orcs , not yet invented the pretense. mix cement, pour, done.
BingoBoingo: Nah, the other orcs are finding too much hoarded palm grease to trade it for fresh.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Orcs? But the inspection appears to be less about forgery and more... Argentine and Uruguayo bills look alike in the high denominations
asciilifeform: i have nfi what was in the vhs propaganda tapes baked for south amer orcs, i only saw the ones for sovok
asciilifeform: mummification is for dirty orcs, apparently; here , 'advanced', will instead have his 3d animated corpse 'speak' deep troofinesses 4evah
asciilifeform: that the orcs dun realize this, and continue to build blocks of flats with no heat and where each orc sets up propane burner in his deathtrap, is entirely separate puzzler
asciilifeform: i can actually picture orcs heating with old miners, if they had the two neurons to rub together and get a boat loaded with'em
asciilifeform: or, say, pelevin's orcs sing their 'traditional folk song', 'Из этой жопы хуй уедешь'
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-09#1893996 << d00d ripped off trb, and even wrote a piece of yarn to go with it where 'he stole great jewel from dumb orcs'. today hangs with kako. seems to have sinological / eastern 'learnings' wank - leanings. ☝︎
asciilifeform: if we're doing the romans, dun seem to fit ( rome pushed back 10e19 orcs for 400+ yrs, ~then~ started to lose air from tyres )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform demographic breakdown is what happened the first time europe nearly got wiped. "oh, you have towns and writing ? cute, here's 10e19 orcs from middle earth."
BingoBoingo: In other news, the apparently perfect mellow high yeild short time to flower marijuana genetics have been identified. None of the orcs want to bother planting it. It could unleash hell in the US and do ~nothing here
mircea_popescu: lol, what is hidden internet. congrats to the orcs!
mircea_popescu: did i recount that incident when we were visiting england in a group (of 20+ people, including 3 professional english teachers) and teh stewardesses asked me to explain things to the rest (of the unruly orcs), back in early 90s ?
asciilifeform: moar narrow-minded orcs back on asciilifeform's home planet, drank paint thinner, laquer, etc when couldnt afford liquor, for same
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i strongly suspect that yer right, and the monkeys went 'eh, orcs, what's 1, what's another'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: may recall, at one time asciilifeform was infected with crackpot idea, 'why not buy old stone thing in bmore'. actually went on site, talked to the orcs. concluded that proj was massively -ev, couldnt afford to defend properly.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: observe how even to the poorest orcs, it dun occur to build dwelling from cardboards
asciilifeform: incidentally manifest actually includes 2 FG units ( pizarro-owned ) . i had to fly'em back in april , if anyone recalls, cuz of ben_vulpes's misadventure where they were pawed by orcs for whole night
mircea_popescu: the dolarization of economies is simply orcs following washington agenda. they sell dollars to push this angle whereby dollar is even remotely something like a reserve currency.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> this thing looks exactrly like argentina "comicon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf. << Just about. Would be improved ~500% simply by moving it to the Kibon Pavilion or any number of other venuesfor beach proximity
mircea_popescu: this thing looks exactrly like argentina "comicon". bunch of braindead orcs, wtf.
asciilifeform: ( asciilifeform's notion was that usg, unlike yachtsman, somehow mooches the cost from the orcs )
asciilifeform: the imho misfortunate bit, is that for so long as they can http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-06#1782156 the waterfall, they actually ~have~ what to 'pssst, tell ya a valuable seekrit' to favoured orcs ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-11-16 16:41 mircea_popescu: empire is selling orcs the impression "they're in on a secret"
a111: Logged on 2018-11-16 16:41 mircea_popescu: empire is selling orcs the impression "they're in on a secret"
mircea_popescu: empire is selling orcs the impression "they're in on a secret" ☟︎☟︎