111 entries in 0.478s

a111: Logged on 2018-11-13 14:21 asciilifeform: when i started ffa, i did not plan to bake any asm speedups at all. but there's 2 reasons to do it, eventually : one is that on e.g. x86/x64, getting the upper half of a word-sized multiplication, without asm, takes ~four~ MULs plus a buncha additions :
http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/hypertext/ch11/w_mul__adb.htm#95_14 mircea_popescu: because you know, bidirectional linkage fundamental property of proper
hypertext and all that...
mircea_popescu: ~
hypertext preprocessor~. wtf are you going to do ? do you want
hypertext or don't you ? do you want separable parts or don't you ? it's a triangle, right, a) well specified tasks ; b) separable parts ; c) no glue needed. pick two.
spyked: there's another thing, though I still have to get up to date on
http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hypertext : teh Trilema JS is trying to solve what seems to be a limitation in the current URI scheme. the "resource" in URI refers to documents/pages (files!), whereas we want to (and it would be useful to be able to) link to subtrees in the document.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 15:50 trinque waits patiently for a gossipd atop which to redo
hypertext trinque waits patiently for a gossipd atop which to redo
hypertext ☟︎ mircea_popescu: this triad : links, pingbacks, selection reference make up a whole NEW
hypertext. just as far from the old as that was from text.
trinque: it also leaves space for *multiple*
hypertext document viewers, many as you like.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-27 01:58 asciilifeform: i'd like to encourage trinque to put some of his 'crackpot' algos 'to paper', as articles. the
hypertext thing was interesting imho, for instance, and so was earlier trinque pill for 'mining is a bug', and possibly other occasions. dun be afraid to write down conjectures, trinque , gauss did
trinque: proper
hypertext system (itself based upon v) provides the talmud commentary thing endlessly
trinque: I'm actually writing right now on how the
hypertext thing relates
trinque: goes right to what I've been saying in the
hypertext thread, too
trinque: rough approximation of the
hypertext dht thing I'm going to conjure, really.
trinque: then got the houston flood piece and
hypertext-dht piece to write
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 20:05 trinque: are we really trying to preserve every idiotic misuse of
hypertext here?
a111: Logged on 2017-09-01 19:50 trinque:
hypertext on gossipd may sensibly *lack* the notion of "website" entirely.
trinque: why do you wish to express querying in terms of a
hypertext interface at all?
hypertext's an inert datastructure, gives you a graph to crawl over while reading. why's it gotta be an interactive program aside that usecase?
trinque: where does
hypertext come into that, except "SOP"
trinque: are we really trying to preserve every idiotic misuse of
hypertext here?
☟︎ trinque: and yes would kill the "dynamic web" thing which, what the fuck, it's
hypertext not a program, even if a program generated the
hypertext on gossipd may sensibly *lack* the notion of "website" entirely.
☟︎ trinque: worse still, index.html on your favorite website, and hurr durr XML
mircea_popescu: php is a
hypertext preprocessor. that's what it does, websites. just like the rubber dome in your bathroom unclogs the toilet. does it disgust you ? it's a tool, you're not expected to keep it on the diner table.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-04 10:24 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496683 << i'm not even sure that's true, ftr. php is actually a fine language FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE.
hypertext preprocessor ffs! it's not even a language, as such! just a preprocessor, like an early scripting language.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-26 04:19 mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea how the people who dreamed up the
hypertext failed to realise the value and importance of referencing SPECIFIC PORTIONS specifically,
mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea how the people who dreamed up the
hypertext failed to realise the value and importance of referencing SPECIFIC PORTIONS specifically,
☟︎ trinque looks forward to the day he can fiddle around with the concept of
hypertext on a gossipd
trinque: had a thread with gabriel_laddel recently on whether
hypertext was even valuable; I hold that it is
trinque: asciilifeform: better question might be whether there are existing
hypertext system implementations from that era
BingoBoingo: mass of the inconsequential." << Critical application of actual
hypertext BingoBoingo: How can one even pretend to have a
hypertext spec or its substitute without citing <em>Vannevar Bush</em>
punkman: required reading for anyone dabbling in
hypertext mircea_popescu: tbh this extended
hypertext thing i got on trilema kicks all imaginable butt
trinque: mircea_popescu: indeed! I don't think gabriel_laddel sees what
hypertext is
BingoBoingo: <trinque> anyhow, I have made myself sleepy. I think most here would be satisfied with a simple
hypertext system to replace the JS monstrosity of today. << Gopher is beautiful
trinque: anyhow, I have made myself sleepy. I think most here would be satisfied with a simple
hypertext system to replace the JS monstrosity of today.
trinque: a safe
hypertext system could easily be tossing sepxrs over the wire with *no* code, just piles of data
trinque: ^ guy is just more interested in his lisp system than a particular app on it. I contend the mega-app on any computer now and in the future will be a
hypertext system.
BingoBoingo: <trinque>
hypertext you understand is just an extension of what writing already was. << Seriously there is a specific harmless language or subset of language necessary for playing the presentation role. Something that by it's Phoosis can be presented safely
hypertext you understand is just an extension of what writing already was.
trinque: in the don't-call-it-
hypertext trinque: this
hypertext thing has massively worked out
trinque: oh stop, there were
hypertext systems on general
trinque: gabriel_laddel:
hypertext is a word.
trinque: I'm actually on-board that
hypertext shouldn't specify executable code within
trinque: descriptions and shit; we've got
hypertext trinque: I am saying
hypertext as the concept that there are relationships in written word that can be traversed is right
trinque: ascii_field believes that
hypertext, at least as presently implemented 'in-band', ~is~ wrong << unless I misunderstand you, we agree
trinque: represent
hypertext as s-exp, write in CLIM
ascii_field believes that
hypertext, at least as presently implemented 'in-band', ~is~ wrong